I can't figure out why I'm getting a Null Pointer Exception

I'm writing a program that calls Bingo numbers. I got that part of the program to work but when I started adding Swing I kept getting a Null Pointer Exception and I don't know how to fix it. The Exception happens on line 15 of class Panel (g = image.getGraphics();). Here is the code for my classes. I'm still not finished with the program and I can't finish it until I know that this issue is resolved.
package Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class DrawFrame extends JFrame{
     public Panel panel;
     public DrawFrame(int x, int y, String s) {
          this.setBounds(0, 0, x, y);
          panel = this.getPanel();
     public Graphics getGraphicsEnvironment(){
          return panel.getGraphicsEnvironment();
     Panel getPanel(){
          return new Panel();
package Graphics;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
public class Panel extends JPanel{
     Graphics g;
     Image image;
     public void init() {
          image = this.createImage(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
          g = image.getGraphics();
          g.fillRect(0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
     Graphics getGraphicsEnvironment() {
          return g;
     public void paint(Graphics graph) {
          if (graph == null)
          if (image == null) {
          graph.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this);
package Graphics;
import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
public class Keys extends KeyAdapter{
public int keyPressed; //creates a variable keyPressed that stores an integer
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { //creates a KeyEvent from a KeyListner
          keyPressed = e.getKeyCode(); //gets the key from the keyboard
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import Graphics.*;
public class Bingo {
     static Ball balls[][] = new Ball[5][15]; //creates a 2D 5 by 15 array
     public static void main(String[] args) {
          DrawFrame frame = new DrawFrame(1500, 500, "Welcome to the automated Bingo Caller."); //creates instance of DrawFrame that is 1000 pixels wide and 500 pixels high
          Graphics g = frame.getGraphicsEnvironment(); //calls the getGraphicsEnvironment method in the DrawFrame class
          Keys key = new Keys(); //creates instance of the Key class
          frame.addKeyListener(key); //adds a KeyListener called Key
          for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { //fills rows
               for (int y = 0; y < 15; y++) { //fills columns
                    balls[x][y] = new Ball(x, y+1); //fills array
          frame.pack(); //adjusts the size of the frame so everything fits
          g.setColor(Color.black); //sets the font color to black
          g.setFont(new Font("MonoSpace", Font.PLAIN, 20)); //creates new font
          for(int y=0;y<balls.length;y++){ //draws all possible balls
               g.drawString(balls[y][0].s, 0, y*100); //draws numbers
               for(int x=0;x<balls[y].length;x++){ //draws all possible balls
                    g.drawString(balls[y][x].toString(), (x+1)*100, y*100); //draws letters
          do {
               frame.repaint(); //repaints the balls when one is called
               int x, y; //sets variables x and y as integers
               boolean exit; //sets a boolean to the exit variable
               do {
                    exit = false; //exit is set to false
                    x = (int)(Math.random() * 5); //picks a random number between 0 and 4 and stores it as x
                    y = (int)(Math.random() * 15); //picks a random number between 0 and 14 stores it as y
                    if (!balls[x][y].called) { //checks to see if a value is called
                         exit = true; //changes exit to true if it wasn't called
                         balls[x][y].called = true; //sets called in the Ball class to true if it wasn't called
                         System.out.println(balls[x][y]); //prints value
               } while (!exit); //if exit is false, returns to top of loop
               int count = 0; //sets a count for the number of balls called
               for(int z=0;z<balls.length;z++){ //looks at balls
                    g.setColor(Color.black); //displays in black
                    g.drawString(balls[z][0].s, 0, z*100); //draws balls as a string
                    for(int a=0;a<balls[z].length;a++){ //looks at all balls
                         if (balls[z][a].called){ //if a ball is called
                              g.setColor(Color.red); //change color to red
                              count++; //increments count
                         } else {
                              g.setColor(Color.black); //if it isn't called stay black
                         g.drawString(balls[z][a].toString(), (a+1)*100, y*100); //draws balls as string
               do {
                    if (key.keyPressed == KeyEvent.VK_R||count==5*15) { //if R is pressed or count = 5*15
                         count=5*15; //changes count to 5*15
                         for(int z=0;z<balls.length;z++){ //recreates rows
                              g.setColor(Color.black); //sets color to black
                              g.drawString(balls[z][0].s, 0, z*100); //redraws rows
                              for(int a=0;a<balls[z].length;a++){ //recreates columns
                                   balls[z][a] = new Ball(z, a+1); //fills array
                                   g.drawString(balls[z][a].toString(), (a+1)*100, z*100); //redraws columns
               } while (key.keyPressed!=KeyEvent.VK_ENTER || count == 5 * 15); //determines if the key was pressed or counter is 5*15s
          } while (key.keyPressed == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER);
public class Ball {
     String s; //initiates s that can store data type String
     int i; //initiates i that can store data as type integer
     boolean called = false; //initiates called as a boolean value and sets it to false
     public Ball(int x, int y) {
          i = (x * 15) + y; //stores number as i to be passed to be printed
          switch (x) { //based on x value chooses letter
          case 0:
               s = "B";
          case 1:
               s = "I";
          case 2:
               s = "N";
          case 3:
               s = "G";
          case 4:
               s = "O";
     public String toString() { //overrides toString method, converts answer to String
          return s + " " + i; //returns to class bingo s and i

The javadoc of createImage() states that "The return value may be null if the component is not displayable."
Not sure, but it may be that you need to call init() after this.setVisible(true).

