HttpServletRequest Problem

I have this code:
--------- BEGIN SERVLET CODE ------------
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet implements Consts {
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
     throws ServletException, IOException
        StringBuffer htmlOut;
        Enumeration en = req.getParameterNames();
        htmlOut = new StringBuffer();
        htmlOut.append("<html><body>Parameter Names:<br/>");
        for (;en.hasMoreElements();) {
            htmlOut.append((String)en.nextElement() + "<br/>");
        htmlOut.append("Attribute Names:<br/>");
        en = req.getAttributeNames();
        for (;en.hasMoreElements();) {
            htmlOut.append((String)en.nextElement() + "<br/>");
        PrintWriter respOut = resp.getWriter();
--------- END SERVLET CODE ------------... and this page:
--------- BEGIN PAGE SOURCE -----------
    <form method="post" action="MyServlet" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        <input type="hidden" name="hidden1" value="hidden1"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="hidden2" value="hidden2"/>
        <input type="submit"/>
--------- END PAGE SOURCE -------------What I want is to list the parameter names (and later the values). But the output I'm getting from these is:
Parameter Names:
Attribute Names:
I am expecting something like:
Parameter Names:
Attribute Names:
What's wrong with my codes? I'm using Tomcat on Debian Linux.
Please help! I'm getting desperate...

Thanks for pointing that out. Yes it worked fine without the enctype. And yes, I really need the multipart enctype (yes again, for uploading data).
Thanks again,
The problem is that you use a multipart/form-data
enctype. If you remove it, it should work.
Now if you really need it (if you want to upload a
file for example), you'll have to use another method
to retrieve parameters. If this is the case, take a
look here :
it's the easiest way I know to deal with file upload.

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    I am having a great problem on generating PDF file by Crystal Report in J2EE.
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    My OS and Java version as follows
    Window 2003 server.
    Java 1.4.2_04
    Please Kindly Help
    Thanks very much
    public static void export(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String reportPath, ArrayList paramList, ReportExportFormat outFormat) throws Exception{
      HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
      Object reportSource = getReportSource(request, reportPath);
      ReportExportControl exportControl = new ReportExportControl();
      if(paramList != null && paramList.size()>0){
      ExportOptions exportOptions = new ExportOptions();
      PDFExportFormatOptions pdfexpopts = new PDFExportFormatOptions();
      exportControl.processHttpRequest(request, response, session.getServletContext(), null);
        public static IReportSource getReportSource(HttpServletRequest request, String reportPath) throws Exception{
      ReportClientDocument oReportClientDocument = new ReportClientDocument();
      HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);, 0);
      return oReportClientDocument.getReportSource();
    00:57:08,671 ERROR reportdefinition Thread-28 - Report printer was not valid, switching to default printer.
    00:57:08,687 ERROR objectformatter Thread-28 - com.crystaldecisions.reports.dataengine.k: |Y
    00:57:09,343 ERROR b Thread-28 - Disk Exporter: no output file was created by an exporter
    00:57:09,343 ERROR b Thread-28 - PdfExporter: caught Exception in PDFFormatter.finalizeFormatJob (from destination?); java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

    I have tried this code but stil the same.
    However i tried setup another tomcat and application in the other machine and the only job for  the application is exporting the report that has problem, then the error is gone.
    So i guess that is the memory size problem.
    Thanks for this
    One more question about the memory size between Tomcat and Crystal report.
    I have set in catalina.bat as
    set JAVA_OPTS = "-Xms2048M -Xmx1024M"
    and CRConfig as
    1. Is that the correct setting.?
    2. The memory in the JAVA_OPT and is the MAX and MIN memory that java would use,
        then is the Max memory in CRConf is 1024M out of the java heap size or the application use another 1024 memory

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    Hi all,
    I'm novice to J2EE.
    I've encountered a problem while accessing the deployed module in weblogic 8.1 server.
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    when i access my web application by specifying the proper server and port no and context root it is showing
    either 505 - resource not found error(http://localhost:7001/Suresh-2/Suresh) or 404 - not found error.( http://localhost:7001/Suresh-2/Suresh)
    Now let me elaborate what i've done till now.
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    My servlet is
    I created a folder called "Suresh". In that folder created another folder called "WEB-INF". In WEB-INF created a folder called "Classes".
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    The source code is :
    package Sai;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class ServExamp extends HttpServlet
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res)throws IOException
    PrintWriter out=res.getWriter();
    java.util.Date today=new java.util.Date();
    "<h1 align=center>HF\'s Chapter1 Servlet </h1>"
    Now i'm almost done creating a web application. Next, I constructed a simple web.xml descriptor that gives a web friendly name for my servlet, and points to the servlet. I constructed web.xml descriptor file in the WEB-INF folder (C:\bea\user_projects\domains\mydomain\applications\Suresh\WEB-INF\).
    The web.xml file source is :
    <!DOCTYPE web-app
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
    <display-name>Hello World Web Application</display-name>
    <description>Test Servlet</description>
    Now I have told Weblogic that the URI /Suresh corresponds to my servlet "Sai.ServExamp".
    My Web Application is ready to be deployed at this point. I logged onto Weblogic's admin console,
    1) clicked on deployments, then navigated to "Web Application Modules" .
    2) Clicked "Deploy new Web Application Module"
    3) Navigated to the location of your web application folder (Suresh). There was a radio button next to it indicating that I can select that folder as a valid web application.
    4) I Clicked that radio button and clicked "Target Module".
    5) It informed that my web application "Suresh" will be deployed to myServer.It asked a name for my web application deployment. By default it was "Suresh"
    I clicked Deploy.
    6) After deployment, my web application "Suresh" appeared in the "Web Application Modules" tree on the left.
    I Clicked on "Suresh"( my web application) then clicked the testing tab, then clicked the link shown there(http://localhost:7001/Suresh-2).
    It was not showing my servlet (showed a 403 error)
    Error - 403
    This status code is commonly used when the server does not wish to reveal exactly why the request has been refused, or when no other response is applicable.
    I think so it came b'coz I don't have an index.html or index.jsp page.
    7)Instead,I added my servlet on to the URL it provided.
    It is showing these error code: Http: 505 resource not allowed
    The page cannot be displayed
    The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because the address is incorrect.
    Please try the following:
    If you typed the page address in the Address bar, check that it is entered correctly.
    Open the localhost:7001 home page and then look for links to the information you want.
    Click Search to look for information on the Internet.
    when i just type : http://localhost:7001/ -> Error 404 not found error
    it's showing
    Error 404--Not Found
    From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
    10.4.5 404 Not Found
    The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.
    If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 403 (Forbidden) can be used instead. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address.
    I want to run my web application & any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    with regards,
    Note: I even deployed my war file, which i got by execution of (jar cv0f webapp.war . ) command from the root directory of my web application i.e. Suresh
    Then executed my webapplication it is showing
    error-505 resource not allowed.

    try a fully qualified path to the pem file

  • Java.util.Timer and java.util.TimerTask running threads problem

    I have following scenario.
    1. My thread to send mail has to run at a fixed time interval thus I am using the following method from the Timer class.
    scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask object, start time, interval)
    2. My thread in the class checkDBSendEmail that extends TimerTask class reads database and sends mail based on the data received in the run() method.
    3. Whenever I send any mail, I log it into a database table that keeps the record of the emails sent.
    4. i have put it some logic to filter data form data base after that it will sends me unique data. Data should be email to different uses based on the list.
    Now the Problem:
    I am receiving duplicate mails on multiple times.
    Is there anything that I am missing in the following that would help me resolve this problem.
    my Servlet inti method is:

    sorry code is here..........
    public class SchduleTimeEmail extends HttpServlet implements SingleThreadModel{
    public void init( ServletConfig servletConfig ) throws ServletException{
    this.config = servletConfig;
    // specify in the format as in 12.13.52 or 3:30pm
    initialTime = format.parse( config.getInitParameter("initialTime"));
    delay = HOURS_24;
    RunLogger.addLogger("init first try:"); // log file
    catch( ParseException pe ){
    // Log.sendMessage( Log.MESSAGE_LEVEL_INFO , "[TimerServlet]", "startTime could not be parsed from web.xml file" );
    System.out.println("startTime could not be parsed from web.xml file."+pe);
    initialTime = new Date();
    delay = HOURS_24;
    // Timer Must start combination of 15,30,45,00 min for check schdule
    Date dalayTimeMinSec = new Date();
    int currentMin = dalayTimeMinSec.getMinutes();
    int totalDelayTime = 0;
    if(currentMin%15!=0 || currentMin%15 != 15){
    try {
    int delayMin = currentMin % 15;
    totalDelayTime = (15-delayMin) * 1000 * 60;
    RunLogger.addLogger("Thread go for sleep:");
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
    //Start Timer from this time
    timer = new Timer();
    Calendar time = Calendar.getInstance();
    Calendar timeOfDay = Calendar.getInstance();
    time.set((Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), timeOfDay.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
    time.set(Calendar.MINUTE, timeOfDay.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
    time.set(Calendar.SECOND, timeOfDay.get(Calendar.SECOND));
    Calendar startTimeOfTimer = Calendar.getInstance();
    startTimeOfTimer.add( Calendar.MINUTE, 0 );
    // make sure the first timer doesn't fire before the server starts
    if( time.before(startTimeOfTimer) )
    time = startTimeOfTimer;
    System.out.println("TimerServlet: Timer has been set for " + time.getTime() + " '(" + delay + ")'"); // for checking
    checkDBSendEmail msasTask = new checkDBSendEmail();
    timer.scheduleAtFixedRate( msasTask, time.getTime(), delay );
    catch( Exception e ){
    public void destroy(){
    and another class is:..
    public class checkDBSendEmail extends TimerTask{
    public void run()
    // System.out.println("Function run : "+ functionExcuteCount++);
    // DB Logic as well as send e-mail function call
    catch( Exception ex ){
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {
    processRequest(request, response);
    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {
    processRequest(request, response);
    public String getServletInfo() {
    return "Short description";
    // </editor-fold>
    I also checked the email server settings, and I am sure that the email server is not duplicating the emails.
    this code working correctly on my local machine But in live server it duplicating email and still I am receiving duplicate mails.
    Any help is appreciated.

