I am trying to start DAC 11g server in AIX but getting erorr (MESSAGE:::Schema version is missing or old).

OS detected: AIX
Jan 14, 2014 4:33:52 PM com.siebel.etl.etlmanager.DerivedConstants getDacDomainHome
INFO: The DAC_DOMAIN_HOME set to /apps/DAC11g/dac
Jan 14, 2014 4:33:52 PM com.siebel.etl.etlmanager.DerivedConstants getDacConfigLocation
INFO: The DAC_CONFIG_LOCATION value hasn't been found, the USERDIR value was used instead
Jan 14, 2014 4:33:52 PM com.siebel.etl.etlmanager.DerivedConstants getDacConfigLocation
INFO: The DAC_CONFIG_LOCATION set to /apps/DAC11g/dac
Jan 14, 2014 4:33:52 PM com.siebel.etl.etlmanager.DerivedConstants getOracleDacHome
INFO: The BI_ORACLE_HOME value hasn't been found, the USERDIR value was used instead
Jan 14, 2014 4:33:52 PM com.siebel.etl.etlmanager.DerivedConstants getOracleDacHome
INFO: The ORACLEDIR set to /apps/DAC11g/dac
Jan 14, 2014 4:33:53 PM com.siebel.etl.bootup.ApplicationManager <init>
INFO: Application booting up...
Jan 14, 2014 4:33:54 PM oracle.security.jps.internal.common.util.XmlSchemaValidationUtil$StrictErrorHandler warning
WARNING: Failed to validate the xml content. SchemaLocation: schemaLocation value = 'http://xmlns.oracle.com/oracleas/schema/11/jps-config-11_1.xsd' must have even number of URI's. Location: line 2 column 272.
Jan 14, 2014 4:33:56 PM com.siebel.etl.database.ConnectionManager init
INFO: Creating repository pool
Jan 14, 2014 4:34:00 PM com.siebel.etl.database.ConnectionManager init
INFO: Repository pool created
Jan 14, 2014 4:34:00 PM com.siebel.etl.net.QServer <init>
GLOBAL: DAC Version: Dac Build AN
Jan 14, 2014 4:34:00 PM com.siebel.etl.net.QServer <init>
GLOBAL: Process name: 18940116@lfx007qpa
Jan 14, 2014 4:34:00 PM com.siebel.etl.net.QServer <init>
GLOBAL: The System properties are: java.assistive       ON
java.runtime.name       Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
ibm.signalhandling.rs   false
sun.boot.library.path   /usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ppc64/default:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ppc64
java.vm.version 2.4
com.ibm.oti.configuration       scar
java.vm.vendor  IBM Corporation
java.vendor.url http://www.ibm.com/
path.separator  :
java.vm.name    IBM J9 VM
user.country    US
sun.java.launcher       SUN_STANDARD
user.dir        /apps/DAC11g/dac
java.vm.specification.name      Java Virtual Machine Specification
java.runtime.version    pap6460sr9fp1-20110208_03 (SR9 FP1)
java.fullversion        JRE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 AIX ppc64-64 jvmap6460sr9-20110203_74623 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
J9VM - 20110203_074623
JIT  - r9_20101028_17488ifx3
GC   - 20101027_AA
java.awt.graphicsenv    sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment
java.endorsed.dirs      /usr/java6_64/jre/lib/endorsed
os.arch ppc64
com.ibm.vm.bitmode      64
java.io.tmpdir  /tmp/
java.vm.specification.vendor    Sun Microsystems Inc.
os.name AIX
java.jcl.version        20110203_01
sun.jnu.encoding        ISO8859-1
java.library.path       /usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ppc64/default:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ppc64:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ppc64:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ppc64/default:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ppc64/j9vm:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ppc64:/usr/java6_64/jre/../lib/ppc64:/apps/oracle/oraclehomes/11.2.0/lib:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/ODBC6.0/lib:.:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/usr/lib:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/oracle/oraclehomes/11.2.0/lib:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/ODBC6.0/lib:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/apps/Informatica9/9.0.1/server/bin:/usr/lib
jxe.current.romimage.version    15
com.ibm.oti.vm.bootstrap.library.path   /usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ppc64/default:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ppc64
com.ibm.cpu.endian      big
java.specification.name Java Platform API Specification
java.class.version      50.0
ibm.system.encoding     ISO8859-1
java.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory      java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferencesFactory
os.version      6.1
com.ibm.oti.vm.library.version  24
user.home       /home/snlmgr
user.timezone   America/Los_Angeles
java.awt.printerjob     sun.print.PSPrinterJob
file.encoding   ISO8859-1
java.specification.version      1.6
user.name       snlmgr
