Apache plug-in prob : when trying to access '/weblogic/' URL , "404 : file not found" error is shown

On : Apache 2.0 , Weblogic 7.0, Win 2000
I installed the Apache plug-in for as described in WL docs, but when I try to
access a URL /weblogic/ ( supposed to be configured automatically ) on apache,
I get '404 : file not found' error.
As per the docs, I did following config in Apache:
1. Copied the 'mod_wl_20.so' file found in WLHOME\server\bin directory to the
APACHE_HOME\modules directory
2. Added to httpd.conf :
LoadModule weblogic_module modules/mod_wl_20.so
3. Apache httpd.conf syntax correct : checked by running ' APACHE_HOME\bin\Apache
-t '
4. Restarted WL & Apache.
Now, the weblogic documentation says,
"Test the Apache plug-in by opening a browser and setting the URL to the Apache
Server + "/weblogic/", which should bring up the default WebLogic Server HTML
page, welcome file, or default servlet, as defined for the default Web Application
on WebLogic Server. For example:
For my server, 'http://localhost/weblogic/' - I get a "404 : file not found" error.
What other configuration is needed ? Do I have to specify '/weblogic/' name anywhere
else in Apache configuration file ?
Any pointers will be appreciated.

Forgot to mention , I've also added following configuration in httpd.conf :
LoadModule weblogic_module modules\mod_wl_20.so
<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
WebLogicHost localhost
WebLogicPort 7501
<Location /weblogic>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
PathTrim /weblogic
"S" <[email protected]> wrote:
On : Apache 2.0 , Weblogic 7.0, Win 2000
I installed the Apache plug-in for as described in WL docs, but when
I try to
access a URL /weblogic/ ( supposed to be configured automatically ) on
I get '404 : file not found' error.
As per the docs, I did following config in Apache:
1. Copied the 'mod_wl_20.so' file found in WLHOME\server\bin directory
to the
APACHE_HOME\modules directory
2. Added to httpd.conf :
LoadModule weblogic_module modules/mod_wl_20.so
3. Apache httpd.conf syntax correct : checked by running ' APACHE_HOME\bin\Apache
-t '
4. Restarted WL & Apache.
Now, the weblogic documentation says,
"Test the Apache plug-in by opening a browser and setting the URL to
the Apache
Server + "/weblogic/", which should bring up the default WebLogic Server
page, welcome file, or default servlet, as defined for the default Web
on WebLogic Server. For example:
For my server, 'http://localhost/weblogic/' - I get a "404 : file not
found" error.
What other configuration is needed ? Do I have to specify '/weblogic/'
name anywhere
else in Apache configuration file ?
Any pointers will be appreciated.

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    * JSP call to servlet
    <form action="https://www.benefitserver.com:8081/FDFServlet" method="post">
    * Servlet code
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import javax.net.ssl.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import com.yoursummit.benefitserver.*;
    import com.adobe.fdf.*;
    import com.adobe.fdf.exceptions.*;
    public class FDFServlet extends HttpServlet
    private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "text/html";
    private String fileout = "";
    //Initialize global variables
    public void init() throws ServletException
    java.security.Security.addProvider(new com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider());
    //Process the HTTP Get request
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
    doPost( request, response);
    //Process the HTTP Post request
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
    String planID = request.getParameter("planID");
    String empID = request.getParameter("empID");
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
              try {
                   FDFDoc outputFDF = null;
                   /* Create a new FDF. */
                   outputFDF = new FDFDoc();
    // Set the form fields with values from the database
    if ( planID.equalsIgnoreCase("31") )
    formDeltaPopulation formDP = new formDeltaPopulation();
    fileout = formDP.populateDeltaForm( outputFDF, planID, empID, request );
    if (planID.equalsIgnoreCase("29") )
    formUnicarePopulation formUC = new formUnicarePopulation();
    fileout = formUC.populateUnicareForm( outputFDF, planID, empID, request );
    if (planID.equalsIgnoreCase("30") || planID.equalsIgnoreCase("32") || planID.equalsIgnoreCase("33") || planID.equalsIgnoreCase("34") || planID.equalsIgnoreCase("35"))
    formSunLifePopulation formSL = new formSunLifePopulation();
    fileout = formSL.populateSunLifeForm( outputFDF, planID, empID, request );
    response.sendRedirect(com.yoursummit.utils.urlRewrite.getServletURL(request,"emp_main.jsp?empID=" + empID));
    } catch(FDFException fdfe) {
    /* We handle an error by emitting an html header */
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.println("Caught FDF exception");
    IOException e = new IOException ( fdfe.getMessage() );
    throw e;
    catch(IOException ioe) {
         /* We handle an error by emitting an html header */
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.println("Caught FDF exception");
    throw ioe;
    catch(Exception e) {
    /* We handle an error by emitting an html header */
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.println("Caught tomcatDB exception");
    IOException ioe = new IOException ( e.getMessage() );
    throw ioe;
    //Clean up resources
    public void destroy()

