HTTP Status 400 error

Every time I try to send an email with an attachment I get the above error message. Also with the message I get "The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect (The parameter "nimlet" was not found in the HTTP request to the HttpNimletDriver").
What the heck does this all mean, please help.

I have the same problem and I don`t found info about this. How do you solved this problem.

Similar Messages

  • Http status 400 error in the emulator

    I successfully have run the servlet ( The servlet is suposed to convert GIF images into PNG images according to the clients display settings by using Sun's Jimi packages. It displays both gif and png type images in IE. Now, I am trying to run the midlet ( in the J2ME toolkit 2.2. It displays the gif image in the emulator. But, when I try to display a png image it gives me a http 400 error. Why is this ? Can anyone help ?
    servlet code:
    import com.sun.jimi.core.*;
    import com.sun.jimi.core.util.*;
    //import com.sun.jimi.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    * A simple example of a servlet that reads the image from
    * a given URL and uses Jimi to convert it to PNG format,
    * scaling it and recoloring it appropriately for the device.
    * Can be called using either GET or POST.  If GET, then the
    * request parameters are used to determine the URL of the
    * image to fetch and the scaling and color attributes.
    * If POST, the data is sent as UTF-encoded string pairs in the
    * request body.
    public class ImageAdapter extends HttpServlet {
        // The PNG MIME type
        static final String PNG_MIME = "image/png";
        // Convenience method
        static boolean getBooleanProperty( Properties p,
                                           String key,
                                           boolean def ){
            String  sval = p.getProperty( key );
            boolean bval = def;
            if( sval != null ){
                bval = ( sval.equalsIgnoreCase( "true" ) ||
                         sval.equals( "1" ) );
            return bval;
        // Convenience method
        static int getIntegerProperty( Properties p,
                                       String key,
                                       int def ){
            String sval = p.getProperty( key );
            int    ival = def;
            if( sval != null ){
                try {
                    ival = Integer.parseInt( sval );
                catch( NumberFormatException e ){
            return ival;
        // Process GET requests.  Sets up some defaults and then
        // overrides them with the request parameters.
        public void doGet( HttpServletRequest request,
                            HttpServletResponse response )
                throws IOException, ServletException {
            // Put in some defaults for testing with a browser
            Properties props = new Properties();
            props.put( "url",
                 "http://localhost:8080/img/Availability.png" );
            props.put( "colors", "256" );
            props.put( "minwidth", "200" );
            props.put( "maxwidth", "200" );
            props.put( "minheight", "200" );
            props.put( "maxheight", "200" );
            // Overwrite the default with any request parameters...
            Enumeration names = request.getParameterNames();
            while( names.hasMoreElements() ){
                String key = (String) names.nextElement();
                props.put( key, request.getParameter( key ) );
            // Now send back the image...
            adaptImage( props, response );
        // Process POST request.  Parameters are extracted from
        // the request body.
        public void doPost( HttpServletRequest request,
                            HttpServletResponse response )
                throws IOException, ServletException {
            // Get the input stream and read the data...
            ServletInputStream in = request.getInputStream();
            DataInputStream    din = new DataInputStream( in );
            Properties         props = new Properties();
            // Read in properties as sent by client.
            while( true ){
                try {
                    String key = din.readUTF();
                    if( key.length() == 0 ) break;
                    props.put( key, din.readUTF() );
                catch( IOException e ){
            adaptImage( props, response );
        // Use Jimi to grab the original image and
        // then scale it and reduce its colors
        // based on the requested settings.
        private void adaptImage( Properties props,
                                 HttpServletResponse response )
                    throws IOException, ServletException {
            // Read in the parameters, with appropriate
            // defaults.
            String imageURL = props.getProperty( "url" );
            if( imageURL == null ){
                response.sendError( response.SC_BAD_REQUEST,
                                   "No 'url' specified" );
            int minWidth = getIntegerProperty( props,
                                               0 );
            int maxWidth = getIntegerProperty( props,
                                               96 );
            int minHeight = getIntegerProperty( props,
                                                0 );
            int maxHeight = getIntegerProperty( props,
                                                0 );
            int colors = getIntegerProperty( props,
                                             "colors", 2 );
            boolean dither = getBooleanProperty( props,
                                                 true );
            boolean reduce = getBooleanProperty( props,
                                                 false );
            // Now read in the image using Jimi...
            URL url;
            try {
                url = new URL( imageURL );
            catch( MalformedURLException e ){
                response.sendError( response.SC_BAD_REQUEST,
                                    "Invalid image URL" );
            Image img = Jimi.getImage( url, Jimi.SYNCHRONOUS |
                                            Jimi.IN_MEMORY );
            if( img == null ){
                response.sendError( response.SC_BAD_REQUEST,
                                    "Bad image format" );
            // Now adjust the image, first by
            // scaling it if necessary....
            int     width = img.getWidth( null );
            int     height = img.getHeight( null );
            boolean scale = false;
            if( width < minWidth ){
                width = minWidth;
                scale = true;
            } else if( width > maxWidth){
                width = maxWidth;
                scale = true;
            if( height < minHeight ){
                height = minHeight;
                scale = true;
            } else if( height > maxHeight ){
                height = maxHeight;
                scale = true;
            if( scale ){
                img = img.getScaledInstance( width, height,
                           Image.SCALE_SMOOTH );
                GraphicsUtils.waitForImage( img );
            // Now adjust the color depth...
            if( reduce ){
                ColorReducer reducer = new ColorReducer( colors,
                                                         dither );
                try {
                    img = reducer.getColorReducedImage( img );
                catch( Exception e ){
                    response.sendError( response.SC_BAD_REQUEST,
                                        "Error reducing image" );
                GraphicsUtils.waitForImage( img );
            // Convert it to PNG format
            ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            try {
                Jimi.putImage( PNG_MIME, img, bout );
            catch( Exception e ){
                response.sendError( response.SC_BAD_REQUEST,
                                    "Error converting image" );
            byte[] data = bout.toByteArray();