java.class.path ./lib/msbase.jar:./lib/mssqlserver.jar:./lib/msutil.jar:./lib/sqljdbc.jar:./lib/ojdbc6.jar:./lib/ojdbc5.jar:./lib/ojdbc14.jar:./lib/db2java.zip:./lib/teradata.jar:./lib/terajdbc4.jar:./lib/log4j.jar:./lib/tdgssjava.jar:./lib/tdgssconfig.jar:./lib/nzjdbc.jar:./lib/bijdbc.jar:./lib/ttjdbc6.jar:./lib/orai18n.jar:./lib/timestenjmsxla.jar:./lib/jms.jar:./lib/javax.jms.jar:./DAWSystem.jar:./lib/biacm.paramproducer.jar::./lib/oracle_common/modules/oracle.pki_11.1.1/oraclepki.jar:./lib/oracle_common/webservices/wsclient_extended.jar:./lib/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jmx_11.1.1/jmxspi.jar:./lib/oracle_common/modules/oracle.odl_11.1.1/ojdl.jar:./lib/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jps_11.1.1/jps-internal.jar:./lib/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jps_11.1.1/jps-platform.jar:./lib/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jps_11.1.1/jps-se.jar:./lib/oracle_common/modules/oracle.idm_11.1.1/identitystore.jar:./lib/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jps_11.1.1/jps-az-rt.jar:./lib/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jps_11.1.1/jacc-spi.jar:./lib/oracle_common/modules/oracle.iau_11.1.1/fmw_audit.jar:./lib/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jmx_11.1.1/jmxframework.jar:./lib/oracle_common/modules/oracle.igf_11.1.1/identitydirectory.jar::./lib/oracle_common/jlib/help-share.jar:./lib/oracle_common/jlib/ohj.jar:./lib/oracle_common/jlib/jewt4.jar:./lib/oracle_common/jlib/share.jar:./lib/oracle_common/jlib/oracle_ice.jar:
com.ibm.oti.shared.enabled      false
java.vm.specification.version   1.0
sun.arch.data.model     64
sun.java.command        com.siebel.etl.net.QServer
java.home       /usr/java6_64/jre
com.ibm.oti.jcl.build   20110202_1316
user.language   en
ibm.signalhandling.sigint       true
java.specification.vendor       Sun Microsystems Inc.
os.encoding     ISO8859-1
oracle.security.jps.config      /apps/DAC11g/dac/conf/security/jps-config-jse.xml
java.vm.info    JRE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 AIX ppc64-64 jvmap6460sr9-20110203_74623 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
J9VM - 20110203_074623
JIT  - r9_20101028_17488ifx3
GC   - 20101027_AA
java.version    1.6.0
java.ext.dirs   /usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ext
jxe.lowest.romimage.version     15
sun.boot.class.path     /usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ppc64/default/jclSC160/vm.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/annotation.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/beans.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/java.util.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/jndi.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/logging.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/security.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/sql.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ibmorb.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ibmorbapi.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ibmcfw.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/rt.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/charsets.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/resources.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ibmpkcs.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ibmcertpathfw.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ibmjgssfw.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ibmjssefw.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ibmsaslfw.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ibmjcefw.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ibmjgssprovider.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ibmjsseprovider2.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ibmcertpathprovider.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/ibmxmlcrypto.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/management-agent.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/xml.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/jlm.jar:/usr/java6_64/jre/lib/javascript.jar
java.vendor     IBM Corporation
file.separator  /
java.compiler   j9jit24
sun.io.unicode.encoding UnicodeBig
ibm.signalhandling.sigchain     true
Jan 14, 2014 4:34:00 PM com.siebel.etl.engine.core.ETLUtils logException
ANOMALY INFO::: QServer will stop owing to repository version mismatch: Schema version is missing or old.
Try upgrading repository.
MESSAGE:::Schema version is missing or old.
Try upgrading repository.
EXCEPTION CLASS::: com.siebel.etl.upgrade1.VersionMismatchException