    I have been told that there is problem with my configuration of Tomcat. I have followed the documentation found at
    and it doesn't work. I have been working on this for a week now and can't seem to get it to work. Can someone please take a look at it and tell me what I am doing wrong? THANKS!
    I get "HTTP 404 - File not Found" with the URL https://www.benefitserver.com/FDFServlet
    I get "Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request" with the URL https://www.benefitserver.com/servlet/FDFServlet
    I've looked at the log files for Apache and I don't see any errors listed. No errors logged in the Tomcat log file either.
    * httpd.conf
    ## Include line for mod_jk.so (Jakarta-Tomcat installation)
    #Include /usr/home/summimps/usr/local/jakarta/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3/conf/mod_jk.conf-auto
    LoadModule jk_module libexec/mod_jk.so
    AddModule mod_jk.c
    JkWorkersFile /usr/home/summimps/usr/tomcat4.1.24/conf/worker.properties
    JkLogFile /usr/home/summimps/var/log/mod_jk.log
    JkLogLevel info
    #JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
    #JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories
    #JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"
    JkMount /*.jsp benefitserver
    JkMount /solarc/*.jsp benefitserver
    JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
    JkMount /solarc/servlet/* ajp13
    # Should mod_jk send SSL information to Tomcat (default is On)
    #JkExtractSSL On
    # What is the indicator for SSL (default is HTTPS)
    JkHTTPSIndicator HTTPS
    # What is the indicator for SSL session (default is SSL_SESSION_ID)
    # What is the indicator for client SSL cipher suit (default is SSL_CIPHER)
    # What is the indicator for the client SSL certificated (default is SSL_CLIENT_CERT)
    <Directory />
    AllowOverride None
    <Directory "/usr/tomcat4.1.24/webapps/ROOT">
      Options Indexes
      <IfDefine SSL>
        SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData +StrictRequire
        SSLVerifyClient require
        SSLVerifyDepth 1
    <VirtualHost benefitserver.com www.benefitserver.com>
    ServerName benefitserver.com
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/benefitserver
    TransferLog /usr/local/etc/httpd/logs/bsAccess_log
    ErrorLog /usr/local/etc/httpd/logs/bsError_log
    * server.xml
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <Server className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer" debug="0" port="8006" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
      <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener" debug="0" jsr77Names="false"/>
      <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener" debug="0"/>
      <Service className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService" debug="0" name="Tomcat-Standalone">
        <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
    redirectPort="8443" bufferSize="2048" port="8081" connectionTimeout="20000" scheme="https" enableLookups="true" secure="true" protocolHandlerClassName="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol" debug="0" disableUploadTimeout="true" maxKeepAliveRequests="100" proxyPort="0" tcpNoDelay="true" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75" acceptCount="100" useURIValidationHack="false" connectionLinger="-1" compression="off">
          <Factory className="org.apache.catalina.net.SSLServerSocketFactory" keystoreFile="//.keystore" keystoreType="JKS" algorithm="SunX509" clientAuth="false" protocol="TLS"/>
        <Engine className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine" mapperClass="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineMapper" debug="0" defaultHost="localhost" name="Standalone">
          <Host className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost" appBase="webapps" liveDeploy="true" mapperClass="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostMapper" autoDeploy="true" configClass="org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig" errorReportValveClass="org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve" debug="9" deployXML="true" contextClass="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext" unpackWARs="true" name="localhost">
            <Context className="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext" crossContext="false" reloadable="false" mapperClass="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextMapper" useNaming="true" debug="0" swallowOutput="false" privileged="false" displayName="Welcome to Tomcat" wrapperClass="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper" docBase="/usr/tomcat4.1.24/webapps/ROOT" cookies="true" path="" cachingAllowed="true" charsetMapperClass="org.apache.catalina.util.CharsetMapper">
              <Environment name="uploadUrl" override="true" type="java.lang.String" description="URL to display uploaded file in Benefit Server" value="http://www.benefitserver.com:8081/bsup"/>
              <Environment name="exportPath" override="true" type="java.lang.String" description="Export Path for Benefit Server Export Utility" value="/usr/tomcat4.1.24/webapps/ROOT/bsex"/>
              <Environment name="uploadPath" override="true" type="java.lang.String" description="Upload Path for Benefit Server" value="/usr/tomcat4.1.24/webapps/ROOT/bsup/"/>
              <Environment name="tempPath" override="true" type="java.lang.String" description="Temporary Directory for File Upload in Benefit Server - Developm" value="/usr/home/summimps/tmp/benefitserver"/>
              <Resource name="BS_Data" type="javax.sql.DataSource" scope="Shareable"/>
              <ResourceParams name="BS_Mail">
              <ResourceParams name="BS_Data">
            <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger" debug="0" verbosity="1" prefix="localhost_log." directory="logs" timestamp="true" suffix=".txt"/>
          <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger" debug="0" verbosity="1" prefix="catalina_log." directory="logs" timestamp="true" suffix=".txt"/>
          <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm" debug="0" resourceName="UserDatabase" validate="true"/>
    * web.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd">

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    Many site issues can be caused by corrupt cookies or cache. In order to try to fix these problems, the first step is to clear both cookies and the cache.
    Note: ''This will temporarily log you out of all sites you're logged in to.''
    To clear cache and cookies do the following:
    #Go to Firefox > History > Clear recent history or (if no Firefox button is shown) go to Tools > Clear recent history.
    #Under "Time range to clear", select "Everything".
    #Now, click the arrow next to Details to toggle the Details list active.
    #From the details list, check ''Cache'' and ''Cookies'' and uncheck everything else.
    #Now click the ''Clear now'' button.
    Further information can be found in the [[Clear your cache, history and other personal information in Firefox]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!

