HTMLB TableView Sort .

Can some one tell me how I can sort a Tableview and how the code should be implemented.
Appreciate all the help.
Thanks & Regards,

I am implementing the code but I am facing an exceptio:
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sapportals/htmlb/table/DefaultTableViewModel
Loader Info -
ClassLoader name: [com.sapportals.portal.prt.util.ApplicationClassLoader@24b0c5]
Parent loader name: [com.sapportals.portal.prt.util.ApplicationClassLoader@bc0da8]
   not registered!
Can some one suggest why ?

Similar Messages

  • How to insert check box fields in a htmlb: tableview

    Can anybody tell me how to insert check box fields in a htmlb: tableview in a sequence of rows in a table view. How to generate the sequence no for the checkbox inorder to know the row that is checked.
    Thanks in advance,

    Here is the code which has the custom "Checkbox" in the tableview & Triggers the event. <b>You can identify the checkbox based on cell ID (p_cell_id)</b> in the method "IF_HTMLB_TABLEVIEW_ITERATOR~RENDER_CELL_START" & Based on the event name + Cell ID. Look at the code & let me know if you any issue.
    <%@page language="abap" %>
    <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>
    <htmlb:content id               = "content"
                   design           = "design2002+design2003"
                   controlRendering = "SAP"
                   rtlAutoSwitch    = "true"
                   forceEncode      = "ENABLED" >
      <htmlb:page title="Test " >
      data TV_ITERATOR Type Ref To zcl_itr.
      data iterator type ref to IF_HTMLB_TABLEVIEW_ITERATOR.
      create object tv_iterator exporting appl_cons = application.
      iterator = tv_iterator.
          <htmlb:tableView id              = "fligts"
                           headerText      = "Flight"
                           width           = "100"
                           headerVisible   = "true"
                           design          = "alternating"
                           visibleRowCount = "10"
                           fillUpEmptyRows = "true"
                           showNoMatchText = "true"
                           filter          = "server"
                           sort            = "server"
                           onHeaderClick   = "MyEventHeaderClick"
                           table           = "<%= APPLICATION->itab %>"
                           iterator        = "<%= ITERATOR %>" />
    <b>Event Handling:</b>
    IF NOT event_id1 IS INITIAL.
       if event_id1->server_event+0(9) = 'chkevent'.
      SPLIT event_id1->server_event AT '-' INTO v_event v_dummy v_row v_col.
         CLEAR p_column_definitions.
        CLEAR p_overwrites.
        tv_column-COLUMNNAME  = 'FLDATE'.
        tv_column-edit        = 'X'.
        tv_column-sort        = 'X'.
        tv_column-TITLE               = 'Flight Date'.
        tv_column-WIDTH  = '100'.
        APPEND tv_column TO p_column_definitions.
        CLEAR tv_column.
        tv_column-edit        = 'X'.
        tv_column-COLUMNNAME          = 'CONNID'.
        tv_column-TITLE               = 'Conn.ID'.
        tv_column-WIDTH  = '70'.
        tv_column-HORIZONTALALIGNMENT = 'center'.
        APPEND tv_column TO p_column_definitions.
        CLEAR tv_column.
        tv_column-edit        = 'X'.
        tv_column-COLUMNNAME          = 'CHECKBOX1'.
        tv_column-TITLE               = 'Check Box'.
        tv_column-WIDTH  = '30'.
        tv_column-HORIZONTALALIGNMENT = 'center'.
        APPEND tv_column TO p_column_definitions.
        WHEN 'fligts'.
          CASE P_COLUMN_KEY.
            WHEN 'CHECKBOX1'.
    *          CONCATENATE 'chk_event' '123' '2323' INTO L_EVENT SEPARATED BY '-' .
    CONCATENATE 'chkevent' p_cell_id INTO l_event SEPARATED BY '-'.
            ONCLICK = L_EVENT CHECKED = 'false' ).
    Hope this will solve your problem.
    <b><i>* Reward each helpful answer.</i></b>
    Raja T
    Message was edited by:
            Raja T

