I cannot seem to find the DE for me

See one problem that happens to many Linux users is that they become nomads. (My friend has fallen to this fate. Arch's simplicity isn't the solution to everyone I guess.) Distro hoppers. Liking parts of one distro and parts of others and changing their distro all the time.
I have found my home in archlinux though. It seems to be the best distro for a desktop user who uses an Intel processor.
But I cannot find the DE/WM that is right for me.
I like xfce the most, but I cannot get icons working with it. (on 4.4) One day when I tried to install a theme xfce went kablooie. I also have to enable testing to download it, which means unstable stuff gets sent down my way and my computer screws up. (Unless I do something smart like only enabling testing to install xfce rather than pacman -Syu'ing the whole testing repo.)
I hate gnome. I just never understood anything about it, other than gnome dependancies that infect many programs. (Sorry if I am using harsh words, gnome lovers will hate me.)
I don't like KDE so much either, I just got it today but I already am looking to change it. I like it because of two things. Konqueror is the best file manager hands down. It isn't too bloated, it does files and executes things properly *glares at rox*. It also has a sense of fashion and you can put a backgroun image on it. (which I have done.) The other thing is the kdesktop is nice, no other virtual desktop app seems to be anywhere near as good as it. Maybe Enlightenment is the answer I seek, but it feels complicated and I'm too lazy to learn it. I also can't seem to get Japanese input support in Qt apps working at all, only gtk apps. The other problem is that KDE is a little bloated, I don't like things that take up memory, but Arche has a lot of ram, so some stuff Marc is saying is getting into my head. But KDE in general is hard to use, it is user friendly and user friendly things are hard to use. (Ironic isn't it?)They make expectations of you and things never work the way you want them to work. My Devil's Pie scripts fail in KDE. I cannot even seem to pin Kopete to all workspaces, and I feel it might be the same for all Qt apps. When I ran zsnes only to find that after I open a game the window borders come back despite my scripts telling it to not be there I was upset. Sure, this problem has an easy solution, use KDE but configure alternatives to use Openbox or something that doesn't get in the way of my scripts as a WM. But then I have the other KDE problems.
So then all the DE's are out of the question and I have to go for a WM. The proplem with WMs is that things don't work well together. You are also stuck on things like file managers and stuff that seem to always come with DEs.
I'm tempted to go back to xfce, but then I'll be back where I started, and I'll have testing enabled again. Unless I get the old version of xfce, I can use gkrellm to moniter my system so the system moniter isn't needed so much but xffm sucks. I have an ok terminal now with Japanese support so screw a file manager and well when I look at things the path looks green.
The point is, I'm going in circles when it comes to my desktop environment. I need help. T_T What do you guys use for your desktop? Especially from the people who use window managers, how on earth do you get everything to fit together? WMs are the best solution, but the hardest to get working. (Or so I believe.)
I also need a web browser, Opera is nice and all but it is non-free software. It also uses Qt so Japanese support isn't great. I haven't gotten any emails from my Japanese friends today but how would I write Japanese emails if my browser has no Japanese support. Firefox is getting to use a lot of memory, and all the other browsers may be fine but they need gnome/kde dependancies.
I remember reading the Archlinux forums about a browser that didn't need gnome/kde dependancies. It had a Japanese name if I'm not mistaken, I can't find it anymore. If anyone knows it it would be helpful.
Anybody can help me?

here's mine. It's a bit of a mess at the moment and the menus are in a separate file. I'm trying to integrate FVWM with ROX at the moment, but haven't had much time for it.
