I'm having trouble with my Word 2013 icons

My Word 2013's icons all look bizarre. They are black and look like they have come from the 1990's, apart from the fact that their looks are also not very clear. When I try to change the color of the letters, it doesn't look like it does anything (although
when I print it the color change is there), and when I paste a colorful text it appears black (although, again, when I print it's not black).
I've tried to uninstall it and then install it again, but the same thing happened. Help?

Have you set a high-contrast theme in Windows? Right-click an empty part of the Windows desktop and select Personalize from the context menu to see and select themes.
Regards, Hans Vogelaar (http://www.eileenslounge.com)

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  • Having trouble with simple word game, mainly records

    OK. I need help with a lot of stuff. This is an applescript I made to be a lot like the game Jotto, except one player. Here it is:
    set yescontinue to true
    set totallyfinished to false
    set tip10jots to false
    repeat while totallyfinished is false
    repeat while yescontinue is true
    set finish to false
    set totallyfinished to true
    set yescontinue to false
    set x to {"abaca", "abaci", "aback"}
    set setx2 to {"ninth", "nipas", "nippy"}
    set abcde to (random number from 1 to 2)
    if abcde is 1 then
    set y to (some item of x)
    set y to (some item of setx2)
    end if
    set z to count characters of y
    set y to characters of y as list
    if z is 5 then
    set yescontinue to true
    end if
    set guessamount to 0
    set listofrecords to ""
    set recordofgame to {}
    if yescontinue is true then
    repeat while finish is false
    set jots to 0
    set guess1 to text returned of (display dialog "Please type your guess:" default answer "")
    set zguess to count characters of guess1
    if zguess is 5 then
    set kldsafjhlasdkjfhaslkdjfhalskdjfh to true
    display dialog "Please only use 5 letter words."
    if yescontinue is true then
    set yescontinue to false
    end if
    end if
    if yescontinue is true then
    set guess1 to characters of guess1 as list
    repeat with theletter in y
    repeat with theletter2 in guess1
    if (theletter as string) is (theletter2 as string) then
    set jots to jots + 1
    end if
    end repeat
    end repeat
    if guess1 is y then
    set jots to "won"
    end if
    set guessamount to guessamount + 1
    if jots is 1 then
    set listofrecords to listofrecords & guessamount & ". " & guess1 & " " & jots & " jot" & return
    else if jots is "won" then
    set jots to "Jotto"
    if (guess1 as string) is (y as string) then
    set listofrecords to listofrecords & guessamount & ". " & guess1 & " " & jots & return
    display dialog "You win! The entire game:" & return & return & listofrecords
    set jots to 10
    set jots to 10
    set tip10jots to true
    end if
    set listofrecords to listofrecords & guessamount & ". " & guess1 & " " & jots & " jots" & return
    end if
    set listofrecords to listofrecords as string
    if jots is 1 then
    if tip10jots is true then
    display dialog "OK. " & guess1 & " was " & jots & " jots. That was guess #" & guessamount & ". Tip: Ten jots means you have all of the letters correct, but they're in the wrong order. Here is the entire game so far:" & return & return & listofrecords
    display dialog "OK. " & guess1 & " was " & jots & " jot. That was guess #" & guessamount & ". Here is the entire game so far:" & return & return & listofrecords
    end if
    if tip10jots is true then
    display dialog "OK. " & guess1 & " was " & jots & " jots. That was guess #" & guessamount & ". Tip: Ten jots means you have all of the letters correct, but they're in the wrong order. Here is the entire game so far:" & return & return & listofrecords
    display dialog "OK. " & guess1 & " was " & jots & " jots. That was guess #" & guessamount & ". Here is the entire game so far:" & return & return & listofrecords
    end if
    end if
    set yescontinue to true
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    end repeat
    As you can see, for now I only have 6 sample words to save time compiling and running for now on my bad computer.
    I need help creating a record instead of listofrecords, and also if anybody could shorten all the extra code I probably have. I also would like to limit being able to guess fake words, for example guessing aaaaa. Thank you so much, and if you have any ideas to help, please let me know.