            // Send it out!
            response.setContentType( PNG_MIME );
            response.setContentLength( data.length );
            response.setStatus( response.SC_OK );
            OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
            out.write( data );
    }MIDlet code:
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    * A MIDP application that fetches and displays an arbitrary
    * image from the Web using the ImageAdapter servlet.
    * This class depends on HttpConnectionHelper, described
    * in an earlier J2ME Tech Tip.
    public class ImageClient extends MIDlet
                             implements CommandListener {
        // Adjust this URL appropriately for the adapter...
        private static String adapterURL =
        // A default image to display...
        private static String defaultURL =
        private Display display;
        private Command exitCommand = new Command( "Exit",
                                                   Command.EXIT, 1 );
        private Command okCommand   = new Command( "OK", Command.OK, 1 );
        private Command sendCommand = new Command( "Get",
                                                   Command.OK, 1 );
        private TextBox entryForm;
        private int     screenHeight;
        private int     screenWidth;
        private int     numColors;
        public ImageClient(){
        protected void destroyApp( boolean unconditional )
                           throws MIDletStateChangeException {
        protected void pauseApp(){
        protected void startApp()
                          throws MIDletStateChangeException {
            if( display == null ){ // first time called...
        // First we display the dummy canvas so we can
        // get information about the display
        private void initMIDlet(){
            display = Display.getDisplay( this );
            entryForm = new EntryForm();
            display.setCurrent( new DummyCanvas() );
        public void exitMIDlet(){
        public void commandAction( Command c, Displayable d ){
            if( c == sendCommand ){
                StatusForm f =
                    new StatusForm( entryForm.getString() );
                display.setCurrent( f );
            } else if( c == okCommand ){
                display.setCurrent( entryForm );
            } else {
        // A dummy canvas to get the size of the screen
        class DummyCanvas extends Canvas {
            protected void paint( Graphics g ){
                screenHeight = getHeight();
                screenWidth  = getWidth();
                numColors    = display.numColors();
                // Go directly to the main screen
                display.setCurrent( entryForm );
        // The text entry form...
        class EntryForm extends TextBox {
                super( "Enter a URL", defaultURL, 80, 0 );
                addCommand( exitCommand );
                addCommand( sendCommand );
                setCommandListener( ImageClient.this );
        // Show the image...
        class ShowImage extends Canvas {
            ShowImage( byte[] imageData ){
                image = Image.createImage( imageData, 0,
                                           imageData.length );
                display.setCurrent( this );
                addCommand( okCommand );
                setCommandListener( ImageClient.this );
            protected void paint( Graphics g ){
                g.drawImage( image, 0, 0,
                             g.TOP | g.LEFT );
            private Image image;
        // A status for for displaying messages as the data is sent...
        class StatusForm extends Form
                     implements Runnable,
                                HttpConnectionHelper.Callback {
            StatusForm( String url ){
                super( "Status" );
                try {
                    ByteArrayOutputStream bout =
                                new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    DataOutputStream      dout =
                                new DataOutputStream( bout );
                    // Write info about the image and the
                    // display settings for this device
                    dout.writeUTF( "url" );
                    dout.writeUTF( url );
                    writeInt( dout, "minwidth", screenWidth );
                    writeInt( dout, "maxwidth", screenWidth );
                    writeInt( dout, "minheight", screenHeight );
                    writeInt( dout, "maxheight", screenHeight );
                    writeInt( dout, "colors", numColors );
                    writeInt( dout, "reduce", 1 );
                    writeInt( dout, "dither", 1 );
                    dout.writeUTF( "" );
                    data = bout.toByteArray();
                catch( IOException e ){
                    // should handle this....
            void writeInt( DataOutputStream dout, String key,
                           int value ) throws IOException {
                dout.writeUTF( key );
                dout.writeUTF( Integer.toString( value ) );
            // Updates the display.
            void display( String text ){
                if( message == null ){
                    message = new StringItem( null, text );
                    append( message );
                } else {
                    message.setText( text );
            // We're done.
            void done( String msg ){
                display( msg != null ? msg : "Done." );
                addCommand( okCommand );
                setCommandListener( ImageClient.this );
            // Callback for making the HTTP connection.
            public void prepareRequest( String originalURL,
                           HttpConnection conn ) throws IOException
                conn.setRequestMethod( HttpConnection.POST );
                conn.setRequestProperty( "User-Agent",
                  "Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1" );
                conn.setRequestProperty( "Content-Language",
                  "en-US" );
                conn.setRequestProperty( "Accept", "image/png" );
                conn.setRequestProperty( "Connection", "close" );
                conn.setRequestProperty( "Content-Length",
                  Integer.toString( data.length ) );
                OutputStream os = conn.openOutputStream();
                os.write( data );
            // Do the connection on a separate thread to keep the UI
            // responsive...
            public void run(){
                HttpConnection conn = null;
                display( "Obtaining HttpConnection object..." );
                try {
                    conn =
                      HttpConnectionHelper.connect( adapterURL,
                                                    this );
                    display( "Connecting to the server..." );
                    int rc = conn.getResponseCode();
                    if( rc == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK ){
                        try {
                            DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(
                                                conn.openInputStream() );
                            data = new byte[ (int) conn.getLength() ];
                            din.readFully( data );
                        catch( IOException e ){
                        done( "Image received" );
                        new ShowImage( data );
                    } else {
                        done( "Unexpected return code: " + rc );
                catch( IOException e ){
                    done( "Exception " + e +
                          " trying to connect." );
            // Starts the upload in the background...
            void start(){
                display( "Starting..." );
                Thread t = new Thread( this );
                try {
                catch( Exception e ){
                    done( "Exception " + e +
                          " trying to start thread." );
            private StringItem message;
            private byte[]     data;

