Windows Server 2008 R2 only detect USB storage drives if I restart the system

Hi, I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 with an weird behaviour. I cannot connect any USB drive (not USB external hard disk neither pendrives). Windows device manager detects the device as
Mass Storage Device, but with a yellow exclamation sign. The exact error code is:
The device cannot start.
However, if I restart the machine keeping the USB disk plugged, the hard disk (or pendrive) is correctly detected and usable.
I've tried:
Update mass storage driver.
Review HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\usbstor "Start"
and is 3 (I think is right)
I've tried with different usb hard disks that are working in other PCs.
I've tried with large (>1TB) disks and small (8GB) pendrives.
I've tried all available USB ports, front and back, with same behaviour.
Always I get a yellow exclamation  (Device cannot start) and if I restart the computer the device is working perfectly.
Can someone help me?
Thanks in advance
Edit: Here is the log of connecting a Kingstone USB 8GB pendrive
>>> [Device Install (Hardware initiated) - USB\VID_0930&PID_6544\C860008863DBCE801A0B24B4]
>>> Section start 2015/01/09 09:35:49.342
ump: Creating Install Process: DrvInst.exe 09:35:49.498
ndv: Retrieving device info...
ndv: Setting device parameters...
ndv: Searching Driver Store and Device Path...
dvi: {Build Driver List} 09:35:49.966
dvi: Searching for hardware ID(s):
dvi: usb\vid_0930&pid_6544&rev_0100
dvi: usb\vid_0930&pid_6544
dvi: Searching for compatible ID(s):
dvi: usb\class_08&subclass_06&prot_50
dvi: usb\class_08&subclass_06
dvi: usb\class_08
cpy: Policy is set to make all digital signatures equal.
dvi: Enumerating INFs from path list 'C:\Windows\inf'
inf: Opened PNF: 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf' ([strings.0c0a])
dvi: Created Driver Node:
dvi: HardwareID - USB\Class_08&SubClass_06&Prot_50
dvi: InfName - C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf
dvi: DevDesc - Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB
dvi: DrvDesc - Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB
dvi: Provider - Microsoft
dvi: Mfg - Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB compatible
dvi: ModelsSec - Generic.NTamd64
dvi: InstallSec - USBSTOR_BULK
dvi: ActualSec - USBSTOR_BULK.NT
dvi: Rank - 0x00ff2000
dvi: Signer - Microsoft Windows
dvi: Signer Score - INBOX
dvi: DrvDate - 06/21/2006
dvi: Version - 6.1.7601.17577
inf: Searched 1 potential matches in published INF directory
inf: Searched 36 INFs in directory: 'C:\Windows\inf'
dvi: {Build Driver List - exit(0x00000000)} 09:35:51.900
ndv: Selecting best match from Driver Store (including Device Path)...
dvi: No class installer for 'DataTraveler 2.0'
dvi: No CoInstallers found
dvi: Default installer: Enter 09:35:51.900
dvi: {Select Best Driver}
dvi: Selected driver installs from section [USBSTOR_BULK] in 'c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf'.
dvi: Class GUID of device changed to: {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}.
dvi: Set selected driver complete.
dvi: Selected:
dvi: Description - [Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB]
dvi: InfFile - [c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf]
dvi: Section - [USBSTOR_BULK]
dvi: Signer - [Microsoft Windows]
dvi: Rank - [0x00ff2000]
dvi: {Select Best Driver - exit(0x00000000)}
dvi: Default installer: Exit
dvi: {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV - exit(0x00000000)} 09:35:51.916
inf: {SetupCopyOEMInf: C:\Windows\INF\usbstor.inf} 09:35:51.931
inf: Driver Store location: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf
inf: Published Inf Path: C:\Windows\INF\usbstor.inf
inf: {SetupCopyOEMInf exit (0x00000050)} 09:35:51.931
dvi: Searching for hardware ID(s):
dvi: usb\vid_0930&pid_6544&rev_0100
dvi: usb\vid_0930&pid_6544
dvi: Searching for compatible ID(s):
dvi: usb\class_08&subclass_06&prot_50
dvi: usb\class_08&subclass_06
dvi: usb\class_08
inf: Opened PNF: 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf' ([strings.0c0a])
dvi: Selected driver installs from section [USBSTOR_BULK] in 'c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf'.
dvi: Class GUID of device changed to: {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}.
dvi: Set selected driver complete.
ndv: Driver selected, now performing install...
ndv: {Core Device Install} 09:35:51.947
inf: Opened PNF: 'C:\Windows\INF\usbstor.inf' ([strings.0c0a])
inf: Opened PNF: 'C:\Windows\INF\usbstor.inf' ([strings.0c0a])
dvi: {DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL} 09:35:52.259
dvi: No class installer for 'Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB'
dvi: No CoInstallers found
dvi: Default installer: Enter 09:35:52.259
dvi: Default installer: Exit
dvi: {DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL - exit(0xe000020e)} 09:35:52.259
ndv: Installing files...
dvi: {DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES} 09:35:52.306
dvi: No class installer for 'Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB'
dvi: Default installer: Enter 09:35:52.306
dvi: {Install FILES}
inf: Opened PNF: 'c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf' ([strings.0c0a])
inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT]}
inf: CopyFiles=USBSTOR.CopyList (usbstor.inf line 173)
flq: CopyFiles from an inbox inf.
cpy: Open PnpLockdownPolicy: Err=2. This is OK. Use LockDownPolicyDefault
flq: QueueSingleCopy...
flq: Inf : 'c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf'
flq: SourceInf: 'c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf'
flq: SourceSection: [sourcedisksfiles]
flq: Source root path based on SourceInf
flq: SourceRootPath: 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d'
flq: CopyStyle - 0x09000000
flq: CopyStyle - 0x09000000
