Hw to change storage drive frm C to D

how can we change the disk storage drive from C:/ to D: for an HOLAP cube using EIS

you would have to do it in EAS. In the database properties, you set where the ind and PAG files should be. Stop and restart the database (Note this just does the index and page files not the load rules, calc scripts, etc.). You would then have to export the data, clear out the cube and then reload the data. Then you reload the data and it should be on the new drive. Just changing the drive does not move existing data that is why you have to export and reload. Of course if you have all the data from the source you could just clear the database and reload it

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    Hi, I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 with an weird behaviour. I cannot connect any USB drive (not USB external hard disk neither pendrives). Windows device manager detects the device as
    Mass Storage Device, but with a yellow exclamation sign. The exact error code is:
    The device cannot start.
    However, if I restart the machine keeping the USB disk plugged, the hard disk (or pendrive) is correctly detected and usable.
    I've tried:
    Update mass storage driver.
    Review HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\usbstor "Start"
    and is 3 (I think is right)
    I've tried with different usb hard disks that are working in other PCs.
    I've tried with large (>1TB) disks and small (8GB) pendrives.
    I've tried all available USB ports, front and back, with same behaviour.
    Always I get a yellow exclamation  (Device cannot start) and if I restart the computer the device is working perfectly.
    Can someone help me?
    Thanks in advance
    Edit: Here is the log of connecting a Kingstone USB 8GB pendrive
    >>> [Device Install (Hardware initiated) - USB\VID_0930&PID_6544\C860008863DBCE801A0B24B4]
    >>> Section start 2015/01/09 09:35:49.342
    ump: Creating Install Process: DrvInst.exe 09:35:49.498
    ndv: Retrieving device info...
    ndv: Setting device parameters...
    ndv: Searching Driver Store and Device Path...
    dvi: {Build Driver List} 09:35:49.966
    dvi: Searching for hardware ID(s):
    dvi: usb\vid_0930&pid_6544&rev_0100
    dvi: usb\vid_0930&pid_6544
    dvi: Searching for compatible ID(s):
    dvi: usb\class_08&subclass_06&prot_50
    dvi: usb\class_08&subclass_06
    dvi: usb\class_08
    cpy: Policy is set to make all digital signatures equal.
    dvi: Enumerating INFs from path list 'C:\Windows\inf'
    inf: Opened PNF: 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf' ([strings.0c0a])
    dvi: Created Driver Node:
    dvi: HardwareID - USB\Class_08&SubClass_06&Prot_50
    dvi: InfName - C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf
    dvi: DevDesc - Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB
    dvi: DrvDesc - Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB
    dvi: Provider - Microsoft
    dvi: Mfg - Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB compatible
    dvi: ModelsSec - Generic.NTamd64
    dvi: InstallSec - USBSTOR_BULK
    dvi: ActualSec - USBSTOR_BULK.NT
    dvi: Rank - 0x00ff2000
    dvi: Signer - Microsoft Windows
    dvi: Signer Score - INBOX
    dvi: DrvDate - 06/21/2006
    dvi: Version - 6.1.7601.17577
    inf: Searched 1 potential matches in published INF directory
    inf: Searched 36 INFs in directory: 'C:\Windows\inf'
    dvi: {Build Driver List - exit(0x00000000)} 09:35:51.900
    ndv: Selecting best match from Driver Store (including Device Path)...
    dvi: {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV} 09:35:51.900
    dvi: No class installer for 'DataTraveler 2.0'
    dvi: No CoInstallers found
    dvi: Default installer: Enter 09:35:51.900
    dvi: {Select Best Driver}
    dvi: Selected driver installs from section [USBSTOR_BULK] in 'c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf'.
    dvi: Class GUID of device changed to: {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}.
    dvi: Set selected driver complete.
    dvi: Selected:
    dvi: Description - [Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB]
    dvi: InfFile - [c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf]
    dvi: Section - [USBSTOR_BULK]
    dvi: Signer - [Microsoft Windows]
    dvi: Rank - [0x00ff2000]
    dvi: {Select Best Driver - exit(0x00000000)}
    dvi: Default installer: Exit
    dvi: {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV - exit(0x00000000)} 09:35:51.916
