I hope to use Audition to add verbal instruction onto some exercise videos I've uploaded on Premiere

I hope to use Audition to add verbal instruction onto some exercise videos I've uploaded on Premiere Pro - still working out the software so if you can help, please can you explain in simple terms.  Thanks so much.

We need more more info for a detailed answer but the basic reply is "Yes".
You will need a microphone and some form of audio interface (to plug the mic into the computer--built in sound cards and the included jacks are often not suitable for anything more than a gamer's mic).
Export your Premiere Pro Project (Edit/Edit in Audition).  This'll take your video and existing audio across to Audition.
Create a new track in Multitrack View, enable that for recording, route your mic/interface to that track then play the existing stuff to watch/listen to while your record your comments.
When done you can either mix it in Audition or send all the stems back to Premier Pro--I usually mix in Audition but that's just because I now it better.
I realise this is a very simplistic summary but you'll need to read up (or watch training videos) to get all the details.

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    Thanks a lot!

    Hey - I've just signed up to get the benefit of the experience & wisdom of audio experts. It looks like I can expect plenty of that so thank you in advance.
    From this thread, seems like I can also get some opinion without much basis in fact and outright paranioa too. Just an observation and not a criticism - I have my own foibles to bring to the party too  ;-)
    here's some facts from me.
    I run and work in an environment of mixed Windows and Macs - initially, around 30 Windows audio workstations and a handful of Macs. I've been here since the days of analogue tape; my first audio editor was Cool Edit on Windows 3.11.
    The cheaper purchase price of the Win machines is soon offest by the much higher cost of maintenance, repair and replacement. Windows workstations need replacing after 3 years - some of them will have broken beyond repair in that time. The Macs are on a five year replacement program - but they often run longer than that. Yes, Macs break down but nowhere near as much as the Win PCs. This is true for towers and laptops. I refuse to buy any more Win laptops as even the best brands fail so quickly. I now by mac laptops and often they're used in Windows only. Last year we replaced 20 Win workstations with dual boot Macs so we now use both OS's side by side. We only still run Windows because Audition is our audio tool of choice.
    Macs do not get viruses. Period. We have no virus or malware protection measures on the Mac side and we have no problems. Zero. We've had massive virus issues on the Windows side, particularly spread by USB memory sticks. With later versions of XP and now 7, it's got a lot better but we still have to run extra software (that slows down performance) on Windows and spend a lot of time updating definitions etc.This is a high cost and should be factored into cost considerations.
    Macs are suspecptible to trojans of course - but not as much as Win. There are simply fewer of them and the OS is implemented in an inherently more secure way. That said, if some plonker is going to open dodgy email attachments or going clicking around 'exotic' websites, then they are effectively inviting the vampire over the threshold- whatever the OS and hardware! But Macs do not 'catch' viruses like Windows.
    I've been running Audition on my Mac laptops for years under emulation and straight Windows - since Windows 98 SP2. I'm writing this on a five year old MacBook Pro - it's a laptop and it gets hammered and carried everywhere daily in a tatty padded bag. On it I run Audition 1.5 under Parallels (XP), happily getting sound in and out, using a variety of internal and external sound cards (FW & USB). There was once a problem with an M-Audio driver but it was fixed next update and none since. As it's one of the earliest ones, it's maxed out at 2GB RAM and it has the standard 5200 rpm hard drive & 2.16 Core Duo (note: mine's not a Core 2 Duo, which is the current spec and much faster), so you can see it's way below the current models' spec. If I'm doing a big project in Audition with lots of resources running, I use a dedicated modern desktop computer, but for my day in,day out work, my old laptop copes well. I tried Audition 3 on it and it seemed to work ok but the licence was for another machine so I didn't test it in anger. Two people I know with recent Macbook Pros run Windows & Mac OS together and I'm amazed at the ease and speed of them. When my employer allows me, I hope to upgrade to one of those but as long as this old faithful keeps going, I've no chance.
    If I had my personal choice it would be Mac all the way - not because it's perfect, but cos it's the better option. But I know and work with people whose knowledge and experience I respect who think the same about Windows. We get on well together.
    BTW, the information from someone about one button mouses is a decade or more out of date. With my mac I use the trackpad (which gets 'right-clicks' & more) and often a two button+scroll wheel Microsoft mouse. If we're going to help each other out today, lets not talk ancient history.
    I'm about to make more purchases for streaming audio on the web. I'll be installing Audition on these, of course. I'll probably be buying Windows computers to do this because the start budget is too small. But I'll expect to be replacing these in a couple of years and I know from experiecne they'll be less reliable than a Mac tower that would cost almost twice as much. That's a false economy and false efficiency in my view, but it's a strategic choice and it will work well till it breaks.
    To summarize, so far I've found no perfect solutions to computer based audio issues - all setups will have their problems. But it is both possible - and to me prefereable - to run Audition on current Macs. And while the initial purchase price of Mac options looks expensive, the total cost of ownership is probably at least equal if not less - but the experience along the way is much less troublesome, more productive and happier.
    Enjoy your audio editing whatever it's on.