flq: SourceRootPath - 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d'
flq: SourceFilename - 'USBSTOR.SYS'
flq: TargetDirectory- 'C:\Windows\system32\drivers'
flq: TargetFilename - 'USBSTOR.SYS'
flq: SourceDesc - 'windows cd'
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COPY exit(0x00000000)}
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COPY exit(0x00000000)}
inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT] exit (0x00000000)}
dvi: Processing co-installer registration section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.CoInstallers].
inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.CoInstallers]}
inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.CoInstallers] exit (0x00000000)}
dvi: Co-installers registered.
dvi: {Install INTERFACES}
dvi: Installing section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.Interfaces]
dvi: {Install INTERFACES exit 00000000}
dvi: {Install FILES exit (0x00000000)}
dvi: Default installer: Exit
dvi: {DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES - exit(0x00000000)} 09:35:52.384
ndv: Pruning file queue...
flq: ScanQ flags=620
flq: ScanQ number of copy nodes=1
flq: File 'C:\Windows\system32\drivers\USBSTOR.SYS' pruned from copy.
sig: Using catalog 'C:\Windows\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\'.
cpy: DrpSetRegFileProt 'C:\Windows\system32\drivers\USBSTOR.SYS' Status=0 Class=Inbox Windows protected
flq: ScanQ action=200 DoPruning=32
flq: ScanQ end Validity flags=620 CopyNodes=0
dvi: {_SCAN_FILE_QUEUE exit(0, 0x00000000)}
ndv: Committing file queue...
flq: {_commit_file_queue}
flq: CommitQ DelNodes=0 RenNodes=0 CopyNodes=0
flq: CommitQ early exit: No nodes are queued
flq: {_commit_file_queue exit OK}
ndv: Registering CoInstallers...
dvi: No class installer for 'Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB'
dvi: Default installer: Enter 09:35:54.069
inf: Opened PNF: 'c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf' ([strings.0c0a])
inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.CoInstallers]}
inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.CoInstallers] exit (0x00000000)}
dvi: Co-installers registered.
dvi: Default installer: Exit
dvi: {DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS - exit(0x00000000)} 09:35:54.100
ndv: Installing interfaces...
dvi: {DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES} 09:35:54.100
dvi: No class installer for 'Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB'
dvi: No CoInstallers found
dvi: Default installer: Enter 09:35:54.100
dvi: {Install INTERFACES}
inf: Opened PNF: 'c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf' ([strings.0c0a])
dvi: Installing section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.Interfaces]
dvi: {Install INTERFACES exit 00000000}
dvi: Default installer: Exit
dvi: {DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES - exit(0x00000000)} 09:35:54.100
ndv: Installing device...
dvi: {DIF_INSTALLDEVICE} 09:35:54.100
dvi: No class installer for 'Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB'
dvi: Default installer: Enter 09:35:54.100
dvi: {Install DEVICE}
inf: Opened PNF: 'c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\usbstor.inf_amd64_neutral_26b33263a639795d\usbstor.inf' ([strings.0c0a])
dvi: Processing Registry/Property directives...
inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT]}
inf: AddReg=USBSTOR_BULK.AddReg (usbstor.inf line 174)
inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT] exit (0x00000000)}
inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.Hw]}
inf: Empty section
inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.Hw] exit (0x00000000)}
dvi: {Writing Device Properties}
dvi: Provider name=Microsoft
dvi: DriverDate 06/21/2006
dvi: DriverVersion=6.1.7601.17577
dvi: Class name=USB
dvi: Manufacturer=Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB compatible
dvi: Matching DeviceID=usb\class_08&subclass_06&prot_50
dvi: Strong Name=usbstor.inf:Generic.NTamd64:USBSTOR_BULK:6.1.7601.17577:usb\class_08&subclass_06&prot_50
dvi: {Writing Device Properties - Complete}
inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.Services]}
inf: Addservice=USBSTOR,0x00000002,USBSTOR.AddService (usbstor.inf line 177)
inf: ServiceType=1 (usbstor.inf line 234)
inf: StartType=3 (usbstor.inf line 235)
inf: ErrorControl=1 (usbstor.inf line 236)
inf: ServiceBinary=C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\USBSTOR.SYS (usbstor.inf line 237)
inf: DisplayName="Controlador de dispositivo de almacenamiento USB" (usbstor.inf line 233)
dvi: Add Service: Modified existing service 'USBSTOR'.
inf: AddReg=DeviceSpecific (usbstor.inf line 238)
inf: {Install Inf Section [USBSTOR_BULK.NT.Services] exit(0x00000000)}
dvi: Updated reflected section names for: usbstor.inf
dvi: {Install DEVICE exit (0x00000000)}
dvi: Writing common driver property settings.
dvi: DriverDescription=Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB
dvi: DeviceDisplayName=Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB
dvi: Install Device: Restarting device. 09:35:54.537
dvi: Install Device: Restarting device completed. 09:35:57.625
!!! dvi: Device not started: Device has problem: 0x0a: CM_PROB_FAILED_START.
dvi: Default installer: Exit
dvi: {DIF_INSTALLDEVICE - exit(0x00000000)} 09:35:57.641
dvi: No class installer for 'Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB'
dvi: Default installer: Enter 09:35:57.641
dvi: Default installer: Exit
dvi: {DIF_NEWDEVICEWIZARD_FINISHINSTALL - exit(0xe000020e)} 09:35:57.657
ndv: Device install status=0x00000000
ndv: Performing device install final cleanup...
! ndv: Queueing up error report since device has a PnP problem...
ndv: {Core Device Install - exit(0x00000000)} 09:35:59.201
ump: Server install process exited with code 0x00000000 09:35:59.232
<<< Section end 2015/01/09 09:35:59.279
<<< [Exit status: SUCCESS]