    inf: {SetupCopyOEMInf: C:\Windows\INF\usbstor.inf} 09:35:51.931
    inf: Driver Store location: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf
    inf: Published Inf Path: C:\Windows\INF\usbstor.inf
    inf: {SetupCopyOEMInf exit (0x00000050)} 09:35:51.931
    dvi: Searching for hardware ID(s):
    dvi: usb\vid_0930&pid_6544&rev_0100
    dvi: usb\vid_0930&pid_6544
    dvi: Searching for compatible ID(s):
    dvi: usb\class_08&subclass_06&prot_50
    dvi: usb\class_08&subclass_06
    dvi: usb\class_08
    inf: Opened PNF: 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf' ([strings.0c0a])
    dvi: Selected driver installs from section [USBSTOR_BULK] in 'c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf'.
    dvi: Class GUID of device changed to: {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}.
    dvi: Set selected driver complete.
    ndv: Driver selected, now performing install...
    ndv: {Core Device Install} 09:35:51.947
    inf: Opened PNF: 'C:\Windows\INF\usbstor.inf' ([strings.0c0a])
    inf: Opened PNF: 'C:\Windows\INF\usbstor.inf' ([strings.0c0a])
    dvi: {DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL} 09:35:52.259
    dvi: No class installer for 'Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB'
    dvi: No CoInstallers found
    dvi: Default installer: Enter 09:35:52.259
    dvi: Default installer: Exit
    dvi: {DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL - exit(0xe000020e)} 09:35:52.259
    ndv: Installing files...
    dvi: {DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES} 09:35:52.306
    dvi: No class installer for 'Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB'
    dvi: Default installer: Enter 09:35:52.306
    dvi: {Install FILES}
    inf: Opened PNF: 'c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf' ([strings.0c0a])
    inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT]}
    inf: CopyFiles=USBSTOR.CopyList (usbstor.inf line 173)
    flq: CopyFiles from an inbox inf.
    cpy: Open PnpLockdownPolicy: Err=2. This is OK. Use LockDownPolicyDefault
    flq: QueueSingleCopy...
    flq: Inf : 'c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf'
    flq: SourceInf: 'c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf'
    flq: SourceSection: [sourcedisksfiles]
    flq: Source root path based on SourceInf
    flq: SourceRootPath: 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d'
    flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COPY}
    flq: CopyStyle - 0x09000000
    flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COPY}
    flq: CopyStyle - 0x09000000
    flq: SourceRootPath - 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d'
    flq: SourceFilename - 'USBSTOR.SYS'
    flq: TargetDirectory- 'C:\Windows\system32\drivers'
    flq: TargetFilename - 'USBSTOR.SYS'
    flq: SourceDesc - 'windows cd'
    flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COPY exit(0x00000000)}
    flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COPY exit(0x00000000)}
    inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT] exit (0x00000000)}
    dvi: Processing co-installer registration section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.CoInstallers].
    inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.CoInstallers]}
    inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.CoInstallers] exit (0x00000000)}
    dvi: Co-installers registered.
    dvi: {Install INTERFACES}
    dvi: Installing section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.Interfaces]
    dvi: {Install INTERFACES exit 00000000}
    dvi: {Install FILES exit (0x00000000)}
    dvi: Default installer: Exit
    dvi: {DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES - exit(0x00000000)} 09:35:52.384
    ndv: Pruning file queue...
    dvi: {_SCAN_FILE_QUEUE}
    flq: ScanQ flags=620
    flq: ScanQ number of copy nodes=1
    flq: File 'C:\Windows\system32\drivers\USBSTOR.SYS' pruned from copy.
    sig: Using catalog 'C:\Windows\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\Package_3_for_KB982018~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~'.
    cpy: DrpSetRegFileProt 'C:\Windows\system32\drivers\USBSTOR.SYS' Status=0 Class=Inbox Windows protected
    flq: ScanQ action=200 DoPruning=32
    flq: ScanQ end Validity flags=620 CopyNodes=0
    dvi: {_SCAN_FILE_QUEUE exit(0, 0x00000000)}
    ndv: Committing file queue...
    flq: {_commit_file_queue}
    flq: CommitQ DelNodes=0 RenNodes=0 CopyNodes=0
    flq: CommitQ early exit: No nodes are queued