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    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

    Try using open DNS:
    Adding Open DNS codes to your Network Preferences, should give good results in terms of speed-up as well as added security:
    Open System Preferences/Network. Double click on your connection type, or select it in the drop-down menu, and in the box marked 'DNS Servers' add the following two numbers:
    (You can also enter them if you click on Advanced and then DNS)

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    first we need to figure out the error. change the web.config so that you can see the error on browser
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    <SafeMode MaxControls="200" CallStack="false"/>
    <SChangeafeMode MaxControls="200" CallStack="true"/>
    2) CustomeErrors mode value (in the system.web section) is set to Off:
    <customErrors mode="On">
    <customErrors mode="Off">
    Change these value in "c:\inetpub\wssroot"  CA dirctory web.config and
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\web.config .
    now again try to do the action. you will get the error on screen.
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    We have 3 admins that work on the website so we use the Check In/ Check Out feature of DW. We all have DW CS6.
    When I update the template I have no problem (I work on a mac). However, if one of the other admins (Windows) tries he gets the following message: Error accessing file template file "C:\filepath\filename.dwt": file not found (error code 2).
    I looked at this thread: Re: Dreamweaver Template not updating pages error code 2? but the only solution offered there is to change the template tag from <!-- InstanceBegin... to <!-- TemplateBegin... If this is the solution, how do you do this?
    When I go to the url of the template http://www.christophorushouse.com.au/Templates/chrv-main-template.dwt it says it's been (re)moved or renamed, but then I have a feeling you can't view/access a template this way. All pages of the website feed of this template.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    We have 3 admins that work on the website so we use the Check In/ Check Out feature of DW. We all have DW CS6.
    When I update the template I have no problem (I work on a mac). However, if one of the other admins (Windows) tries he gets the following message: Error accessing file template file "C:\filepath\filename.dwt": file not found (error code 2).
    I looked at this thread: Re: Dreamweaver Template not updating pages error code 2? but the only solution offered there is to change the template tag from <!-- InstanceBegin... to <!-- TemplateBegin... If this is the solution, how do you do this?
    When I go to the url of the template http://www.christophorushouse.com.au/Templates/chrv-main-template.dwt it says it's been (re)moved or renamed, but then I have a feeling you can't view/access a template this way. All pages of the website feed of this template.
    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Integration Directory : getting 404 Page not found error while accessing In

    When i am trying to open the Interation Directory, it is showing me 404 Page not found Error.
    Some Description
    - Executing sxmb_ifr,
    - From http://erpsys07:50300/rep/start/index.jsp,i am getting mentioned error when i am trying to access Integration Directory from URL.
    erpsys07 -> Central SLD -> J2ee Port - 50100
    erpsys07 -> PI system -> J2ee Port - 50300
    When i am clicking on integration directory link, it is pointing to Central SLD J2ee Port (50100) instead of 50300, it is pointing to
    http://erpsys07:50100/dir/start/sso/Directory.jsp instead of http://erpsys0750300/dir/start/sso/Directory.jsp.
    Could some help me where to change and what to change?

    Have you checked port in Netweaver Administration?
    See which port is mentioned there. (If you are using PI 7.1)
    Check in SXMB_ADM transaction, and in your RFC Destination, where it is pointing.
    Edited by: hetal shah on Nov 24, 2009 4:49 PM

  • When I call VI on Linux from Teststand on Windows using TCP/IP I get "file not found error".any sugeestions?

    I am trying to execute a VI running on Linux from Teststand running on windows 2000 prof ,both running on two different machines.I used TCP/IP for the interface using the following steps on Labview VI:tools>options>VIserver>TCP/IP and gave the ip address of both the machines.When I gave the file path as c:\home\test.vi in Edit labview Vi call window(the Vi in linux is stored in /home/test.vi)and also in remote vi path:/home/test.vi,I get a file not found error.The teststand version is 3.0 and labview is 7.0.Any idea why this is happening and any solutions?

    priya guru,
    Here is a knowledge base that addresses your question: �How do I call test VIs that reside on a non-Windows platform from TestStand?�
    You also need to set TCP/IP Access found in Tools->Options->'VI Server: TCP/IP Access'. Make sure that you list the IP address in the Access List to allow TCP/IP access to that machine. Finally you need to specify which VIs are accessible to remote applications. Open up Tools->Options->'VI Server: Exported VIs' and provide paths to the VIs you wish to be remotely accessible.
    I have attached an example VI that demonstrates VI Server in action. Please post back if you are still having problems. Good luck!
    aig H.
    National Instruments
    Remote_Run_--_VI_Server.zip ‏88 KB