I tried, but windows says that the best driver is alredy installed.
Now I've just tried to delete (uninstall) absolutly all devices under Universal Serial Bus Controller
(host controllers, root hubs, etc) into Device Manager, and then I've click on
Scan for hardware changes to force reinstall of all USB drivers. After that I've connected my USB external hard disk and has been correctly recognized and its working. However I don't know if when I'll restar the server and connect a new one usb device
it will continue working or not. I'll try later, because this is a production server.
I've tried for drivers into HP site to update or reinstall, but there isn't any driver for motherboard or USB controller. It's an HP ML350 G6.

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    -Vinay Pugalia
    If a post answers your question, please click "Mark As Answer" on that post or
    "Vote as Helpful".
    Web : Inkey Solutions
    Blog : My Blog
    Email : Vinay Pugalia

    Any update?
    Just checking in to see if the suggestions were helpful. Please let us know if you would like further assistance.
    Best Regards,
    Andy Qi
    Subscriber Support
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    Subscription user and have any feedback on our support quality, please send your feedbackhere.
    Andy Qi
    TechNet Community Support

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    Can anyone help me with this problem,
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    I tried on a Windows 2008 R2 system and here is the result. 
    Here "2" is a standard domain user so it could be displayed correctly. 
    I would like to know if the issue specifically occurs on Office files? If so it could be an Office issue instead of system related. You can try one of the following 2 files:
    Excel 2007 -
    Excel 2010 -
    If you have any feedback on our support, please send to [email protected]

  • Windows Server 2012 - Hyper-V - Cluster Sharded Storage - VHDX unexpectedly gets copied to System Volume Information by "System", Virtual Machines stops respondig