(1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
(2) Doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (If you're on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system and you get a Code 800A0046 error message when doubleclicking the msicuu2.exe file, try instead right-clicking on the msicuu2.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator".)
(3) In your Start menu click All Programs and then click Windows Install Clean Up. The Windows Installer CleanUp utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
(4) In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any iTunes entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
(5) Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

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    First backup your music and content.
    Then delete iTunes 10.6 Drag the application from Finder > Applications to Trash. Empty Trash
    Try and install 10.7 first iPhone 4s will work with this. You can find the download here
    Install it. Does itunes 10.7 now appear? Is your content all there? Connect up your iPhone and start syncing.
    From there if you want to you can upgrade to iTunes 11 but it is only necassary if you have an iPhone 5

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    INFO: jsf.core.injection.provider_generic_web_configured
    Sep 17, 2007 6:29:23 PM org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase _createType
    SEVERE: Could not load type properties
    at oracle.classloader.PolicyClassLoader.findLocalClass(PolicyClassLoader.java:1491)
    at oracle.classloader.SearchPolicy$FindLocal.getClass(SearchPolicy.java:226)
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    at oracle.classloader.SearchPolicy$AskParent.getClass(SearchPolicy.java:72)
    at oracle.classloader.SearchSequence.getClass(SearchSequence.java:119)
    at oracle.classloader.SearchPolicy.loadClass(SearchPolicy.java:852)
    at oracle.classloader.PolicyClassLoader.askParentForClass(PolicyClassLoader.java:1315)
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    at oracle.classloader.SearchSequence.getClass(SearchSequence.java:119)
    at oracle.classloader.PolicyClassLoader.internalLoadClass(PolicyClassLoader.java:1681)
    at oracle.classloader.PolicyClassLoader.loadClass(PolicyClassLoader.java:1642)
    at oracle.classloader.PolicyClassLoader.loadClass(PolicyClassLoader.java:1627)
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase._createType(UIXComponentBase.java:1393)
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.<clinit>(UIXComponentBase.java:96)
    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.DialogRenderer.<init>(DialogRenderer.java:34)
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:27)
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:494)
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Class.java:350)
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:303)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.configure(ConfigureListener.java:1024)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.configure(ConfigureListener.java:1096)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.configure(ConfigureListener.java:505)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized(ConfigureListener.java:398)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.initDynamic(HttpApplication.java:1285)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.<init>(HttpApplication.java:856)
    at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.getHttpApplication(ApplicationStateRunning.java:473)
    at com.evermind.server.Application.getHttpApplication(Application.java:753)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpSite$HttpApplicationRunTimeReference.createHttpApplicationFromReference(HttpSite.java:2039)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpSite$HttpApplicationRunTimeReference.<init>(HttpSite.java:1958)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpSite.initApplications(HttpSite.java:645)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpSite.setConfig(HttpSite.java:289)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpServer.setSites(HttpServer.java:270)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpServer.setConfig(HttpServer.java:177)
    at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.initializeHttp(ApplicationServer.java:2747)
    at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.setConfig(ApplicationServer.java:1255)
    at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerLauncher.run(ApplicationServerLauncher.java:129)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
    07/09/17 18:29:26 Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( initialized

    Using the OTN2 tech preview build 4684 now available on OTN, I used the JDEVHOME/jdev/bin/start_oc4j script to startup the embedded server in standalone mode and cannot reproduce these errors.
    Can you try with build 4684 from OTN and see if the same issue still reproduces?
    If so, does it occur even before ever deploying any applications of your own to the instance?