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    There's no problem with using PNG8, PNG24, or PNG32, other than the huge
    weight of the latter two.  But there's no need to go PNG here.
    Personnaly I see only advantages in using PNG. The good thing about using PNG for graphics like this is that it does not tie you to a background with a certain color. like a GIF with a colored matte does. Should you wish to change your background color later you can keep on using your menu buttons. There is no need to prepare new graphics for the menu just because you change a background color or image.
    As for the "huge" weight of the PNG file, I'd say that depends on your definition of "huge"
    If you compare the filesizes of a simple graphic like that, I see no big improvement by using GIF.
    see screenshot:

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            int custCounter = 0;                              // counts the customers created so far
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              String firstChoice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("MAIN MENU\n--------------------\n\nPlease enter a number based on the following: \n[1] Add New Customer\n[2] Login\n[3] Exit");     // the main menu
            if(firstChoice.equals("1"))          // if the user enteres "1" in the main menu (add a new customer)
                String custName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "NEW CUSTOMER MENU\n--------------------\n\nName: ");     // asks for name and stores in variable custName
                   String custAddress = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "NEW CUSTOMER MENU\n--------------------\n\nAddress: ");     // asks for sddress and stores in variable custAddress
                String custPostCode = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "NEW CUSTOMER MENU\n--------------------\n\nPost Code: ");          // asks for post code and stores in variable custPostCode
                String custPhoneNo = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "NEW CUSTOMER MENU\n--------------------\n\nTelephone Number: ");     // asks for phone number and stores in variable custPhoneNo
                String custEmail = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "NEW CUSTOMER MENU\n--------------------\n\nEmail: ");          // asks for email and stores in variable custEmail
                String startingBalance = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "NEW CUSTOMER MENU\n--------------------\n\nStarting Credit: ");     // asks for credit to start account with and stores in variable startingBalance
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                custCounter++;          // increments the customer sounter by 1
            else if(firstChoice.equals("2"))          // if the user enters "2" in the main menu (login)
                String checkIdNo = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "LOGIN\n--------------------\n\nPlease enter your ID Number: ");
                int checkIdNum = Integer.parseInt(checkIdNo);// asks user to enter their id number
                int position = 0;          //variable to store where we are in the array of customers so we know which customer we are dealing with
                for(int i = 0; i < customers.length; i++)          // loops through the array of customers
    ----->      if(customers.getIdNumber() == checkIdNum)          // when the id number entered is found
                             position = i;                              // set the position variable to that customer (the position in the customers array)
    else                                             // if the id number is not found
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "LOGIN\n--------------------\n\nThat ID Number does not exist. ");     // tell the user that the id number wasnt found
    System.exit(0);                                                                           // then exit the system
    Can anyone help. when i run the program i get a null pointer exception
    can you tell me why, and possibly tell me how i can search through the array of customers searching for an id number
    am i doing it a way that will work (not the best way) but just so it works
    thanks in advance

    Nevertheless, when you get to the loop where your exception occurs, you may have created any number of customers, but probably not 100.
    The loop tries to go through all 100 spaces in the array, and as soon as it gets to a space you haven't assigned a Customer too, you'll get the exception.
    Either make sure the loop doesn't go higher than you cutomercounter - 1 (to compensate for 0-based index of array), or check if the customer[i] == null before you try to call a method on it.
    Does that make sense?

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    The error is: 
    New-ADUser : No superior reference has been configured for the directory service. The directory service is therefore un
    able to issue referrals to objects outside this forest
    At line:1 char:11
    + New-ADUser <<<< -SamAccountName "TestProvider" -UserPrincipalName "[email protected]" -GivenName "Test" -
    Surname "Provider" -DisplayName "Test Provider" -Name "Test Provider" -Enabled $true -path "ou=CompanyName,ou=Users,ou=
    Providers,DN=intranet,DN=CompanyName,DN=com" -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "TEST123test" -AsPlainText -force
    ) -PasswordNeverExpires $True
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (CN=Test Provide...panyName,DN=com:String) [New-ADUser], ADException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : No superior reference has been configured for the directory service. The directory servi
    ce is therefore unable to issue referrals to objects outside this forest,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Comm
    I think it has something to do with the way I'm specifying the "path" but i'm not sure.
    The user should be created in an OU: CompanyName > Users > Providers
    The domain is intranet.companyname.com

    Instead of ou=CompanyName,ou=Users,ou=Providers,DN=intranet,DN=CompanyName,DN=com, try ou=CompanyName,ou=Users,ou=Providers,DC=intranet,DC=CompanyName,DC=com.
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 12,700+ strong and growing)

