I cannot connect to a server at work

I cannot connect to a specific server at work. Ex: . it tells me that it all the data on the server cannot be opened error code-36 is a so-called private IP address in a private address block, and there are many thousands of hosts on the Internet with that particular IP address.
You'll need the public IP address associated with your work network, and quite probably also the access credentials and related details necessary to connect into the target server via a VPN.
If you do use a VPN, you'll need to have your local network in a different subnet than — that's an address outside of the to address range — or the VPN connection won't work correctly.
Check with whomever is running the work network for details on how to connect into the network.  If that's you, we'll need to know if you're using OS X Server (this forum) or some other operating system, as well as some general details of the firewall involved, and you'll need to check the network configuration or with the ISP to determine the IP address associated with your work network.  I'd also recommend getting the office network out of the subnet, as that's just going to cause problems for folks connecting via VPN.

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    I have spent two days to resolve this issue. Microsoft has released two KBs with reference to this issue...but are not appearing in search results at the top.
    I am sharing my finding.
    1. First install the
    KB2552989 (Hopefully you might have already installed it. The KB detetcts it and informs the user.)
    2. Then update registry by adding new key for data fetch timeout as mentioned inKB2553007
    These two steps resolved the issue in our environment. Hope it might help others as well.
    Pradip T. ------------- MCTS(SharePoint 2010/Web)|MCPD(Web Development) https://www.mcpvirtualbusinesscard.com/VBCServer/paddytakate/profile

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    Many thanks for contacting me Carolyn. However the wifi was working fine and I found the solution from this posting:
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    Sent from my iPad

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    If you have Internet connectivity then try reinstalling the app.
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    I haven't updated yet. Apple's download servers have been too busy. Did you know you can update via wifi instead of connection to your computer?
    Here's a description of the update. Not a lot of changes for iPad 1/2.
    iOS 5.1 Software Update
    You can wait a while & update at your convenience.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Hi E.SWARD ,
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    Many users upgrading to Mountain Lion have run into this problem, myself included.  You likely have corrupted settings for your  "Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)" for each of the failed Accounts.  Open Mail>go to Mail's Preferences>Accounts>select an Account in the left column to work on>then set up your Outgoing Mail Server which will INCLUDE resetting up your Password, as its asking you to.  Click on "SMTP Outgoing Mail Server" near the bottom of the Accounts window while your mail account is highlighted in the left hand column.  When you click on SMTP... you will see a drop down box icon offered at the right side of the line.  Click it and then select at the bottom of the the list "Edit SMTP Mail Server".  Fill in the required settings for your ISP mail account using their recommended settings.

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    let me start asking teh question if you need reports to conenct to OID. This is required when you want to authenticate users via SSO or when you use Reports access control security to protect Reports Servers and Reports definition files.
    If the answer two both are NO, try
    SINGLESIGNON=NO in rwservlet.properties located in ApplicationServerHome\reports\conf
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    <property name="oidEntity" ...
    from the <Reports Srever name>.conf file
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  • BPC Excel: The system cannot connect to the server. There might be network

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    your help will be greatly appreciated.

    Let me summarize your issue to see if I may help.  If I cannot, then you will need to work with SAP Support on the connection problem.
    - You have a single or multi-server setup?
    - Installed using BPC 5.1 SP3, (or 5.0.502) correct?
    - You can enter the BPC on the server, both via BPC Excel and BPC Admin?
    - When you initiate BPC Admin on your client, so can connect to the Server and perform Admin operations?
    - When you initiate BPC for Excel, and walk through the connection wizard, you cannot connect to the server?
    - When you are in the Connection Wizard, are you using a path or a Server designation?
    - Is the system on a single domain?
    - When you added users to the Admin Security profile, they were selected from a DOMAIN?
    - You have processed security and assigned ALL TASKS currently and processed the MEMBER ACCESS profiles, yes?
    After all of this, have you uninstalled 1 BPC client, cleared the ProgramFiles/BPC folder, and deleted the local stored BPC information?  If you haven't, just for simplification, I would attempt this process.
    You also hae read all the SAP Support Notes regarding using Excel2007 with BPC and the issues you may experience?
    Please let me know and maybe we can help.

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    Hi Ryan,
    Based on my research, the issue should occur due to a by design behavior in Threat Management Gateway (TMG). To work around this issue, you can use SSL between the TMG and the SharePoint Web Server.
    Hope this helps.
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • Cannot connect to abap server, please check your abap server connection

    Installed new NW BPC 7.5 system on windows 2008 server but get the error as follows
    when logon to BPC server:
    "Cannot connect to abap server, please check your abap server connection".
    "define system user group tab" is inactive in server manager also.
    Server Diagnostic errors for SAP Server Connection:
    Database Connection
    Status Connection Error
    as per note 1385864 but this note has not helped get past this status with installation.
    User Type value is either set to Communication Data for all three users (BPC_ADMIN, BPC_SYSADMIN, BPC_USER).
    and these accounts are not locked.
    Any ideas for these errors?