  • Trying to install Oracle 11G R1 on AIX 6

    While trying to start the installation on the AIX server am receiving the below message and the installation Stops and never continues.
    can anyone help...
    Target=2_30_20070131_11312_BHdSMr (AIX 6.1)
    CPU=ppc64 (16 logical CPUs) (0x80000000 RAM)
    JVMDUMP006I Processing Dump Event "gpf", detail "" - Please Wait.
    JVMDUMP007I JVM Requesting System Dump using '/crmdb/core.20110301.161715.7733330.dmp'
    JVMDUMP010I System Dump written to /crmdb/core.20110301.161715.7733330.dmp
    JVMDUMP007I JVM Requesting Snap Dump using '/crmdb/Snap0001.20110301.161715.7733330.trc'
    JVMDUMP010I Snap Dump written to /crmdb/Snap0001.20110301.161715.7733330.trc
    JVMDUMP007I JVM Requesting Java Dump using '/crmdb/javacore.20110301.161715.7733330.txt'
    JVMDUMP012E Error in Java Dump: /crmdb/javacore.20110301.161715.7733330.txt
    JVMDUMP013I Processed Dump Event "gpf", detail "".

    I have the same mistake I did the export of JAVA_COMPILER = NONE and I generate this error, you can help me to install Oracle 11.1 on AIX 6.1 ... Thanks
    Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
    Checking Temp space: must be greater than 190 MB. Actual 1513 MB Passed
    Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 32768 MB Passed
    Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. Actual 1
    6777216 Passed
    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2011-03-29_08
    -53-12PM. Please wait ...Mar 29, 2011 8:53:36 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPrefe
    rences$2 run
    WARNING: java.io.IOException: The file access permissions do not allow the speci
    fied action.
    Exception in thread "Timer-0" java.lang.SecurityException: Could not lock User p
    refs. Lock file access denied.
    at java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences.checkLockFile0ErrorCode(FileSys
    at java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences.lockFile(FileSystemPreferences.
    at java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences.sync(FileSystemPreferences.java
    at java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences.flush(FileSystemPreferences.jav
    at java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences.syncWorld(FileSystemPreferences
    at java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences.access$1200(FileSystemPreferenc
    at java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$4.run(FileSystemPreferences.jav
    at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:527)
    at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:477)
    Mar 29, 2011 8:54:29 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$3 run
    INFO: Created system preferences directory in java.home.
    Oracle Universal Installer, Version Production
    Copyright (C) 1999, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Unhandled exception
    Type=Segmentation error vmState=0x00000000
    J9Generic_Signal_Number=00000004 Signal_Number=0000000b Error_Value=00000000 Sig
    Handler1=09001000A056FC78 Handler2=09001000A0567538
    R0=000000011075CBE4 R1=0FFFFFFFFFFFBE40 R2=0000000000000006 R3=0000000000000001
    R4=0000000111AE96A8 R5=0000000111AE96B8 R6=0000000111AE95E8 R7=0000000111AE95E8
    R8=0000000000000008 R9=0000000111AE96B8 R10=0700000000613CC0 R11=0900000002831C3
    R12=0000000110EE32D8 R13=00000001100138A0 R14=0000000111AE96E8 R15=00000001100A4
    R16=0000000110F892F0 R17=0000000113197068 R18=09001000A05733B0 R19=0000000000000
    R20=000000011202FC98 R21=0000000111AE97E0 R22=00000001100A4080 R23=0000000000000
    R24=0000000113226500 R25=0000000113226500 R26=070000000060C398 R27=0000000000000
    R28=0000000000000031 R29=0000000000000000 R30=0700000000798C68 R31=0000000000000
    IAR=0900000002831C38 LR=000000011075D42C MSR=A00000000000D032 CTR=0900000002831C
    CR=8258584420000004 FPSCR=8200200000000000 XER=2000000482002000
    FPR0 4024000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 1.000000e+01)
    FPR1 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR2 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR3 3fee666660000000 (f: 1610612736.000000, d: 9.500000e-01)
    FPR4 4530000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 1.934281e+25)
    FPR5 3fbc28f5c28f5c29 (f: 3264175104.000000, d: 1.100000e-01)
    FPR6 000000000000ffff (f: 65535.000000, d: 3.237859e-319)
    FPR7 0000000082004000 (f: 2181054464.000000, d: 1.077584e-314)
    FPR8 8000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: -0.000000e+00)
    FPR9 4040874000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 3.305664e+01)
    FPR10 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR11 3fee666660000000 (f: 1610612736.000000, d: 9.500000e-01)
    FPR12 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR13 400c1599a0000000 (f: 2684354560.000000, d: 3.510547e+00)
    FPR14 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR15 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR16 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR17 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR18 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR19 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR20 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR21 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR22 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR23 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR24 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR25 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR26 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR27 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR28 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR29 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR30 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    FPR31 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    Target=2_30_20070131_11312_BHdSMr (AIX 6.1)
    CPU=ppc64 (24 logical CPUs) (0xf80000000 RAM)
    JVMDUMP006I Processing Dump Event "gpf", detail "" - Please Wait.
    JVMDUMP007I JVM Requesting System Dump using '/tmp/core.20110329.205434.4915342.
    JVMDUMP010I System Dump written to /tmp/core.20110329.205434.4915342.dmp
    JVMDUMP007I JVM Requesting Snap Dump using '/tmp/Snap0001.20110329.205434.491534
    JVMDUMP010I Snap Dump written to /tmp/Snap0001.20110329.205434.4915342.trc
    JVMDUMP007I JVM Requesting Java Dump using '/tmp/javacore.20110329.205434.491534
    JVMDUMP010I Java Dump written to /tmp/javacore.20110329.205434.4915342.txt
    JVMDUMP013I Processed Dump Event "gpf", detail "".