  • Problem sending email using javamail in servlet

    I try this code and make some changes of my own
    When i run the program the confirmtaion shows that the mail has been sent, but when i check in my inbox there's no the message. I'm using gmail and need to authenticate the username and password. I guess the error caused in the servlet.
    Here's the code for my servlet :
    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import javax.mail.internet.*;
    import javax.mail.*;
    public class ServletEx extends HttpServlet {
       public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
             throws IOException, ServletException {
          PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
          String to = request.getParameter("to");
          System.out.println("____________________________to" + to);
          String subject = request.getParameter("subject");
          String msg = request.getParameter("msg");
          // construct an instance of EmailSender
          System.out.println("servlet_to" + to);
          send(username, to, subject, msg);
          //send("[email protected]", to, subject, msg);
          out.println("mail sent....");
            String username = "[email protected]";
            String password = "my_password";
            String smtp = "";
            String port = "587";
       public void send(String username, String to, String subject, String msg) {
            Properties props = new Properties();
            props.put("mail.smtp.user", username);
            props.put("", smtp);
            props.put("mail.smtp.port", port);
            props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable","true"); // just in case, but not currently necessary, oddly enough
            props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
            //props.put("mail.smtp.debug", "true");
            props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", port);
            props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", "");
            props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false");
            SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
                Authenticator auth = new SMTPAuthenticator();
                Session session = Session.getInstance(props, auth);
                MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
                message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(username));
                message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(to));
            catch (Exception mex)
       public class SMTPAuthenticator extends javax.mail.Authenticator {
            public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication(String username, String password)
                return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password);
    }Actually it's been a long time for me to develope this program, especially with the authenticate smtp. Any help would be very appreciated :)

    Accordingly to your stackTrace, I think that you miss some utility jar from Geronimo app. server.
    As you are using Application server that is J2EE compliant, so there is an own JavaMail implementation embeded and used by the Server. To fix this problem you have to find and add to your calsspath a jar-file that contains Base64EncoderStream.class

  • $200 reward to solve problem with JDBC and CLOB.getCharacterOutputStream

    I'm trying to update CLOB with the getCharacterOutputStream as suggested in the example code. It works with US7ASCII DB instance but not instances in UTF8.
    I've been browsing through all the Oracle doc's and found some rather confusing statements:
    In the page at
    it says: [When writing to or reading from a CLOB, the JDBC drivers perform all character set conversions for you.]
    also: [The oracle.sql.CLOB class supports all the character sets that the Oracle data server supports for CLOB types.]
    So far so good.
    In the page at
    it says [The oracle.sql package supports these datatypes in several ways: CLOBs point to large fixed-width character data items (that is, characters that require a fixed number of bytes per character) and are supported by the oracle.sql.CLOB class.]
    Ooh no! Is this for real? UTF8 is variable width and does this mean it is not supported?
    Any way to get around this?
    In the page at
    says [6.The mappings to oracle.sql classes are optimal because they preserve data formats and require no character-set conversions (apart from the usual network conversions). Those classes are especially useful in applications that "shovel" data between SQL and Java.]
    "No character set conversion"? Very confusing!
    I've been hammering on this CLOB/JDBC/UTF8 problem for more than a week now and I really appreciate some solutions, workarounds, or whatever help I can get. I'm running java stored procedure in 8.1.6 on Linux RH6.2.
    For your trouble, I'd pay $200 for the first guy who come up with a verifiable solution.

    This is just findings based upon your comments:
    Please refer to document Oracle8i National Language Support Guide
    Release 2 (8.1.6) from Oracle Documentation Library, Release 8.1.7
    Chapter 6 Java,
    There its clearly mention that:
    "Oracle JDBC drivers provide globalization support by allowing users to retrieve data from or insert data into a database in any character set that Oracle supports. Because Java strings are UCS2 encoded (16-bit Unicode) for JDBC programs, the target character set on the client is always UCS2. Character set conversion is required to convert data from the database character set (Db Charset) to UCS2. This applies to CHAR, LONG, CLOB, and VARCHAR2 data types; RAW data is not converted. "
    Also..please refer this...
    "oracle.sql.CLOB's method getCharacterStream() returns the contents of a CLOB as a Unicode stream."
    "The techniques that Oracle's drivers use to perform character set conversion for Java applications depend on the character set the database uses. The simplest case is where the database uses a US7ASCII or WE8ISO8859P1 character set. In this case, the driver converts the data directly from the database character set to UCS2,which is used in Java applications. "
    "If you are working with databases that employ a non-US7ASCII or non-WE8ISO8859P1 character set (for example, Japanese or Korean), then the driver converts the data, first to UTF8, then to UCS2. "
    In my case the characte-set of the database is WE8ISO8859P1 and for security reason i can't change the character set but my feeling is that if you are updating the CLob from the java client you are forming a reference of a clob in the client which is UCS2 at the Java side. Now when you are populating the clob through and call the procedure to pass the reference of the clob to the procedure then I believe the JDBC will convert the UCS2 datatype of Clob to UTF8 in the database.
    You can try out the code snippet:
    package ServletGDC;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import oracle.sql.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    import ClassesGDC.*;
    public class testUpload extends HttpServlet {
    private String m_strMessage="";//It stores the message to be uploaded along with the Document
    Connection conn=null;
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
    throws ServletException, IOException {
    String strContent="";
    PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
    try {
    CallableStatement cmt=null;
    OutputStream output=null;
    ByteArrayOutputStream byteoutput=null;
    String strDocString="";
    oracle.sql.CLOB tempClob = null;
    String strPassedFileName="";     // the file name passed in the request object
    String strStdFilename="";//the file name to be given to the best practice
    String strSaveDirectory="";     //the directory in which the bp is to be saved
    String strParamName="";//name of parameters
    String strParamValue="";//value of parameters
    int intTempVariable=0; // temporaty variable
    long lngSizeOfFileUploaded=0;//stores the size of the file which had been uploaded in the file system
    File filePathOfFileUploaded=null;//stores the path of the file uploaded to the file system
    String strQuery="";
    //ST------------checks if the user has logged in or not-----------------------
    HttpSession session=req.getSession(true);
    throw new skip("The size of the posted content is more than 10 MB . If you have a best practice whose size is more than 1 MB please mail it to Us.");
    byteoutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    MultipartParser mp = new MultipartParser(req, 20*1024*1024); // 10MB is the limit of the file to be uploaded
    Part part;//Its an abstact part which helps in retrieving information about the file and the parameters
    while ((part = mp.readNextPart()) != null) {//Reads the next part
    strParamName = part.getName();
    // the following if is executed if the part is for a parameter rather than a file
    if (part.isParam()) {
    }else if (part.isFile()) {
    // it's a file part
    m_strMessage="inside file part";
    FilePart filePart = (FilePart) part;
    strPassedFileName = filePart.getFileName();
    strContent= filePart.getContentType();
    out.println("<BR><font color=red>strPassedFileName is "+strPassedFileName+"</font>");
    if(strPassedFileName != null || !(strPassedFileName.trim().equals("")) ) {
    // the part actually contained a file
    out.println("<BR><font color=red> before forming long</font>");
    //lngSizeOfFileUploaded = filePart.writeTo(filePathOfFileUploaded);      //the statement upload the bestpractice in the
    lngSizeOfFileUploaded = filePart.writeTo(byteoutput);     //specified file path filePathOfFileUploaded.
    out.println("<BR><font color=red> after file is written into the outputstream</font>");
    else {
    throw new skip("The file name is null or it is empty space. Files in such Format are not accepted");
    }//end of else if
    }//end of while loop
    if(     lngSizeOfFileUploaded==0)     {// the size of the file uploaded is zero then the file supplied was not proper and hence exception is to be thrown
    //     filePathOfFileUploaded.delete();
    throw new skip("The File could not be uploaded,Possible reasons may be that the file is sent null or the file is corrupted");
    //END---------------the file is uploaded in the proper directory--------------------
    out.println("<BR><font color=red>long value is : "+lngSizeOfFileUploaded+" and content is "+strContent+"</font>");
    String strbyte= byteoutput.toString();
    // Establish network connection to database
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@pc-p32670:1521:GDCDBI","gdc_user","myuser");
    out.println("<BR><font color=red>Connection formed"+conn);
    //out.println("<BR><font color=red>long value is : "+strbyte+"</font>");
    tempClob = oracle.sql.CLOB.createTemporary(conn,true, oracle.sql.CLOB.DURATION_SESSION);
    out.println("<BR><font color=red>tempClob : "+tempClob); oracle.sql.CLOB.MODE_READWRITE); tempClobWriter = tempClob.getCharacterOutputStream();
    // writing the string formed from the multipart file to the clob
    out.println("<BR><font color=red>CLOB value is : "+tempClob+"</font>");
    strQuery="{call INSERT_CLOB(?,?)}";
    out.println("<BR><font color=red>bob is "+strbyte+"</font>");
    }catch(Exception e){
    out.println("<font color=blue> Error is :"+e.getMessage()+"</font>");
    //out.println("<BR><font color=red><h2><b>SUCCESS</h2></font>");
    }catch(Exception e){
    java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date();
    String s =d.toString();
    out.println("<font color=blue> Error is :"+e.getMessage()+"</font>");
    }catch(Exception e){
    out.println("<font color=blue> Error is :"+e.getMessage()+"</font>");
    }// end of finally
    } //end of doPost
    } //end of class
    in the Procedure you will be inserting/updating the clob in a table with the reference clob in the out parameter of the procedure

