I have a USB hard drive how to change read wright permissions

I have a USB HP Personal Media Drive I had used it with Windows XP but now want to use it with my MAC.
I have tryed to right click on  with finder and went to Get Info but it does not show me the lock or allow me to unlock it.
Can someone help me with this problem?
Also is there a site kinda like Microsoft's Tech Net for Mac or it's OS?
Sorry I am new with Mac.

I'm not familiar with the HP Personal Media Drive, but if it is a portable hard drive or flash memory drive, and it was previously used with Windows XP, it is probably formatted as NTFS. Mac OS X can read NTFS volumes, but it will not write on them (which includes erasing or renming files or folders).
If the drive contains NOTHING that you care about and you plan to use it ONLY with your Mac in the future, you can use Disk Utility to reformat it as a Mac drive.
If you will want to use this drive on both Mac(s) and Windows computers in the future, you can use third-party software such as Paragon NTFS for Mac on the Mac(s) to allow them to write NTFS.
There are other solutions for other usage patterns. How do you plan to use it?

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    Here's my lo-tech solution (if you have Parallels) to this frustrating problem:
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    Start Parallels.
    When Windows has started, plug your drive back into the MAC.
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    If you don't have the prior computer backup files, you may want to look at this to get your information from the phone:

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    This is a really odd answer.
    I have Time Capsule, I add an external drive to it and you say that to back up THAT disk on Time Capsule I need other programs/solutions? This is really a stupid thing.
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    I still can't use it the way I was hoping because it then becomes a T/M back-up disk and not a normal usb/firewire disc.
    You are first mounting the drive on the desktop, correct?
    Not sure what you mean here.
    You can drag/drop files normally or copy/paste files to the drive icon on the desktop, just as you would a normal drive that is displayed on the desktop.
    Or, double click the drive icon on the desktop and drag/drop files into the open window there.
    Tell us the steps that you are using to mount the drive on the desktop. What happens after each step?

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    Your external drive is undoubtedly formatted as NTFS. As you already know, your Mac can read this format, but it cannot write to it. There are some third-party shareware applications that will allow your Mac to write to the NTFS volume; search for these on versiontracker.com, if you want to give this a try.
    The native Mac format is HFS+ (Mac OS Extended), which cannot be read natively by Windows. Again, there are third-party solutions for this (specifically, a Windows app called "MacDrive," also available on versiontracker.com).
    The only format that will allow reading and writing from both OS X and Windows is the FAT-32 format (called MS-DOS in Disk Utility). This format is older, and less compatible with modern file formats. For example, it will not support files larger than 4 GBs.
    The question that needs answering is whether or not you will using this drive cross-platform, or whether it will be dedicated solely to OS X. If the former, you'll need to use either the FAT-32 format or some third-party solution. If this drive will only be accessed from OS X in the future, you should copy the data, format it as HFS+ (Mac OS Extended), then return the data to it.

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    Name Privilege
    (Me) Custom
    admin Custom
    (Me) Custom
    admin Custom
    everyone Custom
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    Okay, it looks like I've solved the problem. After LOTS of searching, I found a discussion that led to the solution... I first ran this command in terminal:
    ls -alO /Volumes
    This command revealed that the "user immutable flag" was set (the text "uchg" appeared with the problematic drive) and permissions looked odd. The following commands fixed both problems:
    chflags nouchg '/Volumes/<drive name>'
    sudo chmod 1775 '/Volumes/<drive name>'
    For anyone else who needs help with this issue, here's the URL that helped me:
    (Posts 4-10 were great!)

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    Mac - How to Move the iPhone & iPad iTunes Backup folder to an External Hard Drive
    http://osxdaily.com/2011/03/05/how-to-move-the-iphoneipad-itunes-backup-folder-t o-an-external-hard-drive/
    How to Change the Location of Your iPhone Backup (Mac)
    http://ismashphone.com/2012/05/how-to-change-the-location-of-your-iphone-backup. html
     Cheers, Tom

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    You can't, not natively. An app like FileBrowser:
    may make this possible, though.

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    Does Leopard recognize USB drives connected to Airport routers? How can I get Leopard to recognize this drive?