    We have a problem with one of our deployments of Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V with a 2 node cluster connected to a iSCSI SAN.
    Our setup:
    Hosts - Both run Windows Server 2012 Standard and are clustered.
    HP ProLiant G7, 24 GB RAM. This is the primary host and normaly all VMs run on this host.
    HP ProLiant G5, 20 GB RAM. This is the secondary host that and is intended to be used in case of failure of the primary host.
    We have no antivirus on the hosts and the scheduled ShadowCopy (previous version of files) is switched off.
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    QNAP NAS TS-869 Pro, 8 INTEL SSDSA2CW160G3 160 GB i a RAID 5 with a Host Spare. 2 Teamed NIC.
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    1 Windows Server 2008 Standard Exchange Server.
    All VMs are using dynamic disks (as recommended by Microsoft).
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    Normal operation:
    Normally this setup works just fine and we see no real difference in speed in startup, file copy and processing speed in LoB applications of this setup compared to a single host with two 10000 RPM Disks. Normal network speed is 10-200 Mbit, but occasionally
    we see speeds up to 400 Mbit/s of combined read/write for instance during file repair.
    Our Problem:
    Our problem is that for some reason a random VHDX gets copied to System Volume Information by "System" of the Clusterd Shared Storage (i.e. C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\System Volume Information).
    All VMs stops responding or responds very slowly during this copy process and you can for instance not send CTRL-ALT-DEL to a VM in the Hyper-V console, or for instance start task manager when already logged in.
    This happens at random and not every day and different VHDX files from different VMs gets copied each time. Some time it happens during daytime wich causes a lot of problems, especially when a 200 GB file gets copied (which take a lot of time).
    What it is not:
    We thought that this was connected to the backup, but the backup had finished 3 hours before the last time this happended and the backup never uses any of the files in System Volume Information so it is not the backup.
    An observation:
    When this happend today I switched on ShadowCopy (previous files) and set it to only to use 320 MB of storage and then the Copy Process stopped and the virtual Machines started responding again. This could be unrelated since there is no way to see
    how much of the VHDX that is left to be copied, so it might have been finished at the same time as I enabled  ShadowCopy (previos files).
    Our question:
    Why is a VHDX copied to System Volume Information when scheduled ShadowCopy (previous version of files) is switched off? As far as I know, nothing should be copied to this folder when this functionis switched off?
    List of VSS Writers:
    vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool
    (C) Copyright 2001-2012 Microsoft Corp.
    Writer name: 'Task Scheduler Writer'
       Writer Id: {d61d61c8-d73a-4eee-8cdd-f6f9786b7124}
       Writer Instance Id: {1bddd48e-5052-49db-9b07-b96f96727e6b}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'VSS Metadata Store Writer'
       Writer Id: {75dfb225-e2e4-4d39-9ac9-ffaff65ddf06}
       Writer Instance Id: {088e7a7d-09a8-4cc6-a609-ad90e75ddc93}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'Performance Counters Writer'
       Writer Id: {0bada1de-01a9-4625-8278-69e735f39dd2}
       Writer Instance Id: {f0086dda-9efc-47c5-8eb6-a944c3d09381}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'System Writer'
       Writer Id: {e8132975-6f93-4464-a53e-1050253ae220}
       Writer Instance Id: {7848396d-00b1-47cd-8ba9-769b7ce402d2}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer'
       Writer Id: {66841cd4-6ded-4f4b-8f17-fd23f8ddc3de}
       Writer Instance Id: {8b6c534a-18dd-4fff-b14e-1d4aebd1db74}
       State: [5] Waiting for completion
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'Cluster Shared Volume VSS Writer'
       Writer Id: {1072ae1c-e5a7-4ea1-9e4a-6f7964656570}
       Writer Instance Id: {d46c6a69-8b4a-4307-afcf-ca3611c7f680}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'ASR Writer'
       Writer Id: {be000cbe-11fe-4426-9c58-531aa6355fc4}
       Writer Instance Id: {fc530484-71db-48c3-af5f-ef398070373e}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'WMI Writer'
       Writer Id: {a6ad56c2-b509-4e6c-bb19-49d8f43532f0}
       Writer Instance Id: {3792e26e-c0d0-4901-b799-2e8d9ffe2085}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'Registry Writer'
       Writer Id: {afbab4a2-367d-4d15-a586-71dbb18f8485}
       Writer Instance Id: {6ea65f92-e3fd-4a23-9e5f-b23de43bc756}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'BITS Writer'
       Writer Id: {4969d978-be47-48b0-b100-f328f07ac1e0}
       Writer Instance Id: {71dc7876-2089-472c-8fed-4b8862037528}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'Shadow Copy Optimization Writer'
       Writer Id: {4dc3bdd4-ab48-4d07-adb0-3bee2926fd7f}
       Writer Instance Id: {cb0c7fd8-1f5c-41bb-b2cc-82fabbdc466e}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'Cluster Database'
       Writer Id: {41e12264-35d8-479b-8e5c-9b23d1dad37e}
       Writer Instance Id: {23320f7e-f165-409d-8456-5d7d8fbaefed}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'COM+ REGDB Writer'
       Writer Id: {542da469-d3e1-473c-9f4f-7847f01fc64f}
       Writer Instance Id: {f23d0208-e569-48b0-ad30-1addb1a044af}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Please note:
    Please only answer our question and do not offer any general optimization tips that do not directly adress the issue! We want the problem to go away, not to finish a bit faster!

