I can't see the error here

I'm getting the error 'Column not allowed here'.
Here's the code and description of resulting table:
CURSOR cur_sales
  SELECT bi.idproduct id,
    TO_CHAR(b.dtordered,'MON') mth,
    TO_CHAR(b.dtordered, 'YYYY') yr,
    SUM(bi.quantity) quantity,
    SUM(bi.quantity*bi.price) totalsum
     FROM bb_basket b INNER JOIN bb_basketitem bi
     USING (idbasket)
     WHERE b.orderplaced = 1
     GROUP BY bi.idproduct,TO_CHAR(b.dtordered,'MON'),TO_CHAR(b.dtordered, 'YYYY');
FOR rec_sales IN cur_sales LOOP
  INSERT INTO bb_prod_sales (idproduct, month, year, qty, total)
  VALUES (id, mth, yr, quantity, totalsum);
SQL> desc bb_prod_sales
Name                                                  Null?    Type
IDPRODUCT                                                      NUMBER(2)
MONTH                                                          CHAR(3)
YEAR                                                           CHAR(4)
QTY                                                            NUMBER(5)
TOTAL                                                          NUMBER(6,2)
SQL> select * from bb_prod_sales;
no rows selectedBasically, we see that the table has five columns: idproduct, month, year, qty, and total. It also has no values at this point in time.
I'm trying to create this procedure to update the table by inserting values into the table.
With the error being provided, isn't that basically saying I'm using a column name while I'm trying to insert my values? I've set alias names so there are no conflicts, and it's still giving me the error.
Can you guys see anythign?

The way to reference columns in a record is record_name.column_name, so you should say:
VALUES (rec_sales.id, rec_sales.mth, rec_sales.yr, rec_sales.quantity, rec_sales.totalsum);

Similar Messages

  • Where can I see the error msg in the below code.

    Hi Gurus,
    Please have a look at the code.
           if abc is initial.
              return-message = cl_bsp_runtime=>get_otr_text( 'ZXYZ/ERR_EMPID' ).
              append test to test_tab.
    In the above code, Emp id input field is being checked as its mandatory. I would like to know where can I see the error message per the above code. what is get_otr_test??

    go to SE63 and see it from there..
    SE63-> Translation->OTR Objects->Short Text
    in field <b>Package</b> key in 'ZXYZ'
    and in field <b>Text from OTR</b> key in 'ERR_EMPID'
    and go forward.
    I hope this helps.
    For more info see the link below
    <i>If useful answer..reward points and close the thread.</i>