    I have the same problem and I don`t found info about this. How do you solved this problem.

  • "The request failed with HTTP Status 400: Bad Request." when running reports

    I installed reporting services and the install went fine.  The Reporting Services are located on a different server.  I can see all the reports in SCCM but when I try to run them I get the "400" error with the following details:
    The request failed with HTTP status 400: Bad Request.
    Stack Trace:
       at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
       at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
       at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.Internal.Soap.ReportingServices2005.Execution.ReportExecutionService.LoadReport2(String Report, String HistoryID)
       at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.Internal.Soap.ReportingServices2005.Execution.RSExecutionConnection.<>c__DisplayClass2.<LoadReport>b__0()
       at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.Internal.Soap.ReportingServices2005.Execution.RSExecutionConnection.ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute[TReturn](RSExecutionConnection connection, ProxyMethod`1 initialMethod, ProxyMethod`1 retryMethod)
       at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.Internal.Soap.ReportingServices2005.Execution.RSExecutionConnection.LoadReport(String Report, String HistoryID)
       at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ServerReport.EnsureExecutionSession()
       at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ServerReport.SetParameters(IEnumerable`1 parameters)
       at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.SrsReporting.ReportViewerWindowsForms.SetParameterValues_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
    I can open the URL from the SCCM server but when I select a report I am unable to select any report options if available.  If no options are availble the report just doesn't run,  I don't get and error if I select "View Report" mutiple
    If I connect to the Reporting Services site on the computer where it is installed all the reports run fine.
    One thing I have noticed is that when I try to change or add a role assignment for Reporting Services the edited account always reverts back to the default settings and the added Domain user is dropped.