#FVWM Config
# Set Environment Variables
# Filepaths first
SetEnv fvwm_wallpaper $[HOME]/Wallpapers
SetEnv fvwm_icon $[FVWM_USERDIR]/theme/pixmaps
SetEnv fvwm_script $[FVWM_USERDIR]/scripts
SetEnv fvwm_theme_img $[FVWM_USERDIR]/theme/deco
SetEnv fvwm_mini_x %50.25
SetEnv fvwm_icon_size 100
SetEnv fvwm_mini_scale 50
# Place for icon images
ImagePath $[fvwm_icon]:$[fvwm_icon];.png:+
# Virtual Desktops
DesktopSize 2x2
EdgeScroll 100 100
EdgeResistance 50 50
EdgeThickness 2
EwmhBaseStruts 0 0 40 0
# Mouse and Focus
ClickTime 350
MoveThreshold 3
Style * SloppyFocus, RaiseTransient, !borders, Handles
*FvwmEvent focus_window Raise
# Startup Functions
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Module FvwmBacker
+ I Module FvwmEvent
+ I Module FvwmButtons Launcher
+ I Module FvwmButtons WinCtrl
+ I Exec exec tilda
DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction
+ I Nop
DestroyFunc RestartFunction
AddToFunc RestartFunction
+ I Exec exec "killall tilda"
#Window Functions
DestroyFunc WinClose
AddToFunc WinClose
+ I Current Destroy
DestroyFunc WinMax
AddToFunc Winmax
+ I Current Maximize 100 100
DestroyFunc WinIconify
AddToFunc Winiconify
+ I Current Thumbnail
#Program Functions
DestroyFunc Editor
AddToFunc Editor
+ I Exec exec geany
DestroyFunc Browser
AddToFunc Browser
+ I Exec exec firefox
DestroyFunc Filer
AddToFunc Filer
+ I Exec exec rox
DestroyFunc Music
AddToFunc Music
+ I Exec exec audacious
DestroyFunc Terminal
AddToFunc Terminal
+ I Exec exec mrxvt
#Basic Styles
Style * IconBox 1200x1024-25+100, IconFill top left, SloppyFocus
Style * Padding 300 100
Style * NoIconTitle
Style "mrxt" NoTitle, !Handles,
Style "audacious" NoTitle, !Handles
Style "pypanel" NoTitle, !Handles
Colorset 2 fg black, bg f8/00/00,
Tint rgb:f8/00/00 35, TiledPixmap $[fvwm_icon]/himenu.png
#Setting of Desktop and Page backgrounds
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmBacker: *
*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 0, Page * *) Exec exec feh --bg-scale $[fvwm_wallpaper]/LinuxForce.jpg
#Pager Configuration
Style "FvwmPager" NoTitle, !Handles, !Borders, Sticky, WindowListSkip,
CirculateSkip, StaysOnBottom, FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable, NeverFocus
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager: *
*FvwmPager: Geometry 100x100-0+0
*FvwmPager: Colorset * 2
*FvwmPager: Icons
*FvwmPager: UseSkipList
*FvwmPager: Rows 0
*FvwmPager: Columns 0
*FvwmPager: MiniIcons
*FvwmPager: Font none
*FvwmPager: NoDeskHilight
#Window Controller
Style "WinCtrl" NoTitle, !Handles, !Borders, Sticky, WindowListSkip,
CirculateSkip, StaysOnBottom, FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable, NeverFocus
DestroyModuleConfig WinCtrl: *
*WinCtrl: Geometry 240x40-512+0
*WinCtrl: Colorset 2
*WinCtrl: Rows 1
*WinCtrl: Columns 5
*WinCtrl: (1x1, Icon 32x32/apps/xkill.png, Action(Mouse 1) `WinClose`)
