HTTP 404- File not found error xMII 11.5 SR3 install on Win XP Prof

Hello Everyone,
I have tried installing xMII 11.5sr03 on Windows XP Professional 2002 sr2.
The installation of IIS5.1 along with scripts virtual directory was successful.
And so was the installation on xMII.
However when i open the SAP xMII Menu (http://localhost/Lighthammer/Menu.jsp )
or Security menu (http://localhost/LHSecurity/admin/). It shows the HTTP 404- File not found error.
IIS help and localhost homepage http://localhost/localstart.asp is working fine.
The License has also been copied to the Lighthammer license directory.
Can anybody tell me where/how to look for a solution ?
Warm Regards,

Hi Ryan,
Its a fresh install and as mentioned in the guide i started with sr01 ,sr02 and
sr03. Since these were the only 3 files available for download from service marketplace for xMII 11.5.
I don't think there is a base 11.5 install available after which i go about installing the sr01 ,02 and 03 respectively.
Please let me know if there is any and where to get it from...
Thanks for your suggestions.
Warm Regards,

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  • PDF preview not working in ITS after patch31 - HTTP 404 file not found

    Hi Friends,
    We installed Patch 31 on ITS 620.
    Previousl patch level was 17.
    The functionality to show pdf preview using FM 'SSFCOMP_PDF_PREVIEW' is not working.(Which is working fine when viewed from SAP GUI)
    We are getting 'HTTP 404 - File Not Found' error.
    What could be the reason?
    Any help on this is highly appreciated.
    Edited by: Simha on Oct 30, 2008 3:03 AM

    problem not resolved and we reverted back to older patch.
    Closing this thread

  • 404 File not Found error trying servlet under https

    This is the first time that I've had to work with SSL. I have a servlet that worked fine under regular http. I had to implement SSL and run my site over https. When I try to access my servlet under HTTPS, I get the 404 File not found error. Is there something that I need to setup for servlets to run under SSL in apache or server.xml? or Do I need to modify my JSP and Servlet code?
    I call my servlet from my JSP on the action method of the form like such:
    * JSP call to servlet
    <form action="" method="post">
    * Servlet code
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import com.yoursummit.benefitserver.*;
    import com.adobe.fdf.*;
    import com.adobe.fdf.exceptions.*;
    public class FDFServlet extends HttpServlet
    private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "text/html";
    private String fileout = "";
    //Initialize global variables
    public void init() throws ServletException
    //Process the HTTP Get request
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
    doPost( request, response);
    //Process the HTTP Post request
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
    String planID = request.getParameter("planID");
    String empID = request.getParameter("empID");
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
              try {
                   FDFDoc outputFDF = null;
                   /* Create a new FDF. */
                   outputFDF = new FDFDoc();
    // Set the form fields with values from the database
    if ( planID.equalsIgnoreCase("31") )
    formDeltaPopulation formDP = new formDeltaPopulation();
    fileout = formDP.populateDeltaForm( outputFDF, planID, empID, request );
    if (planID.equalsIgnoreCase("29") )
    formUnicarePopulation formUC = new formUnicarePopulation();
    fileout = formUC.populateUnicareForm( outputFDF, planID, empID, request );
    if (planID.equalsIgnoreCase("30") || planID.equalsIgnoreCase("32") || planID.equalsIgnoreCase("33") || planID.equalsIgnoreCase("34") || planID.equalsIgnoreCase("35"))
    formSunLifePopulation formSL = new formSunLifePopulation();
    fileout = formSL.populateSunLifeForm( outputFDF, planID, empID, request );
    response.sendRedirect(com.yoursummit.utils.urlRewrite.getServletURL(request,"emp_main.jsp?empID=" + empID));
    } catch(FDFException fdfe) {
    /* We handle an error by emitting an html header */
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.println("Caught FDF exception");
    IOException e = new IOException ( fdfe.getMessage() );
    throw e;
    catch(IOException ioe) {
         /* We handle an error by emitting an html header */
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.println("Caught FDF exception");
    throw ioe;
    catch(Exception e) {
    /* We handle an error by emitting an html header */
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.println("Caught tomcatDB exception");
    IOException ioe = new IOException ( e.getMessage() );
    throw ioe;
    //Clean up resources
    public void destroy()