  • Could someone look at my code, I can't see the error myself

    I have been working on a small game, and have been able to make most of it run.
    However, every now and again when i try to start it, it loads the frame and graphics, but don't start the game loop.
    I think i have been starring at it too long, because i can't see WHY?
    Here is the code, i assume its something connected to the boolean "waitingForKeyPress"
    Sorry about the commentss being in danish, but its a quite simple program, so im sure it makes sense.
    public class EagleFlight extends Canvas {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         //Strategybuffer til page flipping, samt grafiske variable.
         private BufferStrategy strategy = null;
         //private BufferedImage backbuffer = null;     
         private ImageEntity background = null;     
         //private Graphics2D g;     
         //private BufferedImage expl;
         private BufferedImage[] explosion2;     
         private boolean gameRunning = true;
         //Lister over entiteter i spillet.
         private ArrayList<Entity> entities = new ArrayList<Entity>();
         private ArrayList<ShipEntity> shipAnimation = new ArrayList<ShipEntity>();
         //Lister over entiteter der evt skal fjernes i gameLoop.
         private ArrayList<Entity> removeList = new ArrayList<Entity>();
         private ArrayList<Entity> removeAsteroid = new ArrayList<Entity>();
         //Variable til spillerens skib.
         private ShipEntity ship, shipL, shipR, eagleM;
         private double moveSpeed = 300;
         private long lastFire = 0;
         private long firingInterval = 500;
         private String message = "";
         //Booleans til keyInput og spilkontrol.
         private boolean waitingForKeyPress = true;
         private boolean leftPressed = false;
         private boolean rightPressed = false;
         private boolean firePressed = false;
         private boolean isThrusting = false;
         private Boolean shipHit = false;
         private Boolean animation = false;
         //Klasser der bruges i spillet.
         private FXSound fxSound = null;
         private Music music;     
         int score =0;
         private int astroidCount = 0;
         //Variable til ekspoltionsanimation.
         private int v = 0, x = 0, y = 0, eksp = 0;
         //Opretter JFrame og tilf&#65533;jer JPanel.
         public EagleFlight(){
              JFrame container = new JFrame("Eagle Flight 1999");                    
              JPanel panel = (JPanel) container.getContentPane();
              panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800,600));
              //Tilf&#65533;jer EagleFlight canvas til JPanel
              //S&#65533;ttes til true, s&#65533; for&#65533;get graphics har ansvaret.
              //Pakker og synligg&#65533;r vinduet.
              // Tilf&#65533;jer windows close funktion
              container.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
              // Tilf&#65533;jer keyListener og inputhandler.
              addKeyListener(new KeyInputHandler());
              //S&#65533;tter fokus til dette vindue-
              // Laver buffering strategy til accelerated graphics
              strategy = getBufferStrategy();
              // Tilf&#65533;jer midlertidigt Entities, s&#65533; startsk&#65533;rmen ikke er tom.
         }//End of EagleFlight().
         //Nulstiller variable og lister.
         private void startGame() {
              shipHit = false;          
              leftPressed = false;
              rightPressed = false;
              firePressed = false;
              gameRunning = true;
              music = new Music();
              waitingForKeyPress = false;
         }//end of startgame().
         private void initEntities() {
              //Laver 3 skibe til thrusteranimationen.
              ship = new sprite.ShipEntity(this,"eagle.png",370,430);
              shipL = new sprite.ShipEntity(this,"eagle1.png",370,430);
              shipR = new sprite.ShipEntity(this,"eagle2.png",370,430);
              //Opretter baggrundsbillede.
              new BufferedImage(800,600,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
              background = new ImageEntity("stars.png",0,0);
              //Klarg&#65533;r special effect lyd.
              fxSound = new FXSound();
              //Opretter eksplotionsanimation
              explosion2 = new ExplotionImages().explosion();
              //Laver en pokkers bunke asteroider og placerer dem "over" JPanel, s&#65533; de falder naturligt.
              for (int row=0;row<6;row++) {
                   for (int x=0;x<10;x++) {
                        Entity astroid = new sprite.Astroid(this,"asteroid1.png",20+(x*120),(-2800)+row*400);
              for (int row=0;row<6;row++) {
                   for (int x=0;x<10;x++) {
                        Entity astroid = new sprite.Astroid(this,"asteroid4.png",20+(x*120),(-3800)+row*400);
              for (int row=0;row<6;row++) {
                   for (int x=0;x<10;x++) {
                        Entity astroid = new sprite.Astroid(this,"asteroid2.png",20+(x*120),(-4800)+row*400);
              for (int row=0;row<6;row++) {
                   for (int x=0;x<10;x++) {
                        Entity astroid = new sprite.Astroid(this,"asteroid3.png",20+(x*120),(-5800)+row*400);
         }//end of initEntities()
         //Fjerner de entities der ikke bruges mere.
         //@param entiteten der skal fjernes.
         public void removeEntity(Entity entity)
         }//end of removeEntity().
         //Tilf&#65533;jer ramte asteroider til remove listen.
         //@param entiteten der skal tilf&#65533;jes.
         public void removeAsteroid(Entity doomed){
         }//End of removeAsteroid().
         //Udf&#65533;res n&#65533;r spilleren d&#65533;r.
         public void notifyDeath() {
              message = "All your base are belong to us!";
              shipHit = true;
         }//End of notifyDeath().
         //Fors&#65533;ger at affyre v&#65533;ben, hvis reload er ok og skibet ikke er ramt.
         public void tryToFire() {
              // check that we have waiting long enough to fire
              if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFire < firingInterval) {
              if (!shipHit){
                   lastFire = System.currentTimeMillis();
                   ShotEntity shot = new sprite.ShotEntity(this,"shot.gif",ship.getX()+23,ship.getY()-15);
         }//End of tryToFire().
         //Metode til at vinde spillet.
         public void notifyAlienKilled() {
              if (astroidCount == 0) {
         }//End of notifyAlienKilled()
         public void gameLoop() {
              long lastLoopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
              long timeInGame = 0;
              // I dette loop udf&#65533;res spillets grafik og logik.
              while (gameRunning) {
                   // Beregner tid for hvor meget de enkelte grafiske enheder skal flyttes
                   long delta = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLoopTime;
                   lastLoopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                   timeInGame = (timeInGame + System.currentTimeMillis()/100000);
                   // Skaffer den grafiske acceleration.
                   // Tegner baggrunden.
