Hyperlinks werden inaktiv bei Umwandlung von Word in pdf Dokument

Ich habe den aktuellen Adobe Reader. Wenn ich ein Word Dokument (MS Word fuer Mac) in ein pdf verwandle, werden die Hyperlinks inaktiv (sind im Word Dokument aktiv, dies geht bei der pdf Umwandlung aber verloren, sie verlinken nicht mehr auf eine Webseite). Dies passiert, egal ob ich "speichern als pdf" oder die "drucken als pdf" Funktion nutze. Danke fuer einen Tipp!    

You need to ask Microsoft, as what you are using was created by them. Adobe Reader can not create PDF files on its own.

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    Guten Tag
    Ich möchte ein im Word 2007 erstelltes Dokument mit Formularfeldern mit Adobe Acrobat X Standard in ein PDF umwandeln, bei dem die Formularfelder korrekt übernommen werden (Feldgrösse, Anzahl Zeichen, Schriftgrösse...).
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    Besten Dank.

    You need to ask Microsoft, as what you are using was created by them. Adobe Reader can not create PDF files on its own.

  • Hyperlinks für Exceltabelle auf bestimmte Seiten eines PDF-Dokuments

    Guten Tag,
    wie kann ich Hyperlinks in einer Exceltabelle setzen, die nur auf bestimmte Seiten in einem PDF-Dokument verweisen?
    Es ist gewünscht, dass wenn man auf den Link geht, sich dann die richtige Seite in diesem einem PDF-Dokument öffnet und nicht nur das entsprechende Dokument.
    Ich benutze den Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro.
    Eine Idee von mir war, innerhalb dieses Dokumentes (ca. 50 Seiten) Bookmarks auf die gewünschten Seiten zu setzen und diese Bookmarks mit der Tabelle zu verlinken.
    Leider funktioniert dies nicht, da eine entsprechende Auswahlmöglichkeit für die Hyperlinks fehlt.
    Über Hilfe bin ich sehr dankbar.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Links sind keine Ansichten und die Grundeinstellung in Acrobat funzt schon seit längerem so, dass die Dokumentansicht wiederhergestellt wird, die zuletzt für ein bestimmtes Dokument aktiv war. Im Prinzip kriegst du genau das: Wenn das Dokument das erste Mal geöffnet wird, ist die Ansicht unbekannt und es wird die Seite korrekt geöffnet. Öffnest du innerhalb einer Session das Dokument nochmal, wird die Ansicht wiederhergestellt, weil das Acrobat sich so gemerkt hat. Klar kannst du das in dne Prefs abstellen, aber es ist wie gesagt eine benutzerabhängige Sache, die du im Authoring nicht erzwingen kannst. Wenn also nicht alle User in eurem Intranet dieses Verhalten auch abschalten, ist die von dir gewählte Methode unbrauchbar.

  • Einfügen von Zeichen/ vornehmen von Eintragungen im pdf Dokument

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    Vielen Dank!
    Gruß, Christian Eggers

    Hallo Christian,
    leider hast Du keine weitere Angaben über Deine Werkzeuge gemacht, deshalb schlage ich Dir "googeln" vor (Du kannst dann noch eine Feineinstellung machen).
    http://www.google.de/#hl=de&source=hp&q=pdf+formulafelder&btnG=Google-Suche&aq=f&aqi=&aql= &oq=pdf+formulafelder&gs_rfai=&fp=6b1fca1f9f447653
    Dabei erschienen mir diese Links sehr hilfreich:
    http://help.adobe.com/de_DE/Acrobat/9.0/Standard/WS58a04a822e3e50102bd615109794195ff-7dd2. w.html
    http://www2.zfn.uni-bremen.de/server/content/webhosting/anleitungen/pdf/formulare_erstelle n.pdf

  • Word to PDF does not keep hyperlinks in Table of Contents ?