  • Problem with jsp and controller

    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""%>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri=""%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="spring"%>
    <%@ page import=''%>
    <SCRIPT language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function bookActivity()
    if (document.bookActivityController.activitySelect.selectedIndex == 0)
    alert("Please Select Activity");
    else if (document.bookActivityController.trainerId.selectedIndex == 0)
    alert ( "Please Select Trainer");
    else if(document.bookActivityController.fromDate.value=="")
    alert("Please supply the Start Date of Activity")
    function validateForExistingCourses()
    var trainerId=document.getElementById("trainerId").value;
    var fromDate=document.getElementById("fromDate").value;
    var toDate=document.getElementById("toDate").value;
    var activityId=document.getElementById("activitySelect").value;
    what = "checkForPreBookedCoursesActivities(req.responseXML)";
    function checkForPreBookedCoursesActivities(theXmlResponse)
    // alert("in here in checking prebookedCourses");
    if(theXmlResponse != null)
         var isActivityExisting = theXmlResponse.getElementsByTagName('existingActivity')[0].text;
         var isCourseExisting = theXmlResponse.getElementsByTagName('existingbookedcourse')[0].text;     
              alert("Activity You are trying to book for Trainer already exists");
              return false;
              else if(isCourseExisting=="Y")
              if(confirm('Conflict Message. The dates choosen conflict with a current booking. Do you want to override'))"/training1.1/secure/prebookedEvents.htm","clientwindow",'StatusBar', 'toolbar=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=400,left=0,top=0');
    return false;
    function goHomePage()
    function showHideAmPm(divId)
    function showDiv(divId)
    var item = document.getElementById(divId);
    alert("show item"+item);
    if (item)
    function hideDiv(divId)
    var item = document.getElementById(divId);
    alert("unhide item"+item);
    if (item)
    function getActivitiesPm()
         what = "setActivities(req.responseXML)";
         // alert("subType"+document.bookActivityController.activityTimeSubType.value);
    function getActivitiesAm()
         what = "setActivities(req.responseXML)";
    function getSingleDayActivities()
         what = "setActivities(req.responseXML)";
    function getMoreDaysActivities()
         what = "setActivities(req.responseXML)";
    function setActivities(theXmlResponse)
              //start filling the Venues Select boxes now
              if(theXmlResponse != null)
                   var coursesBox=document.getElementById("activitySelect");
                   var activityElementsLength=theXmlResponse.getElementsByTagName('activity').length;     
                   var activityElementsArray=theXmlResponse.getElementsByTagName('activity');
              for(x = 0; x < activityElementsLength; x++)
                        //coursesBox.options[coursesBox.options.length] = new Option(coursesElementsArray[x].firstChild.text, coursesElementsArray[x].lastChild.text);
                        var optn = document.createElement("OPTION");
                   optn.text = activityElementsArray[x].firstChild.text;
    optn.value = activityElementsArray[x].lastChild.text;
         if (activityElementsLength>0)
    <div id="content"><!-- Top story -->
    <div id="topstory" class="box">
    <div id="topstory-img"></div>
    <!-- /topstory-img -->
    <div id="topstory-desc">
    <div id="topstory-title"><strong>BOOK Activity</strong></div>
    <!-- /topstory-title -->
    <div id="topstory-desc-in"></div>
    <!-- /topstory-desc-in --></div>
    <!-- /topstory-desc --></div>
    <!-- /topstory -->
    <div id="bodycontent">
    <% int errorCount=0; %>          
              <spring:bind path="bookactivityevent.*">
              <c:forEach items="${status.errorMessages}" var="error">
                        <B><font color="red">Error: <c:out value="${error}"/></font><B/>
                        <% errorCount++; %>
    <form method="post" name="bookActivityController" action="<c:url value="/secure/bookActivityTrainer.htm"/>">
    <table align="right" width="50%" border=0>
    <input type="hidden" name="activityTimeSelect"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="activityTimeSubType"/>
    <td align="left">
    <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="halfday" onclick="showHideAmPm('partofhalfday')">Half Day    
    <div align="left "id="partofhalfday" class="hidden">
    <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="am" onClick="getActivitiesAm()" value="am">AM <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="pm" onClick="getActivitiesPm()">PM <BR>
    <tr><td><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="singleday" onClick="getSingleDayActivities()"> Single Day</td>
    <td><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="moredays" onClick="getMoreDaysActivities()"> More Days</td>
              <td align="left" id="activityTD">Activity :
              <c:set var="activityMap" value=${requestScope.activityMap}/>
                        <c:when test="${activityMap = null}"
         <spring:bind path="bookactivityevent.userSuppliedActivity.activity.activityId">
              <select name="activitySelect" id="activitySelect" size="1"
                   STYLE="width: 150px">
                   <option value="Choose Activity" default>Choose Activity</option>
              <spring:bind path="bookactivityevent.userSuppliedActivity.activity.activityId">
              <select name="activitySelect" id="activitySelect"
                   size="1" STYLE="width: 150px">
                   <option value="" default>Choose Activity</option>
                   <c:forEach var="activity" items="${activityMap}" varStatus="a">
                                  test="${(bookactivityevent !=null) && (bookactivityevent.userSuppliedActivity.activity.activityId == activity.activityId)}">
                                  <option value="<c:out value="${activity.activityId}"/>" selected><c:out
                                       value="${activity.activityId}" /></option>
                             <option value="<c:out value="${activity.activityId}"/>"><c:out
              <td align="left">Trainer:
              <spring:bind path="bookactivityevent.userSuppliedActivity.trainer.trainerId">
              <select name="trainerId" id="trainerId"
                   size="1" STYLE="width: 150px">
                   <option value="" default>Choose Trainer</option>
                   <c:forEach var="trainer" items="${trainers}" varStatus="a">
                                  test="${(bookactivityevent !=null) && (bookactivityevent.userSuppliedActivity.trainer.trainerId == trainer.trainerId)}">
                                  <option value="<c:out value="${trainer.trainerId}"/>" selected>
                                  <c:out value="${trainer.firstName}"/>&nbsp<c:out
                                       value="${trainer.surName}" /></option>
                                  <option value="<c:out value="${trainer.trainerId}"/>"><c:out
                                       value="${trainer.surName}" /></option>
              <td align="left" id="dateFrom">From Date
              <spring:bind path="bookactivityevent.userSuppliedActivity.dateFrom">
              <input type="text" name="dateFrom" value=""/>
                   src="../design/cal.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"
                   alt="Click Here to Pick up the date"></td>
              <td align="left" id="dateTo" class="hidden">To Date
              <spring:bind path="bookactivityevent.userSuppliedActivity.dateTo">
              <input type="text" name="dateTo" value=""/>
                   src="../design/cal.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"
                   alt="Click Here to Pick up the date"></td>
              <td align="left" colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="_target1" value="BookActivity"/></td>
                   <c:if test="${(bookactivityevent != null) && (not empty bookactivityevent.conflictBookings)}">
    <td align="left" colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="_target2" value="OverRideBookings"/></td>
              <td align="left" colspan="2"><input type="button" name="Cancel"
                   value="Cancel" onClick="goHomePage();" /></td>
    <hr class="noscreen"/>
    <div class="content-padding"></div>
    <script language="JavaScript">
         var cal1 = new calendar1(document.bookActivityController.elements['dateFrom']);
         cal1.year_scroll = true;
         cal1.time_comp = false;
    var cal2 = new calendar1(document.bookActivityController.elements['dateTo']);
         cal2.year_scroll = true;
         cal2.time_comp = false;
    <!-- /content -->
    import java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
    import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
    import org.springframework.validation.BindException;
    import org.springframework.validation.Errors;
    import org.springframework.validation.ValidationUtils;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.ServletRequestDataBinder;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractWizardFormController;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.RedirectView;
    public class BookActivityController extends AbstractWizardFormController {
         protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
         private BookingService bookingFacade;
         private BookingDetailsService bookingDetailsFacade;
         private CourseService courseFacade;
         private VenueService venueFacade;
         private ClientService clientFacade;
         private ActivityMatrixService activityMatrixFacade;
         private ActivityService activityFacade;
         private TrainersService trainersFacade;
         private SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
         public BookActivityController() {
         protected Object formBackingObject(HttpServletRequest request)
                   throws Exception {
              BookActivityEvent bookActivityEvent = new BookActivityEvent();
              ActivityMatrix activityMatrix = new ActivityMatrix();
              activityMatrix.setActivity(new Activity());
              activityMatrix.setTrainer(new Trainer());
              List<Booking> bookingList = new ArrayList<Booking>();
              return bookActivityEvent;
         public Map referenceData(HttpServletRequest request, Object command, Errors errors, int Page)
              List trainers = trainersFacade.loadTrainers();
         Map trainersActivitiesMap = new HashMap();
              trainersActivitiesMap.put("trainers", trainers);          
              return trainersActivitiesMap;
         protected ModelAndView processFinish(HttpServletRequest request,
                   HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors) {
              try {
                   ActivityMatrix activity = (ActivityMatrix) command;
         "Activity is successfully saved for the trainer");
              } catch (Exception e) {
              return new ModelAndView("bookSuccess");
         protected void initBinder(HttpServletRequest request, ServletRequestDataBinder binder) throws Exception {
              binder.registerCustomEditor(java.sql.Date.class, "dateFrom", new SqlDateEditor(true));
              binder.registerCustomEditor(java.sql.Date.class, "dateTo", new SqlDateEditor(false));
              binder.registerCustomEditor(java.sql.Date.class, null, new SqlDateEditor(true));
         protected ModelAndView handleInvalidSubmit(HttpServletRequest request,
                   HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
              return new ModelAndView("bookInvalidSubmit");
         protected ModelAndView processCancel(HttpServletRequest request,
                   HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors)
                   throws Exception {
              return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView("welcome.htm"));
         protected void onBindAndValidate(HttpServletRequest request,