                   Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) strategy.getDrawGraphics();
                   //Cykler rundt mellem asteroider og flytter dem.
                   if (!waitingForKeyPress) {
                        for (int i=0;i<entities.size();i++) {
                             Entity entity = (Entity) entities.get(i);
                        //Bev&#65533;ger de 3 skibe i sync.
                        for (int e=0;e<shipAnimation.size();e++) {
                             ShipEntity fakeeaglemove = (ShipEntity) shipAnimation.get(e);
                   // Cykler rundt mellem entities og tegner dem.          
                   for (int i=0;i<entities.size();i++) {
                        Entity entity = (Entity) entities.get(i);
                   //Tegner det skib der er i brug.
                   for (int e=0;e<shipAnimation.size();e++)
                        eagleM = (ShipEntity) shipAnimation.get(e);
                        if (leftPressed)
                        {eagleM = shipL;
                        if (rightPressed)
                        {eagleM = shipR;
                        else if ((!leftPressed) && (!rightPressed))
                        {eagleM = ship;
                   //Brute force detection p&#65533; skibet og asteroider.               
                   try {
                        for (int c = 0; c < entities.size(); c++) {
                             for (int m = 0; m < shipAnimation.size(); m++) {
                                  Entity me = (Entity) shipAnimation.get(m);
                                  Entity him = (Entity) entities.get(c);
                                  if (me.collidesWith(him)) {
                   } catch (Exception e) {
                   //Brute force detection p&#65533; skud og asteroider.
                   try {
                        for (int p = 0; p < entities.size(); p++) {
                             for (int s = p + 1; s < entities.size(); s++) {
                                  Entity me = (Entity) entities.get(p);
                                  Entity him = (Entity) entities.get(s);
                                  if (me.collidesWith(him)) {
                   } catch (Exception e) {
                   //Explotion animation.
                   for (int i=0;i<removeAsteroid.size();i++) {
                        Entity entity = (Entity) removeAsteroid.get(i);
                   if (animation){
                        int sequence[] = { 0,1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1,0};                    
                        eksp = sequence[v];
                        g.drawImage(explosion2[eksp], x-100,y-100, null);
                   //Afslutter spillet hvis spillerens skib er ramt.
                   if (eksp == 0 || v == 12){     
                        if (shipHit){
                             animation = false;
                             waitingForKeyPress = true;
                        animation = false;
                        v = 0;
                        eksp = 0;
                   v++;//Opdaterer image nummer for eksplotionsanimation til n&#65533;ste genneml&#65533;b.
                   // Fjerner entities der ikke er med mere.
                   //Nulstiller removelisterne
                   // Mens der ventes p&#65533; keyinput vises dette.
                   if (waitingForKeyPress) {
                        g.drawString("Insert coin",(800-g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth("Insert coin"))/2,300);
                        timeInGame = 0;
                   g.drawString("Score: "+score,720,595);
                   g.drawString("Time in Flight: "+timeInGame/1000000000+" Secs",5,595);
                   // Graphics ryttes op og bufferen flippes.
                   // Nulstiller skibets bev&#65533;gelse.
                   //Tilpasser skibets horizontale bev&#65533;gelseshastighed til input.
                   if ((leftPressed) && (!rightPressed))
                   else if ((rightPressed) && (!leftPressed))
                        shipR.setHorizontalMovement(moveSpeed);//animationtest ship changed to eagle
                   //Affyrings sekvens
                   if (firePressed)
                   // Lille pause til andre ting.
                   try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (Exception m) {}
         }//End of gameLoop
         //Metode til kontrol af thrusterlyden.
         private void thrusterSound(){
              if (!isThrusting){
                   isThrusting = true;
         }//End of thrusterSound
         //Metode til at inds&#65533;tte eksplotion p&#65533; den rette plads.
         //@param den ramte entitet.
         private void explosion(Entity entity){
              x = entity.getX();
              y = entity.getY();
              animation = true;
         }//End of explosion
         //Inner class der klarer input fra keybard.
         private class KeyInputHandler extends KeyAdapter {
              //S&#65533;tter t&#65533;ller til 1, s&#65533; wait for input virker.
              private int pressCount = 1;
              //@param den trykkede tast.
              public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
                   // Ser f&#65533;rst om der ventes p&#65533; input til start.
                   if (waitingForKeyPress) {
                   //Er spillet igang udf&#65533;res input
                   if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) {
                        leftPressed = true;                         
                   if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {
                        rightPressed = true;
                   if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) {
                        firePressed = true;
              } //End of keyPressed
              //Stopper handlingen fra input
              //@param den trykkede tast.
              public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
                   // if we're waiting for an "any key" typed then we don't
                   // want to do anything with just a "released"
                   if (waitingForKeyPress) {
                   if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) {
                        leftPressed = false;
                        isThrusting = false;
                   if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {
                        rightPressed = false;
                        isThrusting = false;
                   if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) {
                        firePressed = false;
              }//End of keyReleased
              //Metode til at starte spillet med any key.
              //@param den trykkede tast.
              public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
                   if (waitingForKeyPress) {
                        if (pressCount == 1) {
                             // Starter spillet.
                             waitingForKeyPress = false;
                             //pressCount = 0;
                        } else {
                   // Tilf&#65533;jer esc key til at afslutte spillet.
                   if (e.getKeyChar() == 27) {
         }//End of KeyTyped.
         public static void main(String args[])
              EagleFlight ef = new EagleFlight();          
         }//End of main.
    }//End of class EagleFlight.