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    How to use MonitorManager to add custom messages in channel monitoring for custom adapter development(Not in audit log).
    Type   Time Stamp   Message ID   Explanation 
      6/25/11 6:39:47 AM 00199942-6e43-02df-96ca-8b538c63dd98 Message processing completed successfully
      6/25/11 6:39:47 AM 00199942-6e43-02df-96ca-8b538c63dd98 Message with ID 00199942-6e43-02df-96ca-8b538c63dd98 processed
      6/25/11 6:39:46 AM 00199942-6e43-02df-96ca-8b538c63dd98 Message processing started
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      6/23/11 6:45:52 AM 00199942-6e43-02df-9698-5be345a9ddf5 Message with ID 00199942-6e43-02df-9698-5be345a9ddf5 processed
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    Edited by: SAP_PI_D on Jun 28, 2011 12:10 PM

    Solve by myself

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    Any help or advice would greatly be appreciated!
    Wkr, Steve

    Hi Steve,
    You can be right that DISM don’t support the scenario that User profile and System are in the separated volumes.
    As a workaround, we should use the defaults to put the profile on C: during capture image, and then set the profile path to be on the D: drive after the image deploying.
    Please refer to below KB for how to using Sysprep to redirect profiles’ locations.
    Customize the default local user profile when preparing an image of Windows
    Hope these could be helpful.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports CUN
    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports IGS
    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports PSB
    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports CSE
    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports AHL
    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports ENI
    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports OFA
    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports XTR
    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports SQLAP
    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports PO
    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports CHV
    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports QA
    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports CE
    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports POA
    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports MFG
    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports CRP
    Downloaded REQUEST_GROUP All Reports WIP
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    When migrating to another instance and want to add a concurrent program to a request group, I do it in two steps. Within a shell script, I call
    1 - FNDLOAD to load ldt file (concurrent program definition)
    2 - SQLPLUS to run an sql file that call FND API that install concurrent program into proper request group.
    ex # 1 :
    FNDLOAD $apps_user/$apps_pswd@$dbsid 0 Y UPLOAD $XDO_TOP/patch/115/import/xdotmpl.lct $XX_TOP/XX_PGM.ldt - WARNING=YES CUSTOM_MODE=FORCE >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1
    ex # 2 :
    sqlplus -s $apps_user/$apps_pswd@$dbsid @$XX_TOP/XX_PGM_REQ_GROUP.sql >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1
    XX_PGM_REQ_GROUP.sql content.
    IF NOT fnd_program.program_in_group('XX_PGM','Business Online','GL Concurrent Program Group','General Ledger' ) THEN
    fnd_program.add_to_group(program_short_name => 'XX_PGM',
    program_application => 'Business Online',
    request_group => 'GL Concurrent Program Group',
    group_application => 'General Ledger');
    END IF;
    Hope this might help.

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    Perhaps it would be helpful for you to view the page source code of this page
    As you can see, the submenu code links are immediately below the top level code, and are
    wrapped in their own  <UL> </UL> tag pairs.
    Hope that helps

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    waveguide.png ‏516 KB

    Hi Dander, 
    I am not sure exactly what types of edges you are trying to acquire, but I used one of the examples from our Example Finder and was able to detect edges on your image.  I will say that with the image that you are using, the edges are not very well defined, so you may not get a 100% accurate measurement.  The example that I was using uses the IMAQ Edge Tool 3 VI and the example can be found by going in LabVIEW to Help>>Find Examples...  From there, you will go to Toolkits and Modules>>Vision>>Functions>>Edge Detection Example.vi.  After that, you will remove the build path function and input a path to the image.  I hope this helps!
    Kim W.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Thanks Bob:
    I thought I saw that post on the "converter".
    I'm finally updating my DAW machine from a trusty Dell XP Windows to a Rain Livebook AFX.
    I had no real reason other than joining the 64-bit 21st century when it came to machines - everything still works!
    found out I was a few revs behind on Audition (it wasn't broke so I didn't fix it)
    thanks again & I'll keep checking in on the forum for other tips
    RJ Hagler
    High Risk Studios
    Cleveland - Ohio - USA