  • I have lost my Safari app and all the bookmarks that go with it. I have tried to download my back-up on external drive but cannot access it. Tried a start with C key held down but still no access to the back-up app.

    I have lost my Safari app and all the bookmarks that go with it. I have tried to download my back-up on external drive but cannot access it. Tried a start with C key held down but still no access to the back up app.
    Have used Superduper app. to back up and checked back-up occasionally to see if all files present  and appeared OK.
    I had previously started machine using original CD #1 to try and replace Eudora which was acting up. Did not knowingly touch Safari.
    Running iMAC System 10.4.11
    How can I successfully download from the Maxtor back-up?

    Further info.
    I checked the content of my other back-up and found the bookmark Bookmarks.plist in the library under Safari
    Dumped the existing copy in the computer and drag-dropped the back up. All bookmarks restored.
    Solved the Stickies problem by using Spotlight  to find file "stickiesdatabase" and did a drag- drop to replace file. All data restored.
    Re Ical data loss. Used Spotlight to find iCal document in  Library - Preferences where I found com.apple.iCal.plist in folder.
    Got ready to make change but did not immediately remove file. When I returned to Preferences folder to grab above document,
    the readable descriptors had been changed to code consisting of some upper case letters and/or single symbols!
    So now I cannot tell which is the symbol  iCal.plist
    Thanks for leading me so far, but how do I find that plist for my calendar?

  • Ipad won't start; trying to restore thru itunes, but get the message - can't restore because ipad is not set up.  What do I do now?

    Ipad won't start; trying to restore thru itunes, but get the message - can't restore because ipad is not set up. It was set up and has been in use for about a year.  What do I do now?

    I Have seen people report this issue when they try to sync their devices but in never seen it when trying to restore an unresponsive iPad. I would sguggest trying recovery mode now.
    If you can't update or restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
    This procedure will totally erase the iPad so I hope that you have a backup that you can restore from....assuming that it works, that is.

  • I just got an iphone and am trying to connect it to my itunes account.  Getting the message " This iphone cannot be used because the Apple Mobile Device service is not started.  How do I start it?  Have already been back to the store with it and no change

    I just got an iphone and am trying to connect it to my itunes account.  Getting the message " This iphone cannot be used because the Apple Mobile Device service is not started.  How do I start it?  Have already been back to the store with it and no change.


  • Trying to publsh changes to my website. I get a message "There was an error communicating with the FTP server. Try again later, or check with your service provider." I did, and all my settings are correct, but still cannot publish

    Trying to publsh changes to my website. I get a message "There was an error communicating with the FTP server. Try again later, or check with your service provider." I did, and all my settings are correct, but still cannot publish.
    Any other ideas?