    Mondariz wrote:
    It was a copy/paste job from Eclipse, not suer why it formatted like this. You need to add code tags.
    [edit: do what Darryl says... as opposed to my crap version that did not format properly either]
    As far as the tracing goes. It shouldn't be taking hours. Start by putting them in where your program starts and move on.

  • How can i see the error message?

    hi, i have written a procedure in the database 10g, with my own error, and it works. but, when my exception occurs, i want to see my ora-20000-message in the footer of the isql-screen in the same way like normal ora-errors do it. because, now the code handles the exeption, but i can not se any message.
    (zahl1 in number, zahl2 in number)
    maxvertrag number;
    ergebnis number;
    myerror exception;
    pragma exception_init(myerror, -20000);
    select max(vertragsnr) into maxvertrag from robertl.tblugovor;
    ergebnis := zahl1+zahl2+maxvertrag;
    if ergebnis>104
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20000, 'Result is > 104!');
    end if;
    exception when myerror then

    This is answered in how can i se the error message?.
    As a side note, you generally don't need to cross-post in these two fora, as many of us frequent both.
    Cheers, APC

  • Can you see the error ?

    Here is the code (a few lines removed) :
    public class Alone{
        static final int PACKET_SIZE = 8192;
        public static int nbPackets = 0;
        Vector[] queue;
        Thread[] thread;
        boolean run;
        int id;
        public Alone(int port) throws Exception{
         queue = new Vector[NB_OF_QUEUES];
         for(int i=0;i<NB_OF_QUEUES;i++){
             queue[i] = new Vector();
         thread = new Thread[NB_OF_THREADS];
         thread[T_RECEIVE] = new Receive(this);
        public DatagramPacket getPacket(int q){
         DatagramPacket dp;
         if(q==FREE && queue[FREE].isEmpty()){
             dp = new DatagramPacket(new byte[PACKET_SIZE],PACKET_SIZE);
              dp = (DatagramPacket)queue[q].firstElement();
         return dp;
        }I'm calling the "getPacket" method from a thread which receives DatagramPacket through a DatagramSocket this way :
    public class Receive extends Thread {
        private Alone alone;
        public Receive(Alone c){
         alone = c;
        public void run(){
         DatagramPacket dp = alone.getPacket(Alone.FREE);
              System.out.println(getName() +":sleeping");
              System.out.println(getName() +":wake up");
              System.out.println(getName() +" >>> packet received");
              alone.addPacket(Alone.RECEIVED, dp, Alone.T_REDIRECT);
         }catch(Exception e){
    }But when it gets to the "alone.socket.receive(dp);" it raises a "java.lang.NullPointerException". So i guess theres is a problem in the passing of the DatagramPacket's reference, but I just can't point out where the error is. Anyone see the problem ?

    Okay thanks for the advice ! i'll follow it from now on.
    //in class Receive
        public void run(){
         DatagramPacket dp = alone.getPacket(Alone.FREE);
             System.out.println(getName() +":sleeping");
             }catch(IOException e){e.printStackTrace();}
             System.out.println(getName() +":wake up");
             System.out.println(getName() +" >>> packet received");
             alone.addPacket(Alone.RECEIVED, dp, Alone.T_REDIRECT);
    //in class Alone
        public DatagramPacket getPacket(int q){
         DatagramPacket dp;
         if(q==FREE && queue[FREE].isEmpty()){
             System.out.println("instanciating a new DatagramPacket");
             dp = new DatagramPacket(new byte[PACKET_SIZE],PACKET_SIZE);
              dp = (DatagramPacket)queue[q].firstElement();
         return dp;
        }running this will prompt
    instanciating a new DatagramPacket
            at alone.Receive.run(Receive.java:19)

  • Workflow starts then cancel, where can I see the error and why it's canceled?

    Hi, I have a workflow for a document library that starts when a new document is created.  i click on the workflow status at the document library list, and it shows 
    Internal Status:
    and I never got the email that the workflow supposed to send.  Where can I find out more about what cause my workflow to cancel?
    Thank you.

     I think so for sending mails you need to configure SMTP Service. Can you check the below link.

  • Can't see the error...very basic, must be blind :(

    Here's the code.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shop_sales_sum_sp
    CURSOR cur_idsales
      SELECT b.idshopper id,
             (bi.price*bi.quantity) total
      FROM bb_basket b, bb_basketitem bi
      USING (idbasket)
      WHERE b.orderplaced=1
      GROUP BY b.idshopper;
    FOR rec_idsales IN cur_idsales LOOP
      INSERT INTO bb_shop_sales (idshopper, total)
      VALUES (rec_idsales.id, rec_idsales.total);
    5/3      PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    8/3      PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly endedIt's saying I'm not ending line 8 properly, but line 8 is my USING statement???