  • File not found error when opening securedoc.html

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    We are still using a Post X appliance, but no config changes were made whatsoever and this started happening since last weekend. (Oct. 9-11)
    I did reboot the Post X box and thought the problem was fixed w/ the reboot. I sent a secure message to myself and then opened it along with the attachment and all was good. I sent the second test and the problem was back; "File not found".
    I have noticed that when I get file not found the address bar in my browser is pointing to: https://res.cisco.com/websafe/eo/error?error=notfound
    The time after rebooting when it did work it pointed to file on my local computer hard drive:
    Any ideas what could have caused this sudden issue? How do we resolve? I have a call into support, but they have been researching it all day and our secure mail is down!

    used bridge, didn't work.
    tried right-click, double click..open in program.
    same error.
    files work in other adobe products.....
    only way to get a jpg in there is to "paste" it in.

  • Quicktime gets a file not found error in running of set up.  tried downloading twice

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    Hi Spex,
    I can import the VI Logger task OK (from another PC running VI Logger 2.0), but I can't run the task.  I've attached the file.  The "1 channel" task runs OK.  The "x-probe" task starts, takes 1 or 2 data points, then hangs for a few seconds, then pops up the "file not found" error. The data acquisition taks run OK, so I don't think they're the problem.
    This file I've attached includes 2 good data tasks ("1 channel" and xprobe"), 1 good VI Logger task ("1 channel"), and my non-working VI Logger task ("x-probe", which works fine on the PC it was exported from).
    I have also tried exporting the non-working VI Logger task on its own, and it still imports OK, but still doesn't run, and gives the same error.
    configData1.zip ‏353 KB

  • "file not found" error in VI Logger when running an imported VI Logger task

    I'm having trouble getting all of my imported tasks to run in VI Logger.
    I'm using VI Logger 2.0, with an SCXI-1100.  The data acquisition tasks I import run fine.  One of the VI Logger tasks I've imported runs OK, but the other one gives an error:
    "Engine Error!
    Error Code = 7
    LabView: File not found.  The file may have been moved or deleted, or the file path might be incorrectly formatted for the OS."
    If I create a new VI Logger task, the new task works OK.  And my 1st VI Logger task to be imported works OK.  So I know my setup mostly works.  But our company has never been able to figure out importing tasks very well, so I'm looking for help.
    Question 1: What file is LabView looking for?  I've checked my Export path and database path, and they are identical in both the working task and the non-working task.
    Question 2: Where else might I look for the difference between the 2 VI Logger tasks?  Neither task uses any weird characters in the name, both have analog input channels and calculated channels.  And I've mixed and matched the data acquisition tasks with no change (the good VI Logger task will run with either data task, the bad VI Logger task won't run with either data task), so I'm pretty sure the problem is in the VI Logger task, and not the data task.  I've also tried importing the 2nd task on its own, as a separate import function, but that gave the same error.
    Thanks for the help in advance,

    Hi Spex,
    I can import the VI Logger task OK (from another PC running VI Logger 2.0), but I can't run the task.  I've attached the file.  The "1 channel" task runs OK.  The "x-probe" task starts, takes 1 or 2 data points, then hangs for a few seconds, then pops up the "file not found" error. The data acquisition taks run OK, so I don't think they're the problem.
    This file I've attached includes 2 good data tasks ("1 channel" and xprobe"), 1 good VI Logger task ("1 channel"), and my non-working VI Logger task ("x-probe", which works fine on the PC it was exported from).
    I have also tried exporting the non-working VI Logger task on its own, and it still imports OK, but still doesn't run, and gives the same error.
    configData1.zip ‏353 KB

  • File not Found error when synching Ipod

    I have a fairly new Ipod and synced successfully for months, but now iTunes says it cant synch because of a "File not Found error" (no error number or other clues). I'm running the latest iTines and Ipod software, and I've reset USB drivers but still no luck. I cant reset the iPod itself becase I then got a "1418 error", which is why I then reset USB. I'm stuck, has anyone seen this before?
    The Ipod itself plays fine and Itunes recgnises it OK, albeit very slowly, even thought I'm using USB 2.
    One other piece of info; when this first happened, the sync must have first deleted the songs I no longer wanted, prior to unsuccesfully adding new ones. Those old songs show up on the iPod but are skipped when I try to play them.

    Its on the same thread as this one ("connecting iPod nano (second Generation ) to Windows"). Scroll through the authors, you will find it.

  • Get file not found error when I try to sync

    I get file not found error when I try to sync Iphone.