    flq: {_commit_file_queue exit OK}
    ndv: Registering CoInstallers...
    dvi: {DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS} 09:35:54.037
    dvi: No class installer for 'Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB'
    dvi: Default installer: Enter 09:35:54.069
    inf: Opened PNF: 'c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf' ([strings.0c0a])
    inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.CoInstallers]}
    inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.CoInstallers] exit (0x00000000)}
    dvi: Co-installers registered.
    dvi: Default installer: Exit
    dvi: {DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS - exit(0x00000000)} 09:35:54.100
    ndv: Installing interfaces...
    dvi: {DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES} 09:35:54.100
    dvi: No class installer for 'Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB'
    dvi: No CoInstallers found
    dvi: Default installer: Enter 09:35:54.100
    dvi: {Install INTERFACES}
    inf: Opened PNF: 'c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf' ([strings.0c0a])
    dvi: Installing section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.Interfaces]
    dvi: {Install INTERFACES exit 00000000}
    dvi: Default installer: Exit
    dvi: {DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES - exit(0x00000000)} 09:35:54.100
    ndv: Installing device...
    dvi: {DIF_INSTALLDEVICE} 09:35:54.100
    dvi: No class installer for 'Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB'
    dvi: Default installer: Enter 09:35:54.100
    dvi: {Install DEVICE}
    inf: Opened PNF: 'c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf' ([strings.0c0a])
    dvi: Processing Registry/Property directives...
    inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT]}
    inf: AddReg=USBSTOR_BULK.AddReg (usbstor.inf line 174)
    inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT] exit (0x00000000)}
    inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.Hw]}
    inf: Empty section
    inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.Hw] exit (0x00000000)}
    dvi: {Writing Device Properties}
    dvi: Provider name=Microsoft
    dvi: DriverDate 06/21/2006
    dvi: DriverVersion=6.1.7601.17577
    dvi: Class name=USB
    dvi: Manufacturer=Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB compatible
    dvi: Matching DeviceID=usb\class_08&subclass_06&prot_50
    dvi: Strong Name=usbstor.inf:Generic.NTamd64:USBSTOR_BULK:6.1.7601.17577:usb\class_08&subclass_06&prot_50
    dvi: {Writing Device Properties - Complete}
    inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.Services]}
    inf: Addservice=USBSTOR,0x00000002,USBSTOR.AddService (usbstor.inf line 177)
    inf: ServiceType=1 (usbstor.inf line 234)
    inf: StartType=3 (usbstor.inf line 235)
    inf: ErrorControl=1 (usbstor.inf line 236)
    inf: ServiceBinary=C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\USBSTOR.SYS (usbstor.inf line 237)
    inf: DisplayName="Controlador de dispositivo de almacenamiento USB" (usbstor.inf line 233)
    dvi: Add Service: Modified existing service 'USBSTOR'.
    inf: AddReg=DeviceSpecific (usbstor.inf line 238)
    inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.Services] exit(0x00000000)}
    dvi: Updated reflected section names for: usbstor.inf
    dvi: {Install DEVICE exit (0x00000000)}
    dvi: Writing common driver property settings.
    dvi: DriverDescription=Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB
    dvi: DeviceDisplayName=Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB
    dvi: Install Device: Restarting device. 09:35:54.537
    dvi: Install Device: Restarting device completed. 09:35:57.625
    !!! dvi: Device not started: Device has problem: 0x0a: CM_PROB_FAILED_START.
    dvi: Default installer: Exit
    dvi: {DIF_INSTALLDEVICE - exit(0x00000000)} 09:35:57.641
    dvi: No class installer for 'Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB'
    dvi: Default installer: Enter 09:35:57.641
    dvi: Default installer: Exit
    dvi: {DIF_NEWDEVICEWIZARD_FINISHINSTALL - exit(0xe000020e)} 09:35:57.657
    ndv: Device install status=0x00000000
    ndv: Performing device install final cleanup...
    ! ndv: Queueing up error report since device has a PnP problem...
    ndv: {Core Device Install - exit(0x00000000)} 09:35:59.201
    ump: Server install process exited with code 0x00000000 09:35:59.232
    <<< Section end 2015/01/09 09:35:59.279
    <<< [Exit status: SUCCESS]