    This is one I did earlier that works beautiflly...what's the difference?
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE prod_sales_sum_sp
    CURSOR cur_sales
      SELECT bi.idproduct id,
        TO_CHAR(b.dtordered,'MON') mth,
        TO_CHAR(b.dtordered, 'YYYY') yr,
        SUM(bi.quantity) quantity,
        SUM(bi.quantity*bi.price) totalsum
         FROM bb_basket b INNER JOIN bb_basketitem bi
         USING (idbasket)
         WHERE b.orderplaced = 1
         GROUP BY bi.idproduct,TO_CHAR(b.dtordered,'MON'),TO_CHAR(b.dtordered, 'YYYY');
    FOR rec_sales IN cur_sales LOOP
      INSERT INTO bb_prod_sales (idproduct, month, year, qty, total)
      VALUES (rec_sales.id, rec_sales.mth, rec_sales.yr, rec_sales.quantity, rec_sales.totalsum);

  • I can't see the java errors   (ISA 4 - WAS 6.40)

    Hi everybody,
    Why I can't see the errors originated in jsp?  when an error occurs, the ISA (b2b) displays a blank page only. =(
    Should I make a configuration in WAS or ISA for enabling this ?
    Thanks a lot ! Regards from Mexico.

    I had the same situation. You get blank screen if you have (some specific)exceptions thrown in your code. My suggestion is to encapsulate your jsp code in try catch block and manually print out the exceptions on to jsp page using out.println() statement.
    hope this helps.
    Message was edited by: Santhosh Kumar

  • ICal error - can't see the calendars on opening...

    iCal error - can't see the calendars on opening... unless i change the view - but then still the portlet in the top left hand corner remains blank.
    Re-installed the whole OSx system from original disks and still the same problem.
    cleared out the cache files, including trying to delete the metadata files... taken to my local Apple Centre (Academy) but no sucess so far.
    Any ideas? Is it because i have around 8 calendars? Is that too many?
    Could it be 'cos I sync with Missing Sync for my Palm TX?
    H E L P !!
    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    When a user launches iCal, they may have one of the following symptoms:
    * When iCal is launched the calendar is blank -- no calendars are listed on the left and no events appear in the day/week/month views
    * Switching views allows all events to appear but the calendars on the left are still missing
    * User can create a new event and designate a calendar but when the event is saved it cannot be seen
    * Clicking in the blank space where the calendars are supposed to be has no effect.
    This issue is a Sync Services issue and not directly related to The Missing Sync. Mark/Space has identified a couple of solutions to this problem that others have reported. For more information, see: http://www.macfixit.com/article.php?story=20060207074628694
    1) Quit iCal
    2) Locate the folder, User/Library/Application Support/iCal/Sources/ and delete the contents
    3) After deleting the files from this folder, lock the "Sources" folder. Do this by navigating up one level and selecting the "Sources" folder. Perform a "Get Info" (either through the "File" menu or by pressing Command-I with the "Sources" folder selected) then click the lock icon.
    4) Launch iCal and your calendars should reappear. Note that the relaunch of iCal will create a default 'Home' and 'Work' calendar, so make sure none of your calendars have the same names as the default .
    Do some backups first
    Follow those simple steps
    5) Go to Address Book, click on 'File' menu and choose 'Back up Address Book'. Go to iCal, click on 'File' menu and choose 'Back up database'.
    6) Go to Missing Sync and double click on the Backup Conduit and set it to backup all databases. Then run the sync with just that Backup conduit selected, disable all other conduits.
    7) Go to: /Users/<user name>/Documents/Palm/Users/<hotsync name>/ now hold the 'ctrl' key and click on the /Backups/ folder. Choose the option to 'Create Archive of "Backups"'. This is to safeguard your backed up data in case anything goes wrong.
    Now 'Reset Sync History' using the iSync preferences option. The first sync will likely be slower.
    8) Launch iSync
    9) Click on the iSync menu
    10) Choose Preferences (make sure the "Enable syncing on this computer" is checked)
    11) Click the 'Reset Sync History' button. Read and follow the onscreen directions.
    12) This may launch iCal. Also the status of the reset is showing in the iSync display. When the reset is complete quit both iSync and iCal.
    Launch Missing Sync and enable the Mark/Space Events and Tasks conduits and set them to Desktop overwrite Handheld. Disable all other conduits.
    Then sync, when you do, you will get a dialog box with an orange iSync icon on it. Check the box to erase the device, then click the 'Allow' button. It will overwrite your device. You will get one for events, one for tasks, and one for contacts. The next time you sync .mac or other devices that sync with iSync like an iPod, you will get these same dialog boxes for their databases and you should check the box and click 'Allow' in those cases as well.
    If you press the don't allow button you will need to reboot your computer.

  • Using Windows 8.1 with Directx11, when I lauch Photoshop Elements Organizer, I see the error message "DirectX could not be initialized. Please be sure that it is installed on your system. You can download the latest DirectX installer from:[URL] I have the

    Using Windows 8.1 with Directx11, when I lauch Photoshop Elements 12 Organizer, I see the error message "DirectX could not be initialized. Please be sure that it is installed on your system. You can download the latest DirectX installer from:[URL] I have the latest version, Directx11, as verified by running dxdiag.