    I have been told that there is problem with my configuration of Tomcat. I have followed the documentation found at
    and it doesn't work. I have been working on this for a week now and can't seem to get it to work. Can someone please take a look at it and tell me what I am doing wrong? THANKS!
    I get "HTTP 404 - File not Found" with the URL
    I get "Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request" with the URL
    I've looked at the log files for Apache and I don't see any errors listed. No errors logged in the Tomcat log file either.
    * httpd.conf
    ## Include line for (Jakarta-Tomcat installation)
    #Include /usr/home/summimps/usr/local/jakarta/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3/conf/mod_jk.conf-auto
    LoadModule jk_module libexec/
    AddModule mod_jk.c
    JkWorkersFile /usr/home/summimps/usr/tomcat4.1.24/conf/
    JkLogFile /usr/home/summimps/var/log/mod_jk.log
    JkLogLevel info
    #JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
    #JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories
    #JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"
    JkMount /*.jsp benefitserver
    JkMount /solarc/*.jsp benefitserver
    JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
    JkMount /solarc/servlet/* ajp13
    # Should mod_jk send SSL information to Tomcat (default is On)
    #JkExtractSSL On
    # What is the indicator for SSL (default is HTTPS)
    JkHTTPSIndicator HTTPS
    # What is the indicator for SSL session (default is SSL_SESSION_ID)
    # What is the indicator for client SSL cipher suit (default is SSL_CIPHER)
    # What is the indicator for the client SSL certificated (default is SSL_CLIENT_CERT)
    <Directory />
    AllowOverride None
    <Directory "/usr/tomcat4.1.24/webapps/ROOT">
      Options Indexes
      <IfDefine SSL>
        SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData +StrictRequire
        SSLVerifyClient require
        SSLVerifyDepth 1
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/benefitserver
    TransferLog /usr/local/etc/httpd/logs/bsAccess_log
    ErrorLog /usr/local/etc/httpd/logs/bsError_log
    * server.xml
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <Server className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer" debug="0" port="8006" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
      <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener" debug="0" jsr77Names="false"/>
      <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener" debug="0"/>
      <Service className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService" debug="0" name="Tomcat-Standalone">
        <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
    redirectPort="8443" bufferSize="2048" port="8081" connectionTimeout="20000" scheme="https" enableLookups="true" secure="true" protocolHandlerClassName="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol" debug="0" disableUploadTimeout="true" maxKeepAliveRequests="100" proxyPort="0" tcpNoDelay="true" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75" acceptCount="100" useURIValidationHack="false" connectionLinger="-1" compression="off">
          <Factory className="" keystoreFile="//.keystore" keystoreType="JKS" algorithm="SunX509" clientAuth="false" protocol="TLS"/>
        <Engine className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine" mapperClass="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineMapper" debug="0" defaultHost="localhost" name="Standalone">
          <Host className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost" appBase="webapps" liveDeploy="true" mapperClass="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostMapper" autoDeploy="true" configClass="org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig" errorReportValveClass="org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve" debug="9" deployXML="true" contextClass="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext" unpackWARs="true" name="localhost">
            <Context className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext" crossContext="false" reloadable="false" mapperClass="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextMapper" useNaming="true" debug="0" swallowOutput="false" privileged="false" displayName="Welcome to Tomcat" wrapperClass="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper" docBase="/usr/tomcat4.1.24/webapps/ROOT" cookies="true" path="" cachingAllowed="true" charsetMapperClass="org.apache.catalina.util.CharsetMapper">
              <Environment name="uploadUrl" override="true" type="java.lang.String" description="URL to display uploaded file in Benefit Server" value=""/>
              <Environment name="exportPath" override="true" type="java.lang.String" description="Export Path for Benefit Server Export Utility" value="/usr/tomcat4.1.24/webapps/ROOT/bsex"/>
              <Environment name="uploadPath" override="true" type="java.lang.String" description="Upload Path for Benefit Server" value="/usr/tomcat4.1.24/webapps/ROOT/bsup/"/>
              <Environment name="tempPath" override="true" type="java.lang.String" description="Temporary Directory for File Upload in Benefit Server - Developm" value="/usr/home/summimps/tmp/benefitserver"/>
              <Resource name="BS_Data" type="javax.sql.DataSource" scope="Shareable"/>
              <ResourceParams name="BS_Mail">
              <ResourceParams name="BS_Data">
            <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger" debug="0" verbosity="1" prefix="localhost_log." directory="logs" timestamp="true" suffix=".txt"/>
          <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger" debug="0" verbosity="1" prefix="catalina_log." directory="logs" timestamp="true" suffix=".txt"/>
          <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm" debug="0" resourceName="UserDatabase" validate="true"/>
    * web.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "">

  • HTTP 404 File not Found running a page created with the wizard

    Hi all,
    I created a page "tabular form" with the wizard to delete and update records in a table.
    All pages of the application are ok. Only this page, when refresh after click on the "delete" or "submit" button send the message "HTTP 404 - File not found".
    OS - Windows XP
    DB -
    HTMLDB 2.0
    any idea?
    thanks in advance.

