Huge memory leak when closing PDF from Hyperlink

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue with Adobe Reader 11.0.10 on Windows 7 64bit:
1. I have a list of hyperlinks in an Access Table to certain PDF files on a local network folder.
2. Clicking the hyperlink opens the corresponding PDF.
The PDF file opens just fine, and renders normally. The issue is when I attempt to close the PDF. This results in an instant Memory leak that will grow to 4GB in under 10 seconds. System crashes completely. I can reproduce the crash in Safe Mode as well. I am able to open/close the PDF from its source location normally without incident. Clean Uninstall/Reinstall produces the same results.
Downgrade to Adobe 10 fixes the problem completely. I can reproduce the problem on all computers on my network (all running windows 7 32bit or 64bit) by upgrading to Reader 11.0.10.
I prefer to keep my software updated to prevent vulnerabilities, so any help would be appreciated.

That is very strange because it is a 32-bit program and cannot (according to popular wisdom) grow over 2 GB. Also, if it were to reach 2 GB it would simply crash, not break the system.
Do you have a screen shot showing the 4 GB? There might be clues there what is happening.

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    Thanks, please see the following code for specifics.
    HRESULT CallSP3Params(VARIANT vp1, VARIANT vp2, int spretcode, LPDISPATCH ppRSet, char *pCmdLine)
         _RecordsetPtr     pRs;
         _CommandPtr     pCmd;
         _ParameterPtr     paramVProfiler[3];
         bstrt          strMissing(L"");
         *ppRSet = NULL;
         variantt          ErrConn;
         ErrConn.vt = VT_ERROR;
         ErrConn.scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND;
         try {
         //Create instance of command object
              if ( vp1.vt == VT_BSTR ) {
                   paramVProfiler[0] = pCmd->CreateParameter("P1",adVarChar,adParamInput,SysStringLen(vp1.bstrVal) + 10,strMissing );
                   paramVProfiler[0]->Value = vp1;
              else if ( vp1.vt == VT_I4 )
                   paramVProfiler[0] = pCmd->CreateParameter("P1",adNumeric,adParamInput,15,vp1);
              if ( vp2.vt == VT_BSTR ) {
                   paramVProfiler[1] = pCmd->CreateParameter("P2",adVarChar,adParamInput,SysStringLen(vp2.bstrVal) + 10,strMissing );
                   paramVProfiler[1]->Value = vp2;
              else if ( vp2.vt == VT_I4 )
                   paramVProfiler[1] = pCmd->CreateParameter("P2",adNumeric,adParamInput,15,vp2);
              paramVProfiler[2] = pCmd->CreateParameter("RETCODE",adNumeric,adParamOutput,10);
         //Catch COM errors
         catch( comerror &e) {
         try {
         // I manage my connection through this little C++ class of my own
         CCUsage myconnection( &Connectionkeeper[0] );
         //Set the active connection property of command object to open connection
         pCmd->ActiveConnection = myconnection.m_conn;
         //The command type is text
         pCmd->CommandType = adCmdText;
         //Set command text to call the stored procedure
         pCmd->CommandText = pCmdLine;
         //Open the Recordset to get result
         pRs->Open( variantt((IDispatch *)pCmd,true), ErrConn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adOptionUnspecified );
         //Disconnect the command object
         pCmd->PutRefActiveConnection( NULL );
         if ( GetSPRetCode( pCmd, "RETCODE", spretcode ) != S_OK )
         // pRs->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**) ppRSet);
         // I return the Recordset by calling QueryInterface, but even without that, closing the Recordset right here still shows memory leak.
         pRs->Close( );
         pRs = NULL;
         //Catch COM errors
    catch (_com_error e) {
         return S_OK;

    Whenever large numbers of BSTRs are allocated and freed quickly the process memory will continue to climb towards a stabalizing value. BSTRs are not freed until the system frees them. You can see this by making many calls allocating and freeing BSTRs, memory will climb, but when you stop for a while the gargage collection of the sys strings will take place. I've done much research to see that a server doing many queries very rapidly is not leaking memory, but out pacing the garbage collection, it will stabilize and when the process has some "rest time" the processes memory usage will decline.
    In my research a suspected memory leak was not one.