                   Object command, BindException errors, int page) throws Exception {
              BookActivityEvent bookActivityEvent = (BookActivityEvent) command;
              System.out.println(" PAGE : " + page);
              try {
                   switch (page) {
                   case 0:
                        if (request.getParameter("_target1") != null) {
                             ActivityMatrix userActivityMatrix = bookActivityEvent.getUserSuppliedActivity();
                             buildActivityMatrix(request, bookActivityEvent);     
                             validateActivityMatrix(bookActivityEvent, errors);
                             if (errors.getErrorCount() == 0)
                                  Trainer trainer = (Trainer) trainersFacade.loadTrainersById(userActivityMatrix.getTrainer().getTrainerId());
                                  Activity activity= (Activity) activityFacade.loadActivitiesById(userActivityMatrix.getActivity().getActivityId());
                                  boolean activityExists = checkForExistingActivities(userActivityMatrix, errors);
                                  boolean bookingsExist =      checkForBookedCourses(request, bookActivityEvent, errors);
                                       // inject an error code so that it can be used in GUI
                                       errors.rejectValue("dateFrom","invalid dates","Trainer has Bookings in conflict with the Supplied Activity Dates");
                                       errors.rejectValue("dateFrom","Activity Dates supplied already exist");
                   case 1:
                        if (request.getParameter("_target2") != null)
                             * Get the user supplied activitymatrix and try to get all the bookings which are in conflict for the trainer
                        List<Booking> conflictBookingsList = (List<Booking>)request.getSession().getAttribute("conflictBookingsList");
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   System.err.println("Exception :" + e.getMessage());
              super.onBindAndValidate(request, command, errors, page);
         * @param request
         * @param userActivity
         * @param bookActivityEvent TODO
         private ActivityMatrix buildActivityMatrix(HttpServletRequest request, BookActivityEvent bookActivityEvent) {
              ActivityMatrix userActivity = bookActivityEvent.getUserSuppliedActivity();
              String activityTime = (String)request.getParameter("activityTimeSelect");
              String activitySubType = (String)request.getParameter("activityTimeSubType");
              else if("moredays".equals(activityTime))
              else if("halfday".equals(activityTime)&& "am".equals(activitySubType))
              else if("halfday".equals(activityTime)&& "pm".equals(activitySubType))
              return userActivity;
         * Create an empty Booking details for client and course...
         * @param booking
         private void setInitialBookingDetails(Booking booking, BindException errors) {
              if (booking.getBookingType().equals("Client-Based")) {
                   if (booking.getClient() == null
                             || booking.getClient().getClientId() == null) {
                        booking.setClient(new Client());
              } else if (booking.getBookingType().equals("Staff")) {
              if (booking.getBookingDetails() == null) {
                   List<BookingDetails> bkDetailsList = new ArrayList<BookingDetails>();
                   BookingDetails bkDetails = new BookingDetails();
                   bkDetails.setCourse(new Course());
              } else {
                   List bkDetList = booking.getBookingDetails();
                   if (bkDetList.size() < 1
                             || (bkDetList.size() > 0 && !((bkDetList.get(0)) instanceof BookingDetails))) {
                        BookingDetails bkDetails = new BookingDetails();
                        bkDetails.setCourse(new Course());
                        bkDetList.add(0, bkDetails);
                   } else if (((BookingDetails) bkDetList.get(0)).getCourse() == null
                             || ((BookingDetails) bkDetList.get(0)).getCourse()
                                       .getCourseId() == null) {
                        ((BookingDetails) bkDetList.get(0)).setCourse(new Course());
         protected void validatePage(Object command, Errors errors, int page,
                   boolean finish) {
              BookActivityEvent activityEvent = (BookActivityEvent) command;
              if (finish) {
              super.validatePage(command, errors, page);
         * Validate client
         * @param booking
         * @param err
         private boolean checkForExistingActivities(ActivityMatrix userSuppliedActivity, Errors err)
              boolean exist = false;          
              List<ActivityMatrix> trainerActivityMatrixList =      activityMatrixFacade.getActivityMatrixBetweenDateRange(userSuppliedActivity.getTrainer().getTrainerId(),
                        userSuppliedActivity.getDateFrom(), userSuppliedActivity.getDateTo());
              else if(ActivityTimeConstants.FULLDAY.equals(userSuppliedActivity.getActivity().getTime()))
                   // checkForDates(trainerActivityMatrixList,);
              else if(ActivityTimeConstants.AM.equals(userSuppliedActivity.getActivity().getTime()) ||
                   // checkForDates(trainerActivityMatrixList,);
         return exist;          
              * Check for existing bookings for a trainer and sets them on event object
              * @param request request.
              * @param event event.
              * @param err err.
              * @return true- bookings exist else false.
    private boolean checkForBookedCourses(HttpServletRequest request, BookActivityEvent event, Errors err)
         List<Booking> conflictBookingsList =      bookingFacade.loadBookingsByTrainerIdDateRange(event.getUserSuppliedActivity().getTrainer().getTrainerId(),
                   if(conflictBookingsList!=null && conflictBookingsList.size()!=0)
                   return true;
                        return false;
         * Validate client
         * @param booking
         * @param err
         private void validateActivityMatrix(final BookActivityEvent activity, Errors err) {
    //          ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(err, "trainer.trainerId",
    //                    "required.trainer.trainerId", "Valid trainer needs to be selected.");
    ////          ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(err, "activity.activityId",
    ////                    "required.activity.activityId", "Valid activity needs to be selected.");
    //          if (err.getErrorCount() < 1)
    //                    if (activity.getDateFrom() == null) {
    //                         err.rejectValue("dateFrom", "required.dateFrom",
    //                                   "Valid Activity Start Date is required");
    //                    try
    //                         if (activity.getDateFrom() != null && activity.getDateTo() != null
    //                                   && (activity.getDateTo().before(activity.getDateFrom())))
    //                              err.rejectValue("dateTo", "required.dateTo",
    //                                        "Activity End Date Should be after start date.");
    //                    } catch (Exception ex) {
    //                         err.rejectValue("dateFrom",
    //                                   "dateFrom",
    //                                   "Improper dates, please provide valid dates.");
         * Validate Trainer
         * @param booking
         * @param e
         private void validateTrainer(final Booking booking, Errors e) {
                        "Valid Booking Details startDate required.");
                        "Valid Booking Details Trainer required.");
              if (e.getErrorCount() < 1)
                   for (BookingDetails bd : booking.getBookingDetails()) {
                        if (bd.getStartDate() == null) {
                             e.rejectValue("startDate", "required.bbb0",
                                       "Valid Booking details Start Date is required");
                        try {
                             if (bd.getStartDate() != null && bd.getEndDate() != null
                                       && (bd.getEndDate().before(bd.getStartDate())))
                                  e.rejectValue("endDate", "required.bbb0",
                                            "End Date Should be after starting date.");
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                                       "Improper dates, please provide valid dates.");
                        if (bd.getTrainer() != null) {
                             e.rejectValue("trianerId", "required.trianerId",
                                       "Valid Trainer details required.");
         public BookingService getBookingFacade() {
              return bookingFacade;
         public void setBookingFacade(BookingService bookingFacade) {
              this.bookingFacade = bookingFacade;
         public CourseService getCourseFacade() {
              return courseFacade;
         public void setCourseFacade(CourseService courseFacade) {
              this.courseFacade = courseFacade;
         public VenueService getVenueFacade() {
              return venueFacade;
         public void setVenueFacade(VenueService venueFacade) {
              this.venueFacade = venueFacade;
         public ClientService getClientFacade() {
              return clientFacade;
         public void setClientFacade(ClientService clientFacade) {
              this.clientFacade = clientFacade;
         public TrainersService getTrainersFacade() {
              return trainersFacade;
         public void setTrainersFacade(TrainersService trainersFacade) {
              this.trainersFacade = trainersFacade;
         * getter method for activityFacade.
         * @return Returns the activityFacade.
         public ActivityService getActivityFacade() {
              return activityFacade;
         * setter method for activityFacade.
         * @param activityFacade The activityFacade to set.
         public void setActivityFacade(ActivityService activityFacade) {
              this.activityFacade = activityFacade;
         * getter method for activityMatrixFacade.
         * @return Returns the activityMatrixFacade.
         public ActivityMatrixService getActivityMatrixFacade() {
              return activityMatrixFacade;
         * setter method for activityMatrixFacade.
         * @param activityMatrixFacade The activityMatrixFacade to set.
         public void setActivityMatrixFacade(ActivityMatrixService activityMatrixFacade) {
              this.activityMatrixFacade = activityMatrixFacade;
         * getter method for bookingDetailsFacade.
         * @return Returns the bookingDetailsFacade.
         public BookingDetailsService getBookingDetailsFacade() {
              return bookingDetailsFacade;
         * setter method for bookingDetailsFacade.
         * @param bookingDetailsFacade The bookingDetailsFacade to set.
         public void setBookingDetailsFacade(BookingDetailsService bookingDetailsFacade) {
              this.bookingDetailsFacade = bookingDetailsFacade;
         class SqlDateEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {
              private boolean isRequired = false;
              SqlDateEditor(boolean isRequired) {
                   this.isRequired = isRequired;
              public void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException {
                   java.util.Date d = null;
                   if (!this.isRequired && !StringUtils.hasText(text)) {
                        try {
                             d = dateFormat.parse(text);
                             setValue(new java.sql.Date(d.getTime()));
                        } catch (ParseException ex) {
                             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse date: " + ex.getMessage());
              public String getAsText() {
                   Date value = (java.sql.Date)getValue();
                   if (value != null) {
                        java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date(value.getTime());