    I tried, but windows says that the best driver is alredy installed.
    Now I've just tried to delete (uninstall) absolutly all devices under Universal Serial Bus Controller
    (host controllers, root hubs, etc) into Device Manager, and then I've click on
    Scan for hardware changes to force reinstall of all USB drivers. After that I've connected my USB external hard disk and has been correctly recognized and its working. However I don't know if when I'll restar the server and connect a new one usb device
    it will continue working or not. I'll try later, because this is a production server.
    I've tried for drivers into HP site to update or reinstall, but there isn't any driver for motherboard or USB controller. It's an HP ML350 G6.

  • Windows 7 Installation problem: "no drives were found, click to load driver to provide a mass storage driver..."

    I just purchased a Toshiba Satellite laptop (U945-S4140) that came with windows 8. I am trying to install windows 7 enterprise 64 bit.
    I have the installation file on a bootable USB stick. In order to boot from the USB, I have to go into the BIOS settings and change from UEFI to CSM boot mode. Then the computer will boot from the usb stick and the windows 7 installation begins to work fine.
    However, I soon get an error message that "no drives were found. click to load driver to provide a mass storage driver for installation."
    I cannot figure out how to proceed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hello Maxxpower33, thank you for your words.
    I looked through the error logs that could be generated from the tool and found this one which may be what you experienced.  Kindly let me know if this is what you got:
    "Files copied successfully. However, we were unable to run bootsect to make the USB device bootable. If you need assistance with bootsect, please click the "Online Help" link above for more information."
    Some further information is that I found this post where another user experienced the same error on a laptop, although the speculation mentioned in the post is that the user does not have a Windows store account under which he purchased the license for Windows
    7 Home Premium, which is the flavor he was trying to get on the bootable drive.  However, this does not seem to be a valid response due to the fact that the tool does not check Windows XAuthCert Servers for validation on licensing.  So ignore that
    portion of the post, but the 2nd post helps a bit by linking to another article, providing both below.
    Forum Port With Same Error
    Article with 4 methods to create
    a bootable Windows 7 USB Drive
    In that first post, further down, is another reply to a tool that I have not tested with.  So please use caution on this one as I cannot find very much feedback other than on their own website, but sounds much like the first tool I mentioned in my first
    post "Unetbootin", but this one is called Rufus, and two people did mention they had good success with this tool after having difficulties with the Windows utility.
    After all that is said and done, there is not 1 tool that will work for everyone all of the time on every environment.  Why?  I would like to know also...but speculate hardware/firmware/bios combinations could be the culprit.  One of these
    tools should work for you and it would be my recommendation to try them in this order (skipping what you've already tried):
    1) Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool
    2) Unetbootin
    3) Manually creating the partition and xcopy'ing the extracted ISO to it
    4) Rufus
    5) Borrow a PC with a DVD-R in it and burn the ISO to a disc and install from it.  If your laptop does not have a DVD drive, an external drive can be purchased for roughly $25 or less.  Or if you have an internal drive laying around, buy an enclosure
    for about $15 and put the drive inside there and attach it to your laptop via USB or eSATA.
    As always, my advice is nothing more than my opinion, which are like bungholes...everyone has one and they all stink!  LOL!
    John Fester

  • I have a macbook pro md318 late 2011 i want to know can i change hard drive from 500GB to 2TB????

    i have a macbook pro md318 late 2011 i want to know can i change hard drive from 500GB to 2TB????

    Tbh,  I really wouldn't bother.
    I may get shot down here, but I like having storage centralised, backed up etc, so I would use the internal storage for the day to day stuff, and anything more dated, and large, then dump it on an external, with backup.
    I've heard some horror stories about larger capacity drives getting over hot, and failing in some machines. Not macs particularly though.

  • Windows 7 x64 - No Drive Detected. Please Load Mass Storage Driver........

    Hi there..
    I just installed a new harddrive on my MacBook Pro (a Samsung SpinPoint M7 Enhanced 640GB)
    I formatted it to HFS+ during Mac OS X install, and it works great.. Later on I made a partition, using Boot Camp and began installing Windows 7 x64, only when I come to the screen where I need to pick a partition, there is none..
    It doesn't seem to find a HDD and asks for a 'Mass Storage Driver'
    Does anyone have an idea of how to solve this problem?