    The use of the .WMV was because that was part of the Library .EM template. I would not anticipate problems with other formats, so long as they are supported and the same for all of your Menus in the Project.
    If you have done several Motion Menu Renderings, you might want to clear Encore's Media Cache, just in case it is still referencing previous Render files.
    And yes, the re-Importation should yield the same result as Linking/re-Linking.
    Unfortunately, I do not have CS4, so I can't test this for you. There do seem to be a few real Bugs in the various CS4 programs, and maybe this is one?
    That "File Not Found" rings a bell in my feeble brain. Seems that there was a post on that, but I do not remember it being related to Motion Menus. Maybe search will yield something of use.
    Good luck,

  • Error when open the Import window (404: File Not Found)

    HI everyone,
    I have upgraded OIM to
    The application runs OK, but when I click in "Deployment Managerment -> Import", the App gets an error:
    "404: File Not Found
    File Not Found: /xlWebApp/dm/dmImportViewer.jsp"
    And the log gets this error:
    [12/14/09 19:21:31:371 BRST] 00000037 SystemOut O 19:21:31ERROR [WebContainer : 2] - ExceptionHandler.createTimeoutDialog: context path = /xlWebApp
         at com.nexaweb.server.exceptions.ExceptionHandler.createDialog(ExceptionHandler.java:423)
         at com.nexaweb.server.exceptions.ExceptionHandler.createErrorDialogs(ExceptionHandler.java:403)
         at com.nexaweb.server.NexawebServer.doService(NexawebServer.java:378)
         at com.nexaweb.server.NexawebServer.doGet(NexawebServer.java:335)
         at com.nexaweb.server.admin.ServerAdmin.callNexawebServer(ServerAdmin.java:378)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:64)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:615)
         at com.nexaweb.loader.xMethodInvoker.runInThread(xMethodInvoker.java:69)
         at com.nexaweb.server.api.admin.ServerAdminProxy.callNexawebServer(ServerAdminProxy.java:551)
         at com.nexaweb.redirect.RedirectServlet.doGet(RedirectServlet.java:18)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:743)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.service(ServletWrapper.java:966)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.service(ServletWrapper.java:907)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterChain.doFilter(WebAppFilterChain.java:145)
         at com.thortech.xl.webclient.security.SecurityFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.FilterInstanceWrapper.doFilter(FilterInstanceWrapper.java:190)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterChain.doFilter(WebAppFilterChain.java:130)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterChain._doFilter(WebAppFilterChain.java:87)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterManager.doFilter(WebAppFilterManager.java:696)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterManager.doFilter(WebAppFilterManager.java:641)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.handleRequest(ServletWrapper.java:475)
         at com.ibm.ws.wswebcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.handleRequest(ServletWrapper.java:463)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.CacheServletWrapper.handleRequest(CacheServletWrapper.java:92)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.WebContainer.handleRequest(WebContainer.java:744)
         at com.ibm.ws.wswebcontainer.WebContainer.handleRequest(WebContainer.java:1425)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.channel.WCChannelLink.ready(WCChannelLink.java:92)
         at com.ibm.ws.http.channel.inbound.impl.HttpInboundLink.handleDiscrimination(HttpInboundLink.java:465)
         at com.ibm.ws.http.channel.inbound.impl.HttpInboundLink.handleNewInformation(HttpInboundLink.java:394)
         at com.ibm.ws.http.channel.inbound.impl.HttpInboundLink.ready(HttpInboundLink.java:274)
         at com.ibm.ws.tcp.channel.impl.NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.sendToDiscriminators(NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.java:214)
         at com.ibm.ws.tcp.channel.impl.NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.complete(NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.java:113)
         at com.ibm.ws.tcp.channel.impl.AioReadCompletionListener.futureCompleted(AioReadCompletionListener.java:152)
         at com.ibm.io.async.AbstractAsyncFuture.invokeCallback(AbstractAsyncFuture.java:213)
         at com.ibm.io.async.AbstractAsyncFuture.fireCompletionActions(AbstractAsyncFuture.java:195)
         at com.ibm.io.async.AsyncFuture.completed(AsyncFuture.java:136)
         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler.complete(ResultHandler.java:193)
         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler.runEventProcessingLoop(ResultHandler.java:725)
         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler$2.run(ResultHandler.java:847)
         at com.ibm.ws.util.ThreadPool$Worker.run(ThreadPool.java:1498)
    [12/14/09 19:21:31:371 BRST] 00000037 SystemOut O ERROR,14 Dec 2009 19:21:31,357,[com.nexaweb.server.exceptions.ExceptionHandler],ExceptionHandler.createTimeoutDialog: context path = /xlWebApp
         at com.nexaweb.server.exceptions.ExceptionHandler.createDialog(ExceptionHandler.java:423)
         at com.nexaweb.server.exceptions.ExceptionHandler.createErrorDialogs(ExceptionHandler.java:403)
         at com.nexaweb.server.NexawebServer.doService(NexawebServer.java:378)
         at com.nexaweb.server.NexawebServer.doGet(NexawebServer.java:335)
         at com.nexaweb.server.admin.ServerAdmin.callNexawebServer(ServerAdmin.java:378)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:64)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:615)