    This topic is hopeless. Too much unnecessary code. Unformatted code. No question. No requirements. No step-by-step explanation how to reproduce problem. No expectations. No unexpectations/errors.
    Please read this how to get better help.

  • Problem With Deploying a very simple Servlet

    I'm including code of a very simple Servlet application (I shd not call it an application):
    <html><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
         <title> Rajeev Asthana </title>
    <form action = "/HelloWorldApp/HelloWorld" method = "POST" >
    Please press Submit
    <input type = "submit" value = "Press Me!">
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet {
         public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
                   HttpServletResponse response)
              throws ServletException, IOException {
              PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
              out.println("<html><body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">");
              out.println("<p>Hello World!</p>");
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app xmlns="" version="2.4" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE sun-web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Application Server 8.0 Servlet 2.4//EN" "">
    <sun-web-app xmlns="">
    <session-manager persistence-type="memory">
    <cache enabled="false" max-entries="4096" timeout-in-seconds="30">
    <class-loader delegate="true"/>
    I have deployed it in following directory structure:
    |               |               |               |
    |               |               |               |
    META-INF          WEB-INF          index.html
              |          |          |          |
              |          |          |          |
         classes          sun-web.xml     web.xml          sun-j2ee-ri-project
    While generating HelloWorldApp.war (which is the war file for this app), I specifies /HelloWorldApp as context root (sun specific).
    Now, when I deployed it thru Admin Tool and then clicked on "Launch", it displays a page with :
    Please press Submit Press Me!
    But when I click the button "Press Me!", it says:
    "The requested resource (/HelloWorldApp/HelloWorld) is not available."
    What should I do to correct the problem?
    Thanks in advance.

    Yes, you need to add a servlet -mapping element and adjust your form to submit to the appropriate URL mapping.

  • Problem with JDBC and Tomcat

    I don't know where the problem originate, the only thing in my memory is that the program worked very well on my PC yesterday, but today, without even slightest change, it doesn't work anymore. As to debug it, I simplified the codes to the least, but it still refuse to work. I was beaten down by this problem totally, and cannot make out any solution for it, so, I come here, hoping to find a warrior to kill this damned bug for me.
    My program is a Servlet, but for the purpose of debugging, I have recode it to an Application/Servlet. When run as a application, I can get the result expected, but as a Servlet, :-(, maybe you should see it by yourself. My server software is Tomcat 4.1.15, and the JDK version is 1.4.0. To excute this program, you should add Data Source "Test" to ODBC.
    ///////////////////////code begins/////////////////////////
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Ex extends HttpServlet
         int ErrorType = 0;
         String err = new String("");
         public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{
              Ex cEx = new Ex();
         public void init() {
              String url = "jdbc:odbc:Test";
              ErrorType = 3;     //passed
              } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                   ErrorType = 1; //trapped in Class.forName
                   Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
              } catch (SQLException e) {
                   ErrorType = 2; //trapped in DriverManager.getConnection
                   err = e.getMessage();
         public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
                   throws IOException {
              res.setContentType("text/html; charset=GB2312");
              PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
              out.println("Success " + "<p>" + ErrorType + "<p>" +err);
    //////////////////////////code ends///////////////////////////////
    The result from the Servlet tell me that the problem occurred within the connection process, I don't know who should be responsible to this - Tomcat or JDBC?

    If you could print the exception that you got then that would help :) In the mean time, I could make a guess. It is unlikely that your application server (in this case, Tomcat) is blocking connections from your servlet. So the problem is either with JDBC directly or with the underlying datasource. It seems unlikely that it is JDBC given that you have stated that the code has not changed and it works in application form.
    My guess would be that you are coming up against some sort of security constraint (eg: your DBMS is letting you log in from one IP but not another?, your Java plug-in security policy is disallowing the connection?). It's hard to say.
    But if it works as an application but not via a servlet then you could try putting this in your java.policy file, which is located in the directory where your plug-ins are installed (eg: "C:\Program Files\Java\<version>\lib\security\") on Windows systems;
    permission "bend xp:1099", "listen,connect,accept";
    Try that, see if it works :)

  • Problem with languages in a servlet

    I've created a guestbook servlet that receives requests from an HTML page. When checked it worked fine.
    The problems started then I tried to add entries in other languages to the Database. I've noticed that my characters for some reason were replaced with question-marks (?).
    The funny part is that when I try to print the '?'s to the response, it gets converted back to letters. The problem is that if I want to work with the text (for instance using String.charAt()) I get only '?'s.
    Even worse, when added to the Database and retrieved back, the '?'s don't get converted back to letters anymore! So my output page is full of ????????-???? ???-?????.
    I am clueless! maybe it's something with the HTML form, maybe the character-set, I don't know.
    Please help, it's urgent. (P.S. The other language is Hebrew)

    sorry for nagging , but i seem to have a similar problem , and i am looking for more detaied solution:
    the problem is with encoding and decoding, from a servlet , running on Tomcat , to Oracle DB.
    I hope it is the right forum for that , and i appologize if ti is not ..
    The problem:
    I am using Oracle 8.1.7 DB , in a Charest ISU 8859-9-8 ( Hebrew ), I use a thin client as the JDBC driver .
    I have a servlet that all it does is getting and updating one of the table
    The character set in the servlet is too , ISO 8859-8 . This is done this way:
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {
    response.setContentType("Text/html; ISO-8859-8");
    I use the doGet method of a servlet to get parameters to retrieve from Oracle. this is done through the URL, for example :
    I send the parameters like this : http://localhost:8080/myapp/myapp?name=yair&family=fine
    for name= yair, family = fine
    There is no problem in getting and inserting English characters.
    There is a problem when i try to get or to insert Hebrew characters.
    i get ???? in DB , for both if i write yair in the url in Hebrew , or i write yair in %E9%E9%E9%F8 which is the decimal representation
    For example , if i insert a string in Hebrew , it looks like this "?????" ( in SQL +)
    this is how i get the requests from the url
    Enumeration paramEnum = request.getParameterNames(); // get request parameters from the url , in param/value pairs
    String myParam = (String) paramEnum.nextElement(); //get parameter
    String myValue = request.getParameter(myParam); //get value
    String myStatment = "insert into mytable values('19', '"+myValue+"')" insert to table 19 , myvalue
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(myStatment);
    does any one have a solution for that ?