  • TableView: sort="server" with iterator-generated cell content

    I have an htmlb:tableView that uses an iterator and sort ="SERVER".
    In one of the columns, I change the text that is displayed a little bit in RENDER_CELL_START of the iterator.
      DATA lr_text  TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_textview.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_row>  LIKE LINE OF me->t_bla.
      ASSIGN p_row_data_ref->* TO <fs_row>.
      CASE p_column_key.
          CREATE OBJECT lr_text.
          lr_text->id     = p_cell_id.
          lr_text->text   = me->get_name( <fs_row>-id ).
          p_replacement_bee = lr_text.
    Now, if I click on the sort icon of the column, the table is sorted by the field 'MY_FIELDNAME', but not by the actual content of the column.
    How would I achieve that?

    this sounds almost possible.
    I cannot write the new value into the original field of the table though, because I cannot be sure that the datatypes fit to each other and because I stil need the original values.
    But I could of course add some more fields to the table structure (which I would not like so much), loop at the table before I use it in the tableView and write the new values into these fields.
    Then, I wouldn't even need RENDER_CELL_START at all.

  • HTMLB TableView in customer CI/CD layout

    i want to create a BSP with htmlb tableview, so
    i can simply use the given features (sorting, filter, ...) but the customer want to adapt hic CI/CD Colours Blue and Orange to the hole application.
    Is there a chance to use a own stylesheet instead of design2002 or design2003 or is it prossible to create a own design.
    I`ve searched this topic in forum, and gets only answers that mixing design and css is not good, and there is a way with EP6 - but we have no portal.
    Thanks for any help.

    Hi Ulli and Marcus,
    I'm currently designing my own style (not in Portal, I'm using 6.20), and yes, it might not be straightforward customizing the design.
    But I started with following approach:
    After implementing the basic layout of my page (like header pictures and so on) I added the functional parts (htmlb elements, ...) and tried to change them one by one ... that's how I did it:
    - add a htmlb element to the layout
    - access the page via browser to get the generated html code
    - in this code just look for all the classes used for your htmlb elements
    - edit the .css file that gets included in the html header accordingly
    Important Points you have to be aware of:
    *) There might be styles used for your elements which are not shown in every html code (because element might be displayed differently from page to page). You can either call every possible page combination in order to get all the used classed (not recommended, you could still miss something), or have a closer look at the class names - the classes that belong to a certain element are named in a way you can tell which class belongs where.
    (like "urBdyStd" for the body-tag, "urbtn*" for buttons, ...)
    From the postfix after the element name part you can guess the detailed function of the class - with a little patience and looking at many different classes used in the html code you can figure out what to change for your style.
    *) Be careful which .css-file gets included when looking at the html code. There are css files for different browsers and versions, so if you want to make your application look the same way on all supported browsers (which you probably want), then don't forget to edit these files as well.
    *) Changing a css file and testing the results on the WAS is very complicated, so I recommend you create sample html files (which contain one htmlb element each for example), edit the css file and also test it locally, so you don't get caugt in importing a new file version just for changing that one nasty little style attribute that is wrong
    Ok, after writing all of this, I can see that it really is a bit of work ... but seeing how your application gets your personal touch is worth it (at least for me) ... and you don't have to change all of the styles, I found that some of the standard styles fit into my design quite good, so I didn't change them. (I copied the chrome design to start from)
    P.S.: Would such a topic be worth a weblog?