    Maybe you need to enable Direct Play under Legacy Components in the Turn Windows Features on or off dialog.
    1. Right click on the windows start Logo on the taskbar, select Control Panel and click on Programs
    2. Under Programs and Features click on Turn Windows Features on or off and then under Legacy Components enable Direct Play

  • I try to see a movie, an error is displayed: An error ocurred loading this content. Try again later, and i can´t see the movie and I payed for it. What can i do,  I tried at least 10 times, and the problem continues

    I try to see a movie, an error is displayed: An error ocurred loading this content. Try again later, and i can´t see the movie and I payed for it. What can i do,  I tried at least 10 times, and the problem continues

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Try pulling all the cables for a few moments and trying again.

  • HT201317 I created a folder in my photostream on my iphone but I can not see the folder on my iPad 1.  My wife does see the folder on her iPad 3.  Is there anything I can do for my older iPad?

    I created a folder in my photostream on my iphone but I can not see the folder on my iPad 1.  My wife does see the folder on her iPad 3.  Is there anything I can do for my older iPad?

    If you created an album containing some of your photo stream photos, this will not be shared using photo stream.  If you want to share a subset of your photos, create a shared photo stream and share it with your wife, as explained here: http://help.apple.com/icloud/#mmc0cd7e99.

  • My ipad3 screen suddenly turned to white so i cant try any support here cuz  i already can't see the screen or find the i.d for the ipad, would the support contact me please

    my ipad3 screen suddenly turned to white so i cant try any support here cuz  i already can't see the screen or find the i.d for the ipad, would the support contact me please, would you please contact me
    <Email Edited By Host>

    There is no one from Apple here; we are fellow iPad user.
    Try a reset:
    Hold the Sleep and Home button down until you see the Apple logo.

  • How can I see the relationship of tables in Microsoft SQL Server?

    How can I see the relationships of the tables? Exactly like what we see in Access. In Access if we select Database tool and then relationships, we can see how the tables are linked to each other. How can I find this option in SQL Server Management Studio?

    I could verify what you explained here. how can I overcome this message and resolve it when my database owner is not there:
    Message while starting with database diagrams of a attached/restored database
    If you have just attached/restored a database from another SQL Server instance. While accessing its database diagrams folder, you may get the following message
    It is an informational message and would prevent you from working on database diagrams. The message says that your database has no valid owner currently. Reason for this error is that database owner on a previous SQL Server instance does not exist here.
    To overcome this error just add the valid database owner through T-SQL or SSMS. Also verify the compatibility level of your database is correct for your SQL Server instance.
    I appreciate your help.

  • How can I see the alpha channel in the channels palette?

    Hello, mi format plugin loads a rgba image. I see it with transparency, that's ok, but when I go to the channels tab I only see 4 items (RGB, Red, Green and Blue).
    How can I see the alpha channel of my file in the channel tab?