    I had fun on this. You may try the following script.
    (Please copy the code from this web page, not from subscribed email text)
    It has been tested except for the parts using 'do shell script' and 'TextEdit'.
    The 'do shell script' is used in looking up dictionary and 'TextEdit' is used in keeping a log.
    (Perl code has been tested with MacPerl 5.6.1under OS9.1.)
    You may use any dictionary file that contains words (one word per paragraph delimited by LF) encoded in UTF-8. (For code points in U0000..U007F, UTF-8 is identical to ASCII)
    By default, it uses /usr/share/dict/words.
    PS. The word game 'Jotto' may have been copyrighted in a way such that it's not allowed to reproduce the (part of) game protocol in this sort of computer programme without permission. If such is the case, (cough-cough,) please just disregard this.
      Guess Word
      * The dictionary file must be a text file that -
        1) is encoded in UTF-8; and
        2) consists of paragraphs (delimited by LF (U+000A)) each of which represents one word.
    on guessword()
    script o
    --property dict : choose file with prompt "Choose dictionary file (in UTF-8)"
    property dict : "/usr/share/dict/words" as POSIX file as alias
    property wordLength : 5 -- length of word
    property maxGuesses : 20 -- maximum guess count
    property wonSign : ""
    property givenUpSign : "?"
    property exhaustedSign : "#"
    property NL : return
    property mss1 : "Please enter your guess word of " & wordLength & " letters."
    property mss2 : "Current results:"
    property mss3a : "You won!" & NL & "Secret word = "
    property mss3b : "You gave up." & NL & "Secret word = "
    property mss3c : "You have exhausted guess count." & NL & "Secret word = "
    property btt1 : {"Give Up", "OK"}
    property btt2 : {"Quit", "New Game"}
    property errs1 : "Specified word is not found in the dictionary. Please choose other word."
    property errs2 : "Specified word has been already used. Please choose other word."
    property errs3 : "Word must consist of " & wordLength & " letters. Please choose other word."
    property errs4 : "Couldn't get word from dictionary."
    property line1a : "# New game started at "
    property line1b : "# Word length = " & wordLength
    property line1c : "# Maximum round = " & maxGuesses
    property line2 : "Round" & tab & "Guess" & tab & "Match"
    property line3a : "# You have guessed right. The secret word is "
    property line3b : "# You have given up. The secret word is "
    property line3c : "# You have exhausted guess count. The secret word is "
    property line4 : "# This game ended at "
    property rr : {} -- work list for result
    property aa : {} -- work list for bsearch()
    property tt : {} -- list of used guess words
    on bsearch(xx, x)
      list xx : source list
      anything x : item to be searched in xx
      property aa : working list
      return integer : index of x in xx if {x} is in xx, or 0 if not.
    local i, j, k
    set my aa to xx
    if {x} is not in my aa then return 0
    set i to 1
    set j to count my aa
    repeat while j > i
    set k to i + (j - i) div 2
    if {x} is in my aa's items i thru k then
    set j to k
    set i to k + 1
    end if
    end repeat
    return i
    end bsearch
    on matchWords(x, y)
      string x, y : source strings
      return integer : number of characters that are in both x and y, where each common character is counted once.
        e.g. Given x = "every" and y = "river", result = 3 (i.e. {"e", "v", "r"})
    local yy, s, k
    set yy to y's characters
    set s to 0
    repeat with x in x's characters
    set k to bsearch(yy, x's contents)
    if k > 0 then
    set yy's item k to 0 -- set to non-character not to count again
    set s to s + 1
    end if
    end repeat
    return s
    end matchWords
