I'm trying to void bits of my data

I'm working with the Dijkstra algorithm looking at the connection of nodes, well I need to know how to void a line segment, or segments, that are formed by two nodes, however leave the nodes them self intact. How can I do that? My data is given in the form, From(node)  To(node)  Cost(some value). And here is the code it self:
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import weiss.nonstandard.PairingHeap;
// Used to signal violations of preconditions for
// various shortest path algorithms.
class GraphException extends RuntimeException
    public GraphException( String name )
        super( name );
// Represents an edge in the graph.
class Edge
    public Vertex     dest;   // Second vertex in Edge
    public double     cost;   // Edge cost
    public Edge( Vertex d, double c )
        dest = d;
        cost = c;
// Represents an entry in the priority queue for Dijkstra's algorithm.
class Path implements Comparable<Path>
    public Vertex     dest;   // w
    public double     cost;   // d(w)
    public Path( Vertex d, double c )
        dest = d;
        cost = c;
    public int compareTo( Path rhs )
        double otherCost = rhs.cost;
        return cost < otherCost ? -1 : cost > otherCost ? 1 : 0;
// Represents a vertex in the graph.
class Vertex
    public String     name;   // Vertex name
    public List<Edge> adj;    // Adjacent vertices
    public double     dist;   // Cost
    public Vertex     prev;   // Previous vertex on shortest path
    public int        scratch;// Extra variable used in algorithm
    public Vertex( String nm )
      { name = nm; adj = new LinkedList<Edge>( ); reset( ); }
    public void reset( )
      { dist = Graph.INFINITY; prev = null; pos = null; scratch = 0; }   
    public PairingHeap.Position<Path> pos;  // Used for dijkstra2 (Chapter 23)
// Graph class: evaluate shortest paths.
// CONSTRUCTION: with no parameters.
// ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS**********************
// void addEdge( String v, String w, double cvw )
//                              --> Add additional edge
// void printPath( String w )   --> Print path after alg is run
// void unweighted( String s )  --> Single-source unweighted
// void dijkstra( String s )    --> Single-source weighted
// void negative( String s )    --> Single-source negative weighted
// void acyclic( String s )     --> Single-source acyclic
// ******************ERRORS*********************************
// Some error checking is performed to make sure graph is ok,
// and to make sure graph satisfies properties needed by each
// algorithm.  Exceptions are thrown if errors are detected.
public class Graph
    public static final double INFINITY = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    private Map<String,Vertex> vertexMap = new HashMap<String,Vertex>( );
     * Add a new edge to the graph.
    public void addEdge( String sourceName, String destName, double cost )
        Vertex v = getVertex( sourceName );
        Vertex w = getVertex( destName );
        v.adj.add( new Edge( w, cost ) );
     * Driver routine to handle unreachables and print total cost.
     * It calls recursive routine to print shortest path to
     * destNode after a shortest path algorithm has run.
    public void printPath( String destName )
        Vertex w = vertexMap.get( destName );
        if( w == null )
            throw new NoSuchElementException( "Destination vertex not found" );
        else if( w.dist == INFINITY )
            System.out.println( destName + " is unreachable" );
            System.out.print( "(Cost is: " + w.dist + ") " );
            printPath( w );
            System.out.println( );
     * If vertexName is not present, add it to vertexMap.
     * In either case, return the Vertex.
    private Vertex getVertex( String vertexName )
        Vertex v = vertexMap.get( vertexName );
        if( v == null )
            v = new Vertex( vertexName );
            vertexMap.put( vertexName, v );
        return v;
     * Recursive routine to print shortest path to dest
     * after running shortest path algorithm. The path
     * is known to exist.
    private void printPath( Vertex dest )