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    I was surprised to see that the PDF document did not keep the clickable hyperlinks that Word uses in a Table of Contents. As this is the exact same behaviour as the "Save as PDF ..." option that I have natively available on my computer I don't see the point of paying a subscription to the service. Or am I doing something wrong?
    MAC OS X Lion (10.7.2)
    Office for Mac 2011
    150-page .doc document with Section, Chapter, and various Heading Styles defined
    WORD automatically-built Table of Contents
    In the WORD document, the page numbers in the Table of Contents are hyperlinks to the concerned page
    Convert WORD to PDF using "Save as PDF ..." option in the "Print..." dialog box
           ====> Table of Contents hyperlinks are not preserved (the page numbers are no longer clickable)
    Convert WORD to PDF using Adobe CreatePDF
           ====> Table of Contents hyperlinks are not preserved (the page numbers are no longer clickable)
    Am I missing something or is this the way it is intended (not) to work?
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    Good day fgrexsg,
    You are correct in that the workflow you described will not produce links in the resulting PDF files.  The steps that Lori outlined work great if you're working on Office for Windows in terms of getting the links to work when converting using the CreatePDF service. 
    In order to make this work on the Mac, you'll have to take a few extra steps within Office first.
    You're going to have to repeat this step for each item in your TOC.  While this will be time-consuming for a 150-page document, it will work.
    Within your TOC, highlight the entire entry listing (e.g. Topic 1.........3)
    Once the entire line is highlighted, choose Insert > Hyperlink
    Click 'Document' to select a location within the current document.
    Under the 'Anchor' option, either type in the Heading/Sub-heading (must be exact) of the page you want the hyperlink to attach to or click 'Locate' and find the proper Heading/Sub-heading within the structure.
    As I said, this will probably be time-consuming on such a large document, but it will work. 
    Unfortunately Office for Mac just simply isn't as full-featured as its Windows counterpart.
    Please let me know if you have any questions.
    Kind regards,
    Acrobat Community Manager
    Adobe Systems

  • Wenn Volltonfarben zusammen mit Transparenz verwendet werden kann es ausserhalb von Illustrator zu einem anderen Farbergebnis kommen

    Hallo Zusammen,
    ich habe ein Ai Datei und möchte diese gerne in Photoshop bearbeiten. Mir fehlen Farben oder sie werden in Photoshop falsch dargestellt(Rot wird rosa). Weder eine PDF noch eine ESP ist aus der AI Datei zu machen ohne dass das gleiche passiert. Auch kein jpg.
    Beim öffnen der Ai Datei in Illustrator erhalte ich einen Hinweis: " Ihre aktuellen Farbeinstellungen legen fest, dass CMYK-Profile in verknüpften Inhalten berücksichtigt werden. Bei der Dokumenterstellung wurde jedoch festgelegt, dass Profile ignoriert werden sollen".
    Ich bitte dringend um Hilfe, da es sich hierbei um einen Kundenauftrag handelt und niemand weiter weiß.

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  • Hyperlink problem when converting Word to PDF

    Hi everyone.
    I am using Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Standard version 7.1.4 on a Windows 2000 environment.
    I am using Word XP/2002 SP3.
    I have a couple of problems when converting Word to PDF.
    When converting a long link which is in 2 lines, PDF just takes one line into account, not considering the whole link
    When I have hyperlinks that links to a web page, the link works fine in Word but in pdf, it gets the few words after the url address making the link not work.  For example.  I have a hyperlink that http://www.google.com/ and after this I have the words: "This is a sample text".  The hyperlink in pdf would then become http://www.google.comThisisasampletext
    Do you have any ideas how I can correct this?

    To get the cross references, you have to use Convert to PDF (PDF Maker part of the Acrobat product). However, you first need to go to the print menu and set the printer to the Adobe PDF printer. Close the print menu and then do a reflow and link update of the document (ctrl-A, then F9 I think). This is needed to get the links correct since WORD reflows the document based on the printer (problem with them going to the wrong place).
    Printing to the Adobe PDF printer (the step of print to file is not needed, just print to the printer and the rest is automatic) does not include the links. PDF Maker is a PreProcessor for the Adobe PDF printer that adds PDF Marks to the PS file before it is sent to Distiller (OK, the printer when used normally creates a PS file and then invokes Distiller to complete the process - your steps did with the Adobe PDF printer is the same process done manually).
    1. Fix document after setting the printer to Adobe PDF.
    2. Use PDF Maker (create PDF button)

  • More problems while converting hyperlinks in word to pdf - missing first words

    I'm using Microsoft Office Word 2007 and Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended (I think on Windows XP).
    If I have a word document with a working hyperlink when I convert it to PDF (using the Acrobat button in Word)I end up with a working hyperlink in the pdf file but it is missing the first word. For example :
    in Word the hyperlinked phrase will be http:/tinyurl.com/MarinaBloj but in the pdf version it will be :/tinyurl.com/MarinaBloj
    in Word the hypelinked phrase will be "Sensitivity to luminance and chromaticity gradients in a complex scene." but in the pdf version it will be " to luminance and chromaticity gradients in a complex scene." with an extra blank space.
    worse, if in the word it is a single word, say "PDF" then all you get in the created pdf document is " " i.e. a blank space that is actually is a hyperlink (you can see the corresponding address if you hover the mouse).

    I am experiencing the exact problem...hyperlinks work after conversion from Word to pdf however first word is missing. I can only reproduce the problem on one computer. Other computers I have tried it on do not have that problem. Here is a work around i found....You can select the entire document (Ctrl + Shift + End from the beginning), then go to "Create PDF". Go into Options and select the "Selection" option. Then proceed to convert the document. It's a workaround but I'd like to know what the cause of the problem is.