    Hallo Lawrence!
    Thankyou for youre reply, some comments to help you and others who read this thread:
    First of all, we use Windows Server 2012 and the VHDX as I wrote in the headline and in the text in my post. We have not had this problem in similar setups with Windows Server 2008 R2, so the problem seem to be introduced in Windows Server 2012.
    These posts that you refer to seem to be outdated and/or do not apply to our configuration:
    The post about Dynamic Disks: is only a recommendation for Windows Server 2008 R2 and the VHD format. Dynamic VHDX is indeed recommended by Microsoft when using Windows Server 2012 (please look in the optimization guide
    for Windows Server 2012).
    Infact, if we use fixed VHDX then we would have a bigger problem since fixed VHDX are generaly larger then Dynamic Disks, i.e. more data would be copied and that would take longer time = the VMs would be unresponsive for a longer time.
    The post "What's the deal with the System Volume Information folder" is for Windows XP / Windows Server 2003 and some things has changed since then. for instance In Windows Server 2012, Shadow Copies cannot be controlled by going to Control panel -> System.
    Instead you right-click on a Drive (i.e. a Volume, for instance the C drive/Volume) in Computer and then click "Configure Shadow Copies".
    Windows Server 2008 R2 Backup problem - This post is about the Antivirus software trying to scan files used during backup that exists in the System Volume Information folder and we do not
    have any antivirus software installed on our hosts as I stated in my post.
    Comment that might help us:
    So according to “System Volume Information” definition, the operation you mentioned is Volume Shadow Copy. Check event viewer to find Volume Shadow Copy related event logs and post them.
    Furhter investigation suggests that a volume shadow copy is somehow created even though the Schedule for Shadows Copies is turned off for all drives. This happens at random and we have not found any pattern. Yesterday this operation took almost all available
    disk space (over 200 GB), but all the disk space was released when I turned on scheduled Shadow Copies for the CSV.
    I therefore draw these conclusions:
    The CSV Volume has about 600 GB of disk space and since Volume Shadows Copy used 200 GB, or about 33% of the disk space, and the default limit is 10% then I conclude that for some reason the unscheduled Volume Shadow Copy did not have any limit (or ignored
    the limit).
    When I turned on the Schedule I also change the limit to the minimum amount which is 320 MB and this is probably what released the disk space. That is, the unscheduled Volume Shadow Copy operation was aborted and it adhered to the limit and deleted the
    Volume Shadow Copy it had taken.
    I have also set the limit for Volume Shadow Copies for all other volumes to 320 MB by using the "Configure Shadow Copies" Window that you open by right clicking on a drive (volume) in Computer and then selecting "Configure Shadow Copies...".
    It is important to note that setting a limit for Shadow Copy Storage, and disabaling the Schedule are two different things! It is possible to have unlimited storage for Shadow Copies when the Schedule is disabled, however I do not know if this was the case
    Before I enabled Shadow Copies on the CSV since I did not look for this.
    I now have defined a limit for Shadow Copy Storage to 320 MB on all drives and then no VHDX should be copied to System Volume Information since they are all larger than 320 MB.
    Does this sound about right or am I drawing the wrong conclusions?
    Limits for Shadow Copies:
    Below we list the limits for our two hosts:
    "Primary Host":
    C:\>vssadmin list shadowstorage
    vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool
    (C) Copyright 2001-2012 Microsoft Corp.
    Shadow Copy Storage association
       For volume: (\\?\Volume{e3ad7feb-178b-11e2-93e8-806e6f6e6963}\)\\?\Volume{e3ad7feb-178b-11e2-93e8-806e6f6e6963}\
       Shadow Copy Storage volume: (\\?\Volume{e3ad7feb-178b-11e2-93e8-806e6f6e6963}\)\\?\Volume{e3ad7feb-178b-11e2-93e8-806e6f6e6963}\
       Used Shadow Copy Storage space: 0 bytes (0%)
       Allocated Shadow Copy Storage space: 0 bytes (0%)
       Maximum Shadow Copy Storage space: 320 MB (91%)
    Shadow Copy Storage association
       For volume: (E:)\\?\Volume{dc0a177b-ab03-44c2-8ff6-499b29c3d5cc}\
       Shadow Copy Storage volume: (E:)\\?\Volume{dc0a177b-ab03-44c2-8ff6-499b29c3d5cc}\
       Used Shadow Copy Storage space: 0 bytes (0%)
       Allocated Shadow Copy Storage space: 0 bytes (0%)
       Maximum Shadow Copy Storage space: 320 MB (0%)
    Shadow Copy Storage association
       For volume: (G:)\\?\Volume{f58dc334-17be-11e2-93ee-9c8e991b7c20}\
       Shadow Copy Storage volume: (G:)\\?\Volume{f58dc334-17be-11e2-93ee-9c8e991b7c20}\
       Used Shadow Copy Storage space: 0 bytes (0%)
       Allocated Shadow Copy Storage space: 0 bytes (0%)
       Maximum Shadow Copy Storage space: 320 MB (3%)
    Shadow Copy Storage association
       For volume: (C:)\\?\Volume{e3ad7fec-178b-11e2-93e8-806e6f6e6963}\
       Shadow Copy Storage volume: (C:)\\?\Volume{e3ad7fec-178b-11e2-93e8-806e6f6e6963}\
       Used Shadow Copy Storage space: 0 bytes (0%)
       Allocated Shadow Copy Storage space: 0 bytes (0%)
       Maximum Shadow Copy Storage space: 320 MB (0%)
    C:\>cd \ClusterStorage\Volume1
    Secondary host:
    C:\>vssadmin list shadowstorage
    vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool
    (C) Copyright 2001-2012 Microsoft Corp.
    Shadow Copy Storage association
       For volume: (\\?\Volume{b2951138-f01e-11e1-93e8-806e6f6e6963}\)\\?\Volume{b2951138-f01e-11e1-93e8-806e6f6e6963}\
       Shadow Copy Storage volume: (\\?\Volume{b2951138-f01e-11e1-93e8-806e6f6e6963}\)\\?\Volume{b2951138-f01e-11e1-93e8-806e6f6e6963}\
       Used Shadow Copy Storage space: 0 bytes (0%)
       Allocated Shadow Copy Storage space: 0 bytes (0%)
       Maximum Shadow Copy Storage space: 35,0 MB (10%)
    Shadow Copy Storage association
       For volume: (D:)\\?\Volume{5228437e-9a01-4690-bc40-1df85a0e6736}\
       Shadow Copy Storage volume: (D:)\\?\Volume{5228437e-9a01-4690-bc40-1df85a0e6736}\
       Used Shadow Copy Storage space: 0 bytes (0%)
       Allocated Shadow Copy Storage space: 0 bytes (0%)
       Maximum Shadow Copy Storage space: 27,3 GB (10%)
    Shadow Copy Storage association
       For volume: (C:)\\?\Volume{b2951139-f01e-11e1-93e8-806e6f6e6963}\
       Shadow Copy Storage volume: (C:)\\?\Volume{b2951139-f01e-11e1-93e8-806e6f6e6963}\
       Used Shadow Copy Storage space: 0 bytes (0%)
       Allocated Shadow Copy Storage space: 0 bytes (0%)
       Maximum Shadow Copy Storage space: 6,80 GB (10%)
    There is something strange about the limits on the Secondary host!
    I have not in any way changed the settings on the Secondary host and as you can see, the Secondary host has a maximum limit of only 35 MB storage on the CSV, but it also shows that this is 10% of the Volume. This is clearly not the case since 10% if 600
    GB = 60 GB!
    The question is, why does it by default set a too small limit (i.e. < 320 MB) on the CSV and is this the cause of the problem? I.e. is the limit ignored since it is smaller than the smallest amount you can provide using the GUI?
    Is the default 35 MB maximum Shadow Copy limit a bug, or is there any logical reason for setting a limit that according to the GUI is too small?