  • HTMLB:TableView

    I have used the table view in my BSP application and use the concept of iterator class inherited from  interface 'IF_HTMLB_TABLEVIEW_ITERATOR' to manipulate the column of each row
    <%data: LV_ITERATOR  type ref to if_htmlb_tableview_iterator.
      create object LV_ITERATOR  type zcl_test
             exporting ir_context_node = db_controller
                       data_tab = =<LT_TABLE1>
                             fillUpEmptyRows = "true"
                             id              = "ResultTable"
                             onNavigate      = "navigate"
                             selectionMode   = "SINGLESELECT"
                             table           = "<%=<LT_TABLE1>%>"
                             visibleFirstRow = "1"
                             visibleRowCount = "8"
                             width           = "100%"
                             filter = "server"
                             sort = "server"
                             iterator        = "<%=LV_ITERATOR %>"
                             keyColumn = "template_id"
                             design = "alternating"
    <%--                         columnFilters="<%=filters%>"--%>
                             tabIndexCell = "FALSE"
                    selectedRowIndexTable = "<%=LT_SELECTEDROWINDEXTABLE%>"
    and implemented class 'zcl_test' , for some reason something strange is happening , the BSP page will be something like
    at the top there are buttons and below this is the TableView that display the content store in internal table 'LT_TABLE1'
    now the table contain 10 records,the 1-8 records are displayed on page1 and next 2 records are displayed on page2.
    So the issue is , if i naviagte to page2 and press any of the button on top of table view ,it redirect me to page1(display 1-8 records) and don;t stay back on 2'nd page.
    Please let me know how i can achieve this of staying on the same page

    Hi All,
    Sorry for the delay,explanation provided is amazing and may help other searching for the same issue but unfortunately selected row travel back to page index1
    and i don;t understand why the selected record is the first record in the internal table of iterator class and that result in this record to appear on page index1
    any how i have resolve this by pointing always to page index1.
    Code that can be useful:
    <htmlb:tableView fillUpEmptyRows = "true"
                     id              = "tvTempl"
                     onNavigate      = "navigate"
                     selectionMode   = "SINGLESELECT"
                     table           = "xyz"
                     visibleFirstRow = "<%= lv_first_rowindex %>"
                     selectedRowIndex = "<%= lv_selected %>"
                     visibleRowCount = "8"
                     width           = "100%"
                     filter          = "server"
                     sort            = "server"
                     iterator        = "<%= lr_iterator %>"
                     keyColumn       = "template_id"
                     design          = "alternating"
                     tabIndexCell    = "FALSE" />
    code in do_handle_event  or in do_request:
    DATA: lv_row_index TYPE i,
                  lv_page_index TYPE i,
                  lv_mod TYPE i,
                 lr_html_table_view TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_event_tableview.
            lr_cl_descriptor = cl_abap_refdescr=>describe_by_object_ref( htmlb_event ).
            IF lr_cl_descriptor->absolute_name CS 'CL_HTMLB_EVENT_TABLEVIEW'.
              lr_html_table_view ?= htmlb_event.                                                                            // parameter: importing in method   HTMLB_EVENT  Type Ref To   CL_HTMLB_EVENT
              CASE lr_html_table_view->navigationtype.
                WHEN 'pageUp'.
                  MOVE mv_first_rowindex TO lv_row_index.
                  lv_row_index = lv_row_index - lr_html_table_view->visiblerowcount.
                  MOVE lv_row_index TO mv_first_rowindex.
                  MOVE mv_first_rowindex TO lv_row_index.
                  lv_row_index = lv_row_index + lr_html_table_view->visiblerowcount.
                  MOVE lv_row_index TO mv_first_rowindex.
                  MOVE mv_first_rowindex TO lv_row_index.
                  lv_row_index = 1.
                  MOVE lv_row_index TO mv_first_rowindex.
                WHEN 'bottom'.
                  MOVE mv_first_rowindex TO lv_row_index.
                  lv_mod =  lr_html_table_view->rowcount MOD lr_html_table_view->visiblerowcount.
                  lv_row_index = lr_html_table_view->rowcount - lv_mod + 1 .
                  MOVE lv_row_index TO mv_first_rowindex.
                WHEN 'Index'.
                  READ TABLE mt_last_formfields INTO ls_formfields WITH KEY name = 'notificationstv_pager_index'.
                  IF ls_formfields IS NOT INITIAL.
                    MOVE ls_formfields-value TO lv_page_index.
                    lv_row_index = 1.
                    IF lv_page_index > 1.
                      lv_page_index = lv_page_index - 1.
                      DO lv_page_index TIMES.
                        lv_row_index = lv_row_index + lr_html_table_view->visiblerowcount.
                  MOVE lv_row_index TO mv_first_rowindex.