    Hi Scott,
    this is the error.log
    [Fri Oct 06 11:39:41 2006] [error] [client] [ecid: 1160127581:,0] mod_plsql: /pls/htmldb/wwv_flow.accept HTTP-404
    wwv_flow.accept: SIGNATURE (parameter names) MISMATCH
    This is my first application with htmldb and i don't understand where is the error because i don't added parameter after the wizard creation. I just created the page and run. If this page start the first time when is called from another page, why after refresh fail?
    thanks, Fabio

  • 404 File Not Found error following migration

    I am on RDBMS on Windows NT 2000 Server.
    I attempted to migrate from 9iAS Portal 3.0.8 to 9iAS Portal 3.0.8.
    There were not any errors in the migration logs.
    When I attempt to test the Apache/Jserv the 'Is It Working'
    appears. When I attempt to test the mod_plsql I can get to the
    login/password screen and into the gateway administration but
    when I click the home link I receive the Http: 404 File Not
    The mod_jserv logs:
    [01/12/2001 18:58:08:410] (ERROR) ajp12: Servlet Error:
    In the portal_home/apache/jserv/servlets/zone.promperties file:
    Here are my upgrade steps:
    From Rdbms 8.1.7 to Rdbms
    From 9iAS to 9iAS
    From Portal 3.0.8 to Portal 3.0.9
    1)     Rdbms 8.1.7
    2)     Set systemtrig_enable=FALSE in init.ora
    3)     Install patchset 1711240 for
    4)     Execute $oracle_home/rdbms/admin/catalog.sql &
    catproc.sql scripts
    5)     Set systemtrig_enable=TRUE in init.ora
    6)     Execute the 9iAS installation. An upgrade will
    take place.
    7)     Stop the Apache HTTP Service
    8)     In referencing the 9iAS Migration Guide A90222-01
    Section 5.2 Common Configuration Files:
    Edit the $portal30_home/apache/jserv/conf/ so
    that it
    Contains one occurrence of the following lines:
    # Oracle Portal
    9)     In referencing the 9iAS Migration Guide A90222-01
    Section 5.2 Common Configuration Files:
    Edit the $portal30_home/apache/jserv/conf/ so
    that it
    Contains one occurrence of the following lines:
    # Oracle BC4J
    9) In referencing the 9iAS Migration Guide A90222-01
    Section 5.2 Common Configuration Files:
    Edit the $portal30_home/apache/jservlets/ and
    Remove the following line:
    10) In referencing the 9iAS Migration Guide A90222-01
    Section 5.2 Common Configuration Files:
    Edit the $portal30_home/apache/jservlets/ and
    Remove duplicates of the following line:
    11)     In referencing the 9iAS Release Notes A92199-01
    Edit the $portal30_home/apache/jservlets/ and
    Remove duplicates of the following lines:
    (this line is actually removed completed per step 9)
    12)     In referencing the 9iAS Release Notes A92199-01
    Edit the $portal30_home/apache/jserv/conf/jserv.config
    # PTG 1.1.1 Begin
    ApJservGroupMount /ptg balance://group1/root
    # PTG 1.1.1 End
    13)     In referencing the 9iAS Release Notes A92199-01
    Edit the $portal30_home/apache/apache/conf/httpd.config
    Add the following directive:
    Alias /soapdocs/ &#8220;c:/portal30/soap/&#8221;
    14) Start the Apache HTTP service

    In the web.xml you mapped the HelloServlet to the
    /sampleapp url so you should call the servlet with the
    The directory structure of sampleapp is as follows,
    I dont have a webapp folder in my directory at all.
    </servlet-mapping>As the below lines would suggest

  • Apache plug-in prob : when trying to access '/weblogic/' URL , "404 : file not found" error is shown