    Hi Fortuny, and thanks
    The Windows Install disc is retail, the same disc I used to install Windows 7 on my old hard drive via boot camp..
    Usually I don't have any issues with this stuff, I've tried it a couple of times helping my friends, but since I changed the hard drive from the standard 320 GB FUJITSU MJA2320BH FFS G1 to a 640 GB Samsung SpinPoint M7 Enhanced (HM641JI) It just doesn't seem to detect it during Windows 7 Install..

  • Safety Margin - Remaining Free Space - Storage Drives

    Hello my friends - haven't been here for a while - hope all is well.
    As a good rule of thumb regarding 'Operating System Drives', and probably 'Storage Drives' as well, it's my understanding one should leave approx. 10% of the total capacity of the drive FREE. My concern mainly focuses on external storage drives for Video, and other Media.You guys have any comments or latest news about this?
    Thank You

    I'd review it in terms of file modification.  If I were using these for "data" but was frequently modifying the files then I'd leave more room, kind of like your OS is constantly modifying files and that's why you need to give it lots of space.  In my case I almost never modify files once they are on the archive drives and I perhaps take it to an extreme - 320MB free on a 160GB drive which is 0.2%.  I do have a second "data" drive in my computer that is used only for media, but since I often modify those files I leave at least 4 GB free.  Still, most of those files are 2-5MB MP3s so I am less worried about fragmentation of the files themselves (vs. free-space fragmentation) than if they were 1GB videos.  While I'm at it, I do have the OS on its own 70GB partition with 55GB free.  I keep all my data files (and even some applications) on a separate partition so the OS can really do what it wants with the OS partition.
    I do verify the drives when I do plug them in once or twice a year.  Some may say, "Too little space! Too little space !" but honestly in 10 years of doing this I have never had an issue with the drives apart from one bad sector (which probably would have happened anyway).  All these archive drives have duplicates (except, of course, where I have an original commercially pressed CD) so if something does happen...
    Oh! Oh! One of my pet peeves - "percentage free".  I'd be happy if somebody can explain a rationale for this in this era of greatly varying drive sizes.  If an OS requires 18 GB for operating space then 18 GB on an 80 GB drive is going to be a very different percentage than 18 GB (or even 20GB if you allow extra for drive overhead) on a 1000 GB drive.  I figure Tiger seems to level off at 6GB VM on my computer so I'll give it 18GB to do its thing (and as I said above I really gave it its own big partition).  When I moved it to a bigger drive it didn't seem to change its requirements; ergo its % free demand dropped.
    Welcome back, BTW.

  • Split library, folder names and paths are in a mess. Need to get library all in one place on my storage drive and off my OS drive. In a fix!

    Help appreciated on this one as I'm OK on my PC but far from a whizz. Done a little investigation and reading of https://discussions.apple.com/thread/5199195?start=0&tstart=0 but I just can't seem to get anywhere and end up with a very underpopulated iTunes.
    To set the scene. Been using iTunes for many years and have had several PCs in this time and migrated the library over. Each time I have had a half hearted attempt at organising it all on 1 drive but it has obviously not gone to plan hence my split library and weird file/ folder paths. e.g.
    for some reason my recently downloaded apps are stored in C:/users/mark/my music/itunes/mobile applications. I also have numerous itunes library files on this drive
    my music is mainly stored on my storage drive B:/itunes music/music/music. On both drives I have mobile applications folders each with many apps in.
    I have set my itunes media folder location to B:\iTunes Music\Music so have no idea why all my downloaded apps end up on the C:/, nor have I any idea why they appear in the library seing as the itunes media folder is set to B:/
    I hope you can make heads or tails of this as I am even confusing myself as I type!
    Help appreciated as every time I try and move stuff around I end up with a very depleted library and have to remember what I moved where to put it back!

    So I right clicked to find the files and relink, and it did not work. The folder name disappeared.
    It didn't disappear, it moved (because you told Lightroom to move it). It moved from the incorrect folder location, to the new folder location. Please look in the new folder, in whatever location it is in, not in the old folder and the old location, and you will find the photos.