    Hi Aidan,
    "Your logon id (domain\user) does not have SystemAdmin rights; some functionality
    is disabled."
    This is caused by the fact that the user you are logged in as isn't in the UJA_SVR_DEFAULT table, the SYSADMIN field needs to have a value that contains your user id (i.e. DOMAIN\USER)   . You can set this up with the UJA3_WRITE_SYS_USERS program.
    "When I try to install APPshell the following errors occur:
    @8O@ UJA_DATA_CHECK E 006 Application PLANNING's multiprovider /CPMB/ATMKOOE not exist in BW
    @8O@ UJS_EXCEPTION E 003 Errors occured during "after import" method call during activation"
    Aidan, sounds like something went terribly wrong during your activation process. Do this, Clean the appset with the UJS_ACTIVATE_CONTENT program and make sure that everything is completely deleted. Make sure that there is a lot of memory available for the activation and try it again.
    It should work.
    Hopefully this helps you.
    Cheers, Scott

  • BPC cannot connect to ABAP server

    Hello Experts,
    I'm facing the following issue when installing SAP BPC NW 7.5 SP04
    When the installation is done (succesfully) I try to login to the server manager and get following error message:
    "Cannot connect to ABAP server; Check your ABAP server configuration"
    In the diagnostic, it is also the SAP ABAP Server connection that fails.
    I'm installing this with a domain user called BPCADMIN.
    In the ABAP system I added this domain user to the UJA3_WRITE_SYS_USERS program.
    When I check the table: UJA_SVR_DEFAULT I see 3 times the domain\BPCADMIN user.
    In the log file I get following error:
    #2.0 #2010 09 03 01:35:41:020#-7:00#Error#ServerMgrService##EPM-BPC-NW##0d55515b-753b-449a-9a0f-1d3781e38f69###TestConnection#INTENSUM-NET
    BPCADMIN########Plain##The ABAP server specified in the server configuration file is not reachable#
    #2.0 #2010 09 03 01:40:49:608#-7:00#Error#ServerMgrService##EPM-BPC-NW##b22778de-4872-4138-a700-26cd9f8b0d68###TestConnection#INTENSUM-NET
    BPCADMIN########Plain##The ABAP server specified in the server configuration file is not reachable#
    #2.0 #2010 09 03 01:41:11:327#-7:00#Error#ServerMgrService##EPM-BPC-NW##38dad74d-47bc-48c0-a779-dc5fd2f1ef92###TestConnection#INTENSUM-NET
    BPCADMIN########Plain##The ABAP server specified in the server configuration file is not reachable#
    Strange enough, a ABAP connection with SAP LOGON works...
    Can you please help me on this?

    I checked the 3 BPC SAP ID (BPC_SYSADMIN; BPC_ADMIN; BPC_USER). They are not locked.
    And all of them are communication users. I set the rules according to inst. guide. 
    I run the UJA3_WRITE_SYS_USERS program too.
    The UJA_SVR_DEFAULT table contains these lines:
    I tried to login manually with these users, it is OK. (they were dialog users )
    (the .Net server and the SAP BI system are not the same machines. I think this is no problem isnu2019t it ) Firewall are off on both machines.
    Can I create these users at the .Net server side and login to win server with them?
    I set these SAP users to BPC server .BPC_ADMIN is the BPC_ADMIN and so on.  Is it OK ?
    I have no idea what can be the problem.
    How can I check they are BPC specified users or not?

  • Load balancing error 88: Cannot connect to message server (rc=9)

    We are facing a problem in the system object.
    initially we created a system object with loadbalancing template ,and everything worked fine, but after couple of months we found a error "Load balancing error 88: Cannot connect to message server (rc=9)", so we have created a Dedicated application server object which resolved our issue.
    My question is why has this problem occured, and since my client side has lot number of users and we wish to keep the system back to load balancing object.
    How can i make my system object work back, what might be the causes?
    Srivastsa Kondapally

    Load balancing only works if the message server is available and the logon group specified exists as well.  If one of those changes, then it will break until you get the values set correctly.

  • Error : Cannot connect to the server temporarily

    A particular PC is giving an error " cannot connect to the server temporarily", the user is able to login on another PC and no one is able to login to lync 2010 ( internal user ) on this particular PC.
    Options tried:
    1) Deleted sip folder under app data.
    2) Uninstall and reinstall Lync client.
    3) checked timezone and srv records.
    4) checked ping to FE and director server.
    ) checked manually adding FE on lync client.
    Your inputs/suggestions would of great help.

    Is the computer join the domain?
    Run the following command to check the automatic configuration is working
    >set type=srv
    >_sipinternaltls._tcp.<sip domain>.com(for internal user)
    >_sip._tls<sip domain>.com(for external user)
    If you can ping to FE, please try to sign in with manual configuration.
    Lisa Zheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • I have two iPads and one is connected to the internet but my other iPad was connected then was not and since then I have not been able to add my internet back onto my iPad it only says cannot connect to the server any help would be great thanks

    I have two iPads and one is connected to the internet but my other iPad was connected then was not and since then I have not been able to add my internet back onto my iPad it only says cannot connect to the server any help would be great thanks

    If you are having WiFi problems it is necessary to isolate whether the problem is with your network or your iPad. Note: Do NOT consider your network to be blameless if some other devices can connect to it.
    First, test your iPad on some other WiFi networks: a friends, Starbucks, Barnes &amp; Noble, etc.
    If it works well there then the problem is probably with your network. Try restarting your WiFi router by removing power for 30 seconds. If that does not help check for a firmware update for your router. If none exists which corrects the problem consider replacing the router.
    If your iPad does not function well on other networks it possibly has a hardware problem. You could try Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings to see if that corrects the problem. If not, contact Apple Support or visit an Apple store for evaluation. They can provide a replacement if your iPad is bad.
    If you need more help please give the make, model, and version of your WiFi router and how you have it configured.

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