    When you setup up your Airport you give a name and password to the base station. The base station name will show up in a Finder Window. My Finder window shows it between Devices and Places in an item called Shared.
    When you click in your base station name it will refresh the window content and show a folder with the name of your HD connected to the Base Station. On the top part of the window you will see a dark gray bar and the status +*Connected as: Guest*+ and a button Connect  As... . Click this button and select *Registered User* and *type your password* for the Base Station. If you wish you can select the *Remember this password in my keychain*. Now click Connect. You will see that the status in the dark gray bar shows +*Connected as: <your user name>*+.
    Now remember that this HD is not a normal HD to Leopard, it is a Network HD, so it wisely shows it in the Shared item.
    Now Apple understands that in the past this Network HD was shown to users as a Normal HD on the Desktop and this could generate some confusion, so they left a way for us to see it as in Tiger.
    Click on the Desktop and you will the Finder menu bar, select Finder>Preferences and click on the item +*Connected servers*+ in the Show this items on the Desktop. This will do the trick.

  • USB hard drive not detected on reboot

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    The hard drive is formatted for HFS+ and I am running Mac Drive 8 to detect it in Windows.
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    This is really annoying! Can anybody help me? I'm pretty good with things like this but I can't think of any reason this shouldn't be working right.
    HELP =T
    Message was edited by: PTHEOFYL
    Message was edited by: PTHEOFYL

    I am having the exact same problem. WD 1TB Passport. USB 3.0 drive. Running on Windows 7 Pro 64 via Bootcamp.
    My 1TB Passport is formatted with FAT32 and works with Windows and Mac OS.
    I was getting the same problem when I was running Windows XP Pro on the same MacBook Pro. I was hoping the upgrade to Windows 7 would remidy the issue but it did not.
    The drive light is on in a steady state when I boot and I have the same symptoms as reported by everyone else above.
    In my research, I am leaning towards thinking that it is a power issue related to the cable used to connect the USB 3.0 Drive or something to do with the USB driver for Bootcamp, but researching the WD site suggests it's a power issue, not a faulty or failing drive.
    I have a 500GB WD Passport USB 2.0 also attached to my computer, also running FAT32 and it starts up no problem. It's just the USB 3.0 drive that is having this issue.
    Also worth noting; the drive is detected properly when I boot in Mac OS X. It's only the Windows side I have to unplug and plug back in to access the drive.

  • TM on 2 differnt usb hard drives

    I thought I had come up with a great back up plan:
    1) I have one usb hard drive at work where I run TM every hour.
    2) Once a week take my computer home, connect it to another usb hard drive and change TM preferences to run on that disk.
    3) When I get back to work, I change my TM preferences back to the original usb hard drive.
    4) Expected result: I then have to separate usb hard drives with back ups of my computer, one which have been run every hour and one at home which have been run every week.
    Now I realized that every time I change the TM preferences to run on another usb disk TM will start from scratch and do a completely new TM back up. This means that I can not restore any old files with TM.
    Have I misunderstood something? What should I change to get the expected result as described above?

    daloco77 wrote:
    Now I realized that every time I change the TM preferences to run on another usb disk TM will start from scratch and do a completely new TM back up. This means that I can not restore any old files with TM.
    First, it should do a new, full backup only if you've gone several days (at least 10) without a backup to that disk (apparently, you can go longer if there weren't a lot of changes); done a full restore (maybe); or renamed your internal HD.
    Second, TM will not delete the last backup to make room for a new one. It will fail for lack of space, instead. So you should be able to restore old files as long as those backups remain. That's why your TM disk should be at least twice the size of the data it's backing-up (and preferably 3 times).
    But remember, if you created a file after the last backup to one disk, and deleted it before switching back, your only backups of that file are on the other disk.

  • USB Hard Drive that Disk Utility says it can't unmount

    I have a 93.2 Gb Hard Drive (from an old G4 PowerBook) inside an enclosure with USB connection. While trying to recover data from it using Data Rescue (on a G4 PowerBook), Data Rescue II hung. After restart, the USB Hard Drive can not be read at all. Disk Utility says it can't repair it or erase it because it can't "Unmount" the disk. What can I do with the USB Hard Drive?

    try this: open system preferences/spotlight/privacy and drag that external into spotlight privacy then try Disk Utility.

  • Usb hard drive will only alow me to copy from it not edit

    this is my first mac and ive only had it for about a week but i pick up on computers very quickly, i have a usb hard drive that i have used previously with PC's the drive in it was pulled from a PC laptop nd formatted it but when i connect it to my mac it will allow me to view and copie the files but not edit or delete them.
    i would be grantful for any ideas thank u in advance
    mac book pro 2.0ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Note that you cannot just reformat the drive. You must re-partition the drive. Open Disk Utility and select the drive entry (the one with the mfgr.'s ID) from the leftside list, then click on the Partition tab in the DU main window. Select one partition from the dropdown menu. If you want to use the drive to boot the MacBook, then click on the Option button and select the GUID partition scheme from the dropdown menu. Click OK, then click on the Partition button. Wait for the volume to mount on the Desktop, then quit DU.

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