    I reviewed the topic and found a couple of steps I missed the first time around.  I had to "Configure Reports to Use Report Builder 3.0 and setting the "Log on Locally" permission. 
    I then uninstalled the role and reinstalled it.  I am still getting the 400 error.
    When I inspected the SmsAdminUI.log I noticed the Error on the last line 2151811598 (it repeats in the log).  I couldn't find anything specific related to it.  By reading a few "related" Internet posts I came accross a intial setup
    blog that noted some WMI firewall execptions (Async-in, DCOM-in and WMI-in) as require so I checked and they were not allowed on the SCCM server so I allowed them and tested with the same result.  I turned them off again. 
    Here is the tail end of the SmsAdminUI.log
    [19, PID:2684][01/24/2013 16:08:29] :[ReportProxy] - User-specified default Reporting Point [] could not be found, [] is now the default Reporting Point.
    [4, PID:2684][01/24/2013 16:08:30] :[ReportProxy] - User-specified default Reporting Point [] could not be found, [] is now the default Reporting Point.
    [15, PID:2684][01/24/2013 16:08:30] :[ReportProxy] - User-specified default Reporting Point [] could not be found, [] is now the default Reporting Point.
    [1, PID:2684][01/24/2013 19:06:02] :System.Management.ManagementException\r\nNot found \r\n   at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
       at System.Management.ManagementObject.Initialize(Boolean getObject)
       at System.Management.ManagementBaseObject.get_wbemObject()
       at System.Management.PropertyData.RefreshPropertyInfo()
       at System.Management.PropertyDataCollection.get_Item(String propertyName)
       at System.Management.ManagementBaseObject.GetPropertyValue(String propertyName)
       at System.Management.ManagementBaseObject.get_Item(String propertyName)
       at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine.WqlConnectionManager.GetInstance(String objectPath)\r\nManagementException details:
    instance of SMS_ExtendedStatus
     Description = "Error retrieving object FileType=2";
     ErrorCode = 2151811598;
     File = "e:\\nts_sccm_release\\sms\\siteserver\\sdk_provider\\smsprov\\SspInterface.h";
     Line = 1208;
     Operation = "GetObject";
     ParameterInfo = "SMS_SCI_SysResUse.FileType=2,ItemName=\"[\\\"Display=\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"]MSWNET:[\\\"SMS_SITE=INC\\\"]\\\\\\\\\\\\,SMS SRS Reporting Point\",ItemType=\"System Resource Usage\",SiteCode=\"INC\"";
     ProviderName = "ExtnProv";
     StatusCode = 2147749890;
    [1, PID:2684][01/24/2013 23:39:14] :System.NullReferenceException\r\nObject reference not set to an instance of an object.\r\n   at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.SmsCustomDialog.get_LocaleIndependentIdentifier()
       at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.ShowDialogTaskHandler.DoTask(NavigationModelNodeBase node, SccmTaskConfiguration sccmTask, PropertyDataUpdated dataUpdatedDelegate, Boolean readOnly)\r\n
    [1, PID:5008][01/25/2013 20:48:00] :System.Management.ManagementException\r\nNot found \r\n   at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
       at System.Management.ManagementObject.Initialize(Boolean getObject)
       at System.Management.ManagementBaseObject.get_wbemObject()
       at System.Management.PropertyData.RefreshPropertyInfo()
       at System.Management.PropertyDataCollection.get_Item(String propertyName)
       at System.Management.ManagementBaseObject.GetPropertyValue(String propertyName)
       at System.Management.ManagementBaseObject.get_Item(String propertyName)
       at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine.WqlConnectionManager.GetInstance(String objectPath)\r\nManagementException details:
    instance of SMS_ExtendedStatus
     Description = "Error retrieving object FileType=2";
     ErrorCode = 2151811598;
     File = "e:\\nts_sccm_release\\sms\\siteserver\\sdk_provider\\smsprov\\SspInterface.h";
     Line = 1208;
     Operation = "GetObject";
     ParameterInfo = "SMS_SCI_SysResUse.FileType=2,ItemName=\"[\\\"Display=\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"]MSWNET:[\\\"SMS_SITE=INC\\\"]\\\\\\\\\\\\,SMS SRS Reporting Point\",ItemType=\"System Resource Usage\",SiteCode=\"INC\"";
     ProviderName = "ExtnProv";
     StatusCode = 2147749890;