         at com.nexaweb.loader.xMethodInvoker.runInThread(xMethodInvoker.java:69)
         at com.nexaweb.server.api.admin.ServerAdminProxy.callNexawebServer(ServerAdminProxy.java:551)
         at com.nexaweb.redirect.RedirectServlet.doGet(RedirectServlet.java:18)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:743)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.service(ServletWrapper.java:966)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.service(ServletWrapper.java:907)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterChain.doFilter(WebAppFilterChain.java:145)
         at com.thortech.xl.webclient.security.SecurityFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.FilterInstanceWrapper.doFilter(FilterInstanceWrapper.java:190)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterChain.doFilter(WebAppFilterChain.java:130)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterChain._doFilter(WebAppFilterChain.java:87)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterManager.doFilter(WebAppFilterManager.java:696)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterManager.doFilter(WebAppFilterManager.java:641)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.handleRequest(ServletWrapper.java:475)
         at com.ibm.ws.wswebcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.handleRequest(ServletWrapper.java:463)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.CacheServletWrapper.handleRequest(CacheServletWrapper.java:92)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.WebContainer.handleRequest(WebContainer.java:744)
         at com.ibm.ws.wswebcontainer.WebContainer.handleRequest(WebContainer.java:1425)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.channel.WCChannelLink.ready(WCChannelLink.java:92)
         at com.ibm.ws.http.channel.inbound.impl.HttpInboundLink.handleDiscrimination(HttpInboundLink.java:465)
         at com.ibm.ws.http.channel.inbound.impl.HttpInboundLink.handleNewInformation(HttpInboundLink.java:394)
         at com.ibm.ws.http.channel.inbound.impl.HttpInboundLink.ready(HttpInboundLink.java:274)
         at com.ibm.ws.tcp.channel.impl.NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.sendToDiscriminators(NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.java:214)
         at com.ibm.ws.tcp.channel.impl.NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.complete(NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.java:113)
         at com.ibm.ws.tcp.channel.impl.AioReadCompletionListener.futureCompleted(AioReadCompletionListener.java:152)
         at com.ibm.io.async.AbstractAsyncFuture.invokeCallback(AbstractAsyncFuture.java:213)
         at com.ibm.io.async.AbstractAsyncFuture.fireCompletionActions(AbstractAsyncFuture.java:195)
         at com.ibm.io.async.AsyncFuture.completed(AsyncFuture.java:136)
         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler.complete(ResultHandler.java:193)
         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler.runEventProcessingLoop(ResultHandler.java:725)
         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler$2.run(ResultHandler.java:847)
         at com.ibm.ws.util.ThreadPool$Worker.run(ThreadPool.java:1498)
    [12/14/09 19:21:31:385 BRST] 00000037 SystemOut O 19:21:31ERROR [WebContainer : 2] - ExceptionHandler.createTimeoutDialog: context path = /xlWebApp
         at com.nexaweb.server.exceptions.ExceptionHandler.createDialog(ExceptionHandler.java:423)
         at com.nexaweb.server.exceptions.ExceptionHandler.createErrorDialogs(ExceptionHandler.java:405)
         at com.nexaweb.server.NexawebServer.doService(NexawebServer.java:378)
         at com.nexaweb.server.NexawebServer.doGet(NexawebServer.java:335)
         at com.nexaweb.server.admin.ServerAdmin.callNexawebServer(ServerAdmin.java:378)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:64)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:615)
         at com.nexaweb.loader.xMethodInvoker.runInThread(xMethodInvoker.java:69)
         at com.nexaweb.server.api.admin.ServerAdminProxy.callNexawebServer(ServerAdminProxy.java:551)
         at com.nexaweb.redirect.RedirectServlet.doGet(RedirectServlet.java:18)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:743)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.service(ServletWrapper.java:966)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.service(ServletWrapper.java:907)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterChain.doFilter(WebAppFilterChain.java:145)
         at com.thortech.xl.webclient.security.SecurityFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.FilterInstanceWrapper.doFilter(FilterInstanceWrapper.java:190)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterChain.doFilter(WebAppFilterChain.java:130)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterChain._doFilter(WebAppFilterChain.java:87)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterManager.doFilter(WebAppFilterManager.java:696)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterManager.doFilter(WebAppFilterManager.java:641)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.handleRequest(ServletWrapper.java:475)
         at com.ibm.ws.wswebcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.handleRequest(ServletWrapper.java:463)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.CacheServletWrapper.handleRequest(CacheServletWrapper.java:92)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.WebContainer.handleRequest(WebContainer.java:744)
         at com.ibm.ws.wswebcontainer.WebContainer.handleRequest(WebContainer.java:1425)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.channel.WCChannelLink.ready(WCChannelLink.java:92)