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    Server : Tomcat 6.0
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    String query;
            try {
            String filereport = request.getRealPath("division/accounting/template/POReport.jrxml");
            InputStream input = new FileInputStream(filereport);
            Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(odbcURL,username,passwd);
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    Thank you

    I dont think you have a memory leak. I think the problem is the xml file is 1000000 records long and takes up too much memory. Even if you find a way to increase memory size, you are loading down the server too much for other people's applications to run. I suggest instead reading up on xml and learning how to read in only a few records at a time, processing it, and getting the next set of records to process. There are two methods to parse an xml file using an xml parser, one is to parse it all and put it in memory, the other is to process one record at a time (an xml book explains it better).
    However, I question why you have reports that are 1000000 records long. end-users cannot effectively use such records (you cant scroll through 1000000 records). I suggest finding a way to greatly decrease the number of records in each file such as by providing just the records a particular user needs to do his job and not all records. For instance, put a textfield on his screen to let him only fetch records within a certain date range.
    Lastly, I suggest putting your code in a try/catch/finally block where the finally block actually closes the objects. Example:

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    CA Forum: Data Integration
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    CA Forum: Data Integration
    i am experiencing similar error : 
    Unknown error in transform <AIView4>.
    i am using older version of BO. how could i possibly fix this without upgrading to newest version?
    please don't be too techincal when here
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    The size of oracle.exe is not an indication of how the Java VM GC works; so you are not comparing apples to apples. It'll be too long to explain here but in my upcoming book (see hereafter), I gave a detailled explanation of the various memory areas the Java VM uses and how these are GCed and also how you can meausre their size (not all, though).
    In short you want to use OracleRuntime methods such as
    OracleRuntime.getSessionSize(); --> get he current size of Sessionspace
    OracleRuntime.getNewspaceSize(); --> get he current size of Newspace
    there are other memory areas described in the book
    Sample chapter:

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    One instance of "org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext" loaded by "org.apache.catalina.loader.StandardClassLoader @ 0x87ff8098" occupies 161,832,200 (23.30%) bytes. The memory is accumulated in one instance of "java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Segment[]" loaded by "<system class loader>".
    One instance of "org.apache.catalina.tribes.tipis.LazyReplicatedMap" loaded by "org.apache.catalina.loader.StandardClassLoader @ 0x87ff8098" occupies 133,578,920 (19.23%) bytes. The memory is accumulated in one instance of "java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Segment[]" loaded by "<system class loader>".
    185 instances of "org.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl", loaded by "org.apache.catalina.loader.StandardClassLoader @ 0x87ff8098" occupy 133,502,776 (19.22%) bytes.
    What could be the root cause for this error and how to resolve this?

    First, in general you not provided enough details to get any help. OS? OS version? Hardware specifics?
    Second, are you running custom code? If so, post it so you can get help.
    Third, if you're not running custom code, the odds of you having a "huge memory leak" are pretty small.

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    Edit: May also be related to, which I have running in an app tab.

    For what it's worth, I had exactly the same problem (except that it's on Linux) since the upgrade to 17.0. When I disabled greasemonkey, the problem instantly disappeared, so it looks like the compatibility with greasemonkey got broken.
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    Anyone had similar experience?
    Any ideas? Any bugs reported/fixed?

    If you're doing XA, we absolutely do not support
    driver-level load-balancing OR failover. Use neither.
    For non-XA, you can use driver-level failover. For
    non-XA, you could set load-balancing, but it won't
    help because we get connections from the driver,
    and keep them indefinitely, so the driver never gets
    the chance to affect which connections the pool
    uses after that.

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    How do I disable the function that causes the 'Remove Hidden Information' popup when closing PDFs in Acrobat X? I'm using OS X 10.9.4 on a Mac?
    I've searched online and was directed to Preferences>>Security (enhanced) to uncheck 'Unable Enhanced Security', but it wasn't checked.
    This box (see screen shot) opens each time I close a PDF. I'm forced to select an option before closing.
    Please help.

    Go to the menu Acrobat>Preferences
    In the Preferences window's "Categories" pane, select "Document"
    In the "Hidden Information" section deselect both check boxes
    Click the OK button
    You should be good now.

  • Memory leak when using Threads?