  • Business Objects XI 3.1 SP4 Infoview and IE9 HTTP Status 400 - Invalid path

    Hi There,
    When I working in Infoview with IE9 32Bit or 64Bit and I right click on any object i.e Crystal Report, Folder, Webi Report etc. and select properties I get the following Error
    HTTP Status 400 - Invalid path /PlatformServices/properties was requested
    Has any one got a workaround or a solution for this problem.
    Server - BOE XI 3.1 with SP4 running on a Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit.
    Client PC`s\Laptops  - Windows 7 64 bit
    Kind Regards,

    Dear all,
    Seems the issue is browser compatibility ans the below solution may work in your case
    HTTP 400 occurs because of URL difference between IE9 and older versions of supported IE. To resolve this issue, this error in Tomcat will be redirected to a HTML script that applies new URL format. Please follow this 3 steps process:
    STEP ONE: Solution in InfoViewAppActions Folder:
    1) Go to “D:\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\InfoViewAppActions” folder. This folder already has httperror_404.htm and httperror_500.jsp by default.  Rename httperror_404.htm to httperror_404_backup.htm.
    2) Copy and paste the attached file from InfoViewAppActions folder (httperror_400.htm and httperror_404.htm) into “D:\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\InfoViewAppActions” folder. Go to “D:\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\InfoViewAppActions\WEB-INF”
    3) Take a backup of web.xml file and name it as web_backup.xml
    4) Open the file and paste the following script after the Error 404 error handling and save.
    STEP TWO: Solution in AnalyticalReporting Folder:
    1) Go to “D:\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\ AnalyticalReporting” folder. This folder already has httperror_404.htm and httperror_500.jsp by default.  Rename httperror_404.htm to httperror_404_backup.htm.
    2) Copy and paste the attached file from AnalyticalReporting folder (httperror_400.htm and httperror_404.htm) into “D:\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\ AnalyticalReporting” folder. Go to “D:\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\ AnalyticalReporting \WEB-INF”
    3) Take a backup of web.xml file and name it as web_backup.xml
    4) Open the file and paste the following script after the Error 404 error handling and save.

  • Http Status 400

    First of all, If this is in the wrong part of the forum.
    A user is running windows 7, Since her PC was upgraded from XP she is unable to run any infoview reports. They reports are created in crystal reports. Other users are able to run the same report, She is the only person who has been upgraded to windows 7.
    She receives an error when running the report as below;
    https status 400 - invalid path \ crystalreports\view was requested
    Type : Status Report
    Message : invalid path\crystalreports\view was requested
    Description : The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect (invalid path \ crystalreports\view was requested
    Does anyone have any idea how to resolve this error ?
    Thank you

    Hello and thanks for the reply and sorry for the delay responding.
    Installing chrome has worked for the users that this affects. Does anyone know what the problem with IE 9 is ? Our IT dept are rolling out IE 9 as part of the windows 7 upgrade. We have approx 60-70 business objects users and we can't install chrome as a seperate browser to use with buiness objects on each PC.

  • HTTP Status 400 - Invalid path /AnalyticalReporting/WebiCreate was requeste

    I have a  BusinessObject Enterprise XI 3.1 installed on a Linux server.
    When I try to create a New Web Intelligence Document, I get the following error.
    HTTP Status 400 - Invalid path /AnalyticalReporting/WebiCreate was requeste
    Do I need to install another module to activate this feature?