    on lookup(re, dict) -- english-only (word does not contain letters in [U+0080,])
      string re : regexp pattern to search
      string/alias dict : HFS path (or alias) of dictionary text file (which contains one word per paragraph)
    return (do shell script "egrep " & quoted form of re & " " & quoted form of POSIX path of dict)
    on error
    error errs4 number 9016
    end try
    end lookup
    on lookup(re, dict) -- multi-lingual
      string re : regexp pattern to search
      string/alias dict : HFS path (or alias) of dictionary text file (which contains one word per paragraph)
    local s_, r
    set s_ to "perl -e 'use strict; use utf8;
    open DICT, \"< " & (POSIX path of dict) & "\" or die \"Can't open dictionary file: $!\";
    local $/ = \"\\n\";
    my @a = grep {/" & re & "/} <DICT>;
    close DICT;
    chomp @a;
    local $, = \"\\n\";
    print @a;'"
    set r to (do shell script s_)
    if r = "" then error number 9016 -- probably redundant
    return r
    on error
    error errs4 number 9016
    end try
    end lookup
    on makeGuess()
    local b, t
    display dialog mss1 default answer "" buttons btt1 default button 2 --with icon 1
    set {b, t} to {button returned, text returned} of result
    if b = btt1's item 1 then return givenUpSign
    if (count t) = wordLength then
    if t is not in my tt then
    lookup("^" & t & "$", dict)
    exit repeat
    on error
    display dialog errs1 with icon 2 buttons {"OK"} default button 1
    end try
    display dialog errs2 with icon 2 buttons {"OK"} default button 1
    end if
    display dialog errs3 with icon 2 buttons {"OK"} default button 1
    end if
    end repeat
    set end of my tt to t
    return t
    end makeGuess
    on logText(t, {append:append})
    --tell application "AppleWorks 6"
    tell application "TextEdit"
    if not _append then
    make new document at front
    end if
    tell document 1
    make new paragraph at end with data t --with properties {font:"Palatino"}
    end tell
    end tell
    end logText
    local _done, _exit, w, t, s, r, l, m, sgn
    logText("", {_append:false}) -- open new empty log file
    set _done to false
    repeat until _done
    -- (1) set secret word (w = some (wordLength)-letters word)
    set w to some paragraph of lookup("^.{" & wordLength & "}$", dict)
    logText(NL & line1a & (current date) & NL & line1b & NL & line1c & NL & NL & line2 & NL, {_append:true})
    set my rr to {line2}
    set my tt to {} -- reset used guess words list
    repeat with i from 1 to maxGuesses
    -- (2) get guess word
    set t to makeGuess()
    -- (3) evaluate number of matches
    set s to matchWords(t, w)
    -- (4) check exit conditions and set game summary if necessary
    set {_exit, sgn} to {false, ""}
    if t = w then -- guessed right
    set {l, m, _exit, sgn} to {line3a & w & "." & NL & line4, mss3a & w, true, space & wonSign}
    else if t = givenUpSign then -- gave up
    set {l, m, _exit, sgn} to {line3b & w & "." & NL & line4, mss3b & w, true, space & givenUpSign}
    else if i = maxGuesses then -- exhausted guesses
    set {l, m, _exit, sgn} to {line3c & w & "." & NL & line4, mss3c & w, true, space & exhaustedSign}
    end if
    -- (5) log latest result and show results of this game
    set r to "" & i & tab & t & tab & s & sgn
    set end of my rr to r
    logText(r & NL, {_append:true})
    choose from list my rr default items my rr's item -1 with prompt mss2 with empty selection allowed
    -- (6) log and show game summary
    if _exit then
    logText(NL & l & (current date) & NL & NL, {_append:true})
    display dialog m buttons btt2 default button 2 with icon 1
    if button returned of result = btt2's item 1 then set _done to true
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    end repeat
    end script
    tell o to run
    end guessword