         at com.ibm.ws.http.channel.inbound.impl.HttpInboundLink.handleDiscrimination(HttpInboundLink.java:465)
         at com.ibm.ws.http.channel.inbound.impl.HttpInboundLink.handleNewInformation(HttpInboundLink.java:394)
         at com.ibm.ws.http.channel.inbound.impl.HttpInboundLink.ready(HttpInboundLink.java:274)
         at com.ibm.ws.tcp.channel.impl.NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.sendToDiscriminators(NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.java:214)
         at com.ibm.ws.tcp.channel.impl.NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.complete(NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.java:113)
         at com.ibm.ws.tcp.channel.impl.AioReadCompletionListener.futureCompleted(AioReadCompletionListener.java:152)
         at com.ibm.io.async.AbstractAsyncFuture.invokeCallback(AbstractAsyncFuture.java:213)
         at com.ibm.io.async.AbstractAsyncFuture.fireCompletionActions(AbstractAsyncFuture.java:195)
         at com.ibm.io.async.AsyncFuture.completed(AsyncFuture.java:136)
         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler.complete(ResultHandler.java:193)
         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler.runEventProcessingLoop(ResultHandler.java:725)
         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler$2.run(ResultHandler.java:847)
         at com.ibm.ws.util.ThreadPool$Worker.run(ThreadPool.java:1498)
    [12/14/09 19:21:31:385 BRST] 00000037 SystemOut O ERROR,14 Dec 2009 19:21:31,371,[com.nexaweb.server.exceptions.ExceptionHandler],ExceptionHandler.createTimeoutDialog: context path = /xlWebApp
         at com.nexaweb.server.exceptions.ExceptionHandler.createDialog(ExceptionHandler.java:423)
         at com.nexaweb.server.exceptions.ExceptionHandler.createErrorDialogs(ExceptionHandler.java:405)
         at com.nexaweb.server.NexawebServer.doService(NexawebServer.java:378)
         at com.nexaweb.server.NexawebServer.doGet(NexawebServer.java:335)
         at com.nexaweb.server.admin.ServerAdmin.callNexawebServer(ServerAdmin.java:378)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:64)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:615)
         at com.nexaweb.loader.xMethodInvoker.runInThread(xMethodInvoker.java:69)
         at com.nexaweb.server.api.admin.ServerAdminProxy.callNexawebServer(ServerAdminProxy.java:551)
         at com.nexaweb.redirect.RedirectServlet.doGet(RedirectServlet.java:18)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:743)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.service(ServletWrapper.java:966)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.service(ServletWrapper.java:907)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterChain.doFilter(WebAppFilterChain.java:145)
         at com.thortech.xl.webclient.security.SecurityFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.FilterInstanceWrapper.doFilter(FilterInstanceWrapper.java:190)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterChain.doFilter(WebAppFilterChain.java:130)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterChain._doFilter(WebAppFilterChain.java:87)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterManager.doFilter(WebAppFilterManager.java:696)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterManager.doFilter(WebAppFilterManager.java:641)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.handleRequest(ServletWrapper.java:475)
         at com.ibm.ws.wswebcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.handleRequest(ServletWrapper.java:463)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.CacheServletWrapper.handleRequest(CacheServletWrapper.java:92)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.WebContainer.handleRequest(WebContainer.java:744)
         at com.ibm.ws.wswebcontainer.WebContainer.handleRequest(WebContainer.java:1425)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.channel.WCChannelLink.ready(WCChannelLink.java:92)
         at com.ibm.ws.http.channel.inbound.impl.HttpInboundLink.handleDiscrimination(HttpInboundLink.java:465)
         at com.ibm.ws.http.channel.inbound.impl.HttpInboundLink.handleNewInformation(HttpInboundLink.java:394)
         at com.ibm.ws.http.channel.inbound.impl.HttpInboundLink.ready(HttpInboundLink.java:274)
         at com.ibm.ws.tcp.channel.impl.NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.sendToDiscriminators(NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.java:214)
         at com.ibm.ws.tcp.channel.impl.NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.complete(NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.java:113)
         at com.ibm.ws.tcp.channel.impl.AioReadCompletionListener.futureCompleted(AioReadCompletionListener.java:152)
         at com.ibm.io.async.AbstractAsyncFuture.invokeCallback(AbstractAsyncFuture.java:213)
         at com.ibm.io.async.AbstractAsyncFuture.fireCompletionActions(AbstractAsyncFuture.java:195)
         at com.ibm.io.async.AsyncFuture.completed(AsyncFuture.java:136)
         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler.complete(ResultHandler.java:193)
         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler.runEventProcessingLoop(ResultHandler.java:725)
         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler$2.run(ResultHandler.java:847)
         at com.ibm.ws.util.ThreadPool$Worker.run(ThreadPool.java:1498)
    [12/14/09 19:21:31:386 BRST] 00000037 SystemOut O 19:21:31 WARN [WebContainer : 2] - SessionManager._createAppContextByAppName: Servlet Context is NULL for app:/xlWebApp/dm/dmImportViewer.jsp