  • Windows Server 2008 sp2 Task Scheduler missing next run time after restart

    I have the issue that there does not appear to be a fix for with a server 2008 sp2 (NOT R2) where after a restart all tasks are missing the next run time so I need to edit each task to add this time back in. I have tried  the hotfix in KB 950035
    but this when you run it is only for Vista and cannot be installed despite saying it's also for Server 2008.
    For some reason also this is Task Scheduler version 1 not 2 which I thought came with windows since Vista so SP2 should have it.
    Anyone got any ideas?

    Hi Evans,
    Would you please let us know current situation of this issue?
    As Dave mentioned, Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 include all the previously released updates for Windows
    Server 2008.
    Based on your description, I understand that all scheduled tasks still miss the next run time on your Windows
    Server SP2 when the server restart. If anything I misunderstand, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
    On current situation, please open Properties of one problematic scheduled task, navigate to History tab, then
    check if find some relevant events or errors. Those may help us to go further analyze.
    If any update, please feel free to let us know.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Install Agent12c on Windows Server 2008 R2

    Hi All,
    I have to install Agent12c on on Windows Server 2008 R2, already there is Oracle 10g agent installed on the system. The OMS Server is a linux system. I am not able to find the setup of Agent12c for Windows Platform.
    Please help in this installation.

    By the way, here's some additional information . . .
    If you are installing a 12c agent on a platform that is the same as the one on which your 12c OMS is running, then the agent software for that platform is available by default in the software library. So no action is required from your end. However, if you are installing on a platform that is different from the one on which your 12c OMS is running (this seems to be your case), then you must ensure that the agent software for the intended platform is downloaded and stored in the software library using the Self Update Console. Instructions to download the agent software using the Self Update Console are available here. Essentially, having the agent software is a prerequisite.
    However, that's a description of only the prerequisite; not really the procedure to install the agent. To install an agent using an interactive console, which I guess is the easiest, read this chapter. It's quite detailed; make sure you meet all the prerequisites before you head to the procedure.
    And to install an agent in other ways, for example, using scripts and response files, read this chapter.

  • Install windows server 2008 64bit on a poweredge sc430 using usb flash drive

    Good day Sir!
                        I Have 2 poweredge sc430 server with windows server 2003 64bit OS... I want to upgrade it to windows server 2008 standard edition R2 64bit.. I first disable the internal cdrom from bios and installed win2k8 64bit on 1 sc430 using external dvdrom. But when i used a usb flash drive to install win2k8 to another sc430, the server and keyboard hangs. ive already configured the boot sequence(usb drive as 1st priority). ive tried my usb flash to a non dell pc to make sure if my usb boots well and it worked... i think that there must be something i missed in configuring the bios of sc430
    Thanks in advance!

    Is it possible that I could have a copy of WS 2008 64-bit from you?
    That's not how it works.

  • Cannnot use 3TB hard drive to install Windows Server 2008 R2

    I am trying to install Windows 2008 R2 on a server with a 3TB HDD, but I can only create a 2TB partition on the hard drive, leaving around 800GB which I cannot even access. I can install Windows on the 2TB partition, but even after installation, I cannot
    physically access the remaining 800GB. When I right click on the 800GB unallocated partition in Storage\Disk Manager, I have no options to create a new partition. If I right-click on the existing 2TB partition, I have no option to extend it using the remaining
    Motherboard details:
    Asus Veriton S460
    Product Name: EG31M
    System BIOS: R01-C2
    BIOS Release Date: 11/27/08
    Can I do anything to use the remaining 800GB?

    Known Issues/Limitations
    Because the transition to a single-disk capacity of greater than 2 TB has occurred fairly recently, Microsoft has investigated how
    Windows supports these large disks. The results reveal several issues that apply to all versions of Windows earlier than and including Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1.
    To this point, the following incorrect behavior is known to occur when Windows handles single-disk storage capacity of greater than 2 TB:
    The numeric capacity beyond 2 TB overflows. This results in the system being able to address only the capacity beyond 2 TB. For example, on a 3 TB disk, the available capacity may be only 1 TB.
    The numeric capacity beyond 2 TB is truncated. This results in no more than 2 TB of addressable space. For example, on a 3 TB disk, the available capacity may be only 2 TB.
    The storage device is not detected correctly. In this case, it is not displayed in either the Device Manager or Disk Management windows.
    Many storage controller manufacturers offer updated drivers that provide support for storage capacities of more than 2 TB. Contact your
    storage controller manufacturer or OEM to determine what downloadable support is available for single-disk capacities that are greater than 2 TB.

  • Oracle 11g R2 install problem on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

    Hi all,
    Trying to install the Oracle 11g R2 database onto Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.
    I get as far as running the setup and a black window flashes up on the screen and disappears.
    The log files only show the following:
    Using paramFile: C:\Temp\database\install\oraparam.ini
    Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. Actual 65536 Passed
    The number of files bootstrapped for the jre is 0.
    The number of files bootstrapped for the oui is 0.
    I've tried running setup -debug from the command line but no further information is logged.
    Any help in troubleshooting further is appreciated.