    On : Apache 2.0 , Weblogic 7.0, Win 2000
    I installed the Apache plug-in for as described in WL docs, but when I try to
    access a URL /weblogic/ ( supposed to be configured automatically ) on apache,
    I get '404 : file not found' error.
    As per the docs, I did following config in Apache:
    1. Copied the '' file found in WLHOME\server\bin directory to the
    APACHE_HOME\modules directory
    2. Added to httpd.conf :
    LoadModule weblogic_module modules/
    3. Apache httpd.conf syntax correct : checked by running ' APACHE_HOME\bin\Apache
    -t '
    4. Restarted WL & Apache.
    Now, the weblogic documentation says,
    "Test the Apache plug-in by opening a browser and setting the URL to the Apache
    Server + "/weblogic/", which should bring up the default WebLogic Server HTML
    page, welcome file, or default servlet, as defined for the default Web Application
    on WebLogic Server. For example:".
    For my server, 'http://localhost/weblogic/' - I get a "404 : file not found" error.
    What other configuration is needed ? Do I have to specify '/weblogic/' name anywhere
    else in Apache configuration file ?
    Any pointers will be appreciated.

    Forgot to mention , I've also added following configuration in httpd.conf :
    LoadModule weblogic_module modules\
    <IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
    WebLogicHost localhost
    WebLogicPort 7501
    <Location /weblogic>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    PathTrim /weblogic
    "S" <[email protected]> wrote:
    On : Apache 2.0 , Weblogic 7.0, Win 2000
    I installed the Apache plug-in for as described in WL docs, but when
    I try to
    access a URL /weblogic/ ( supposed to be configured automatically ) on
    I get '404 : file not found' error.
    As per the docs, I did following config in Apache:
    1. Copied the '' file found in WLHOME\server\bin directory
    to the
    APACHE_HOME\modules directory
    2. Added to httpd.conf :
    LoadModule weblogic_module modules/
    3. Apache httpd.conf syntax correct : checked by running ' APACHE_HOME\bin\Apache
    -t '
    4. Restarted WL & Apache.
    Now, the weblogic documentation says,
    "Test the Apache plug-in by opening a browser and setting the URL to
    the Apache
    Server + "/weblogic/", which should bring up the default WebLogic Server
    page, welcome file, or default servlet, as defined for the default Web
    on WebLogic Server. For example:".
    For my server, 'http://localhost/weblogic/' - I get a "404 : file not
    found" error.
    What other configuration is needed ? Do I have to specify '/weblogic/'
    name anywhere
    else in Apache configuration file ?
    Any pointers will be appreciated.

  • Global Settings - 'HTTP 404 - File not found'

    I have some problems with the services-portlet in portal. When I click on the link to 'Global Settings' of the services-portlet a 'HTTP 404 - File not found' exception is displayed.
    Additionally I have some problems on accessing the portal with ..../pls/portal. Sometimes it works, sometimes I have to use the direct access URL like ..../pls/portal/url/page/myPageGroup.
    Can anybody help?

    Hello again
    I opened a TAR at metalink and got the help I needed.
    Here the reason of this problem:
    The Default home page specified in the Global Settings was deleted either through the GUI or directly from the tables, causing this error.
    You can get a script from metalink to reset the default home page to Corporate Home page.
    Happy Easter!

  • 404 File not found error using IE

    I am getting the error message "HTTP 404 - File not found" when I attempt to call a servlet from an HTML page generated from a JSP. I get this error only in IE and not in Netscape. When I type the url for my servlet directly into IE, it works.
    The url of the JSP page is
    The url of the servlet is
    After the jsp page is successfully delivered to the IE web browser, mousing over the button that provides a link to the servlet results in the full and correct url of my servlet in the bar at the bottom of IE. When I click on the button that links to my servlet, IE displays the following in url bar at the top of IE and returns the 404 error message:!)x=11&y=23
    I am using Tomcat 3.3
    Thanks in advance,

    The problem was due to HTML that worked with Netscape and not with IE.

  • Portal is down and HTTP 404 - File not found

    Hi All,
    our Portal dispatcher is running and server is not connected. shows the following error...
    HTTP 404 - File not found
    http://server: 50000/index.html - im able to get
    http://server: 50000/irj/portal - getting...
    HTTP 404 - File not found
    Please let us know urgently what went wrong..