    I did an experiment and noticed a memory leak when I was using threads.. Here's what I did.
    while( true )
         Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
         String answer;
         System.out.print("Press Enter to continue...");
         answer =;
         new TestThread();
    And TestThead is the following
    public class TestThread extends Thread
    public TestThread() { start(); }
    public void run() {  }
    When I open windows Task Manager, every time a new thread starts and stops, the java.exe increases the Mem Usage.. Its a memory leak!? What is going on in this situation.. If I start a thread and the it stops, and then I start a new thread, why does it use more memory?

    MoveScanner sc = new
    Scanner(;out of the
    loop.Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
    while (true) {
    That won't matter in any meaningful way.
    Every loop iteration creates a new Scanner, but it also makes a Scanner eligible for GC, so the net memory requirement of the program is constant.
    Now, of course, it's possible that the VM won't bother GCing until 64 MB worth of Scanners have been created, but we don't care about that. If we're allowing the GC 64 MB, then we don't care how it uses it or when it cleans it up.

  • CS6: DistributedCOM Error id: 10016 when open pdf from web page in Win8.1

    For example here below I've got the issue:
    Adobe Acrobat X pro V 10.1.8:
    DistributedCOM Error id: 10016 when open pdf from web page.
    Nome registro: System
    Origine:       Microsoft-Windows-DistributedCOM
    Data:          04/11/2013 19:09:19
    ID evento:     10016
    Categoria attività:Nessuna
    Livello:       Errore
    Parole chiave: Classico
    Utente:        PC-PIERO\Piero
    Computer:      Pc-Piero
    Le impostazioni delle autorizzazioni impostazioni predefinite del computer non concedono l'autorizzazione di Attivazione in Locale per l'applicazione server COM con CLSID
    e APPID
    all'utente Pc-Piero\SID Piero (S-1-5-21-3453328585-262132574-2759341577-1001) dall'indirizzo LocalHost (tramite LRPC) in esecuzione nel SID del contenitore di applicazioni Non disponibile (S-1-15-2-1430448594-2639229838-973813799-439329657-1197984847-4069167804-1277922394). Per modificare tale autorizzazione di sicurezza, è possibile utilizzare lo strumento amministrativo Servizi componenti.
    XML evento:
    < Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-DistributedCOM" Guid="{1B562E86-B7AA-4131-BADC-B6F3A001407E}" EventSourceName="DCOM" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">10016</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-11-04T18:09:19.468877700Z" />
        <Correlation />
        <Execution ProcessID="768" ThreadID="776" />
        <Security UserID="S-1-5-21-3453328585-262132574-2759341577-1001" />
        <Data Name="param1">impostazioni predefinite del computer</Data>
        <Data Name="param2">Locale</Data>
        <Data Name="param3">Attivazione</Data>
        <Data Name="param4">{B801CA65-A1FC-11D0-85AD-444553540000}</Data>
        <Data Name="param5">{2EAF0840-690A-101B-9CA8-9240CE2738AE}</Data>
        <Data Name="param6">Pc-Piero</Data>
        <Data Name="param7">Piero</Data>
        <Data Name="param8">S-1-5-21-3453328585-262132574-2759341577-1001</Data>
        <Data Name="param9">LocalHost (tramite LRPC)</Data>
        <Data Name="param10">Non disponibile</Data>
        <Data Name="param11">S-1-15-2-1430448594-2639229838-973813799-439329657-1197984847-4069167804-1 277922394</Data>
    < /Event>
    How can I solve this problem?

    // I got this from an Action (I�m using Struts)
    java.sql.Blob file=(java.sql.Blob)request.getAttribute("PDFfile");
    String filename=(String)request.getAttribute("filename");
      int iLength = (int)(file.length());
      response.setHeader("Content-type", "application/pdf");   
      response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\""+filename+"\"");
      response.setHeader("Cache-Control","must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
      ServletOutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
      InputStream in = null;
      in = file.getBinaryStream();
      byte buff[] = new byte[1024];
      while (true) {
          int i =;
          if (i<0) break;      
    } catch(Exception ex){
       out.println("Error while reading file : " + ex.getMessage());
    }and now it�s running !!! I�m not using response.setContentType(...) and I do this in response.setHeader("Content-type", "application/pdf"). And I use response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\""+filename+"\"") instead of response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\""+filename+"\"");

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