*WinCtrl: (1x1, Title "Max", Action(Mouse 1) `WinMax`, Action(Mouse 3) `WinIconify`)
*WinCtrl: (1x1, Title "Expose", Action(Mouse 1) `FvwmExpose` Action (Mouse 4) `ScrollThroughWindows 4`, Action(Mouse 5) `ScrollThroughWindows 5`)
Style "Launcher" NoTitle, !Handles, !Borders, Sticky, WindowListSkip,
CirculateSkip, StaysOnBottom, FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable, NeverFocus, Pixmap $[fvwm_icon]/kicker-020.png
DestroyModuleConfig Launcher: *
*Launcher: Geometry 360x24+0+0
*Launcher: Colorset 2
*Launcher: Frame 0
*Launcher: Font "Shadow=1:xft:Georgia:Bold:size=10:antialias=True"
*Launcher: Rows 1
*Launcher: Columns 60
*Launcher: (12x1, Title "System", Action(Mouse 1) Menu SysMenu rectangle +1+24 +0 +0
*Launcher: (15x1, Title "Programs", Action(Mouse 1) Menu ProgramMenu rectangle +72+24 +0 +0
*Launcher: (11x1, Title "Places", Action(Mouse 1) Menu PlacesMenu rectangle +162+24 +0 +0
*Launcher: (15x1, Title "Windows" Action(Mouse 1) `Expose`, Action(Mouse 3) Menu WindowMenu rectangle +228+24 +0 +0
Action (Mouse 4) `ScrollThroughWindows 4`, Action(Mouse 5) `ScrollThroughWindows 5`)
Mouse 1 R A Menu RootMenu
Mouse 3 R A Module FvwmPager -transient
Mouse 1 1 A Menu WindowMenu
Mouse 1 2 A Current Delete
Read $[FVWM_USERDIR]/conf/menu.fvwm2rc
#Window Decorations
Style * Button 1, Button 2, Button 4, Button 6, GrabFocusOff
Style * Colorset 0, HilightColorset 1
Style * Font "shadow=1 C:xft:Georgia:Bold:pixelsize=16"
# Inactive windows
Colorset 0 fg lightgray, bg lightgray, sh lightgray,
fgsh darkgray, RootTransparent buffer
# Active windows
Colorset 1 fg rgb:05/46/a0, bg white, sh white,
RootTransparent buffer
DestroyDecor Default
AddToDecor Default
+ BorderStyle Simple -- HiddenHandles NoInset
+ TitleStyle LeftJustified Height 28 -- flat
+ ButtonStyle Reset
+ ButtonStyle All Active (Colorset 0 -- flat) Inactive (Colorset 1 -- flat)
+ AddButtonStyle 1 AdjustedPixmap $[fvwm_theme_img]/fvwm_bw_small.png -- flat
#+ AddButtonStyle 1 MiniIcon
+ AddTitleStyle Active MultiPixmap LeftButtons AdjustedPixmap $[fvwm_theme_img]/tb_leftend.png,
LeftEnd AdjustedPixmap $[fvwm_theme_img]/tb_titlelefton.png,
Main TiledPixmap $[fvwm_theme_img]/tb_titlemainon.png,
RightEnd AdjustedPixmap $[fvwm_theme_img]/tb_titlerighton.png
+ AddTitleStyle Inactive MultiPixmap LeftButtons AdjustedPixmap $[fvwm_theme_img]/tb_leftend.png,
LeftEnd AdjustedPixmap $[fvwm_theme_img]/tb_titleleftoff.png,
Main TiledPixmap $[fvwm_theme_img]/tb_titlemainoff.png,
RightEnd AdjustedPixmap $[fvwm_theme_img]/tb_titlerightoff.png
+ AddButtonStyle 6 Active Pixmap $[fvwm_theme_img]/tb_minon.png -- flat
+ AddButtonStyle 6 Inactive Pixmap $[fvwm_theme_img]/tb_minoff.png -- flat
+ AddButtonStyle 4 Active Pixmap $[fvwm_theme_img]/tb_maxon.png -- flat
+ AddButtonStyle 4 Inactive Pixmap $[fvwm_theme_img]/tb_maxoff.png -- flat
