I am getting an error message that says:

"This accessory is not optimized for your iphone"  I have been getting the message for 2 days but don't have any accessories attached to my phone?  Any thoughts

where is this message apearing? This error message ussually apears when using an incompatible charging device. a simple fix that should work is just turninig off your iphone and turning it back on

Similar Messages

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    Let's try the following user tip with that one:
    iTunes for Windows "iTunes has stopped working" error messages when playing videos, video podcasts, movies and TV shows

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    "The feature you are trying to use in on a network resource that is unavailable. Enter alternate path to a folder containing the installation package itunes64.msi".
    Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility from the following page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    To install the utility, doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file you downloaded.
    Now run the utility ("Start > All Programs > Windows Install Clean Up"). In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any iTunes entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

  • I'm running snow leopard. The try to open any .mov file in Quicktime, and I get an error message that says, "The document xyz.mov could not be opened. The movie is not in a format that Quicktime player understands. I'm a recent upgrade to Snow Leopard.

    I'm running snow leopard. The try to open any .mov file in Quicktime, and I get an error message that says, "The document xyz.mov could not be opened. The movie is not in a format that Quicktime player understands. I'm a recent upgrade to Snow Leopard.
    Thanks, Mark

    Unfortunately, the error message gives no details about what codec might be missing or what it needs.
    If the file can't be opened in QT, it only means you cannot use the QT "Inspector" window to check what compression formats were used to create the file. It does not mean you can't use the Finder "Information" window to check on the compression formats or use a third party media information window (e.g., like VLC which will open many compression formats not supported natively by QT) to determine what kind of data is included in the MOV wrapper. If the file cannot be opened in any app, it is usually a good sign that the file itself is corrupted.
    It's a stupid error message. Apple should do better than that.
    Error trapping is quite extensive but there are still many areas which require human oversight. The message is telling you that either the container has a problem (e.g., not properly terminated, non-standard, or corrupted) or that one or more of the compression formats used is not supported by your current codec component configuration or that the data was encoded using non-standard settings or preferences not supported by QT or that the fourCC code does not match the data contained in the file or that there are timecode inconsistencies, etc., etc., etc. In short there are a near infinite number of possible problems for which it would be very difficult/nearly impossible to program error trapping depending on your sourcing of content and how you process it before it reaches the player app. Think of it like trying to play a BD disc in an DVD player.
    I'll call Apple support when I get a chance.
    Chances are good that they will end up sending you back here. In any case, it is often a good idea to post a sample file for examination by other QT users. At the very least, they should be able to tell you if the sample file will play on other systems which would indicate whether or not the file itself is bad and under the best of circumstances whould allow them to examing the file in detail for various common problems.

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    Disabling the computer's antivirus and firewall during the download and update usually resolves the timeout error.

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    See... Unable to install or open > http://support.apple.com/kb/TS5376
    Also See this User Tip by turingtest2

  • For the first time, I'm trying to use adobe premiere elements10 that came with my pc Windows 8. I created a single project, saved it but cannot open it. My pc shows the file I created but I get an error message that says this type file is not supported or

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    mike frischenmeyer
    What computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 10 running on? And, what video card/graphics card does that computer use?
    Is this the first time you are using Premiere Elements 10 or have you worked with it before successfully? There is no easy solution until we
    know the details and troubleshoot to determined what caused the problem.
    1. Can you open a new project?
    2. After you saved/closed the problem project, did you move, delete, or rename any of the files/folder that were related to the source media
    for that project?
    3. Please review the Adobe document on troubleshooting damaged projects.
    Troubleshoot damaged projects | Adobe Premiere Elements
    4. What are the steps that you are using to reopen this saved closed project.
    a. File Menu/Open Project/Name of Project
    b. Other
    Please review and consider and then we can decide what next based on your further details and results..
    Thank you.

  • I recently reset my computer and copy my music from an external hard drive to my itunes library.  When I click on a song to play i get an error message that says " the song could not be used because the original file could not be found".  need help

    I recently reset my computer and copy my music from an external hard drive to my itunes library.  When I click on a song to play i get an error message that says " the song could not be used because the original file could not be found".  But when I have my external hard drive plug in the song will play with no problem.  What do I need to do to play my music without having the external harddrive plug in ????????  Please help

    Because the location for each song in your library is on your hard drive.  If the hard drive isn't there, how can iTunes play it?
    You'll have to move/copy the music from your hard drive to your computer's hard drive.
    Basically, EASIEST way to do all this, if you don't care about your play counts, etc...
    -Delete EVERYTHING from iTunes, so that your library is now empty.
    -Go to "Advanced" inside of the "Preferences" window, found in the "Edit" drop-down.  You can also access Preferences by pressing Ctrl+, (Press Ctrl and the comma key)
    -Change your iTunes Media Folder Location to something simple, but on your computer. I use C:/iTunes.  Make sure "Keep iTunes Media Folder Organized" and "Copy files to...." are both checked.  You can close Preferences now.
    -Now, drag and drop your music from your hard drive into your iTunes library.  iTunes will automatically add the music to your library, as you would expect, and also creates a copy of each file to place into that iTunes Media Folder you just created.
    Shouldn't have any more problems...