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    Could you please provide more details on exactly what you mean when you say you having troubles opening Word documents? What kind of troubles?

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    Well, first 1gb of Ram is not plenty. It's the absolute bare minimum just to run OS X 10.6.8. The MS Office applications are ram hogs also. I would recommend three things.
    1. Get more ram.
    2. Reinstall and update your MS Office applications.
    3. Reinstall Snow Leopard.
    If you're not familiar with Activity Monitor you might have a look at this link and you'll be able to judge your ram situation a little better.

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    I have Samsung Galaxy S3 with Android 4:3
    I am having trouble with the highlight feature. When I highlight a word or a sentence Adobe Reader highlights it without a problem yet I cannot see all the highlighted parts of the pdf file as a list. Thus I cannot jump to different highlighted parts of the document.
    When I bookmark a page for example I can see all the bookmarked pages under a list so it allows me to jump through. 
    How can see and jump between all highlights and annotations? Thanks

    Adobe Reader presently doesn't allow you to see all the highlighted text at a single place. We have noted down your request, and will update you if it becomes available in one of our future releases.

  • Newbie having trouble with template highlight (button)

    Stupid question I'm sure, but for the life of me I can't figure it out:
    When using a template, if I change anything at all about the TYPE related to a button, or the size of the button/text group, the corresponding HIGHLIGHT gets freaky. I can't for the life of me figure out how to control where that highlight appears, or even it's size, etc. So I have these beautiful DVD menus that are marred by weird highlight bars--some of them run across two buttons.
    (Yes, I figured out how to make the highlights invisible, but that defeats the whole point of course.)
    Hope my question wasn't confusing. Any help would be wildly appreciated. Thanks...

    Okay, let me pose a theory: Is it possible my installation is having trouble, in other words is what I'm seeing NOT normal?
    Can anyone verify (it would only take a few minutes) my findings? Here are the steps: Create a brand-new project using (just to make sure we're on the same page) the Apple template called "Wedding Classical Index." Next, resize any one of the main elements (labeled "button 1," etc.). OR, change the text to two words, or modify the text size/font. When finished, hit the Simulate button and mouse over the button you modified.
    Does the highlight look normal, e.g., underneath the text, etc., or has it moved to the side of the text, or changed into a vertical line, or worse?
    I just want to verify that my installation isn't being screwy. Thanks to the kind soul who takes a minute to help me out with this so I can move on...

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    Having trouble with iPad mini doing things on its own bought dec 2013 been great up until two weeks ago then it types on its own moves between apps flicks pages in my book. Does anyone know how to fix this.?

    Probably a hardware problem. Call a Apple Support or take it to an Apple Store for evaluation.

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    Sure. The first screen shot is the PDF after it's placed in InDesign. The second one is the PDF.

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    If the App store app is crashing see:
    IOS 6 App store crash: Apple Support Communities
    For othe other problems try:
    - Reset the iPod. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iPod.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    It should work if you have a Symbol and Text Substitution set for hans't → hasn't. Are you sure you have this substitution checked, or Symbol and Text Substitution checked overall?

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    Hello Sue,
    I have an iPad 3, iPad Mini and iPhone 5S and they are all sluggish on capitalisation using shift keys. I hope that Apple will solve the problem because it is driving me crazy.
    I find using a Microsoft Surface and Windows 8 phone, which I also have, work as well as all the ios devices before the ios 7 upgrade.
    It has something to do with the length of time that you need to hold the shift key down. The shift key needs to be held longer than the letter key for the capitalisation to work. For some reason, this is a major change in the way we have learnt to touch type on computers. I am having to relearn how to type!

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    When I search a topic gives me pages of links as normal, but when I click on a link, the page is hijacked to a site called 'www.goingonearth.com' ...
    I've done a separate search and found that other users are affected, but there doesn't seem to be a clear-cut solution ... (Norton, McAfee and Kaspersky don't seem to be able to detect/fix it).
    I'd like to continue using the Firefox/Google combination (nb: the hijack virus also affects IE but not Safari) - do you have a patch/fix that could rectify the vulnerability in your software?