    Hello Pradeep,
    Please check the below mentioned link :
    You can check the logs of the server for details.dev_bootstrap,dev_jcontrol,dev_serverX,std_server.out files can give you the details of what is wrong with the service.
    Also make sure that you are typing the correct url.
    http://<hostname>:5<instance no.>00/irj/portal.
    Edited by: Sandeep Sehgal on Mar 25, 2008 7:38 PM

  • 404 File not found error in jdeveloper

    Hi all,
    I developed a jsp page in jdeveloper and I added all the required files. The page was compiled successfully. But when i ran the page it shows 404 File Not Found Error. web.xml is not added to my project. Can anyone help me

    web.xml is not added to my project
    web.xml gets created when a JSP page is created. Has the web.xml been deleted or was the JSP created not in JDeveloper? Is the JSP in the public_html directory?

  • HTTP 404 page not found error !! on tabs

    Hello All,
    I am having a page with multiple tabs . When the user navigates from one tab to another tab ( using standard tab set ) from interactive report I am getting the HTTP 404 page not found error .
    The tabs are in the following fashion.
    home page#1
    varlist page#2
    criteria page#7
    dynamic report page#10
    interactive report page#15
    I can move forward by selecting the tabs but when i am in interactive report tab and select any of the other tabs i am getting HTTP 404 page not found error..
    Can any one help me .
    Edited by: kumar73 on May 5, 2010 2:45 PM
    Edited by: kumar73 on May 5, 2010 2:46 PM

    Hello Jarola / All,
    Selected Pseudo Parent Tab: TS1
    Select Standard Tabs: DBTable, variables , condition , Report , interactive report.
    When I am navigating from tab interactive report to any other tab the url is chaning to
    http://cosmo:8080/apex/wwv_flow.accept - resulting in HTTP 404 page not found error ..
    but when navigating with in the following tabs
    DBTable page#1
    variables page#2
    condition page#7
    report page#10
    I am having different url like example -
    Can any one tell me why i am unable to navigate from interactive tab to other tabs ..
    I uploaded the applicatoin in
    please find the link above .
    The database tables are huge and inorder for me to replicate at I got to load the full schema which is not possible . May be you can go through the code to understand whats going wrong.
    Edited by: kumar73 on May 6, 2010 6:46 AM
    Edited by: kumar73 on May 6, 2010 1:00 PM
    Edited by: kumar73 on May 6, 2010 1:01 PM
    Edited by: kumar73 on May 6, 2010 1:04 PM
    Edited by: kumar73 on May 6, 2010 2:46 PM

  • HTTP 404 - File not found with frames

    I am using a frameset that has 3 frames. The frameset happened to be my home page. The problem is this frameset comes up with HTTP 404 - File not found in place of all the other three frames. Below is a code snippet from my jsp. What should I do? Urgent help appreciated.
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <frameset rows="109,*" cols="*" framespacing="10" frameborder="yes" border="10" bordercolor="#CC0000">
    <frame src="logo.jsp" name="topFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize >
    <frameset rows="*" cols="161,*" framespacing="10" frameborder="yes" border="10" bordercolor="#CC0000">
    <frame src="navBar.jsp" name="leftFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize>
    <frame src="home.jsp" name="mainFrame">

    What is the url you use to access the frameset?
    Are the logo.jsp navBar.jsp and home.jsp in the same folder as the frameset?
    Do you use any server side forwards to change the URL?
    Because you are using relative urls to load the pages, it will look for those pages in the folder that you requested in your initial URL. It will not take into account any serverside forwarding (the browser knows nothing of these)

  • HTTP 404 page not found error

    Hi all,
    I am getting HTTP 404 Page not found error when I try to run the test_fwktutorial.jsp. I have followed the instructions of a similar thread but none have helped.
    Kindly suggest me some solution to this problem.