  • VL10B - change Storage location for delivery

    Hi all,
    I have a requirement wherin, for the deliveries created for purchase orders, the storage location needs to be defaulted from the production order. The configuration of picking has only one stloc for my plant, but we have the same amterial stored at 2 storage locations. In the config we cannot maintain both stlocs for 1 plant. So I need to see if I can do an exit wherin I can read my production order and pick the storage location from there and post it on the delivery. Cn anyone help?

    hi Roy,
    solved this by finding a BADI under Shipping of deliveries which has a SAVE_DOCU_PREPARE interface taht can be triggered toi change storage location/
    Thanks for ur help.
    Problem solved.

  • Mac won't open apps when I add a storage drive

    I recently moved my IMac to a new location and when I restarted it it would open one app(mail) then it would not let me close it or could I open any other apps.
    The app would blinkas normal but then nothing.  The app I had open was in ignore. Could not force close had to a reboot.
    Found that if I unhooked my storage drive it all was good.  Moved the storage drive to my laptop works fine.  I have a portable drive I carry with my laptop, tried it on the Imac same result.  Another thing widgets work fine all the time. 
    Diagnostic message is:
    5/5/13 11:25:57 AMMay 5, 13
    Sleep: Platform Failure - AC
    com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.powermanagement.sleep
    com.apple.message.signature: Platform Failure
    com.apple.message.result: Failure
    com.apple.message.uuid: A5F98FF7-FF52-4C73-B454-23D52C4445AC

    solved in another discussion group.

  • My laptop hard drive is full,  I want to redirect my ipad backup sync to a seagate external drive. How do I change the drive location

    how to change the drive in my laptop for backup syncing with iTunes?

    If you want to change where your backups are stored then you can't do it directly in iTunes, that will use your main drive for backups. But if you are using windows then see if this post from turingtest2 helps : https://discussions.apple.com/message/22283073#22283073

  • Using time capsule as a wireless storage drive on MacBook Pro with Tiger

    I'm getting a time capsule 1Tb for xmas, do I just plug it into one of the ethernet ports on my wireless router/modem? What I plan to do is take all my data (itunes files, invoices, pictures etc) off my MacBook Pro (which only has a 150 Gb hard drive) and use the time capsule as wireless data storage. I will obviously need to back up the original data on the TC to another storage drive. Can I use the usb port on the TC to connect another external hard drive to back up to, or do I need a external hard drive with an ethernet port? And do some hard drive manufacturers ship their drives with software which automatically backs up data from other external drives even when the computer isn't turned on? Thanks for any answers.

    No idea on TC at all.
    And do some hard drive manufacturers ship their drives with software which automatically backs up data from other external drives even when the computer isn't turned on?
    Yes & no, the Computer has to be on, but these drives come with several Backup tools...
    Like on the bottom of this page...

  • Erorr while changing storage location in VL02N

    Firstly despite the plant+storage location + warehouse no. assignments are done , my replenishment delivery (delivery for stock transport order between plants under same company code) is not picking up storage location and warehouse no and thus stopping me from doing picking and PGI (post goods issue).
    However in VL02N when i'm trying to change storage location for line item, i'm getting following weird error
    *Error while determining ref.mov.type for WM via Table 156S: 647/ / / /L/ /*
    I found a SAP Note(133223) regarding this error and VL02 transaction but that note was specific to older versions. I'm on ECC 6.0
    Any suggestions please ?

    soumya - I did assign the picking location for my combination. However I noted, if i do this bit, i'm not able to create replenishment delivery from vl10b and erroring with below error. If i remove this assignment, i am able to create the delivery but delivery does not have storage loation. when i tried to change the storage loation in vl02n, i'm getting same below error ...
      Error while determining ref.mov.type for WM via Table 156S: 647/ / / /L/ / 
    Sivanand - Wheni do transfer order, its complaining that storage location is empty when i try to change storage location, as mentioned above, i 'm getting above error....
    appreciate any inputs ....
    I DID CREATE THE 647 MOVEMENT TYPE ASWELL BUT I'M GETTING SAME ERROR ... Can anyone suggest what control information should go when creating 647 mvt type.....?
    Edited by: Kasu on Sep 10, 2008 10:56 AM

  • Hi, my Ipod Schuffle (4 gen) dissapears from windows vista right after I execute Itunes, I've change the drive letter, erase temps in App data file, verified USB drivers, etc... Can someone guide on how to solve this?