    Hello Yannick
    Have a look at the following SAP note 1431655
    Basically, you have to use the wdeploy command.
    Another information: When you install a Service Pack or a Fix Pack, the war files need to be redeployed.
    The installation program asks you if you want to do it manually or automatically.

  • BPC NW 7.5 - Request failed with HTTP status 400:  Bad Request

    Dear Experts,
    I am trying to upload a flat file to BPC server. I am getting the following error.
    " Request to transfer a file to the server failed (ERROR): The request failed with HTTP status 400: Bad Request"
    Could any of you please help?
    I am selecting BPC for excel >manage data > upload data file > selection for source file > selection of destination file > ok
    Thanks in advance
    Vipin Jain

    Hi Vipin,
    Glad to know that you have heard good about me.
    Can you try to upload the same file from some other system. If it doesnt work from any system, there might be some problem with the flat file. In that case, you can try to create a small and simple file and try to upload that.
    You might also get this error if there is a blank line at the end of the file.
    Hope this helps.

  • Http-Status:  500 Error during conversion of XI message

    i am getting this error, Could you please help us in resolving this
    http-Status:  500 Error during conversion of XI message
    <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="">
    <SOAP:Fault xmlns:SOAP=""><faultcode>SOAP:Client</faultcode><faultstring>Error during conversion of XI message</faultstring><faultactor></faultactor><detail><SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1"><SAP:Category>XIProtocol</SAP:Category><SAP:Code area="PARSER">UNEXPECTED_VALUE</SAP:Code><SAP:P1>Main/@versionMajor</SAP:P1><SAP:P2>000</SAP:P2><SAP:P3>003</SAP:P3><SAP:P4/><SAP:AdditionalText/><SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace=""/><SAP:Stack>XML tag Main/@versionMajor has incorrect value 000; expected value is 003
    Thnaks, ajay

    XML tag Main/@versionMajor has incorrect value 000; expected value is 003
    as mentioned above @versionMajor is expecting 003 as the input....if it a DataType in XI then check if there is some restriction imposed on the above attribute.....if you are importing some XSD/wsdl then check if it has some restriction.......if the restriction is not needed then try removing that versionMajor will accept all the values

  • HTTP Status 401 error download sdk

    So I guess I'm missing the secret sauce here.   I log  into the portal and click the purple button to download the sdk but all I get is a HTTP Status 401 error:
    type Status report
    description This request requires HTTP authentication ().
    Same thing happens on firefox, safari, and ie 8.   Anyone else run into this?

    Hah fixed my own problem I guess.  I had to create a new account not login with my existing adobe developer account.   Not sure why that didn't work but I got what I wanted.

  • HTTP status 500 error using OpenSSO, policy agent 3 and glassfish

    I have created a simple secure web app following the agentsample app. When I first start up the server that opensso is deployed on, I can log in to the app and everything works fine. Then when I log into again I get a HTTP status 500 error. I have to restart the server to make it work again. Everything about it is very unpredictable - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
    I found this in the server logs:
    Exception starting filter Agent
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.identity.agents.filter.AmAgentFilter
         at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig.getFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig.setFilterDef(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig.<init>(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.filterStart(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
         at com.sun.enterprise.web.WebModule.start(
         at com.sun.enterprise.web.LifecycleStarter.doRun(
         at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
         at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

    Set the log level to mesaage and look into the amFilter logs

  • HTTP STatus 400: WebiView was requested

    Hi All
    I install BOE to my ZCM 11 Primary server(SLES11), and it install successfully.
    I click reporting service from ZCC, and generate anyone report,it's fail.
    The web shaow "HTTP Status 400 - Invalid path /AnalyticalReporting/WebiView was requested"
    Type: Status report
    Message: Invalid path /AnalyticalReporting/WebiView was requested
    Description: The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect (Invalid path /AnalyticalReporting/WebiView was requested).
    Do I have patch for fix it ?

    Originally Posted by wyld
    Hi All
    I install BOE to my ZCM 11 Primary server(SLES11), and it install successfully.
    I click reporting service from ZCC, and generate anyone report,it's fail.
    The web shaow "HTTP Status 400 - Invalid path /AnalyticalReporting/WebiView was requested"
    Type: Status report
    Message: Invalid path /AnalyticalReporting/WebiView was requested
    Description: The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect (Invalid path /AnalyticalReporting/WebiView was requested).
    Do I have patch for fix it ?
    What browser and version are you using?