        if( dest.prev != null )
            printPath( dest.prev );
            System.out.print( " to " );
        System.out.print( dest.name );
     * Initializes the vertex output info prior to running
     * any shortest path algorithm.
    private void clearAll( )
        for( Vertex v : vertexMap.values( ) )
            v.reset( );
     * Single-source unweighted shortest-path algorithm.
    public void unweighted( String startName )
        clearAll( );
        Vertex start = vertexMap.get( startName );
        if( start == null )
            throw new NoSuchElementException( "Start vertex not found" );
        Queue<Vertex> q = new LinkedList<Vertex>( );
        q.add( start ); start.dist = 0;
        while( !q.isEmpty( ) )
            Vertex v = q.remove( );
            for( Edge e : v.adj )
                Vertex w = e.dest;
                if( w.dist == INFINITY )
                    w.dist = v.dist + 1;
                    w.prev = v;
                    q.add( w );
     * Single-source weighted shortest-path algorithm.
    public void dijkstra( String startName )
        PriorityQueue<Path> pq = new PriorityQueue<Path>( );
        Vertex start = vertexMap.get( startName );
        if( start == null )
            throw new NoSuchElementException( "Start vertex not found" );
        clearAll( );
        pq.add( new Path( start, 0 ) ); start.dist = 0;
        int nodesSeen = 0;
        while( !pq.isEmpty( ) && nodesSeen < vertexMap.size( ) )
            Path vrec = pq.remove( );
            Vertex v = vrec.dest;
            if( v.scratch != 0 )  // already processed v
            v.scratch = 1;
            for( Edge e : v.adj )
                Vertex w = e.dest;
                double cvw = e.cost;
                if( cvw < 0 )
                    throw new GraphException( "Graph has negative edges" );
                if( w.dist > v.dist + cvw )
                    w.dist = v.dist +cvw;
                    w.prev = v;
                    pq.add( new Path( w, w.dist ) );
     * Single-source weighted shortest-path algorithm using pairing heaps.
    public void dijkstra2( String startName )
        PairingHeap<Path> pq = new PairingHeap<Path>( );
        Vertex start = vertexMap.get( startName );
        if( start == null )
            throw new NoSuchElementException( "Start vertex not found" );
        clearAll( );
        start.pos = pq.insert( new Path( start, 0 ) ); start.dist = 0;
        while ( !pq.isEmpty( ) )
            Path vrec = pq.deleteMin( );
            Vertex v = vrec.dest;
            for( Edge e : v.adj )
                Vertex w = e.dest;
                double cvw = e.cost;
                if( cvw < 0 )
                    throw new GraphException( "Graph has negative edges" );
                if( w.dist > v.dist + cvw )
                    w.dist = v.dist + cvw;
                    w.prev = v;
                    Path newVal = new Path( w, w.dist );                   
                    if( w.pos == null )
                        w.pos = pq.insert( newVal );
                        pq.decreaseKey( w.pos, newVal );
     * Single-source negative-weighted shortest-path algorithm.
    public void negative( String startName )
        clearAll( );
        Vertex start = vertexMap.get( startName );
        if( start == null )
            throw new NoSuchElementException( "Start vertex not found" );
        Queue<Vertex> q = new LinkedList<Vertex>( );
        q.add( start ); start.dist = 0; start.scratch++;
        while( !q.isEmpty( ) )
            Vertex v = q.remove( );
            if( v.scratch++ > 2 * vertexMap.size( ) )
                throw new GraphException( "Negative cycle detected" );
            for( Edge e : v.adj )
                Vertex w = e.dest;
                double cvw = e.cost;
                if( w.dist > v.dist + cvw )
                    w.dist = v.dist + cvw;
                    w.prev = v;
                      // Enqueue only if not already on the queue
                    if( w.scratch++ % 2 == 0 )
                        q.add( w );
                        w.scratch--;  // undo the enqueue increment   
     * Single-source negative-weighted acyclic-graph shortest-path algorithm.