    Hi, my Ipod Schuffle (4 gen) dissapears from windows vista right after I execute Itunes, I've change the drive letter, erase temps in App data file, verified USB drivers, etc... Can someone guide on how to solve this?

    If you want the shuffle to be always visible in Windows (outside of iTunes), you need to Enable disk use.
    Select the shuffle in the iTunes sidebar, under DEVICES.  Over to the right, select the Summary tab.  You should see a checkbox that says Enable disk use.  Check it and click Apply.
    NOTE:  If disk use is enabled, you have to Eject the shuffle in iTunes, BEFORE you physically disconnect it.  If disk use is NOT enabled, you can disconnect the shuffle at any time, as long as iTunes is not doing something with it at that moment (such as syncing); the shuffle's light will then be blinking (to indicate DO NOT DISCONNECT).
    So, unless you want to use the shuffle like a USB flash drive (carry random files on it), you may want to NOT Enable disk use.

  • Ipod 4th gen Win XP needs a mass storage driver but can't find one

    Hi Guys,
    Just got a new PC, Ipod Was fine on my old one. However under Win XP, Ipod update and Itunes all installed correctly, but XP keeps asking for a MAss Storage driver. Tried alsorts of things including reinstallation of all iPod Software, but still as soon as I plug in my iPod, XP detects new hardware and asks for driver. ITunes doesn't detect iPod, but will happily play songs in my Library.
    Maybe I need an idriver or an iXP operating system

    Its a new PC, so the install was from the original XP CD, then installed iPod and iTunes Software. I assumed the drivers where in the iPod Disc and not from the XP disc. I'll try the XP Cd.

  • TS1493 When I go to change the drive letter, I go through the entire process and when I click on disk management, my ipod is not listed. On my computer it is still listed as a digital camera

    I have searched online and tried all the possibilities to fix the issues I am having but have sadly been unsuccessful. My ipod is being read as a digital camera, it is not reading on my itunes therefore I cannot sync any music or apps I have purchased. The only solution I couldn't try was to change my drive letter. Main reason being, my device did not show up under the disk management page.

    If you have pictures (on your iPod) in the Camera Roll, that may be why the iPod is showing up as a camera. The Camera Roll is where pictures taken on the iPod, screenshots taken on the iPod and pictures saved from Safari are stored.
    Copy the pictures from the Camera Roll and put them onto yuor computer. Once you have done that, you can delete the pictures from the Camera Roll and perhaps the iPod will stop showing up as a camera.
    The iPod Touch does not have an accessible hard drive, so it will not show up under disk management.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Windows 7 64bit & Boot Camp 3.0 Installer Error

    I have an early 2009 13" unibody MacBook. I have run the 64bit Win7 RC on it, and installing the 3.0 version of Bootcamp (as I recall) went well. I have the released version of Windows 7 and am trying to install the 64bit version on a 62GB Bootcamp p

  • ACE in Direct Server Return mode not working as expected

    Dear all, I configured my ACE as I found it here: https://supportforums.cisco.com/docs/DOC-22555 the VIP is working, that means I can ping it, routing is working etc. I created a loopback on the win2012 Server with the IP of the VIP. When I try now t

  • Threshold upper limit for dialog+rfc in BW server

    The EarlyWatch report for my Business Warehouse server displays the average response time for various tasks. One of those tasks is DIALOG+RFC. The system has an average response time of 15599ms for this task. This is considered an acceptable time fra

  • Crackling noise on my mbp

    Hi there, I bought my macbook around December-ish and now for the past few days I have been noticing random "crackling" noises. They are soft but getting louder, or maybe I think that because I am watching for them. Before they used to just come from


    SO! I recently bought a white MacBook and an iPod Nano (gen1 because I wanted them to match). Since then I have had to send in the first iPod, get a second one, and have the exact same problem--neither the MacBook nor the iPod seem to realise at all