    I did a simple search for 404 in the forum and got at least 10 threads, I think this thread is relevant to you, please try the solution suggested in the thread
    HTTP 404 Not Found error in JDeveloper for Oracle Apps R12
    Problem I faced:
    When I try to run, test_fwktutorial.jsp in JDev for Oracle Apps R12, I was getting the first page with the links, but when i click on any of the links, say "Hello World", I am getting a "HTTP 404 Not Found". Same error I got by directly running any of the tutorial pages, or any custom pages. CHecked all the normal setting options like: responsibility key, username/pwds etc.
    Then I noticed in my address bar an error text:"You have insufficient privileges for the current operation".
    Solution I arrived at:
    In one of the forums, I had come across the point that maybe my local machine and Application server were on different domains, due to which I was getting "You have insufficient privileges for the current operation".
    1. Hence I checked for the domain on which my local machine was in:
    My Computer -> Properties -> Computer Name.
    2. There it was showing WORKGROUP instead of Domain.
    3. Here I clicked on the Change button and entered mycompany domain on which the server was like <companyidentier1>.<companyidentier2>.com
    I had to do this even though the machine i was using was connected to the domain using a VPN connection.
    4. Then after restarting my machine, I changed the Embedded OC4J Server Preferences to Default Local IP Address. And when i ran my page, it worked!!
    Before when I had not changed the domain of my local machine to the Apps Server domain, simply changing the Embedded OC4J Server Preferences to Default Local IP Address (as suggested in some forums), still gave me the same error.
    Hope this helps others facing similar problems.

  • Most search engines are not working, only Google Search works and I get 404 file not found error when clicking the links.

    I have been trying virus killers, malware software from microsoft, I uninstalled Firefox and reinstalled it, I used the option to change all my options to the basic default installed options, I am able to search without problems using Internet Explorer on all search engines, Google Search engine works in firefox browser; but all the links give the 404 file not found error. Links from my Gmail account do not work me the 404 error. Firefox is much faster than Internet explorer however, this link problem makes me wonder if firefox is really any good.

    Many site issues can be caused by corrupt cookies or cache. In order to try to fix these problems, the first step is to clear both cookies and the cache.
    Note: ''This will temporarily log you out of all sites you're logged in to.''
    To clear cache and cookies do the following:
    #Go to Firefox > History > Clear recent history or (if no Firefox button is shown) go to Tools > Clear recent history.
    #Under "Time range to clear", select "Everything".
    #Now, click the arrow next to Details to toggle the Details list active.
    #From the details list, check ''Cache'' and ''Cookies'' and uncheck everything else.
    #Now click the ''Clear now'' button.
    Further information can be found in the [[Clear your cache, history and other personal information in Firefox]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!

  • 404 File Not Found Errors - SP 2013

    Recently, user profile pictures have stopped displaying and when clicking on them, it brings us to a 404 file not found error. When I try to edit my personal mysite, I can get to the home page of it but when I click edit profile or anything else, it brings
    me again to the 404 file not found error. 
    I have a MySites web appication with a site collection created at the root of it right now. 
    Any help would be appreciated.

    The user profile sync service is also stuck on "starting"...
    When I try to start FIMSS and FIMS on windows services I get this error.
    The error from the event viewer states this, "The Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service terminated with service-specific error %%-2146234334.
    The user profiles kind of started malfunctioning when I believe I switched some managed accounts under security >configure service accounts 
    Your problem is the managed accounts.
    SharePoint is not very strong in managing managed accounts.  Have a look at your application pools and verify they are all running. If they are not running, verify that the identities are correct. (User name /Password)
    Do the same thing with the FIM services in Windows Services and verify that the identities are correct.
    In shorty, you need to verify the passwords of all your service accounts(those that are managed) and verify that all services are running.

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  • How can I get the e-mail address (reply addr.) once connected to a server

    My application ask the user to enter the POP3 server host name (+ port) more the POP3 server userId and password .... I can get the e-mails and show the to the user .... Now, the user want to send a message from that "account" and what I need is to k

  • ODI built in for checking the scenario status in case of re-run

    I have a package like this. scenario1 ----(ok)-----> scenario2 ----(ok)-----> scenario3 When i run the package for the first time, assume that the scenario1 is executed successfully and scenario2 has failed. I correct the error in scenario2 and run t

  • ABBA Gold Album split into 2 Albums since with 11.4(18) update

    Strange things happen, with a click on the Album (ABBA Gold latest) it split up into 2 Albums one with only the 1. Song and one with the rest. I tried to delete it locally and download from the cloud again, but when I choose to view the "music" in th

  • Java Add-in or unicode conversion first?

    Hi all. I have just performed a BW 3.5 (NW 6.40) to BI 7.0 (NW 7.0) NON-unicode upgrade. The next two things we want to do are unicode conversion and java add-in installation. I am wondering which of these actions should come first; Java add-in or un

  • Authorisation on a computer difficulty

    URGENT HELP ME!!! My iTunes account on my Acer Laptop isn't letting me add any new apps that I've purchased to my iPod, it keeps saying that 'Could not be synced because this computer is no longer authorised for purchased items that are on this iPod.