    Most likely you are suffering from a bug in iWeb that doesn't let you publish websites if an image you have added to your site begins with space. You can either search for that image and remove it.
    <Link Edited by Host>

  • I'm trying to connect to my work's VPN.  I am connected to the VPN, but I cannot access the server. I keep getting a message that says the server may not exist or is unavailable.  I know that's not the case because my coworkers are connected. Can someone

    I'm trying to connect to my work's VPN.  I am connected to the VPN, but I cannot access the server. I keep getting a message that says the server may not exist or is unavailable.  I know that’s not the case because my coworkers are connected. Can someone please help me? 

    I have the same problem. It is only with tv shows and only with programs I have downloaded after the software update.
    Apple support sent me the above link too....but it doesn't solve the problem...my computer is authorized and the content is in my library and will play on my Mac air, but it will not sync the tv shows, it keeps saying my computer isn't authorized for it.
    No answers here, but you are definitely not alone with this issue.

  • Tried installing Icloud calendar on windows 8.1 and get the message "Calendar has stopped responding". does anyone have any suggestions?

    tried installing Icloud calendar on windows 8.1 and get the message "Calendar has stopped responding". does anyone have any suggestions?

    Hey there Alex,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like you’re running into an issue installing iCloud Control Panel on your PC, you’re seeing an alert message related to an iCloud server not responding. Take a look at the article linked below and try running through the troubleshooting steps it provides.
    iCloud: iCloud Control Panel setup cannot be started - Apple Support
    So long,

  • TS3899 my iphone does not connect to my email provider and fetch my email.  I have set up a new account but get the message "server is unavailable"..I have been getting emall ok previously, this occurred when I changed my password on my email account

    My iphone does not connect to my email provider and fetch my email.  I have been getting emall ok previously, this occurred when I changed my password on my email account. I have "set up a new account" but get the message "server is unavailable". I have tried several things but to no avail. Does anyone have the solution?

    Did you ever fix this problem? The same thing happened when I just changed my kids passwords and now can't access their mail on their iPods or my iPad but I use the same email provider and mine is fine however I did not change my password.  If you fixed it how did you?

  • Trying to activtae Iphone 4 but getting a message saying that already activated

    I'm trying to activtae Iphone 4 but getting a message saying that already activated on October 4th, I received the phone on October 20th. Any idea wht can be the issue ?

    Hello madvish,
    Congratulations on your new iPhone!  I recommend the following steps when encountering an activation error:
    Restart the iPhone.
    Try another means of reaching the activation server and attempt to activate.
    Try connecting to a known-good Wi-Fi network if you're unable to activate using a cellular data connection.
    Try connecting to iTunes if you're unable to activate using Wi-Fi.
    Restore the iPhone.
    If you receive an alert message when you attempt to activate your iPhone, try to place the iPhone in recovery mode and perform a restore. If you're still unable to complete the setup assistant due to an activation error, contact Apple for assistance.
    You can find the full article here:
    iPhone: Troubleshooting activation issues
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

  • While trying to down load the current update to Itunes i get the message "Older version of Bonjour can not be removed" and Itunes gets interrupted and wont finish update. Can someone help with this??\

    while trying to install latest itunes version i get this message "Older version of Bonjour can not be removed" and the download gets interrupted and doesnt finish. Can someone help?????

    (1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    (2) Doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (If you're on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system and you get a Code 800A0046 error message when doubleclicking the msicuu2.exe file, try instead right-clicking on the msicuu2.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator".)
    (3) In your Start menu click All Programs and then click Windows Install Clean Up. The Windows Installer CleanUp utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
    (4) In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any Bonjour entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    (5) Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

  • When trying to log on to the iTunes store I get the message 'We could not complete your iTunes store request. The network connection was reset'.

    When trying to log on to the iTunes store I get the message 'We could not complete your iTunes store request. The network connection was reset'.  I can access my account on a different PC but not my own.  Can you advise me as to what I should do please?

    Hello donnafromwakefield,
    The article linked below details steps that can help restore your computer's ability to connect to the iTunes Store.
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store

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