  • Problems with the Proxy Programme--Please help

    Hi All,
    I have written a simple proxy server in the form of a servlet. I changed the proxy config of my browser to connect to this servlet hosted on the default context(http://localhost:8080) of the Tomcat 5.0.25 . Well , this servlet internally connects to the proxy of the corporate LAN . The logic that I have applied is as follows. The servlet gets the request from the client (ie the browser in this case) , extracts the headers and contents from the request, sets them to a new request that it forms and finally send this new request to the proxy. When the proxy responds, the servlet collects the response headers and contents adn writes them in its response. To sum up , this servlet transparently carries the requests and responses between the client(browser) and the corporate LAN proxy. Now the problem is this. Let's say , now I am accessing browser sends a request to my servlet with the following headers as they are extracted by my servlet.
    ProxyServer:::>posting request
    ProxyServer:::>headerValue::> headerName = accept : headerValue=*/*
    ProxyServer:::>headerValue::> headerName = referer : headerValue=
    ProxyServer:::>headerValue::> headerName = accept-language : headerValue=en-us
    ProxyServer:::>headerValue::> headerName = proxy-connection : headerValue=Keep-Alive
    ProxyServer:::>headerValue::> headerName = user-agent : headerValue=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; UB1.4_IE6.0_SP1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    ProxyServer:::>headerValue::> headerName = host :
    ProxyServer:::>headerValue::> headerName = cookie : headerValue=PREF=ID=1be27c0a74f198ca:TM=1082058853:LM=1082058853:S=bu6ORrygzm8AUkm8
    I set these headers into a new connection opened to the proxy and post a fresh request to the proxy,which, in turn responds with the following headers.
    ProxyServer:::>posted request successfully
    ProxyServer:::>writing response
    ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->headerName = Proxy-Connection : headerValue = [close]
    ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->headerName = Content-Length : headerValue = [257]
    ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->headerName = Date : headerValue = [Tue, 13 Jul 2004 14:01:40 GMT]
    ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->headerName = Content-Type : headerValue = [text/html]
    ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->headerName = Server : headerValue = [NetCache appliance (NetApp/5.5R2)]
    ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->headerName = Proxy-Authenticate : headerValue = [Basic realm="Charlotte - napxyclt2"]
    ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->headerName = null : headerValue = [HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required]
    ProxyServer:::>writeResponse exiting
    ProxyServer:::>wrote response successfully
    I write these headers back to the client. According to what I was thinking, the client ie the browser would open a new dialog box asking for username/password owing to the presence of the "Proxy-Authenticate " header. But it does not happen that way. Rather the browser stops responsding and displays a blank page. Does anyone know why it happens this way? I am pasting the server prog below for everybody's reference.
    package server.proxy;
    //import all servlet related classes
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import server.resources.*;
    //My Proxy server --->Currently it is very simplea and relies on
    //other proxy servers of an already connected network.
    public class ProxyServer extends HttpServlet
    //stores the resource bundle
    private ServerResBundle resBundle = null;
    //checks for the mode of operation
    private boolean proxySet = false;
    private String proxy = null;
    //storing the original System out/err etc
    private PrintStream sysOutOrig = null;
    private PrintStream sysErrOrig = null;
    private InputStream sysInOrig = null;
    //initialise certain features that are required later
    public void init() throws ServletException
    //initialise the resource bundle
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>res bundle init");
    //set the mode of operation
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>mode set");
    //set the system out and err --System.setOut etc
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>in/out/err set");
    }//End try
    catch(Exception e)
    System.out.println("Exception in init..."+(e.getMessage()));
    throw new ServletException(e);
    catch(Throwable e)
    System.out.println("Irrecoverable Error...");
    throw new ServletException(e);
    }//End init
    //method to init the resource bundle;
    private void initResBundle()
    this.resBundle = ServerResBundle.getBundle();
    //method to set the mode of the server--proxy or direct
    private void setMode()
    //read the target proxy property from the bundle and
    //if it is set,take that URL
    String temp = (String)(this.resBundle.getResource(ResKeys.PROXY_SERVER));
    if ( (temp != null) && (temp.length() > 0) )
    this.proxySet = true;
    this.proxy = temp;
    temp = null;
    //method to set the system out and err etc
    private void setSystemOutErr() throws Exception
    //keep a copy of the original system out and error
    this.sysOutOrig = System.out;
    this.sysErrOrig = System.err;
    //read the options adn if they are set, take the values directly
    String newOutStr = (String)(this.resBundle.getResource(ResKeys.SYSTEM_OUT));
    String newErrStr = (String)(this.resBundle.getResource(ResKeys.SYSTEM_ERR));
    if ((newOutStr != null) && (newOutStr.length() > 0))
    System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(newOutStr),true),true));
    }//End if
    if ((newErrStr != null) && (newErrStr.length() > 0))
    System.setErr(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(newErrStr),true),true));
    }//End if
    catch(Exception e)
    //restore the stuff
    //this is where the proxy functionalities will be embedded
    public void service(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse resp)
    throws ServletException,
    //conenction URL
    URL target = null;
    //conenction to the remote object
    URLConnection targetConn = null;
    //stores the OOS and the OIS
    ObjectOutputStream oos = null;
    ObjectInputStream ois = null;
    //check for the mode of operation
    if (proxySet)
    URLConnection objects go through two phases: first they are created, then they are connected.
    After being created, and before being connected, various options can be specified
    (e.g., doInput and UseCaches). After connecting, it is an error to try to set them.
    Operations that depend on being connected, like getContentLength, will implicitly perform the connection,
    if necessary.
    //for the URL to the proxy
    target=new URL(this.proxy);
    //conenct to the proxy
    targetConn = target.openConnection();
    //set the details of the connectuon
    // If true, this URL is being examined in a context in which it makes sense to allow user interactions such as popping up an authentication dialog. If false, then no user interaction is allowed
    //connect to the remote object
    // targetConn.connect();//call this only when all the request properties are set
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>posting request");
    //post the received request to the URL
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>posted request successfully");
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>writing response");
    //receive the response
    //write the received response to the client
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>wrote response successfully");
    }//End if
    //currently this functionality is not supported
    throw new ServletException(
    }//End try
    catch(Exception e)
    if(e instanceof ServletException)
    throw (ServletException)e;
    if (e instanceof IOException)
    throw (IOException)e;
    //wrap it up in ServletException
    throw new ServletException(e);
    //method to write the response back to the client
    private void writeResponse(URLConnection targetConn,HttpServletResponse resp)
    throws ServletException
    //get all the header fields from the response connection and set them to the
    //response of the servlet
    Map headerFields = null;
    Iterator headerFieldEntries = null;
    Map.Entry header = null;
    //stores the input stream to the conn
    BufferedReader brConn = null;
    //stores the writer to the response
    PrintWriter prResp = null;
    //checks if the proxy authentication needed or not
    boolean proxyAuthReqd = false;
    //juste ensuring that the proxy authentication is reset
    proxyAuthReqd = false;
    if( (targetConn != null) && (resp != null) )
    //Returns an unmodifiable Map of the header fields.
    //The Map keys are Strings that represent the response-header field names.
    //Each Map value is an unmodifiable List of Strings that represents the corresponding
    //field values
    headerFields = targetConn.getHeaderFields();
    //Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map
    Set temp = headerFields.entrySet();
    //Returns an iterator over the elements in this set
    headerFieldEntries = temp.iterator();
    if (headerFieldEntries != null)
    while (headerFieldEntries.hasNext())
    Object tempHeader =;
    if (tempHeader instanceof Map.Entry)
    header = (Map.Entry)tempHeader;
    Object headerName = header.getKey();
    Object headerValue=header.getValue();
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->headerName = "+headerName+" : headerValue = "+headerValue);
    //do not select the key-value pair if both the key adn the value are null
    if ( ( headerName == null) && (headerValue == null) )
    if (headerValue != null)
    List headerValList = null;
    if (headerValue instanceof List)
    headerValList = (List)headerValue;
    if(headerValList != null)
    for (int i=0;i<headerValList.size();i++)
    Object headerValueStr = headerValList.get(i);
    if (headerValueStr instanceof String)
    //note that the header-key can not be null for addHeader
    //I have made this temporary provision to make the programme work.
    resp.addHeader(( (headerName==null)? ("null_header"+i) :(String)headerName),
    //check if the proxy authentication required or not
    if (((String)headerValueStr).
    indexOf(resp.SC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED+"") != -1)
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->proxy auth needed");
    //proxy authentication is needed
    proxyAuthReqd = true;
    }//Ednd of
    else if (headerValueStr == null)
    resp.addHeader(( (headerName==null)? null :(String)headerName),
    }//End for
    }//End if
    }//End if
    }//End while
    }//End if
    //get the writer to the client
    prResp = resp.getWriter();
    //juste test a simple header
    System.out.println("Proxy-Authenticate = "+(resp.containsHeader("Proxy-Authenticate")));
    //if the proxy asks you for authentication,pass on the same to the client
    //from whom you have received the request.When this flag is true,the connection
    //is closed by the remotehost adn hence any attempt to open in input steram
    //results in an error ie IOException
    if (!proxyAuthReqd)
    //now get the content adn write it to the response too
    brConn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
    String tempStr = null;
    while ((tempStr = brConn.readLine())!=null)
    }//End while
    //close the connections
    }//End if
    prResp.println("Proxy Authentication needed...");
    //close the streams
    }//End if
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>writeResponse exiting\n");
    }//End try
    catch(Exception e)
    throw new ServletException(e);
    //method to post request to the internet
    private void postRequest(URLConnection targetConn,HttpServletRequest req)
    throws ServletException
    //extract the header parameters and the body content from the incoming request
    //and set them to the new connection
    Enumeration reqHeaders = null;
    //reads the incoming request's content
    BufferedReader brReqRd = null;
    PrintWriter prResWt = null;
    //stores temp header names and values
    String headerName = null;
    String headerValue = null;
    if( (targetConn != null) && (req != null) )
    reqHeaders = req.getHeaderNames();
    //extract a header adn set it to the new connection
    while (reqHeaders.hasMoreElements())
    headerName = (String)(reqHeaders.nextElement());
    headerValue = req.getHeader(headerName);
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>headerValue::> headerName = "+headerName+" : headerValue="+headerValue);
    //establis the actual connection
    //calling this method bfore the above loop results in IllegalStateException
    //NOTE : try reading from and writing into OIS and OOS respectively
    //now read the contents and write them to the connection
    // brReqRd = req.getReader(); //this hangs for some reason
    brReqRd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(req.getInputStream()));
    System.out.println("Got the reader..brReqRd = "+brReqRd);
    if (brReqRd != null)
    String temp = null;
    //establish the printwriter
    // prResWt = new PrintWriter(targetConn.getOutputStream(),true);
    prResWt = new PrintWriter(targetConn.getOutputStream());
    System.out.println("trying to read in a loop from brReqRd.. ready="+(brReqRd.ready()));
    while( (brReqRd.ready()) && ((temp=brReqRd.readLine()) != null) )
    System.out.println("In while::>temp = "+temp);
    }//Emd while
    //close the streams adn go back
    }//End outer if
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>postRequest exiting\n");
    }//End try
    catch(Exception e)
    throw new ServletException(e);