    [12/14/09 19:21:31:386 BRST] 00000037 SystemOut O WARN,14 Dec 2009 19:21:31,386,[com.nexaweb.server.session.SessionManager],SessionManager._createAppContextByAppName: Servlet Context is NULL for app:/xlWebApp/dm/dmImportViewer.jsp
    [12/14/09 19:21:31:386 BRST] 00000037 SystemOut O 19:21:31 WARN [WebContainer : 2] - SessionManager.createAppContextUsingAppName: FAILED to create application context for appname:/xlWebApp/dm/dmImportViewer.jsp, mapped uri:/xlWebApp/dm/dmImportViewer.jsp
    [12/14/09 19:21:31:386 BRST] 00000037 SystemOut O WARN,14 Dec 2009 19:21:31,386,[com.nexaweb.server.session.SessionManager],SessionManager.createAppContextUsingAppName: FAILED to create application context for appname:/xlWebApp/dm/dmImportViewer.jsp, mapped uri:/xlWebApp/dm/dmImportViewer.jsp
    [12/14/09 19:21:31:400 BRST] 00000037 SystemOut O 19:21:31ERROR [WebContainer : 2] - ExceptionHandler.handleException
    com.nexaweb.server.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException: Application context is NULL for app:/xlWebApp/dm/dmImportViewer.jsp
         at com.nexaweb.server.services.protocol.NexawebProtocolHandler.handleLaunchCommand(NexawebProtocolHandler.java:387)
         at com.nexaweb.server.NexawebServer.getSession(NexawebServer.java:565)
         at com.nexaweb.server.NexawebServer.doService(NexawebServer.java:408)
         at com.nexaweb.server.NexawebServer.doGet(NexawebServer.java:335)
         at com.nexaweb.server.admin.ServerAdmin.callNexawebServer(ServerAdmin.java:378)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:64)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:615)
         at com.nexaweb.loader.xMethodInvoker.runInThread(xMethodInvoker.java:69)
         at com.nexaweb.server.api.admin.ServerAdminProxy.callNexawebServer(ServerAdminProxy.java:551)
         at com.nexaweb.redirect.RedirectServlet.doGet(RedirectServlet.java:18)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:743)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.service(ServletWrapper.java:966)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.service(ServletWrapper.java:907)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterChain.doFilter(WebAppFilterChain.java:145)
         at com.thortech.xl.webclient.security.SecurityFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.FilterInstanceWrapper.doFilter(FilterInstanceWrapper.java:190)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterChain.doFilter(WebAppFilterChain.java:130)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterChain._doFilter(WebAppFilterChain.java:87)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterManager.doFilter(WebAppFilterManager.java:696)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.filter.WebAppFilterManager.doFilter(WebAppFilterManager.java:641)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.handleRequest(ServletWrapper.java:475)
         at com.ibm.ws.wswebcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.handleRequest(ServletWrapper.java:463)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.CacheServletWrapper.handleRequest(CacheServletWrapper.java:92)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.WebContainer.handleRequest(WebContainer.java:744)
         at com.ibm.ws.wswebcontainer.WebContainer.handleRequest(WebContainer.java:1425)
         at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.channel.WCChannelLink.ready(WCChannelLink.java:92)
         at com.ibm.ws.http.channel.inbound.impl.HttpInboundLink.handleDiscrimination(HttpInboundLink.java:465)
         at com.ibm.ws.http.channel.inbound.impl.HttpInboundLink.handleNewInformation(HttpInboundLink.java:394)
         at com.ibm.ws.http.channel.inbound.impl.HttpInboundLink.ready(HttpInboundLink.java:274)
         at com.ibm.ws.tcp.channel.impl.NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.sendToDiscriminators(NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.java:214)
         at com.ibm.ws.tcp.channel.impl.NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.complete(NewConnectionInitialReadCallback.java:113)
         at com.ibm.ws.tcp.channel.impl.AioReadCompletionListener.futureCompleted(AioReadCompletionListener.java:152)
         at com.ibm.io.async.AbstractAsyncFuture.invokeCallback(AbstractAsyncFuture.java:213)
         at com.ibm.io.async.AbstractAsyncFuture.fireCompletionActions(AbstractAsyncFuture.java:195)
         at com.ibm.io.async.AsyncFuture.completed(AsyncFuture.java:136)
         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler.complete(ResultHandler.java:193)
         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler.runEventProcessingLoop(ResultHandler.java:725)
         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler$2.run(ResultHandler.java:847)
         at com.ibm.ws.util.ThreadPool$Worker.run(ThreadPool.java:1498)
    [12/14/09 19:21:31:400 BRST] 00000037 SystemOut O ERROR,14 Dec 2009 19:21:31,386,[com.nexaweb.server.exceptions.ExceptionHandler],ExceptionHandler.handleException
    com.nexaweb.server.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException: Application context is NULL for app:/xlWebApp/dm/dmImportViewer.jsp
         at com.nexaweb.server.services.protocol.NexawebProtocolHandler.handleLaunchCommand(NexawebProtocolHandler.java:387)
    How can I resolve it?

    Have you checked whether Nexaweb is deployed in your App Server or not ?
    If not you'll have redeploy it .
    Which JRE version are you using ?
    5.1.14 Deployment Manager Requires JRE 1.6.0_07 (Bug 5565793)
    An export operation using the Deployment Manager may encounter problems when Microsoft Internet Explorer is configured to use Microsoft Virtual Machine. To reset the default Virtual Machine:
    Edited by: Rajiv Dewan

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