I Need to Add Metadata to .aif

Hi everybody.
Here is my situation, I make sound FX and music cues for various trailer houses.
I am getting ready to send out a new volume of music and sound FX.
I need to make it so when my files are viewed in "preview mode" one can see metadata info: artist, album & time.
After googling and browsing endless forums, I keep reading that .aif files do not support metadata. 
My question is, how did somebody do this then:
That is a screen shot of me viewing an .aif file in preview mode.  I see metadata!  Is there special software for this?  I am at a loss.
Any help is much appreciated!  Thanks in advance!

My personal experience is that .wav does not support tagging at all in any software that I've used, but .aif should. There are fewer properties that will be preserved in an .aif file than say .m4a or .mp3, but Album, Album Artist, Artist, Name, Track # should all be preserved. Try adding some data via iTunes, then deleting and reimporting the track.
What are you creating the original files with? That software may be able to write out the tag data as part of the export process.

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    Actually every page like Welcome has a Welcome.html file and then a folder "Welcome_files". The file you want to edit is the Welcome.html file. Not anything in the folder.
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    I wrote this. It 's knotty but it works and it puts apostrophes, because I delete them by another macro in order not to miss them in the elements names.) So you need to delete aphostrophes or they will duplicate in columns header names.
    Const Delimiter = "|"
    Const MetadataVersion = 1
    Sub ExportDataToTxt()
        Dim lLastRow As Integer, lLastCol As Integer, c As Range, Ran As Range, Str As String, Apostrophe As Boolean, DelimiterCount As Integer
        Apostrophe = False
        lLastRow = Cells(1, 1).SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
        lLastCol = Cells(1, 1).SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
        DelimiterCount = 0
        Dim fileSaveName As Variant
        fileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("Metadata_" & MetadataVersion, fileFilter:="HFM metadata files (*.ads), *.ads")
        If fileSaveName = False Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim fs As Object
        Dim DataFile As Object
        Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set DataFile = fs.CreateTextFile(fileSaveName, True)
        Set Ran = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(lLastRow, lLastCol))
        Str = ""
        For Each c In Ran.Cells
            If c.Column = 1 Then
                If Apostrophe Then
                    Str = "'"
                 Else: Str = ""
                End If
            End If
            Str = Str & c.Value & Delimiter
            If c.Column = lLastCol Then
                If Apostrophe Then
                    Apostrophe = False
                    Str = TrimDelimiters2(Str)
                    DelimiterCount = CountSymbols(Str, Delimiter)
                End If
                If Left(Str, 1) = "!" Then Str = TrimDelimiters(Str, DelimiterCount)
                    Str = TrimDelimiters(Str, DelimiterCount)
                    If Len(Str) = CountSymbols(Str, Delimiter) Then Str = ""
                DataFile.WriteLine (Str)
                If Left(Str, 1) = "!" And InStr(Str, "!FILE_FORMAT") = 0 And InStr(Str, "!VERSION") = 0 Then Apostrophe = True
            End If
    End Sub
    Public Function TrimDelimiters(S As String, quantity As Integer) As String
        Dim i As Integer, c As Integer, Bool As Boolean
        Bool = False
        For i = 1 To Len(S)
            'If Mid(s, i, 1) <> Delimiter Then C = i
            If Bool = False Then
                If CountSymbols(Left(S, i), Delimiter) = quantity + 1 Then c = i - 1: Bool = True
            End If
        If Left(S, 1) = "!" Or Len(S) = CountSymbols(S, Delimiter) Then
            For i = 1 To Len(S)
                If Mid(S, i, 1) <> Delimiter Then c = i
        End If
        If CountSymbols(S, Delimiter) = quantity - 1 Then
            For i = 1 To Len(S)
                If Mid(S, i, 1) <> Delimiter Then c = i
        End If
        If CountSymbols(S, Delimiter) <= quantity Then
            TrimDelimiters = S
            Exit Function
        End If
        TrimDelimiters = Left(S, c)
    End Function
    Function CountSymbols(S As String, char As String) As Integer
        Application.Volatile True
        Dim TestPos As Integer
        CountSymbols = 0
        TestPos = 1
        Do While InStr(TestPos, S, char) > 0
            CountSymbols = CountSymbols + 1
            TestPos = InStr(TestPos, S, char) + Len(char)
    End Function
    Public Function TrimDelimiters2(S As String) As String
        Dim i As Integer, c As Integer   
        For i = 1 To Len(S)
            If Mid(S, i, 1) <> Delimiter Then
                c = i
            End If
        TrimDelimiters2 = Left(S, c)
    End Function

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    Bill Truran wrote:
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    the simple answer is YES, you can write metadata to files. (I don't know what you mean by "same" metadata)
    What I don't understand, because you probably need to explain in more detail: why 2 catalogs are relevant to this issue? and what the word "same" is doing in your question?
    It sounds like you are trying to synchronize the metadata between two catalogs. If that's what you are trying to do, it would simply be easier to put everything into a single catalog, and not have this issue at all.