  • Yahoo mail install - HTTP Status 500 error

    I am trying to set-up a Yahoo mail account on my Bosses new Torch.
    I'm going to and when I click on Launch Email Setup, I get a HTTP Status 500 error.
    The error description is "The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request"
    Then it has exception for javax.servlet and root cause of java.lang.NumberFormatException and note of "The stack trace of the root cause is available in the JBossWeb/2.0.1.GA logs.
    Is this a problem on my end or on the blackberry site?
    Please advise. Thanks in advance!

    Hi and Welcome to the Forums!
    Please try this procedure instead:
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • WinRM - WsManFault - HTTP Bad Request status (400) - Error number: -2144108175 0x80338171

    I am trying to configure the WinRM in my servers for eventlog forwarding but I am facing issue when i run "winrm qc" command on domain controllers. I get the following error,
    WinRM already is set up to receive requests on this machine.
        Message = The WinRM client received an HTTP bad request status (400), but the remote service did not include any other information about the cause of the failure.
    Error number:  -2144108175 0x80338171
    The WinRM client received an HTTP bad request status (400), but the remote service did not include any other information about the cause of the failure.
    Please help me resolve this. I searched many articles but no result. Nothing helped.
    Sameer Gawde

    Hi Sameer,
    Before going further, would you please let me confirm edition information of the server OS that this issue
    occurred? Was it Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 or any other?
    Based on the error message, this issue may occur if the Window Remote Management service and its listener functionality
    are broken. Please refer to resolution in following KB and check if can help you.
    Errors when you run winrm commands to check local functionality
    in a Windows Server 2008 environment
    If any update, please feel free to let me know.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu

  • GetItemsRequest failed with HTTP status 400

    At one of our customers we've got a strange error.
    The Login/Logout request works fine, but the getItemsRequest fails with status 400.
    Here is the soap request:
    ------- SoapRequest at 13:29:22 -------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header><session xmlns="">BbOOBFebTkAxSffn</session></soap:Header><soap:Body><getItemsRequest xmlns=""><view>default id container @type message subject startDate endDate attachments recipients status</view><filter><element xsi:type="FilterGroup" xmlns=""><op>and</op><element xsi:type="FilterEntry"><op>contains</op><field>subject</field><value>*</value></element></element></filter><items><item xmlns="">4ECE5BEE.GWDOMNM.GWPOSTNM.100.1333466.1.16E BA.1</item></items><count>-1</count></getItemsRequest></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>
    POA is 8.0.2, any suggestions?

    There is not enough information.
    You could check the POA log file.
    You can turn on logging the soap requests in the POA log file
    to see if that shows the error around the time on the soap
    If you get an 8.0.x build after 98083, we put the engine
    error in an HTTP header line:
    X-GWError-Code: xxxx
    >>> On Wednesday, January 04, 2012 at 6:26 AM,
    hkunze<[email protected]> wrote:
    > At one of our customers we've got a strange error.
    > The Login/Logout request works fine, but the getItemsRequest fails with
    > status 400.
    > Here is the soap request:
    > ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑ SoapRequest at 13:29:22 ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑
    > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf‑8"?>
    > <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    > xmlns:xsi="‑instance"
    > xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header><session
    > xmlns="">BbOOBFebTkAxSff
    > n</session></soap:Header><soap:Body><getItemsRequest
    > xmlns=""><view>default
    > id container @type message subject startDate endDate attachments
    > recipients status</view><filter><element xsi:type="FilterGroup"
    > t></element></filter><items><item
    > xmlns="">4ECE5BEE.GWDOMN
    > oap:Body></soap:Envelope>
    > POA is 8.0.2, any suggestions?

  • What can I do about http status 500 error report?

    I have Windows and want to log in to a bank website. I click the Log In button and get this message:
    "Http status 500" and that "The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request." and "Path webClient.passmark.login does not start with a "/" character" and "he full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.5.23 logs."
    I have tried the "secure Connection failed" troubleshooting without luck. What can I do?

    Does a direct link to the login page work?
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

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