  • Htmlb:tableView event navigation within frameset

    i have a problem with event navigation in a frameset triggered from htmlb:tableView. the structure of my bsp-application:
          <frameset noresize cols="70%,*">
              <frame src="links.htm" name="left">
              <frame src="rechts.htm" name="right">
    PAGE LEFT in the frameset with the tableView
    <htmlb:form target = "right">
          <htmlb:tableView id="myTable"
                           headerText = "Mitarbeiter"
                           headerVisible = "true"
                           design = "alternating"
                           visibleRowCount      = "10"
                           fillUpEmptyRows      = "true"
                           onRowSelection       = "MyEventRowSelection"
                           selectionMode        = "singleselect"
                           table                = "<%= table_csks %>" >
    PAGE RIGHT in the frameset shuold display details of the selected tableView row:
    <htmlb:form target = "right">
         <%= lstable_csks-mandt %>
         <%= lstable_csks-kostl %>
         <%= lstable_csks-verak %>
         <%= lstable_csks-ersda %>
    PROBLEM description:
    when row is selected, displaying of the details on the right frame works well. but when another event of the tableView is triggered eg. browsing between table pages, the wohle table is displayed in the right frame instead to turn the table-page but stay in the same frame. of course this is done, because i have set the form-target attribute.
    and here the question: how can i differentiate between the onRowSelection-Event (navigation to the right frame) and the page-browsing event (stay in same frame but change the tableView page)?
    thanks a lot!

    <i><htmlb:tableView keyColumn       = "smtp_addr"
                               id              = "searchhelp"
                               table           = "<%= t_searchhelp %>"
                               visibleRowCount = "10"
                               selectionMode   = "SINGLESELECT"
                               onRowSelection  = "setHelp" ></i>
    since you dont have sort or filter option for your table value, you can simply use the rowindex to read the itab.
    read table itab index selectedrowindex.
    on your other question of using more than one field in the itab for key of a record.
    declare  another field in the itab and fillit with the concatenation of the key fields (say concatenate recornumber itemnumber into keyfield) and dont show it in the tableview. declare this field as the key column in tableview.
    onrowselection this key value will be available in
    tabvie->selectedrowkey which you can use to read the itab. however in your case this is not required as you dont use sort or filter.

  • Regarding HTMLB TableView Celclick

    Hi All,
    I have an HTMLB tebleview where the first column is a LINK .
    When i click this cell (link) , i have following values n the method DO_HANDLE_EVENT of my class :
    htmlb_event->name = 'tableView'.
    table_event->event_type = 'cellClick'.
    I need to capture the DATA of the ROW for which the CELL was clicked in an internal table .
    The HTMLB TableView in the looks like:
    <htmlb:tableView id              = "list"
                           emptyTableText  = "<%= otr(BBP_SUS_UI/LIST_ORDER_NO_ENTRIES_FOUND) %>"
                           selectionMode   = "MULTISELECT"
                           sort            = "SERVER"
                           onHeaderClick   = "onmyHeaderClick"
                           onNavigate      = "onMyNavigate"
                           onRowSelection  = "onMyRowSelection"
                           visibleRowCount = "<%= lepp %>"
                           visibleFirstRow = "<%= iv_list_nav_index %>"
                           width           = "100%"
                           table           = "//model/order_list"
                           headerVisible   = "<%= IV_HEADER_VISIBLE %>"
                           headerText      = "<%= status %>"
                           iterator        = "<%= io_iterator %>" />

    Hi Anu,
    actually you haven't tried my code. You've changed it.
    You have moved the double-quote (") signs to different places and added an asterix (*).
    In ABAP a asterix (*) in the first character of a line comments out the entire line. A double-quote (") sign comments out the remainder of the line it appears in.
    The comments I placed in the code where to show you the names of the attributes that hold the values you are looking for.
    So in other words the attribute
    contains the index of the selected row. You can then use this attribute in further ABAP statements.
    You say that
    the issue is retriving the value of ROW_INDEX
    - well you do not need to retrieve it. It is already in the attribute tableview_event->selectedrowindex.
    I also suggest you use the debugger to look at the other attributes that are visible in this object.
    Graham Robbo