    public void acyclic( String startName )
        Vertex start = vertexMap.get( startName );
        if( start == null )
            throw new NoSuchElementException( "Start vertex not found" );
        clearAll( );
        Queue<Vertex> q = new LinkedList<Vertex>( );
        start.dist = 0;
          // Compute the indegrees
          Collection<Vertex> vertexSet = vertexMap.values( );
        for( Vertex v : vertexSet )
            for( Edge e : v.adj )
          // Enqueue vertices of indegree zero
        for( Vertex v : vertexSet )
            if( v.scratch == 0 )
                q.add( v );
        int iterations;
        for( iterations = 0; !q.isEmpty( ); iterations++ )
            Vertex v = q.remove( );
            for( Edge e : v.adj )
                Vertex w = e.dest;
                double cvw = e.cost;
                if( --w.scratch == 0 )
                    q.add( w );
                if( v.dist == INFINITY )
                if( w.dist > v.dist + cvw )
                    w.dist = v.dist + cvw;
                    w.prev = v;
        if( iterations != vertexMap.size( ) )
            throw new GraphException( "Graph has a cycle!" );
     * Process a request; return false if end of file.
    public static boolean processRequest( BufferedReader in, Graph g )
        String startName = null;
        String destName = null;
        String alg = null;
            System.out.print( "Enter start node:" );
            if( ( startName = in.readLine( ) ) == null )
                return false;
            System.out.print( "Enter destination node:" );
            if( ( destName = in.readLine( ) ) == null )
                return false;
            System.out.print( " Enter algorithm (u, d, n, a ): " );  
            if( ( alg = in.readLine( ) ) == null )
                return false;
            if( alg.equals( "u" ) )
                g.unweighted( startName );
            else if( alg.equals( "d" ) )   
                g.dijkstra( startName );
                g.printPath( destName );
                g.dijkstra2( startName );
            else if( alg.equals( "n" ) )
                g.negative( startName );
            else if( alg.equals( "a" ) )
                g.acyclic( startName );
            g.printPath( destName );
        catch( IOException e )
          { System.err.println( e ); }
        catch( NoSuchElementException e )
          { System.err.println( e ); }         
        catch( GraphException e )
          { System.err.println( e ); }
        return true;
     * A main routine that:
     * 1. Reads a file containing edges (supplied as a command-line parameter);
     * 2. Forms the graph;
     * 3. Repeatedly prompts for two vertices and
     *    runs the shortest path algorithm.
     * The data file is a sequence of lines of the format
     *    source destination.
    public static void main( String [ ] args )
        Graph g = new Graph( );
            FileReader fin = new FileReader( args[0] );
            BufferedReader graphFile = new BufferedReader( fin );
            // Read the edges and insert
            String line;
            while( ( line = graphFile.readLine( ) ) != null )
                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( line );
                    if( st.countTokens( ) != 3 )
                        System.err.println( "Skipping ill-formatted line " + line );
                    String source  = st.nextToken( );
                    String dest    = st.nextToken( );
                    double    cost    = Double.parseDouble( st.nextToken( ) );
                    g.addEdge( source, dest, cost );
                catch( NumberFormatException e )
                  { System.err.println( "Skipping ill-formatted line " + line + " because countTokens = " + st.countTokens()); }      
         catch( IOException e )
           { System.err.println( e ); }
         System.out.println( "File read..." );
         System.out.println( g.vertexMap.size( ) + " vertices" );
         BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( System.in ) );
         while( processRequest( in, g ) )
}Edited by: whatzzupboy on Mar 17, 2008 3:34 PM

Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > tap email account name > Mail Days to Sync > Increase the time
If there are no settings similar to this in the Settings app, then you won't be able to change it.

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    case JOptionPane.NO_OPTION:
    case JOptionPane.YES_OPTION:
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    case 0:
    break ;
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    protected Vector columnNames ;
    protected String datafile;
    public DataFileTableModel(String f){
    datafile = f;
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    String aLine ;
    data = new Vector();
    columnNames = new Vector();
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    StringTokenizer st1 =
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    // extract data
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    StringTokenizer st2 =
    new StringTokenizer(aLine, "|");
    catch (Exception e) {
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    return columnNames.size();
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    String colName = "";
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    colName = (String)columnNames.elementAt(columnIndex);
    return colName;
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    return String.class;
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    return true;
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    return (String)data.elementAt( (rowIndex * getColumnCount()) + columnIndex);
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    int size = getRowCount();
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         int colCount = getColumnCount();
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         data.remove(d) ;
         fireTableRowsDeleted(rowNo,rowNo) ;

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    data.remove(d) ;
    which I think should be
    for (int d = index; d <= colCount; d++)
    data.remove(index) ;
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    Thanks for the reply with additional information.
    Recent history for Premiere Elements points to the program having problems when more than 1 video card/graphics card is
    being used by the computer on which Premiere Elements is running. This observation may seem contra indicated by the fact
    that you say that the program did work well about 2 years ago in the same setup. But other factors may have set in with regard
    to drivers, drivers versions, and driver conflicts. But this factor, does need to be ruled in or out.
    Can you disable one or the other card to determine the impact of this on your problem?
    But, of prime concern with regard to video card/graphics card is the use of a NVIDIA GeForce card with Premiere Elements 10.
    Even if your NVIDIA GeForce were the only card, Premiere Elements 10 will not work properly unless the NVIDIA GeForce driver
    version is rolled back to about May 2013. This may be one of the major factors here.
    a. Device Manager/Display Adapters and find out Driver Version and Driver Date
    b. Read the background information for the Premiere Elements 10/NVIDIA GeForce issue
    ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE10: NVIDIA Video Card Driver Roll Back
    Also see the Announcement at the top of this forum regarding the matter - also with full details of the situation and how to fix with the
    driver version roll back.
    Please review and consider and then we can decide what next.
    Add On...This NVIDIA GeForce situation is specific for Premiere Elements 10. You should not expect to see the problem for
    later versions of Premiere Elements.

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    If your backup is in iCloud, and your new iPhone is already set up, go to Settings>General>Reset, tap Erase All Content and Settings, then go throught the setup screens on the iPhone and when given the option, choose Restore from iCloud Backup and follow the prompts.  (If it isn't set up yet, just choose this option when setting it up.)
    Be sure your iPhone it connected to wifi and your charger while it is restoring the backup.

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    Although not illegal, Apple discourages a user from modifying the iPhone OS in any manner, including "jailbreaking".  Apple feels so strongly about this that discussing methods to assist a user trying to either jailbreak or "unjailbreak" an iPhone are prohibited.

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    If your preferences keep getting messed up try this:   make a temporary, backup copy (if you don't already have a backup copy) of the library and try the following:
    1 - delete the iPhoto preference file, com.apple.iPhoto.plist, that resides in your
         User/Home()/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iPhoto's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
         User/Home()/Library/Caches/com.apple.iPhoto folder. 
    Click to view full size
    3 - launch iPhoto and try again.
    NOTE: If you're moved your library from its default location in your Home/Pictures folder you will have to point iPhoto to its new location when you next open iPhoto by holding down the Option key when launching iPhoto.  You'll also have to reset the iPhoto's various preferences.
    Happy Holidays

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        Check  whether you are currently  in  YouTube HTML 5 trial?
        At the bottom  left of the page  uncheck the box for
       "You are currently in the HTML5 trial".

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    What DAQ board are you using? When you installed NI-DAQ you should have selected to install the support files for VC++. Then there will be several examples on how to do double buffered data acquisition.
    If you have already installed NI-DAQ 6.8 or higher and did not select to include the support files, you can run the NI-DAQ setup program and just add them. If you are using an older version, you will have to uninstall and reinstall.
    Once you have the support files, follow this path to the examples.
    >>Program Files>>National Instruments>>NI-DAQ>>Examaples>>Visual C>>
    If you are doing digital acquistion, goto the di folder, if you are doing analog acquisition goto the ai folder.
    As for the callback function, you can use the NI-DAQ function Config_DAQ_
    Event_Message with DAQEvent Type = 1, where N would equal half your buffer.

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    Im trying to subtract days from a date.
    When i use this query:
    select sysdate-:p21_DAYS_OLD from dual;
    it displays the correct date but not in the correct format. It is displaying 12-AUG-09 instead of 08/12/2009.
    I tried this query but i get the ORA-01722: invalid number error.
    select to_char(sysdate,'MM/DD/YYYY')-(:p21_DAYS_OLD) from dual;
    Can someone help me please?

