I have the CMStorm Devastator and can't get the backlight to turn on.

Commander147May 26, 2014 12:00 PM Re: 3rd party gaming keyboard backlight button?
Re: 3rd party gaming keyboard backlight button?in response to cameraman_matt
For @camerman_mat and others:
I just bought the CM Storm Devastator keyboard yesterday, and I think its stupid that they don't have a mac solution for setting the keyboard backlight. I am in the process of writting a simple GUI application for OSX based on HID LED Test Tool to set the keyboard backlight status. I will post it up when its done if anyone wants to give it a shot. I think it will help most people. In the meantime, below I have sumed up the steps I followed to get this working for me. All credit goes to above posters.
Download https://github.com/darcyliu/CocoaSampleCode/raw/master/HID_LED_test_tool/build/R elease/HID%20LED%20test%20tool
Rename the file to : "HID" or something simple for now
Go to the directory you downloaded the file using terminal : Ex) cd ~/Downloads/
In terminal type: ./HID
If everything works, you should see your keyboard cycle through backlight states. Once it is lit, press ctrl+C to end the program. Everytime you want to change the keyboard backlight status run ./HID and press ctrl+C when you want it to stay at its current state.
If ./HID fails to run, make sure you change the permissions on the HID file to exectuable.
In terminal: chmod 777 HID then re run step 4
I feel like I followed this guys exact way and order but it still didnt turn the backlight on. I even tried downloading controller mate and doing it that way but I still couldnt get it. If someone could just walk through it with me again I'd greatly appreciate it.

I know that this posting is already a bit older but i recently bought a Devastator keyboard too
I managed to get the LEDs working!
Here are the steps:
1. Go to :
https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/samplecode/HID_LED_test_tool/Introductio n/Intro.html
2. Download the File
3. Make sure you have Xcode on your Mac, if not download it via App Store.
4. Open the Project File (HID LED test tool.xcodeproj) with Xcode
5. Go to Product and select Run or just push ⌘+R while Xcode is active
6. The LEDs should now turn on and off
7. Close Xcode while the  LEDs are on
Job done   (works for me on Yosemite)
well the only problem is u have to run this trough each time you start your Mac
or just try to shortcut the operation with Automator - here is a link to the description :
http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/4074/what-do-i-type-to-produce-the-comm and-symbol-⌘-in-mac-os-x
I hope this will help!

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