I don't want to use BTY Mail Beta - help

Morning forum fans
The 'normal' BTY failed to load correctly this morning so had to use Mail Classic, which loaded fine
However, there appears to be no way of going back to the 'normal' one.
The only option is to use/try the new Mail Beta, which I don't want to
Here's the screenie of the Beta and the links (in order)
How can get back to the normal one?
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Go to Solution.

Cheers tommy
the link does exactly that - back to classic
It does appear that some user changes were not carried over.....
I've always considered using IMAP etc, but tend to leave BT products and services almost as they would be when they're first used/installed - mainly to spot things like this.
Though I do use a lot of chuck away Gmail ones - for this that and the other - at least they're not connected to BT or Yahoo
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    To re-install iPhoto
    1. Put the iPhoto.app in the trash (Drag it from your Applications Folder to the trash)
    2a: On 10.5:  Go to HD/Library/Receipts and remove any pkg file there with iPhoto in the name.
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    1. Move any new iWork apps in another clearly labelled folder (I created a new folder in Applications & named it iWork 13)
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    I too woud like the itunes mac to iphone/ipad local backup given back.
    In the meantime - thanks for the work around

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