    OK, something must be wrong... but I don't find it!
    That's my whole code (resumed). I ommit some code (saving file code (not used) or main function, where I only call te "DoSomething" functions. You can see that I use layers. The DoReadContinue function is only used to show the preview.
    In the DoReadStart function I set the parameters for the layers (and the preview), and I fill the "data" and "layerName" params in the DoReadLayerContinue function. I hope you can understand the code!
    const int32 IMAGE_DEPTH = 32;
    SPBasicSuite * sSPBasic = NULL;
    SPPluginRef gPluginRef = NULL;
    FormatRecord * gFormatRecord = NULL;
    intptr_t * gMxiInfoHandle = NULL;
    MXIInfo* gMxiInfo = NULL;
    int16 * gResult = NULL;
    #define gCountResources gFormatRecord->resourceProcs->countProc
    #define gGetResources   gFormatRecord->resourceProcs->getProc
    #define gAddResource    gFormatRecord->resourceProcs->addProc
    CmaxwellMXI* cMax;
    static void DoReadPrepare (void){
        gFormatRecord->maxData = 0;
    static void DoReadStart(void){
        char header[2];
        ReadScriptParamsOnRead (); // override params here
      if (*gResult != noErr) return;
        // Read the file header
        *gResult = SetFPos (gFormatRecord->dataFork, fsFromStart, 0);
        if (*gResult != noErr) return;
        ReadSome (sizeof( header ) * 2, &header);
        if (*gResult != noErr) return;
      // Check the magic number for avoid no-mxi files
        int headerID = CheckIdentifier (header);
        if( headerID != HEADER_MXI ) *gResult = formatCannotRead;
      if (*gResult != noErr) return;
      // The file is OK. Let's continue to obtain the data of the image.
      cMax = new CmaxwellMXI( 0 );
      gMxiInfo->filename = _strdup((char *)gFormatRecord->fileSpec->name + 1);
      bool res = cMax->getMXIIInfo(
                    (const char*)gMxiInfo->filename,
                    gMxiInfo->width, gMxiInfo->height,
                    gMxiInfo->burn, gMxiInfo->monitorGamma, gMxiInfo->iso,
                    gMxiInfo->shutter, gMxiInfo->fStop, gMxiInfo->intensity,
                    gMxiInfo->nMultilightChannels, gMxiInfo->lightNamesList,
                    gMxiInfo->widthPreview, gMxiInfo->heightPreview,
      if(!res) return;
      // Check the available extra buffers
      int count = 0;
      if( gMxiInfo->availableBuffersMask & CmaxwellMXI::ALPHA_BUFFER ){
        // We will use that string to obtain later the desired extra buffer.
        gMxiInfo->extraBuffersList[count] = "ALPHA";
        gMxiInfo->hasAlpha = true;
        gMxiInfo->hasAlpha = false;
      gMxiInfo->nExtraBuffers = count;
      switch( IMAGE_DEPTH ){
      case 8:
          gMxiInfo->mode = plugInModeRGBColor;
      case 16:
          gMxiInfo->mode = plugInModeRGB48;
      case 32:
          gMxiInfo->mode = plugInModeRGB48; //96 gives me an error
      VPoint imageSize;
      if( gFormatRecord->openForPreview ){
        // Preview always RGB8.
        imageSize.v = gMxiInfo->heightPreview;
        imageSize.h = gMxiInfo->widthPreview;
        gFormatRecord->depth = 8;
        gFormatRecord->imageMode = plugInModeRGBColor;
        gFormatRecord->planes = 3;
        gFormatRecord->loPlane = 0;
        gFormatRecord->hiPlane = 2;
        gFormatRecord->colBytes = 3;
        gFormatRecord->rowBytes = imageSize.h * gFormatRecord->planes;
        gFormatRecord->planeBytes = 1;
        // Configure the layers. All RGBA32.
        imageSize.v = gMxiInfo->height;
        imageSize.h = gMxiInfo->width;
        gFormatRecord->depth = IMAGE_DEPTH;
        gFormatRecord->imageMode = gMxiInfo->mode;
        gFormatRecord->layerData =
            2 + gMxiInfo->nMultilightChannels + gMxiInfo->nExtraBuffers;
        gFormatRecord->planes = 4; // RGBA.
        gFormatRecord->loPlane = 0;
        gFormatRecord->hiPlane = 3;
        gFormatRecord->planeBytes = IMAGE_DEPTH >> 3;
        gFormatRecord->rowBytes = imageSize.h * gFormatRecord->planes * ( IMAGE_DEPTH >> 3 );
        gFormatRecord->colBytes = gFormatRecord->planes * ( IMAGE_DEPTH >> 3 );
        gFormatRecord->transparencyPlane = 3;
        gFormatRecord->transparencyMatting = 1;
        gFormatRecord->blendMode = PIBlendLinearDodge;
        gFormatRecord->isVisible = true;
      gFormatRecord->imageHRes = FixRatio(72, 1);
      gFormatRecord->imageVRes = FixRatio(72, 1);
      VRect theRect;
      theRect.left = 0;
      theRect.right = imageSize.h;
      theRect.top = 0;
      theRect.bottom = imageSize.v;
      // No resources for now.
      if (sPSHandle->New != NULL) gFormatRecord->imageRsrcData = sPSHandle->New(0);
      gFormatRecord->imageRsrcSize = 0;
    /// Called for prewiew only.
    static void DoReadContinue (void){
        // Dispose of the image resource data if it exists.
        DisposeImageResources ();
      if( gFormatRecord->openForPreview ){   
        VPoint imageSize = GetFormatImageSize();
        gFormatRecord->data = gMxiInfo->bufferPreview;
          if (*gResult == noErr) *gResult = gFormatRecord->advanceState();
        if( gFormatRecord->data != NULL ){
          delete[] (Crgb8*)gMxiInfo->bufferPreview;
          gMxiInfo->bufferPreview = NULL;
          gFormatRecord->data = NULL;
      // De momento nos olvidamos de los icc profiles [TODO]
        //DoReadICCProfile ();