+ AddButtonStyle 2 Active Pixmap $[fvwm_theme_img]/tb_closeon.png -- flat
+ AddButtonStyle 2 Inactive Pixmap $[fvwm_theme_img]/tb_closeoff.png -- flat
#Colorset 3 fg black bg Wheat
#Colorset 4 fg wheat bg Black
#DestroyDecor WinDeco
#3AddToDecor WinDeco
#+ TitleStyle Height 25
#+ AddButtonStyle 1 Title "Menu"
#+ TitleStyle Flat
#Style "*" UseDecor WinDeco
#Style "*" Colorset 4
#Style "*" HilightColorset 3
#Style "*" Font "xft:Georgia:Bold:size=10:antialias=True"
#Scroll windows by mouse
DestroyFunc ScrollThroughWindows
AddToFunc ScrollThroughWindows
+ I PipeRead `[ $0 -eq 4 ] && echo "Prev (CurrentPage, AcceptsFocus) FocusAndRaise" || echo "Next (CurrentPage, AcceptsFocus) FocusAndRaise"`
DestroyFunc FocusAndRaise
AddToFunc FocusAndRaise
+ I Focus
+ I Raise
#Show Window Screenshots in Pager
DestroyFunc GenerateMiniIcon
AddToFunc GenerateMiniIcon
+ I PipeRead "xwd -silent -id $[w.id] | convert -scale 100 -frame 1x1
-mattecolor black -quality 0 xwd:- png:$[HOME]/.fvwm/tmp/miniicon.tmp.$[w.id].png
&& echo WindowStyle EWMHMiniIconOverride, MiniIcon $[HOME]/.fvwm/tmp/miniicon.tmp.$[w.id].png
|| echo nop"
DestroyFunc DestroyMiniIcon
AddToFunc DestroyMiniIcon
+ I PipeRead "rm -f $[HOME]/.fvwm/tmp/miniicon.tmp.$[w.id].png"
*FvwmEvent: raise_window GenerateMiniIcon
*FvwmEvent: destroy_window DestroyMiniIcon
*FvwmEvent focus_window FocusAndRaise
*FvwmEvent: deiconify DeThumbnail
SetEnv fvwm_icon_size 150
DestroyFunc Thumbnail
AddToFunc Thumbnail
+ I Raise
+ I SetEnv Icon-$[w.id] $[w.IconFile]
+ I ThisWindow (!Shaded, Iconifiable, !Iconic) PipeRead "xwd -silent -id $[w.id] | convert -scale $[fvwm_icon_size] -quality 0
xwd:- png:$[HOME]/.fvwm/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png;
echo WindowStyle IconOverride, Icon $[HOME]/.fvwm/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png"
+ I Iconify
DestroyFunc DeThumbnail
AddToFunc DeThumbnail
+ I PipeRead "echo WindowStyle IconOverride, Icon \$\[Icon-$[w.id]\]"
+ I UnsetEnv Icon-$[w.id]
+ I Exec exec "rm -f /$[HOME]/.fvwm/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png"
# FvwmExpose
DestroyFunc Expose
AddToFunc Expose
+ I AddToMenu ExposeMenu "e x p o s e" Title
+ I + DynamicPopDownAction DestroyMenu ExposeMenu
+ I All (!Iconic !Shaded AcceptsFocus)
PipeRead "echo Raise;
xwd -silent -id $[w.id] | convert -scale $$(($[w.width]/10)) -quality 0 xwd:-
&& echo AddToMenu ExposeMenu
%$[FVWM_USERDIR]/tmp/icon.exp.$[w.id].png%\'"$[w.name]"\' WindowID $[w.id] WarpToWindow 50 50
&& echo AddToMenu ExposeMenu \"\" Nop
|| Nop"
+ I Popup ExposeMenu rectangle 512x48+228+24 +0 +0
+ I Exec exec rm -f $[FVWM_USERDIR]/tmp/icon.exp.*
# composite -geometry +5+5 $[w.IconFile]
# $[HOME]/.fvwm/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png $[HOME]/.fvwm/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png;

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