    Dclipse03 wrote:
    Im trying to subtract days from a date.
    When i use this query:
    select sysdate-:p21_DAYS_OLD from dual;Just set the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter for your session and execute the above query.

  • The last update failed on my window 7 pc, resulting in me having to try it manually download and install, this also failed leaving my I tunes not working, I tried restore back to a safer date, but every time it tried to update it failed. eventually i

    The last update failed on
    my window 7 home prermium pc, resulting in me having to try it manually download and install,
    this also failed leaving my I tunes not working, I tried restore back to a
    safer date, but every time it tried to update it failed. eventually it told me
    to delete and reinstall, this fails due to the apple mobile device service
    failing to start, and asking me if I have sufficient privileges to start system
    service, I have tried all suggestions on iTunes page, ie delete everything to
    do with apple, and start as administrator, nothing works, help please

    I too have tried the latest iTunes ( in Win7. I did a search for latent drivers as you noted but found none. I am glad it worked for you - I'm still no-joy at this point. I'm able to install AMDS over and over again, without issue - it just doesn't start then iTunes launch fails with Error 7. I have to manually remove it.
    I am able to connect my iPhone via USB cable and access my photo storage on the phone. I am just not able to install iTunes anymore. I have attempted resolution to this issue for almost two months now. Until that time, I was content with what was installed. It was only when the proverbial update box appeared that I attempted to 'update' my iTunes. WHAT A MISTAKE putting blind faith into an Apple request to update. I SUGGEST NOT TO UPDATE YOUR ITUNES IF IT IS RUNNING PROPERLY!
    I realize now, once again I might add, my reliance on software provided by others. It's like anything else, I shouldn't rely on just one method for anything. Time to search for a more pleasant alternative than Apple. Truly, when it worked, it was good at its job, but now that I am wasting time I am looking seriously at upgrading to another type of smartphone and media management software. Way too much trouble for anything as simple as this should be. I wonder, is this a result of another feud with Microsoft?

  • How to scale 32-bit signed integer data to floating-p​oint voltage when acquring data in DAQmx by PXI4472?

    I acquired data in DAQmx by PXI4472. For the high speed data logger, I used "DAQmx Read" to read unscaled 32-bit signed integer data.
    Now, my question is how to scale 32-bit signed integer data to floating-point voltage?
    I think that it's (20/(2**24))*I32 because the voltage range of PXI4472 is -10 to +10 and its resolution is 24 bits. But I cann't get correct voltage by that formula.

    While you could hard code the scaling factor, it will be more flexible if you retrieve the scaling coefficients from the driver. To do this, you need to use the Analog Input>>General Properties>>Advanced>>Device Scaling Coefficients>>Device Scaling Coefficients properties under the DAQmx Channel Property Node. Look at the documentation for this property to see how it can be used to create a polynomial equation for scaling to volts.
    Since you are creating a data logging solution, you may want to consider using a compressed data stream from the driver instead of the I32 data type. This will allow you to read the data back as a stream of u8's instead. Since the PXI-4472 is 24 bits, you will only have to write 3 bytes to disk for each sample instead of 4. You can check out the following examples for how to create an application using this compressed data stream. It also shows how to use the scaling coefficients to transform the unscaled data back to voltage values.

  • I'm trying to lean my ipad of data back to original status but my passwords don't work

    I'm trying to clean my ipad of data back to original status but my passwords don't work

    What exactly are you attempting to accomplish?
    It sounds like you want to restore your iPad to factory settings.
    You'll need your Apple ID and password associated with the data on the iPad to do any restores.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi, So i had fibre optic fitted from talktalk on 29th feb in the uk and when i first got it speeds were great in the 35 meg region, but now it's dropped to around 30.08 megs ,we had a faulty oven in the house that would trip the power could that be w

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    Hi, Does anyone have experience with implementation of JSR 168 consumer in iPlanet 4.1? Is it supported by Plumtree? Thanks Tomas