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    var handsUp:Sound = new Sound();
      handsUp.load(new URLRequest("audioFiles/finalAudio/song1.mp3"));
    var watUpChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
    var watUp:Sound = new Sound();
      watUp.load(new URLRequest("audioFiles/finalAudio/song2.mp3"));
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    var cowboy:Sound = new Sound();
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    var casual:Sound = new Sound();
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      watUp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, watUpStart);
      cowboy.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, cowboyStart);
      casual.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, casualStart);
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      handsUpChannel = handsUp.play();
    function watUpStart(event:MouseEvent):void  {
      watUpChannel = watUp.play();
    function cowboyStart(event:MouseEvent):void  {
      cowboyChannel = cowboy.play();
    function casualStart(event:MouseEvent):void  {
      casualChannel = casual.play();
    I'm trying to play audio using a MovieClip object. I have multiple other objects with the exact same code, just changing the variables, working perfectly.
    All it says is:
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::MovieClip@1327340d1 to flash.media.Sound.
      at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
      at flash.display::Sprite()
      at flash.display::MovieClip()
      at Unit2_AudioFail_fla::MainTimeline()
    help please

    You appear to be naming the buttons the same as the Sound objects.  You will need to define different names for one or the other.

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    Select the text, and open the Appearance palette (Come on guys, text highlight is irrelevant, it happens to objects too says the OP), and see what's listed there.  For a simple text object, there should only be a line item "Type", followed by "Characters", and when double-clicked the Characters line item expands to tell you the stroke and fill color.  For a basic object, there should be a fill and/or stroke.
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    I have been debugging this problem for most of the day and can't figure out what is happening and was hoping someone in the forum might be able to shed some light.
    Some details:
    The item is on Page 0, has source type of "PL/SQL Expression or Function", a source expression of "V('REQUEST')", and Source Used = "Always".
    I viewed the HTML source of the rendered page and can see the following HTML, so I know the item has a value when the page is rendered:
    <input type="hidden" id="RENDER_REQUEST" name="p_t08" value="EDIT" />
    I have used Firebug to view the HTTP POST body and can see that p_t08 is being correctly submitted with a value of "EDIT" in the post body.
    When I run the page in debug mode and then view the debug log, I see that Apex is indeed setting this item to null:
         0.01500     0.01600     A C C E P T: Request="WIZ_NEXT"
         0.23400     0.00000     Session State: Save form items and p_arg_values
         0.24900     0.01600     ...Session State: Save "BRANCH_TO_PAGE_ID" - saving same value: ""
         0.24900     0.00000     ...Session State: Save "ROWS_PER_PAGE" - saving same value: ""
         0.26500     0.01500     ...Session State: Save "P0_CLEAR_WS" - saving same value: ""
         0.26500     0.00000     ...Session State: Saved Item "RENDER_REQUEST" New Value=""
    I can't figure out why the item is being set to null.
    This problem also does not occur on every page. The pages in question are a multi-step "wizard" that allows the user to navigate between steps with "Next" and "Previous" buttons. Since this is a page 0 item, it appears on every page in the wizard so I'd expect it to behave the same. When you open the wizard at step 1 and press next to go to step 2, the item (RENDER_REQUEST) is set correctly on step 2 of the wizard, BUT when you then click Next to go to step 3, RENDER_REQUEST is null on step 3. If you open the wizard at step 2 and press Next, RENDER_REQUEST is null on step 3.
    I did find a work around, but it doesn't make any sense why it would work: if I move the RENDER_REQUEST item from the "Footer Items" region to a page level item (by using Edit All and setting its region to blank), then the problem goes away. If I move it back to the "Footer Items" region the problem reoccurs.
    I am working on Application Express on Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank you.

    Hi Patrick,
    Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately, I can't reproduce this on apex.oracle.com due because the app requires PL/SQL packages to be installed in several schemas, including some that require system grants (I gave a presentation at Oracle Open World a couple of years ago on some of the techniques I used in building this application that you attended; I think the session was called "Building Large Commercial Applications with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Application Express").
    Is there another way we can work together to debug this without reproducing it apex.oracle.com? For example, if you could send me an instrumented version of the APEX_040000.F procedure (or whatever procedure is clearing the session state) that has some additional APEX_APPLICATION.DEBUG calls, I could install it on my server, reproduce the error and send you the output.
    Thank you,

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    I've run Apple Disk Utility, Disc Warrior 4 and Techtool Pro 5 on the drives and they seem to be fine. I've unplugged all USB and FireWire devices besides the keyboard and mouse. No virus protection or background utilities are running. I've trashed preferences. AJA System Test shows a 286 MB/s write speed and 254 MB/s read speed. Blackmagic Disk Speed Test shows a 312 MB/s write speed and a 379 MB/s read speed. No other applications besides FCP are running. I edit 1080p HD footage on this system all day long with no issues but when I try to capture DV SD footage, I run into issues.
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    Any other ideas on what's going on and how to try to fix it? Thanks!

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    Go to Settings/Cellular and you can see how much data each app is using. You can Reset Statistics, then track all of the apps data usage.

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    bennirubber wrote:
    reverb and echo things are greyed out on the bottom right of my screen
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

Maybe you are looking for