    Hi serlank ,
    Thanks for your reply. Well , I initially I thought of not pasting the code,as it was too long. But I could not help it,as I thought I must show in code what I exactly meant. That's why I followed a description of my problem with the code. You could probably have copied the code and pasted it in one of your favourite editors to take a look at it. Did you,by any chance, try to read it on the browser? And as regards reposting the same message, I can say that I did it as I felt the subject was not quite appropriate in the first posting and I was not sure as to how I could delete/alter the posting. I am not asking for a code-fix,but some suggestions from some one who might ever have come across such a thing.Anyway, lemme know if you have any idea on it. Thanks...

  • Problem Generating a Report by passing a Resultset as a datasource

    I am having troubles generating a report using CR for Eclipse 2.0.
    I used the example that shows how do a simple select SQL query to the database and pass the resultset from the query to the report to generate a report from here:
    I used a simple rpt file that simply shows the content of two columns from a table: TXN_TYPE_CD and TXN_STATUS_CD from a POLICY_TXN table.
    Using the code above, and just modifying it a bit to include my jdbc connection details as well as my select query, I was able to view the report which populated data from my database (Oracle 10g) at runtime of the application.  This test proved positive.
    However, the problem I am having is that I am trying to make this code into a Servlet for use in a Java EE application running on Websphere using JVM 1.5.0_15  64-bit.  Instead of using the DHTML thick client, I export to PDF.  When I do this, the crystal report shows as a PDF, but the data is missing for some reason.  Only the headers for the two db columns are shown.  I don't see any startling differences between the code and am 100% positive that my resultset is being returned with data (I output the data returned in the result set as shown in the code).
    Here is the code I am using:
    public class CrystalReportGeneratorServlet_WOW extends Servlet {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 768970549082466125L;
         protected HttpSession session;
         private final String EXPORT_FILE = "myExportedReport.pdf";
         private final String CUSTOM_PATH = "/custom/resource/crystalReport/";
         private String REPORT_NAME;
         public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
                   throws IOException, ServletException {
              Properties loParms = new Properties();
              ResultSet resultSet = null;
              //Obtain current JDBC Connection
              Connection loConn = AppEnvironment.getJDBCConnection();
              Statement statement = null;
              try {
                   REPORT_NAME = "Test.rpt";
                   //Open report
                   ReportClientDocument reportClientDoc = new ReportClientDocument();
          + CUSTOM_PATH + REPORT_NAME, 0);
                   //Create SQL query.    
                   String query = "SELECT \"POLICY_TXN\".\"TXN_TYPE_CD\", \"POLICY_TXN\".\"TXN_STATUS_CD\"" + "FROM   \"POLICY_TXN\"";
                   //Query database and obtain the Resultset that will be pushed into the report.  
                   statement = loConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
                   //Execute query and return result set.
                   resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query);
                   //Look up existing table in the report to set the datasource for and obtain its alias.  This table must
                   //have the same schema as the Resultset that is being pushed in at runtime.  The table could be created
                   //from a Field Definition File, a Command Object, or regular database table.  As long the Resultset
                   //schema has the same field names and types, then the Resultset can be used as the datasource for the table.
                   String tableAlias = reportClientDoc.getDatabaseController().getDatabase().getTables().getTable(0).getAlias();
                   /////TESTING: OUTPUT contents of resultSet
                   while ( {
                        System.out.println("TXN_STATUS_CD = " + resultSet.getString("TXN_STATUS_CD"));
                        System.out.println("TXN_TYPE_CD = " + resultSet.getString("TXN_TYPE_CD"));
                   //Push the Java ResultSet into the report.  This will then be the datasource of the report.
                   DatabaseController dbc = reportClientDoc.getDatabaseController();
                   dbc.setDataSource(resultSet, tableAlias , "resultsetTable");
                   //Export to PDF
                   ExportToPDF(reportClientDoc, response);
              catch(ReportSDKException ex) {     
              catch(Exception ex) {
              } finally {
                   try {
                   } catch (SQLException e) {
                        } finally {
                             AppEnvironment.returnConnection ( loConn ) ;
         private void ExportToPDF(ReportClientDocument rcd, HttpServletResponse response)
              try {
                   ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = (ByteArrayInputStream)rcd.getPrintOutputController().export(ReportExportFormat.PDF);
                   writeToBrowser(byteArrayInputStream, response, "application/pdf", EXPORT_FILE);
              catch(ReportSDKException ex) {
              catch(Exception ex) {
         * Utility method that demonstrates how to write an input stream to the server's local file system.
         private void writeToBrowser(ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream, HttpServletResponse response, String mimetype, String exportFile) throws Exception {
              //Create a byte[] the same size as the exported ByteArrayInputStream.
              byte[] buffer = new byte[byteArrayInputStream.available()];
              int bytesRead = 0;
                   //Set response headers to indicate mime type and inline file.
                   response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "inline;filename=" + exportFile);
                   //Stream the byte array to the client.
                   while((bytesRead = != -1) {
                   response.getOutputStream().write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                   //Flush and close the output stream.
              } catch (Exception e){
         public static Servlet getInstance()
            return new CrystalReportGeneratorServlet_WOW();
    Any help would greatly be appreciated.

    Actually Uzair I came across this thread in trying to find a resolution to my problem.  I was wondering if you were able to resolve this issue as it appears as though I may have the same problem.

  • NetBeans problem: Issue with servlets and Chinese character encoding

    Java Version: JDK1.5.0_01, JRE1.5.0_01 (International version)
    Netbeans Version: Netbeans IDE 4.0
    OS: Windows XP Personal Edition
    Dear Sirs,
    First at all thanks for reading this post. I am having the following issue. I am creating an application using html pages and servlets. I am using Chinese and English languages on them (html encoding UTF-8).
    I created a project in Netbeans and added an idex.html screen reporting to a servlet. Both index.html and in the servlet generated html page contains the line:
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    Additional, I setup the character code settings in Netbeans:
    (tools-options-Java sources-Expert-default encoding=UTF-8
    When I run the project, index.html displays itself perfectly, with the Chinese characters displayed properly. The problem comes when the html created servlet is displayed, which instead of the Chinese characters some strange characters are displayed (�� instead of Chinese).
    I have tried different encodings from without any luck. I also setup the encoding of the file itself (using right click-properties in the project menu of Netbeans).
    Also, when I am editing the servlet, the characters are displayed properly. I type them directly without any issue, but then the display is wrong at runtime.
    Also, just in case this have something to do with the problem, my PC was bought in US, therefore the default character set is not Chinese. I had to install the Chinese typing stuff later on. But like I said earlier, the html page is displayed properly, so I really think is some problem with Netbeans.
    After a week trying to find a solution, I decided to post it here in the hopes that someone will show me the way of the light.
    Thanks in advance for any ideas or help provided

    Ok, I found out some problems with Netbeans as well.
        public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
                          HttpServletResponse response)
            throws IOException, ServletException
            PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
            byte[] st = {-25,-75,-124,-27,-100,-106,-17,-68,-102,-27,-80,-113,-27,-72,-125,-26,-118,-75,-26,-105,-91,-27,-82,-93};
            out.println("this works: ");
            out.println(new String(st,"UTF-8"));
            out.println("this doesn't: ");
            out.println("some chinese copied from the Internet<br>");Right click the .java file and choose properties -> encoding UTF-8
    Then I make a copy of the .java file, rename it to html and open it with IE sure enough
    the Chinise is allready unreadable (not it's still readable in the IDE);
    When I compile the file with F9 I get the following error: warning: unmappable character for encoding Cp1252
    Tried to set the encoding to UNICODE but then the file doesn't compile.
    I gues you have to download the Japanese version for it to work correctly.