    That is the complete log file. No error messages or further information is given.
    I'm not sure how to check:
    Statement of Direction: Oracle Database 11g Release 2 – Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 [ID 867040.1]
    I have checked on:
    The server meets all the hardware requirements. The default file share is accessible and it is running a supported browser. The installer is being run with Admin rights. I'm not sure what else I need to check.

  • Download issue when Windows 7 Pro joins a Windows Server 2008 Active Directory

    I purchased 2 new Dell OptiPlex 3010 desktop computers that came with Windows 7 Professional operating system with SP1. 
    There were no Microsoft updates installed yet.  After I added one of these Dell computers to the Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, I was not able to download several items. 
    Below are several examples:
    1) I downloaded the Norton anti-virus installation file.  This file is not the full installation of Norton; it is more of a file where you execute it and it will download the full installation from the Internet like from their Norton web
    site.  So when I executed this installation file, it does not download the full installation files. 
    It just hung at the screen saying “Downloading” and it will finally stop with an error (don’t remember the error message).
    Note: If I have the full Norton installation file then I am able to install it on this computer with no problems.
    2) I downloaded the Adobe Reader installation file.  This file is not the full installation of Adobe Reader; it is more of a file where you execute it and it will download the full installation from the Internet like from their Adobe web
    site.  So when I executed this installation file, it hung at the downloading part and then it will error out with a “Actionlist Not Found” message.
    Note: If I have the full Adobe Reader installation file then I am able to install it on this computer with no problems.
    3) I installed Microsoft Office 2010 Standard version on this computer. 
    I configured Microsoft Outlook to retrieve emails from my email provider (pop and smtp settings). 
    After configuring Microsoft Outlook, I was able to send emails through Microsoft Outlook successfully (and very quickly), but he was unable to retrieve my emails. The progress bar for the Receiving in the "Outlook Send/Receive Progress" box
    shows no progress. The Progress bar is not moving. There is a message at the bottom of Microsoft Outlook stating "Receiving message 1 of 6 (x.xx KB of x.xx MB)" and it is very slow. My new emails were not being retrieved at all. 
    I tried various pop and smtp servers that was available for my email provider, but all had the same effect.
    4) I can access certain web sites (e.g., while I cannot access other web sites like, my web hosting email site.
    Note: I had a Dell computer with Windows XP Professional operating system and this computer does not have any of the above issues.
    The above are only a few examples that I have experienced. 
    If I removed this Dell OptiPlex 3010 computer from the Windows Server 2008 Active Directory then I still experience the same issue.
    So as another test, I setup the other new Dell OptiPlex 3010 with the same Windows 7 Professional OS with SP1. 
    This time, I did not join the Windows Server 2008 Active Directory and I was able to successfully download the full Norton installation files, download the full Adobe Reader installation files, download my emails from Microsoft Outlook 2010, etc. 
    But once I joined this computer to the Windows Server 2008 Active Directory then I am not able to download these files and emails at all.
    It seems like there might be some group policy or a security setting that is preventing these downloads so I disabled the group policy on the Windows Server 2008 AD and Windows 7 Profession OS, but it didn’t resolve the issue.
     I disabled all of the firewall programs on this Windows 7 Professional OS, but it still did not resolve the issue.
    Since the Windows Server 2008 AD did not have DHCP installed, I installed DHCP and setup a scope. 
    Then configured the Windows 7 Professional OS to obtain an IP address, but it didn’t resolve the issue.
    If I move this Windows 7 Professional computer to another network where it did not have any Active Directory; it just had a wireless router serving DHCP then everything works on the Windows 7 Pro computer.
    Any ideas what is the root cause when a Windows 7 Professional computer join a Windows Server 2008 AD?

    Could you please tell some information for the AD environment and how it connect to the internet?
    Regarding 3rd party installlers didn't work as expected, please also seek help in their offical website.
    For outlook not receiving emails, could you please take a look in
    Event Viewer and see if there are any special errors logged there?
    And when trying to access the website like, any special errors IE showed out?
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Visual Studio 2005 deploy Crystal Report to Windows Server 2008 64-bit

    I've read a lot of posts here regarding deploying on a 64-bit server, but I'm still confused.
    We use Visual Studio 2005 to develop on a Windows XP machine.  We use the built-in version of Crystal that comes with VS2005. 
    We want to deploy the runtime to a Windows Server 2008 running 64-bit.  We want to deploy using the msi runtime components and not the merge modules.
    We end up with the message "An error has occurred while attempting to load Crystal Reports". 
    So, the question is, can we build & deploy a 64-bit version, and if so, what are we doing wrong here ?  At first glance, I don't see VS 2005 as listing Windows 2008 as a supported platform, so am I dead in the water right there ?  If that's the case .... then what are my options ?
    Any help or pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated !
    Thank You,

    In a nut shell, the only two 64 bit versions of Crystal Reports are 10.2 (bundles with .NET 2005) and 10.5 (bundles with .NET 2008). All other versions of Crystal Reports are 32 bit only. For more info see [this|] article.

  • Blue Screen Error during starting Windows Server 2008 R2 (VM on Hyper-v WinSvr2012) Using a Physical to Virtual (P2V) VHDX.