  • Sums in htmlb:tableView

    Hi Community,
    how to you guys usually display a line with sums under a htmlb:tableView.
    As far as I have understood this, I can do either one of the following two ways:
    1) I add a line to the internal table where I calculate the sums I need. I then have to make sure that this line will always be displayed at the bottom after sorting, filtering etc. and that the sums are re-calculated after filtering.
    2) I display a second htmlb:tableView underneath the first, which will have only one line containing the sums. By this, I have to make sure that the widths of the columns of both tableViews has to be equal (which is not that easy when you text in the table that is larger than the allowed width).
    Is there another way? What is the preferred way?

    you can also handle it thru iterator. but the easiest would be add another row to itab and handle the sorts and filter and positioning of the total row yourself.
    samle code for iterator.
    assuming you have 10 rows in the itab.
    IF p_row_index EQ 10 .
      DATA: icon_plane TYPE string.
            icon_plane = cl_bsp_mimes=>sap_icon( id = 'ICON_WS_PLANE' ).
            if_first = cl_htmlb_image=>factory( id = p_cell_id id_postfix = '_first' src = icon_plane onclick = 'image_click' ).
            CLEAR icon_plane .
            icon_plane = cl_bsp_mimes=>sap_icon( id = 'ICON_WS_PLANE' ).
            if_bus = cl_htmlb_image=>factory( id = p_cell_id id_postfix = '_bus' src = icon_plane onclick = 'image_click' ).
            CREATE OBJECT multi_bee.
            multi_bee->add( if_first ).
            multi_bee->add_html( html = '<div style="border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1px;  padding-top: 1px">' ).
            multi_bee->add( if_bus ).
            multi_bee->add_html( html = '</div> ' ).
            p_replacement_bee = multi_bee.
    in the above example if_bus is for holding the last row value and if_bus is for holding the total value .
    in the above example i just showed how you have have two rows in the last row and just rendered two images.

  • htmlb:tableView : (table) Attribute value is not a valid reference

    Hi All,
    In Table view i am getting the following error.
    The following error text was processed in the system:
    <htmlb:tableView>: (table) Attribute value is not a table
    My code in View is
    CREATE OBJECT tv_itr1 TYPE ZCL_HREPAN_MODEL_ITR_STATUS exporting model = model.
         <htmlb:tableView  id              = "reportsTable1"
                           headerVisible   = "true"
                           headerText      = "All PANs:"
                           footerVisible   = "true"
                           design = "alternating"
                           visibleRowCount = "20"
                           width           = "100%"
                           fillUpEmptyRows = "false"
                           columnWrapping  = "false"
                           columnWidth     = "200"
                           sort = "server"
                           selectionMode = "lineEdit"
                           iterator        = "<%=tv_itr1%>"
                           table           = "//MODEL/DATE_RANGE_PAN" >
    in above DATE_RANGE_PAN is table from model 'ZCL_HREPAN_MODEL_MAIN'
    Controller as below:  DO_REQUEST.
    if lr_event is bound and lr_event->server_event = 'allpans'.
      lo_model ?= get_model( 'model_id_status' ).
      lo_display_view->set_attribute( name = 'model' value = lo_model ).
      lo_display_view = create_view( view_name = 'allpans.htm').
      call_view( lo_display_view ).
    DO_INIT as below
    lo_model ?= create_model( class_name = 'ZCL_HREPAN_MODEL_MAIN'
                                model_id   = 'model_id_status').
    please help me how to solve this??

    I think DATE_RANGE_PAN is not table. Make sure its a table. If issue persist, post the data type declaration here.

  • Error when displaying amount field in HTMLB Tableview

    Hi all,
       I am displaying some 'X' table in HTMLB Tableview and it has one amount field.But reference(currency) field of that amount field is in other table . I know it gives the error.
    Please tell me there is any other way to resolve this problem with out adding reference(currency)field in the same table?
    Thanks and Regards ,
    Harikrishna .