  • Seeking Experiences of Using Audition 2 with Windows 7 (64bit)

    Hi Guys,
    Having searched the forum and other resources it seems fairly hit and miss using Audition 2 on Win 7 64 bit.
    I don't use it often enough to warrant upgrading to CS 5 so I was wondering if anyone can confirm that they have been using it (relatively) trouble free for any period of time on Win 7 64?
    Secondly, but perhaps not as importantly, does it play nicely with Premier Pro CS5?
    I know I could just go ahead and install it, but I like to keep my workstation as clean as possible and I don't want to even bother if it's just not going to work.
    Any experiences would be gratefully received.
    Windows 7 64
    Intel I7-950
    12Gb Ram
    ATI Radeon 5850 1Gb

    Thanks Duck, your experience gives me some hope.
    I think I might just bite the bullet, install (have the usual activation problems) and then see what happens.

  • Ever since I installed Snow Leopard (10.6.8), masking in QuickTime 7Pro has stopped working.  Has anybody experienced this?  Is there a work around?  Can I use FCP to add masks to video?

    Ever since I installed Snow Leopard (10.6.8) a month ago, the masking function in QuickTime 7Pro (v. 7.6.6) stopped working.  Masks disappeared in old videos where I had previously and successfully added a mask, and I could not longer use QT 7Pro to add a mask to a new video.  When I installed Snow Leopard I also installed QT X, but I found QT 7Pro in the Utilities folder, so it is still there but the masking function is definately not working.
    Has anybody else experienced this?
    Is there a remedy so I can recover my older masked videos, and make new masked videos?
    Can I make masked videos in Final Cut Pro?

    Ever since I installed Snow Leopard (10.6.8) a month ago, the masking function in QuickTime 7Pro (v. 7.6.6) stopped working.  Masks disappeared in old videos where I had previously and successfully added a mask, and I could not longer use QT 7Pro to add a mask to a new video.  When I installed Snow Leopard I also installed QT X, but I found QT 7Pro in the Utilities folder, so it is still there but the masking function is definately not working.
    Has anybody else experienced this?
    Is there a remedy so I can recover my older masked videos, and make new masked videos?
    Can I make masked videos in Final Cut Pro?

  • Airport setup asst. doesnt work.  Is there way to use Windows to add airpor

    Airport setup asst. doesnt work. Is there way to use Windows to add airport express to my current linksys network so that my iTunes will play through my stereo?
    Previously the air-assit recognized the air-exp unit but kept asking for a password to continue. I tried passwords like admin and public but nothing worked. Then Windows network connections kept trying to connect my laptop to the internet using the air-exp. Don't remember what I did to fix that problem but now my laptop doesn't try using it to connect me to internet anymore.
    However, now air-asst. doesn't read the air-exp anymore. Windows network connections DOES read it now but doesn't try to use it anymore to connect me to the internet.
    I have a linksys WAP and separate linksys router. If memory serves, when I firt got the air-exp about 6 months ago I could not connect either and Apple tech support had to help me. I think, but not sure, they had me use Windows to add the air-exp to my wireless network. Also if my memory serves me, but not sure, I had to type in either some IP or MAC addresses in order to get the air-exp to connect to my existing network. I DO remember thinking after it was finally working that "Wow, this is definately NOT a plug and play thing." It wasn't very easy to set up.
    I lost my laptops wireless connection last week and couldn't connect to my network and had to call linksys tech support. They had me input a new IP and DNS address because somehow my laptop "lost" the previous ones. Since then I have not been able to use my air-exp to connect to my stereo.
    I have called Apple tech support but since my 90 days is up they want to charge me $49.95 for up to five days worth of tech support. Which I think is a rip off becau linksys will help you out at anytime for fee but that's a topic for another discussion group. Common Apple, how about a $10 charge for one day of tech support, or even just 15 minutes worth to get my gear working again?
    Anyway, if anyone knows of any on-line walkthroughs of how to deal with these airport express set-ups or problems please let me know. Or, of course if anyone can walk me through this that would be even better. THANKS

    Thank you for your help.
    When I run air-util a window called base station chooser comes up and all the fields are blank. When I push "re-scan" nothing happens. When I push "other" a window pops up asking for IP address and password. I typed in the IP address given to me from Linksys tech and tried to move on but it came back asking me to fill in the password. I tried the default linksys password "admin" but it came back with an error.
    Do I hard (factory) reset the air-express by simply pushing the reset button or do I have to hold it in while I plug it in or simply push the button for a certain length of time?
    Thanks again.