  • Put in the clipboard, from an VB program, an image with a tooltip and a hyperlink to paste them into a Word or PowerPoint doc.

    I tried to put
    in the clipboard an image with an associated tooltip
    and a hyperlink to paste them into a Word or PowerPoint doc.
    I tried to do it with the usual Clipboard's methods SetData and GetData. It's easy to paste an image, text, rich text, html, but it does not appear to be able to associate metadata or hyperlink to an image.
    Usally the tooltip
    and the hyperlink are in the metadata
    associated with the object.
    I think it can be done with the CliboardData class and its Data and Metadata properties, working with the different items of the List of Objects, but I don't know how to tackle it.
    Any suggestions?
    Thank You

    I tried to put
    in the clipboard an image with an associated tooltip
    and a hyperlink to paste them into a Word or PowerPoint doc.
    I tried to do it with the usual Clipboard's methods SetData and GetData. It's easy to paste an image, text, rich text, html, but it does not appear to be able to associate metadata or hyperlink to an image.
    Usally the tooltip
    and the hyperlink are in the metadata
    associated with the object.
    I think it can be done with the CliboardData class and its Data and Metadata properties, working with the different items of the List of Objects, but I don't know how to tackle it.
    Any suggestions?
    Thank You
    Does word or powerpoint associate a tooltip and hyperlink to an image and then allow that image with those associations to be copied to another open word or powerpoint document? If not then your probably wasting your time.
    This code can "listen" for items copied to the clipboard. Needs a RichTextBox on a Form.
    Option Strict On
    Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
    Public Class Form1
    ' System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats class http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.dataformats(v=vs.110).aspx
    Declare Function AddClipboardFormatListener Lib "user32.dll" (hWnd As IntPtr) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)> Boolean
    Declare Function RemoveClipboardFormatListener Lib "user32.dll" (hWnd As IntPtr) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)> Boolean
    Dim DataFormats As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    DataFormats.Add("Bitmap", "Specifies a Windows bitmap format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("CommaSeparatedValue", "Specifies a comma-separated value (CSV) format which is a common interchange format used by spreadsheets. This format is not used directly by Windows Forms. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Dib", "Specifies the Windows device-independent bitmap (DIB) format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Dif", "Specifies the Windows Data Interchange Format (DIF) which Windows Forms does not directly use. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("EnhancedMetafile", "Specifies the Windows enhanced metafile format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("FileDrop", "Specifies the Windows file drop format which Windows Forms does not directly use. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Html", "Specifies text in the HTML Clipboard format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Locale", "Specifies the Windows culture format which Windows Forms does not directly use. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("MetafilePict", "Specifies the Windows metafile format which Windows Forms does not directly use. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("OemText", "Specifies the standard Windows original equipment manufacturer (OEM) text format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Palette", "Specifies the Windows palette format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("PenData", "Specifies the Windows pen data format which consists of pen strokes for handwriting software; Windows Forms does not use this format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Riff", "Specifies the Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) audio format which Windows Forms does not directly use. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Rtf", "Specifies text consisting of Rich Text Format (RTF) data. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Serializable", "Specifies a format that encapsulates any type of Windows Forms object. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("StringFormat", "Specifies the Windows Forms string class format which Windows Forms uses to store string objects. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("SymbolicLink", "Specifies the Windows symbolic link format which Windows Forms does not directly use. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Text", "Specifies the standard ANSI text format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("Tiff", "Specifies the Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) which Windows Forms does not directly use. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("UnicodeText", "Specifies the standard Windows Unicode text format. This static field is read-only.")
    DataFormats.Add("WaveAudio", "Specifies the wave audio format which Windows Forms does not directly use. This static field is read-only.")
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
    End Sub
    Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
    If m.ToString.Contains("msg=0x31d") Then
    Invoke(New ClipboardListenerDelegate(AddressOf ClipboardListener))
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Delegate Sub ClipboardListenerDelegate()
    Private Sub ClipboardListener()
    If InvokeRequired Then
    Invoke(New ClipboardListenerDelegate(AddressOf ClipboardListener))
    For Each Item In DataFormats.Keys
    If Clipboard.ContainsData(Item) = True Then
    RichTextBox1.AppendText(Item & " .. " & DataFormats(Item) & vbCrLf)
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    End Class
    La vida loca

  • My Adobe XI software no longer converts Word to PDF files with hyperlinks or page layout preserved.

    Is anyone else having the same problem where the initial installation worked fine and over time, you are no longer able to adjust the setting in the 'convert to PDF' menu for Word documents?  I am now faced with Word documents that lose their hyperlinks on conversion and when there are changes in page orientation (e.g., portrait to landscape and back again), the software creates sub files for each kind of page layout.  In a word, the software has become useless.  What can I do to fix this?

