I just lost 20 gigs of music!

someone please help me.
last night i changed the name of okay...this sounds weird but you know when you click on the harddrive and on the left hand side of the window there are applications and then the desktop and below that is a house icon? well i changed the name of that house icon. when i did that i lost all my music and a bunch of settings. is there anyway to reset the computer to yesterday? i know you can do it on PC's. i'm in a real panic. i tried searching and none of my music is coming up anywhere on the harddrive, yet it still says i have the same amount of space left on the harddrive. if i lost the music wouldn't i have 20 gigs more free space?

It's not showing when you search because when you changed the name of the home folder, then logged back in, the system had to create a new folder for your user account. Folders within each respective user folder are only visible to that user when logged in. Basically, you gave all your music and everything else to another user... There is a correct method of properly changing your account's shortname, and with it, the home folder.
See my first post in this thread:

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    Try using an application such as [Data Rescue II|http://www.prosofteng.com/products/data_rescue.php] or [FileSalvage|http://subrosasoft.com/OSXSoftware/index.php?mainpage=product_info&productsid=1]. Both have free trial versions that let you see if the software will help before you decide to buy. You will also need a second hard drive equal to or larger in size than your first drive.
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    Sadly, it was erased if you answered YES to auto syncing your iPod to the empty library.
    Here is an article on moving the songs from your PC to laptop
    Copy Music Between Authorized Computers

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    help please

    - You can try a reset:
    Reset iPod touch:  Press and hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button and the Home
    button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    But I do not think it will work.
    - Why not just sync then again from your computer?
    - If they are not on your computer, and they are iTunes' purchases thiswill work if you are in the USA with the latest iTunes:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    - If they were taken by your camera, would they be in your iPod backup on your computer?  If yes, then restore from backup.  Just make sure that iTunes is set to NOT automatically sync when connected since when you connect, the iPod gets synced and that includes a backup and erases past backups.

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    If you are having issues with your 2nd Gen iPod Nano, you may want to try the troubleshooting steps from the following page:
    iPod nano (2nd generation) Troubleshooting Assistant
    - Brenden

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    To import music into your iTunes library on the computer go to iTunes>Help>iTunes Help>Add items to iTunes and follow the instructions
    Delete the "songs" that do not play in your iTunes library and reimport them.

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    OK so if you have it set to Automatically Update Specific Playlists Only, are those playlists you have selected in that same screen still in iTunes?
    In other words, you are telling iTunes that you want only the stuff in the playlists you have picked to be put on the iPod. If you later delete one or all of those playlists in iTunes, then plug in your iPod, it won't find the playlists it is supposed to sync with and would give you that error you see.

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    Did it used to be on that computer ? Your music library will only be where you put it, buying a new computer and installing iTunes on it will not put your library on it.
    If you go in Edit > Preferences in your iTunes and on the Store tab tick the 'show iTunes in the Cloud purchases' tickbox then your iTunes purchased music might show in the Music part of your library with cloud icons against them for redownloading - if you've moved countries since buying the music or if it's no longer in the store then it won't show for redownloading. And check to see if you've hidden any of your purchases : iTunes Store: Hiding and unhiding purchases - Apple Support
    For your own music (e.g. copied from CDs) and what you can't redownload then do you still have your old computer with it on, or do you have a backup of your downloads/library, or is it on your phone ? If on your phone then there are some programs listed halfway down this page which should be able to copy it back : Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.
    Or to copy it from a different computer : How to move your iTunes library to a new computer - Apple Support.

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    Oh, I had this problem a while a go.
    I solved it by un-ticking the box that says "Sync Music" in the music syncing section for your device on iTunes then apply the changes (This could take a little while). Then un-plug your device and turn it off then back on. Then plug it back in, and let it back up and all the other stuff it has to do when you plug it in. Then turn on "Sync Music" again, then apply the changes. Un-plug the device and then turn it off and turn it back on again. See if that fixes all of your problems.

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    Unless you had subscribed to iTunes Match and uploaded that music to it then no, it won't be stored anywhere. You haven't got it on a backup e.g. an external drive ?

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    If the lost music is no longer on your iPod, on your PC, or in another backup somewhere, you are out of luck.  You can download most iTunes purchases again at no cost via iCloud.  See this article for more information and assistance.
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    For non-iTunes purchased content, you'll need to redownload or rerip them from their original source.

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    How do I get my music back?

    Ok, I had a glitch, forced to restart, and lost my train of thought.
    Reinstalling iTunes should fix the major issue that might have gone wrong, perhaps your explaination points will disappear and everything will be peachy again.
    But if they don't, you can open the XML file in iTunes Folder using a Text edit program to see what the common pathname is to the iTunes Music folder or where your content is located.
    If you moved the itunes folder, it needs to go back.
    I can't  download iTunes to my Vista virtual machine to test it out right now because iTunes is down, so I can't verify the pathname, perhaps your issue and the iTunes being down are related somehow?
    You don't want to import all your music again, but it's a option, but you lose all your playlists, that's what I'm trying to recover.
    If oyu don't have a whole lot of playlists, then simply select all the explaimation point music and delete, select File from the menu and import your itunes folder again.

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    Just copy the music from one computer to another over your network or via a USB flash drive.
    If you are in the US, have the latest version of iTunes (10.3) and the media was purchased via the iTunes store, you can redownload all the content via iTunes.

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