    Hi There,
    I'm trying to migrate one of my physical Windows Server 2008 R2 to Virtual Environment (Hyper-V on WinSvr2012).
    (The original physical machine had multiple partitions on the windows HDD and 2 other boot able OSs where installed on 2 of those partitions ...) So anyhow,  After heaps of trouble shooting and fixing the boot records, it finally started booting the
    Windows but when it got to loading C:\windows\System32\Drivers\Classpnp.sys
    and it crashed, a blue screen poped up saying "A Problem has been detected and windows has shut down to prevent damage to your computer ... ) and then system got rebooted automatically.
    I have tried chkdsk, also tried copying a new classpnp.sys to replace the old one but no hope. I don't think is not a damage file issue. Not sure, but it is probably related to changing the HDD devices or SCSI/IDE controllers?
    Any idea? 

    1. You have placed your problem in wrong forum. Address your problem to Server forum instead.
    2. I do not think it is liable configuration. I have not heard about migration of multiboot HDD. Try to split it. Pay attention to better preparation. I would expect separate target VM.

  • Installing Application Server 10g (10.1.3) on Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit

    installing Application Server 10g (10.1.3) on Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit
    i have installed this but restarting of server making problem
    i m not able to start opmn.ctl
    what should i do is there any other version to be downloaded
    I did.
    1. i installed X 86 software as 64 bits is available for itanium only
    2. it installed successfully after changing value in orapram.ini
    now after reboot of server my opmnctl doesnt come up
    what can be the issue?

    1st..check whether all the services of oracle are started in services.msc(if possible pls specify what all services of oracle can you see in services.msc)
    2nd..when you use the command opmnctl startall..what errors do you get..
    3rd..can you specify the opmn.logs and ons logs

  • Forms based system on App server windows server 2008 questions

    Hi guys,
    We run a 10g forms based MRP system. We converted to 10g 3 years ago and have been selling our system without issue now for that time.
    The current system has a shelf life of at least 3 more years whilst we develop a new system in 11g and jdeveloper.
    We currently deploy on windows 2003 R2 with app server
    We cant move to patchset as they are not backward compatible with our JAR file and we do not have the man power to upgrade all our customers in a short space of time.
    Eventually 2003 will cease to be available (not sure the shelf life on this, has anyone any idea?)
    Which leaves Server 2008 as the only available server. This does not work with so we are struggling to find a way round our issues.
    Any ideas?

    We have just run it through with the same patchset for the installer. This is a clean install of Win OS and installed the 10g database first.
    We receive the following error when installing the App Server (Forms & Reports)
    *"Output generated from configuration assistant "Application Server Control Configuration Assistant":*
    *Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Release*
    *Copyright (c) 1996, 2005 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.*
    *Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control ..The Oracleoracleas1ASControl service is starting*
    *The Oracleoracleas1ASControl service could not be started.*
    *A service specific error occurred: 2.*
    *More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3547.*
    *Configuration assistant "Application Server Control Configuration Assistant" failed"*
    When we type NET HELPMSG 3547 (as suggested), we receive the following error message:
    *"A service specifig error occurred: ***."*
    Are you running Windows Server 2008 (first release) or Windows Server 2008 R2?
    Any suggestions? I will try installing the App Server without installing the database now to see if that makes any difference.

  • Robocopy on Windows Server 2008 SP2 does not copy folder permissions

    When using Robocopy to copy folders and files from one local hard disk to another, using /COPYALL /E /TEE options, the target folder does not contain the source folder's ACL. I've tried other options such as: /COPY:DATSOU or /SECFIX, it made no difference.
    Test scenario: Create a folder on C:, Test1. Add to Test1's permissions a local group with Read, e.g. Backup Operators. The ACL list should have permissions inherited from C:\ plus Backup Operators that's not inherited. Use Robocopy to copy Test1 to C:\Test2, check the ACL on Test2. Backup Operators is missing.
    It looks like Robocopy cannot override the target folder's permissions inheritance, the folder  retains the parent folder's ACL.
    I've also disabled User Access Control in troubleshooting this problem.
    To add to this issue, there's a workaround can be used to ensure the target folder's ACL is the same as the source folder's ACL. It's a two step process.
    1) Use XCOPY source_folder target_folder /I /E /X /T  -  This lays down the directory structure including the ACLs
    2) Use ROBOCOPY source_folder target_folder /COPYALL /SECFIX /E  - This will copy over the directories and files, enforcing the files to receive the parent folder's ACL. The target_folder's ACL remain intact, unaltered from XCOPY command.
    The end result: the target_folder ACL is identical to the source_folder ACL, the files copied to the target_folder will inherit ACL from their parent folder. Both source and target folders and files ACLs are identical.
    ROBOCOPY should do both steps, but doesn't. I've tested this scenario on bare-bones Windows Server 2008, physical and virtual machines.
    Darryl Miller

    To Wendy23,
    Just for clarity, the Windows Server 2008 OS that I ran ROBOCOPY and XCOPY on was the non-R2 version. Microsoft might have fixed this issue in R2.
    You'll probably need to logon as local Administrator or use an account belonging to the local Administrators group.
    Also, open the Command Prompt using "Run as Administrator" (right-click on Command Prompt), then run the XCOPY and ROBOCOPY commands from within this prompt.
    To answer G.Write, the storage is local hard disks.
    Thanks, was a long time ago, I was having a problem with robocopy not copying permissions on a SAN, and was wondering if the SAN was the problem, but your method worked fine for me, thanks.

Maybe you are looking for