  • I keep getting an error message that says "the ipod cannot not be synced""an unknown error occured (13019).

    I keep getting an error message that says "the ipod cannot not be synced""an unknown error occured (13019). I am trying to put albums on to my ipod by dragging and dropping. I have it set to manually manage music and videos. The albums appear in the music section under Devices, but they don't appear on my actual ipod.
    I have never had any problems doing this before, only in the last few days.

    I am having the exact same issue as you are with my iPod nano. This started happening the same day after I updated the iPod software, so I wonder if it is a bug within the software that Apple needs to resolve. I dragged 3 playlists of new music from my iTunes over to my iPod and sometime while it was trying to add those songs, the error 13019 popped up. Another note, which may not be related at all, was that iTunes told me at some point during this process (I believe before the error notification, but I'm not sure and that may be helpful to know) that I did not have enough room on the iPod to copy all of the songs, but it would copy as many as it could. What is curious, like in your situation, is now all the songs it supposedly copied appear to be on the iPod under the Device->iPod->Music label in iTunes when it is plugged into my computer, the playlists in question are also showing up there, and it does indeed say my memory is full under the iPod's general tab in iTunes. However, when going through my actual iPod when it is not plugged in, none of those songs or playlists are anywhere to be found.
    Anyways, all the established solutions to the 13019 error do not apply to this situation, as my iPod has always been set to manually managed so "unchecking" the Sync Music option under the Music tab of the iPod and rechecking it will not work because it was never checked in the first place.  And voice memos are obviously not applicable since we are not talking about an iPhone failing to sync music.
    Unless anyone can provide a new solution here, I may just have to take my computer and iPod up to the genius bar. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  • I can't seem to open (view) my photos.  I get an error message that says "the file couldn't be opened because you don't have permission to view it. To view or change permission, select the item in the finder and choose File. Get info."

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    Try the following:
    1 - launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    2 - Run Option #1, Repair Permissions.

  • I tried to play my iTunes and suddenly get an error message that says "The song (name) could not be used because the original file could not be found.  Would you like to locate it now?"  It happens on all my tunes and each one I select ends up with a "?"

    I tried to play my iTunes and suddenly get an error message that says "The song (name) could not be used because the original file could not be found.  Would you like to locate it now?"  It happens on each tune I select and a "?" appears beside the song.  Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    I was not complete clear.
    Since you never changed the settings in the advanced section of iTunes preferecnes, you have to chech that your music is really in the location setted in the folders reported in the advanced section.  If not you have 2 ways: reset the position of this folders or in the actual disk organisation or in the pointing on the preferences.
    If you press the reset button you just give to itunes its default setting as for the position of the music files: probably this will be a good choice if you have never changed any default preference.
    But before I would check the folders and see if the songs are really there
    In my iTune I have this, and I believe it is the default.
    Users/YOURHOMEFOLDERNAME/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music

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    Did you delete all receipts with iDVD in the file name  with either a .PKG or .BOM extension that reside in the HD/Library/Receipts folder and from the /var/db/receipts/  folder before installing the new copy?  If not then do so and delete the new application also.
    Click to view full size
    Then install iPhoto from the disk it came on originally and apply all necessary updaters: Apple - Support - Downloads

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    Hi Robertfrom Denver.
    Did you try the solution given, and if yes, did it work?
    I have done several "attempted downloads, and see the full file download, typically taking 30 minutes to complete, and then something goes wrong.
    I am happy to suspend AV and FW software, but would like to know if it is a good fix or not first?
    HelenfromBroughton Astley

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    No, I am a US citizen living overseas, but I am going through a VPN and I am using a US-based credit card. I have no problem purchasing apps, just purchasing gift certificates. I'm going to try gifting the app to the person I am purchasing for until Apple straightens this out for me.

  • I want to move my iphoto libarary but i am getting an error message that says there is already a folder with that name - there is not.

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    Are you following the instructions here:

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    What version of iPhoto do you have installed?  Is if one of the versions shown as not compatible in this screenshot?
    If it is then go to the App Store and download iPhoto 9.5.  It will be free if you have an iPhoto 9 or later verson currently.

Maybe you are looking for

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