  • Using Audition 2.0 on Windows XP platform.  Now have Windows 8.1 on new computer and need to upgrade and load latest version of Audition.  Any suggestions?  Thanks very much.....R

    Using Audition 2.0 on Windows XP platform.  Now have Windows 8.1 on new computer and need to upgrade and load latest version of Audition.  Any suggestions?  Many thanks, R.

    VC6. is rather old, but you can try to convert the VC6 project using the upgrade wizard of VC2012. Depending on the content of the project your code will work more or less without problems, at least it will compile without errors.
    You could also go the 2nd way and create in VC2012 a project type using the wizard that is very similar to your current VC6 projcet (MDI, SDI, Dialog Based, ...). Than you replace the files generated by the wizard with the content of your project. Sometimes
    this way is more successful.
    But at all the automated converting success depends on the code of your VC6 project. I had both, conversions without big problems and also conversions that need a lot changes to run on a current VC version.
    Best regards
    Note: Posted code pieces may not have a good programming style and may not perfect. It is also possible that they do not work in all situations. Code pieces are only indended to explain something particualar.

  • I was running Foxfire 3.6.9 and wanted to use FTP Program add-on and it did not appear to load but appeared but then would be installed but not run or appear under tools. So I deleted Foxfire 3.6.9 and down loaded to 3.5.9 so it could get FTP and it is do

    I was running Foxfire 3.6.9 and wanted to use FTP Program add-on and it did not appear to load but appeared but then would be installed but not run or appear under tools. So I deleted Foxfire 3.6.9 and down loaded to 3.5.9 so it could get FTP and it is doing the same could not install. Even after I registered my copy. The last time I used this program it showed up under tools and worked great. any suggestions on whats going on and how I can get around this?.by ralphd3g

    Delete the files extensions.* (extensions.rdf, extensions.cache, extensions.ini) and compatibility.ini in the Firefox [[Profiles|profile folder]] to reset the extensions registry.
    See "Corrupt extension files": http://kb.mozillazine.org/Unable_to_install_themes_or_extensions
    If you see disabled extensions that are not compatible on the next start in "Tools > Add-ons > Extensions" then click the "Find Updates" button to do a compatibility check.

  • Finding individual notes of a chord using Audition

    Hello everyone,
    I was wondering whether it is possible to use Audition to find out the individual notes that make up a certain chord. I opened a sound file containing a guitar chord, and used the Frequency Analysis tool, which I hoped would help me identify the different notes (frequencies). The spectrum, however, looks continuous rather than discrete (presumably overtones of all the notes included in the chord) and therefore it doesn't look like this method can help in identifying individual (fundamental) frequencies. Can anyone suggest a way to do this? Many thanks in advance for any help.

    If it's a guitar chord, then yes, all the harmonics will get completely in the way of analysing it - and that may well go for Band-with-the-Pox as well. Generally in the past, it's been easier to post a recording of the chord in question and get somebody with ears to work it out for you. When you are used to doing it, the human ear has a remarkably good filtering facility that also includes the ability to synthesise in one's brain what the (often very low level) fundamental notes of a chord actually are, even when hidden by a load of harmonics.

  • How to use BAPI to add a new version for a claim number in WTY transaction.

    How to use BAPI to add a new version for a claim number in WTY transaction.
    I am using  function module " BAPI_WARRANTYCLAIM_ADD_VERSION ".
    It needs to copy all contents of previous version to a new version.
    While doing so i am unable to copy fields like valic valoc etc. Any ways by which  i can copy this values.
    WTY will update PNWTYH , PNWTYV and PVWTY tables.
    Thanking you,

    Hi Vishnu,
    You can do that through EEWB. Please go through SAP Note 484597. You would get the details of using Easy Enhancement Work bench.
    Rewards point if you think this info is useful
    Dipender Singh

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