  • A big problem of Generate report with PDF format....Urgent

    I want to generate a report with pdf format through one java file, it have two page 1)gen_report.jsp 2) , the compliation was failed. However, i don't what the problem is .... i hope anyone can help me as it is very argent for me ....Thanks a lot
    <table  id="AutoNumber1">
         <td background="images/top5movie.png">
         <p align="center"> </p>
       <td >
          <div align="center">
            <table id="AutoNumber2" >
                  <form method="GET" action="../report_gen" name="report_gen" target="_blank" onSubmit="javascript:return checkr1(this)">
                      <td ><b>Report Description:</b></td>
                      <td >This report is to show the top five popular movies in cinemix for a period </td>
                      <td><b>Data scope:</b></td>
                      <td >Start from
                      <input type="text" name="start" value="2003-1-1" >to
                      <input type="text" name="end" value="2006-1-1" ></td>
                      <td><b>Data processing:</b></td>
                      <td >Show
                        <select name="order_by">
                          <option value="desc" selected>top</option>
                          <option value="asc">bottom</option>
                      5 films</td>
                      <td> <p align="center">
                          <input type="submit" value="View_Report" name="subm">
                    <input type="hidden" name="report" value="r1">
                  <form method="GET" action="../report_gen" name="report_gen" target="_blank" onSubmit="javascript:return checkr2(this)">
                    <input type="hidden" name="report" value="r2">
      </table>Then my java code is here
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    // chart and pdf out
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
    import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
    import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
    import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;
    import com.lowagie.text.Document;
    import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;
    import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.DefaultFontMapper;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfTemplate;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
    import com.lowagie.text.*;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.*;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell;
    public class report_gen extends HttpServlet
       private final String titles[] = {"Top Five popular movies ",
                        "Financial cirumstance of cinemas",
                        "Distribution of time segment",
                        "Distribution of favourite movie type"
       private final String descs[] = {"This report is to show the top five  popular movies in cinemix for a period ",
                   "This report is to show the financial circumstance of each cinema site ",
                   "This report is to analysis the customer when is the most visit time ",
                   "This report is to analysis the customer which type of movie do they watch the most"
        private final String bigTitle = "Cinemix";
        private final String driver = "";
        private final String url= "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cinemix";
        private final String userID = "abc";
        private final String passwd = "abc";     
        public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
       protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
       throws ServletException, IOException
          final int width = 550;
         final int height = 200;
    / title font (centre and report title)
         final Font fTitle0 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 42, Font.BOLD);
         final Font fTitle1 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 30, Font.BOLD);
              // centre name:
        final String title0 = bigTitle;
       // Default category for DefaultCategoryDataset
       final String cat = "data";
       Connection conn;
      JFreeChart chart;
       String title1     = "xyz Report";
       String chartDesc = "description";
       String notes[] = new String[4];
       String chartTitle = "so bad this is title";
       String chartXTitle = "this is x";
       String chartYTitle = "this is y.";
       String report = request.getParameter("report");     
       int max=-10000;
       int min=10000;
       int j=0;          
      // do some basic checking
       if (report == null || report.equals(""))
         report = "-1";  // this course unknow report error message
         String start   = request.getParameter("start");
         String end  = request.getParameter("end");
         String order_by  = request.getParameter("order_by");  // ToDo: check invalid string
           int topN  = 5;
        String order = (order_by.equals("desc")) ? "Top" : "Last";
       String inv[] = {"08:30", "09:30", "10:30", "11:30", "12:30", "11:30", "12:30", "13:30", "14:30", "15:30", "16:30", "17:30","18:30","19:30","20:30","21:30","22:30","23:30"};
         int inv_val[] = new int[inv.length - 1];
             catch(Exception e)
            printE("Cannot load mysql database driver!", response);
                 conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userID, passwd);
                  if (report.equals("r1")) {  // report 1
               DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
              Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
              String sql = "select *,count(f.Name),f.Name from film f, filmDetail fd, ticket t where f.startDate > '" + start + "' and f.endDate <  '" + end + "'and fd.filmID = f.filmID and fd.filmDetailID = t.filmDetailID group by order by fd.filmDetailID asc limit '" +topN+"'";
              ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            while (
           if (rs.getInt("fd.filmDetailID") > max) max = rs.getInt("fd.filmDetailID");
         if (rs.getInt("fd.filmDetailID") < min) min = rs.getInt("fd.filmDetailID");
           ataset.setValue(rs.getInt("fd.filmDetailID"), cat,rs.getString("f.Name"));
           title1     = titles[0];
         chartDesc  = descs[0];
         chartTitle = order + " " + topN + " popular movie";
          chartYTitle = "Box Office record";
          chartXTitle = "Film Name";
          gender = " ";
          chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(chartTitle, chartXTitle,   chartYTitle, dataset,PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false);
              print("Error: I don't inderstand your request!", response);
           catch (SQLException e)
         printE("Cannot open database connection? <br>", response);
         // printE(e.toString);
         Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 5, 5, 5, 5);
             PdfWriter writer;
         writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, response.getOutputStream());
        HeaderFooter footer = new HeaderFooter(new Phrase("Page: "), true);
                   // step 3
                   document.add(getHeader(title0, title1, start, end, gender, order, topN, chartDesc));
                   document.add(printChart(chart, writer));
              catch(DocumentException de)
              // step 5
         }// end doGet()
         /** Handles the HTTP <code>POST</code> method.
          * @param request servlet request
          * @param response servlet response
         protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
              throws ServletException, IOException
              // processRequest(request, response);
         /** Returns a short description of the servlet.
         public String getServletInfo()
              return "Generate reports for " + bigTitle;
         /* To print en error and exit(?) */
         private void printE(Object obj, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException
              PrintWriter out;
              out = response.getWriter();
              // To-Do: how to force exiting?
         // create data chart
         private PdfPTable getHeader(String title0, String title1, String start, String end, String sex, String order, int topN, String desc)
              Font fTitle0 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 42, Font.BOLD);
              Font fTitle1 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 24, Font.BOLD);
              Font fTitle3 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 12, Font.BOLD);
              Font fValue = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 12, Font.UNDERLINE);
              Paragraph parStartEnd = new Paragraph();
              parStartEnd.add(new Phrase("Data start from:                  ", fTitle3));
              parStartEnd.add(new Phrase(start, fValue));
              parStartEnd.add(new Phrase("     to     ", fTitle3));
              parStartEnd.add(new Phrase(end, fValue));
              Paragraph parGenerateDate = new Paragraph();
              parGenerateDate.add(new Phrase("Report generated at:         ", fTitle3));
              parGenerateDate.add(new Phrase(new java.util.Date().toString(), fValue));
              Paragraph parGender = new Paragraph();
              parGender.add(new Phrase("Current show gender:       ", fTitle3));
              parGender.add(new Phrase(sex, fValue));
              Paragraph parTopN = new Paragraph();
              parTopN.add(new Phrase("Now is showing                 ", fTitle3));
              parTopN.add(new Phrase(order, fValue));
              parTopN.add(new Phrase("  ", fValue));
              parTopN.add(new Phrase(new Integer(topN).toString(), fValue));
              parTopN.add(new Phrase("   record(s)", fTitle3));
              // Start main table
              PdfPTable tblMain = new PdfPTable(1);
              // Print title
              tblMain.addCell(new Paragraph(title0, fTitle0));
              tblMain.addCell(new Paragraph(title1, fTitle1));
              // Print headers data
              if (sex != " ")
              else if(order != null && topN > 0)
                   tblMain.addCell(" \n");
              tblMain.addCell(new Paragraph("Description of this report:", fTitle3));
              // Finish main table
              return tblMain;
         // print a chart _directly_ to pdf and return a empty Pdftable...
         public PdfPTable printChart(JFreeChart chart, PdfWriter writer)
              PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent();
              int width = 550;
              int height = 450;
              PdfTemplate tp = cb.createTemplate(width, height);
              Graphics2D g2d = tp.createGraphics(width, height, new DefaultFontMapper());
              Rectangle2D r2d = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, width, height); //->,
              chart.draw(g2d, r2d);
              cb.addTemplate(tp, 20, 170);
              // quick method to push down the footer text
              // the only things this method return
              PdfPTable tblDownDown = new PdfPTable(1);
              tblDownDown.addCell(" \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n");
              tblDownDown.addCell(" \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n");
              tblDownDown.addCell(" \n \n \n \n \n \n");
              return tblDownDown;
         public PdfPTable getFooter(String notes[])
              Font fNote = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 14, Font.UNDERLINE);
              Font fComment = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 12, Font.ITALIC);
              Font fTitle1 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 30, Font.ITALIC);
              // Start footer table
              PdfPTable tblFooter = new PdfPTable(1);
              if (notes != null)
                   tblFooter.addCell(new Paragraph("Notes:", fNote));
                   for (int i=0;i<notes.length;i++)
                        if (notes[i] != null)
                             tblFooter.addCell(new Paragraph("" + (i+1) + ". " + notes[i] + "", fComment));
                        tblFooter.addCell(new Paragraph("- End of report -", fComment));
                        return tblFooter;

    Go to the cache directory and see if you can open the report directly from here (not in IE).
    I have seen posts on problems with Acrobat Reader Plugin for IE (I believe it was version 6 of Reader).

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