    ''' "... vulnerability in your software?" ''' <br />
    And it affects IE, too? Ya probably picked up some malware and you blame it on Firefox.
    Install, update, and run these programs in this order. They are listed in order of efficacy.<br />'''''(Not all programs detect the same Malware, so you may need to run them all to solve your problem.)''''' <br />These programs are all free for personal use, but some have limited functionality in the "free mode" - but those are features you really don't need to find and remove the problem that you have.<br />
    ''Note: If your Malware infection is bad enough and you are mis-directed to URL's other than what is posted, you may have to use a different PC to download these programs and use a USB stick to transfer them to the afflicted PC.''
    Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware - [http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php] <br />
    SuperAntispyware - [http://www.superantispyware.com/] <br />
    AdAware - [http://www.lavasoftusa.com/software/adaware/] <br />
    Spybot Search & Destroy - [http://www.safer-networking.org/en/index.html] <br />
    Windows Defender: Home Page - [http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/defender/default.mspx]<br />
    Also, if you have a search engine re-direct problem, see this:<br />
    If these don't find it or can't clear it, post in one of these forums for specialized malware removal help: <br />
    [http://www.spywarewarrior.com/index.php] <br />
    [http://forum.aumha.org/] <br />
    [http://www.spywareinfoforum.com/] <br />

  • TS3274 my ipad is having trouble with my music... i had recently gotten a new one when i signed into my icloud the music that i had on the original one was not there.... some songs were in fact there but not clickable ( it was there only gray)..anyone kno

    my ipad is having trouble with my music... i had recently gotten a new one when i signed into my icloud the music that i had on the orignal one was not there.... some songs were in fact there but not clickable ( it was there only gray)... i was looking for help on how to get the music on the ipad

    my ipad is having trouble with my music... i had recently gotten a new one when i signed into my icloud the music that i had on the orignal one was not there.... some songs were in fact there but not clickable ( it was there only gray)... i was looking for help on how to get the music on the ipad

  • I am having trouble with my Mac Mini's ethernet connection.   Defining a new network interface shows no ethernet adaptor.  Reloading SL from DVD repaired.  But SL update lost ethernet again.  Will Lion Fix?

    I am having trouble with my mac mini ethernet.  It had been working for weeks after an update to SL 10.6.8.
    Once it went out and i repaired it by defining a new connection from System Preferences ->Network->(left panel service, +).
    But yesterday, after a power up.  my ethernet was not working again. I tried this old trick to repair it, but the interface choices
    listed for '+' a new service did not include Ethernet any more.  And the Utilities->System Profiler->Ethernet Cards shows
    no ethernet available.
    As a last ditch effort i reloaded my original SL from DVD.  (I think it was version 10.6.4 but i could be mistaken on the version).
    The ethernet worked!  But KeyNote wasn't going to work because apparently the version i purchased depends on 10.6.8.
    So I upgraded again to SL 10.6.8 (Plus some other updates like AirPort which i don't use).
    Now the Ethernet is not working again.  I see the same symptoms as before with the Ethernet seeming not installed.
    Is this a problem seen by others?
    Would going to Lion fix the problem?
    Could AirPort actually be the culprit and not SL?
    If i stay with my original SL, would i need to repurchase a version of KeyNote for the older version of SL?

    Have you reset the SMC?
    Shut down the computer.
    Unplug the computer's power cord.
    Wait fifteen seconds.
    Attach the computer's power cord.
    Wait five seconds, then press the power button to turn on the computer.
    While you're at it, resetting the PRAM won't hurt anything and 'might' help is SMC reset didn't work (PRAM does some port control):
    Shut down the computer.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on the computer.
    Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
    Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.
    Something else you might try .... you don't say how you're updating to 10.6.8, however, if you're using Software Update, you might try downloading the 10.6.8 combo update, which contains all updates to 10.6. Sometimes, Software Update doesn't work quite right, and installing the combo update fixes that. Download the update from Apple's download site at http://support.apple.com/downloads/ , using Disk Utility repair permissions, apply the combo update, then repair permissions again.

  • I am having trouble with some of my links having images. For example, Foxfire has a picture that looks like a small world. The links in question are blank.

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    Mixed content normally gives the world globe image, unless you are using a theme that uses a broken padlock instead. Maybe the gray triangle means invalid? I came across that in a few themes (what is invalid was not made clear), but those were not using triangle shapes to indicate that.
    I came across that mention in one of the pages you posted:
    * https://support.mozilla.org/kb/Site+Identity+Button
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Maybe you are looking for

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