    In order to preserve links on Mac Word to PDF. You need to do as follows (note this only preserves links created by Word's auto Correct. Not by Word's URL Creator.)
    Method #1
    Create Document save as .docx as backup.
    Go to File Menu > Print
    Click and hold the PDF button, a Context menu appears.
    Choose Adobe Quality PDF, or Adobe PDF (depends upon Version of Mac OS X)
    First Choose quality (similar to Job Options in Distiller) and whether to open using Acrobat Or Reader.
    Next a Title will appear. (in format "microsoft.nameoffle.docx.pdf").
    You can leave file name as is or remove the Microsoft and the .docx from the Name
    Save File.
    This method also will print pdf, even if it has section and Page breaks except when there is orientation change from Portrait, or landscape.
    Method #2
    Do step 1 above.
    Locate the file Created.
    Drag the file either on top the actual Application or its Icon in the Dock.
    Wait ......
    When Acrobat opens Immediately save.
    Again all links created with Auto-correct will be live.
    And pages will be intact in the PDF except when there is a Change in orientation.
    Auto correct will create links/URL's  when you type such the will automatically turn blue and become underlined. And clicking on the in the word Document  will go to the link.
    What does not work until Adobe fixes a 10-15 year old bug is where you select word then go to Insert menu> URL. A window opens and you choose the link or email, in the URL Creator.
    Also the Bug where changes in section, and pages breaks cause new PDF that have to be put together has not been completely cured. (Still splits when orientation changes.) Has been proved by Microsoft to be a Bug Adobe can't or won't fix. You simply take a Mac Word File open it in the PC version and create a PDF. And works perfect.

  • How can I convert MS Word to PDF (w/ hyperlinks and bookmarks)?

    I have a 1000+ page MS Word document that I'm trying to convert to PDF.
    If in MS Word I select Adobe PDF > Convert to Adobe PDF my system hangs. (I've let it sit for over 2.5 hours with no progress.)
    I can easily print to a .prn file and then distill the file to create a PDF. However, when I do this method, the PDF comes through with no hyperlinks and no bookmarks. Are there any conversation settings so that this method will create the hyperlinks/bookmarks?
    Given the size of the PDF, hyperlinks/bookmarks are extremely important. Any other ideas/tips would be appreciated.

    Please itemize how I can convert a MS Word document into a PDF document.

  • Fehler bei Installation von Gemeinsame Technologien

    ich kann Photoshop Elements 11 nicht installieren.
    Kurz vor Fertigstellung der Installation kommt der Fehler "Fehler bei Installation von Gemeinsame Technologien. Starten Sie Ihr System neu und versuchen Sie es erneut."

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  • Hyperlink von HTML auf einen Artikel in einem pdf Dokument

    wir würden gerne in unserem intranet von einer HTML Seite direkt auf einen Artikel in einem pdf Dokument verlinken.
    Bisher ist es uns nur gelungen das pdf Dokument auf der Startseite zu öffnen.
    Danke für eure Hilfe.

    Danke, das ist sicher eine Möglichkeit wenn man nur einmal in das Dokument verlinken will. Wir müssen aber auf mehrere Stellen verlinken.
    Ich hatte diese Frage auch noch im englischen Forum gestellt und dazu eine Lösungsmöglichkeit über PDF Open Parameters bekommen.
    Für alle die ein ähnliches Problem haben möchte ich die Link auch hier noch einmal einfügen.

  • Mein PDF Dokument lässt sich nicht in Word bzw Excel konvertieren.  Ich bekomme immer Fehlermeldungen

    Mein PDF Dokument lässt sich nicht in Word bzw Excel konvertieren.  Ich bekomme nur Fehlermeldungen. In dem PDF befindet sich ein Flussdiagramm.

    hallo mylenium, hallo ratefuchs,
    vorab: ich bin ein leie... :-) also bitte so wenig wie möglich fachbegriffe!
    hier meine frage...
    im anhängenden file (rechnungsformular), habe ich "dropdown-listen"-felder mit listenelementen. diesen einzelnen elementen sollen feste preise in form von gleitkommazahlen als "numerischen-feldern" in der spalte stückpreis...
    angenommen ich suche mir das element "arbeitszeit" aus der auswahlliste, dann sollte automatisch der betrag bei stückzahl dabei stehen...
    ich hoffe es kommt rüber was ich meine oder?
    vielleicht nochmal:
    gibt es die möglichkeit, elementen einer dropdown-liste mit einem festen werte in einem anderen feld, z.b. numerisches feld, zu verknüpfen? so eine art wenn-dann-funktion?
    vielen dank im voraus
    gruß alex

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