    static void DoReadFinish (void)
        // Dispose of the image resource data if it exists.
        DisposeImageResources ();
        WriteScriptParamsOnRead (); // should be different for read/write
      // write a history comment
        AddComment ();
      // Clean some memory.
      if( gMxiInfo->lightNamesList != NULL ){
        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < gMxiInfo->nMultilightChannels; i++){
          if( gMxiInfo->lightNamesList[i] != NULL ){
            delete[] gMxiInfo->lightNamesList[i];
            gMxiInfo->lightNamesList[i] = NULL;
        delete[] gMxiInfo->lightNamesList;
        gMxiInfo->lightNamesList = NULL;
      if( gMxiInfo->bufferPreview != NULL ){
        delete[] gMxiInfo->bufferPreview;
        gMxiInfo->bufferPreview = NULL;
      if( gMxiInfo->filename != NULL ){
        delete[] gMxiInfo->filename;
        gMxiInfo->filename = NULL;
      if( cMax != NULL ){
        delete cMax;
        cMax = NULL;
    static void DoReadLayerStart(void){
      // empty
    static void DoReadLayerContinue (void){
      int32 done;
        int32 total;
      VPoint imageSize = GetFormatImageSize();
      // Set the progress bar data
      done = gFormatRecord->layerData + 1;
      total = gMxiInfo->nMultilightChannels + gMxiInfo->nExtraBuffers + 2;
      // Dispose of the image resource data if it exists.
      DisposeImageResources ();
      uint32 bufferSize = imageSize.v * gFormatRecord->rowBytes;
      int nPixels = gMxiInfo->width * gMxiInfo->height;
      char* lightName = NULL;
      if( gFormatRecord->layerData == 0 ){
        gFormatRecord->data = (void*)new byte[bufferSize];
        for( int i = 0; i < nPixels; i++ ){
          ((float*)gFormatRecord->data)[ i * 4 ]     =
          ((float*)gFormatRecord->data)[ i * 4 + 1 ] =
          ((float*)gFormatRecord->data)[ i * 4 + 2 ] = 0.0;
          ((float*)gFormatRecord->data)[ i * 4 + 3 ] = 1.0;
        // Set the layer name.
        gFormatRecord->layerName = new uint16[64];
        gFormatRecord->layerName[0] = 'B';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[1] = 'a';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[2] = 'c';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[3] = 'k';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[4] = 'g';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[5] = 'r';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[6] = 'o';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[7] = 'u';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[8] = 'n';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[9] = 'd';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[10] = '\0';
      else if( gFormatRecord->layerData < gMxiInfo->nMultilightChannels + 1 ){
        void* lightBuffer = NULL;
        void* alphaBuffer = NULL;
        byte foob;
        dword food;
        // Get the light buffer.
        bool res = cMax->getLightBuffer(
                               gFormatRecord->layerData - 1, IMAGE_DEPTH,
                               gMxiInfo->width, gMxiInfo->height, lightName);
          *gResult = readErr;
        if( gMxiInfo->hasAlpha ){
          // Get the alpha buffer.
          res = cMax->getExtraBuffer(
                                "ALPHA", IMAGE_DEPTH, alphaBuffer,
                                food, food, foob);
            *gResult = readErr;
          alphaBuffer = (void*)new float[ gMxiInfo->width * gMxiInfo->height * 3 ];
          for( int i = 0; i < nPixels; i++ ){
            // Only need to set the red channel.
            ((float*)alphaBuffer)[ i * 3 ] = 1.0;
        // Put them together.
        gFormatRecord->data = (void*)new byte[bufferSize];
        for( int i = 0; i < nPixels; i++ ){
          ((float*)gFormatRecord->data)[ i * 4 ]     = ((float*)lightBuffer)[ i * 3 ];
          ((float*)gFormatRecord->data)[ i * 4 + 1 ] = ((float*)lightBuffer)[ i * 3 + 1 ];
          ((float*)gFormatRecord->data)[ i * 4 + 2 ] = ((float*)lightBuffer)[ i * 3 + 2 ];
          ((float*)gFormatRecord->data)[ i * 4 + 3 ] = ((float*)alphaBuffer)[ i * 3 ];
        delete[] (float*)lightBuffer;
        delete[] (float*)alphaBuffer;
        // Set the layer name.
      if( ... ){
      if( ... ){
      // User can abort.
      if (gFormatRecord->abortProc()){
          *gResult = userCanceledErr;
      // Commit the layer.
      if (*gResult == noErr) *gResult = gFormatRecord->advanceState();
      // Update the progress bar.
      (*gFormatRecord->progressProc)( done, total );
      // Free memory.
      if( gFormatRecord->data != NULL ){
        delete[] (float*)gFormatRecord->data;
        gFormatRecord->data = NULL;
      if( lightName != NULL ){
        delete[] lightName;
        lightName = NULL;
    static void DoReadLayerFinish (void)
      // Nothing to do.
    And that's the image that I obtain loading a 8 layer image:
    The layers have transparency (when I set "transparencyPlane" to  -1, or 0, or 1, or 2, or 3, or 4....., I got the same result!). The blending mode is still "normal". I had set it to "linear dodge" The "isVisible" param works OK.
    Alpha 1 is still black.
    Is possible that I need to set something in the .r file? I had to add "FormatLayerSupport { doesSupportFormatLayers }," to manage layers, for instance.

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