    Hi Hari,
    But reference(currency) field of that amount field is in other table . I know it gives the error.
    It will not give any error , you can use the currency key field of other table or structure .
    Alternatively you can use  predifined type DEC instaed of CURR  .

  • Grouping Key Rows In HTMLB Tableview BSP

    Hello Experts,
    I've a HTMLB Tableview in BSP Application. I need to group the key rows with same value into one.
    Current Layout
    KEY  VALUE 1    VALUE 2
    A       X                 Y
    A       X                 Y
    B       X                 Y
    B       X                 Y
    Required Layout
    KEY  VALUE 1    VALUE 2
    A       X                 Y
              X                 Y
    B       X                 Y
             X                 Y
    It's somewhat similar to grouping the key rows in ALV. Not sure how to achieve this in BSP.
    Please help....
    PS: Posted this thread in BSP Forum earlier and haven't got any response yet. So reposting it in ABAP General for a quick response.

    Hi Satyajit Mohapatra,
    please refer to fixedColumns. Therefore check on your system:
    Page: TableViewFixedColumns.bsp
    There you can find the solution.
    Regards, Jonas

  • Link in a htmlb:tableview

    is it possible to add links to a htmlb:tableview.
    for example, i have a table with 4 columns. i'd like to let the entries in column 1 appear as links with the content of column 4 as the link target. (column 4 should be invisible for the user)

    Hi Daniel,
    You didn't study enough before posting...
    Take a look at:
    1. Documentation on your WebAS (accessible by <i>Tag Browser</i>);
    2. <b>SBSPEXT_TABLE</b> BSP Application on your system;
    3. other posts in this forum.
    Good search.

  • HTMLB TableView: Edit first Line

    I have implemented an HTMLB TableView with the attribute selection mode 'singleselect'.
    The users can mark one row to edit. This works so far.
    But as the users have to maintain at least one row, the first row should initially be editable <b>without mark it</b> and raising an event.
    Thanks in advance

    set the selectedRowIndex = 0 or 1 to whatever number of the row you would like initially checked in your OnCreate or OnInitialization Event Handler with selectedRowIndex being defined in your Page Attributes and then assigned to the tableView.

  • How open URL in an htmlb TableView ?

    Hi guys,
    Here is my problem:
    - I have in my BSP an HTMLB:TableView which display a table of Document Info Record.
    - In this table of DIRs, there is a column which contains an URL in order to open an original.
    ex of url :\Copie de SSO on PLP.pdf
    - At the moment in htmlb:tableViewColumn, I use the property onCellClick which call a javascript function : "<%= application->url%>", target='_blank' , 'toolbar=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes');
    - It works in IE6 but I tested it in IE7 and it doesn't work.
    My question :
    Is it possible to open directly the link through the tableView and without using javascript ?
    I tried the property linkClickTarget but it doesn't work
    Thanks for your help

    Hi Regis,
    If you need a new window to load the document contents, then you should use the Javascripts. Because only a javascript could openup a new window in a BSP applicaiton.
    But if you do not want to open up the document in a new window and want to load it by replacing the current page, then you could do it by navigating to another page which could render the document contents in this page.
    Hope it helps!

  • BSP htmlb:tableView id="TV_VBAK" table= "//select/I_VBAK"

    Hai Experts,
    I have a small doubt in bsp appllication,
    shall we write like...
    <htmlb:tableView id="TV_VBAK" table= "//SELECT/I_VBAK">
    I am using Class
    in controller.
    thanks in advance...
    with regards

    than q for ur reply.
    point will be rewarded...
    with regards
    Edited by: babu rs on Mar 5, 2008 4:49 PM

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    Hi, I have done a fresh install of a machine using the CDs. I would like increase many of the file system sizes including the root filesystem. It is very easy in HP UX using the utility Ignite UX. In Solaris, do we have any way to do a system backup

  • How to call Report output in Modulepools

    hi can any one suggest me How to call Report output in Modulepools i have a push button in modulepool after clicking that pushbutton i need a report output how to do this Thanks & Regards kalyan