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 12985: Add metadata. xml for the SWC themes so that if Builder imports them they have nice names , etc.

    Revision: 12985
    Revision: 12985
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-12-15 23:20:44 -0800 (Tue, 15 Dec 2009)
    Log Message:
    Add metadata.xml for the SWC themes so that if Builder imports them they have nice names, etc.  These need to be updated by the Builder team if we end up changing how sourceLocation works, etc.  Also would be good if we added metadata.xml for the CSS versions.
    Modified Paths:
    Added Paths:

    Note the last paragraph in the original post which explains how Flickr handles resolution changes without breaking the rectangles. Perhaps a more straightforward approach would be to store both the rectangle coordinates for each rectangle AND the image's width and height at the time the rectangles were created. Then if the image is scaled, the rectangles can be scaled accordingly. For example, if a rectangle is at x=100,y=200,w=50,h=70, the "original dimensions" are 1000x2000, and the image's current dimensions are 500x1000, then an application could assume the image has been scaled down by (500/1000=) 0.50, and so the x,y,w,h of each rectangle could also be multiplied by 0.50 (x=50,y=100,w=25,h=35). I'd recommend storing floating-point values so that multiple scalings don't make the rectangles "creep".
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    Dear All,
    The requirement is,
    1. I need to add a field in Sales order.
    Path for the same is as follows:
    VA01> Goto> Header--> Accounting tab
    2. The field will be a date field that needs to calculate date on.
    a)create a new field. ex - zchdt (chq due date)
    b)when customers enters value in Assignment,
    i.e vbak-zuonr
    after that trigger logic is
    3.vabk-kunnr = knvv-kunnr
    a)sy-date + knvv-kvgr2 (exclude sundays)
    example - 14 sept + 30 days = 14th october
    should populate value - 14th october i.e. field (zchdt)
    4. This activity needs to be triggered before the sales order is saved.
    kindly know whether this is possible or not.
    if possible how & which exit & also with example code.
    if you could give me your contact(cell no).
    Nagendra D.S.
    Mobile - +91 9819899082

    Hi All,
    VA01 Sales order - Header--> Accounting tab need to add a field. field name - zchdt(cheque due date)
    when customer enters value in Assignment i.e zuonr & after that trigger logic is
       1.     vbak-kunnr = knvv-kunnr
       2.     sysdat + knvv-kvgr2 (exclude sundays)
    example - 16 sept + 30days = 16 oct
    in field zchdt value 16 oct as to populate
    Pls help me in the code.

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    *public String incrementDate(int daysToAdd)
         // Start date
         log.info("NotifyLastDayOfService::incrementDate(): Enter");
         SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00");
         Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
         c.add(Calendar.DATE, daysToAdd); // number of days to add
         String newDate = sdf.format(c.getTime());
         log.info("NotifyLastDayOfService::incrementDate(): Exit");
         return newDate;
    Have any body implemented this scenario?
    Please suggest.

    Hi Nayan,
    Here is the code:
    System.out.println("----inside increment date method-----");     
              HashMap<String, String> hm = new HashMap<String, String>();
              HashMap<String,Date> modifyMap=new HashMap<String,Date>();
              SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00");
              tcResultSet usrList = null;
         String enddate = null;
         hm.put("Users.Key",usrKey );
         try {
         usrList = this.usrIntf.findUsers(hm);
         Date endDate =usrList.getDate("Users.End Date");
         System.out.println("-----users end date-----"+endDate);
         String userEndDate=sdf.format(endDate);
         System.out.println("-----String value of users end date-----"+userEndDate);
         Calendar cal=null;
         System.out.println("-----Calender date-----"+cal);
         System.out.println("-----end date-----"+endDate);
    cal.add(Calendar.DATE, Integer.parseInt(daysToAdd)); // number of days to add
    Date newEnddate = cal.getTime();
    System.out.println("-----new end date-----"+newEnddate);
    usrIntf.updateUser(usrList, modifyMap);
    System.out.println("updated user's end date in OIM DB");
    //System.out.println("-----updated user's end date in OIM DB-----");
    logger.info("NotifyLastDayOfService::incrementDate(): Exit");
         System.out.println("-----new date-----");
         } catch (tcAPIException e) {
         logger.error("Error in finding end date for user" + e);
         } catch (tcColumnNotFoundException e) {
         logger.error("Error in finding end date for user" + e);
    In th log file, I can see that the code is not executing this line:
    end date is of type Date and stores users end date from DB. Please help in resolving this issue.

  • Mail from RVADOR01 need to add body of the mail

    Hi Experts,
    How to add mail body for the below case?please look
    I am using output tupe Zmail attached to Program ZRVADOR01 and script form ZRVORDER01.
    The Program ZRVADOR01 and the script ZRVORDER01are copied from standard prog RVADOR01  and standard script RVORDER01.
    And this output type is attached to VA02.
    In the Zprogram i could able to give mail subject in OPEN_FORM function module in OPTIONS parameter.
    And i am sending to the exterid which is outlook.
    For giving the email id i have added some code from the note .357137 before calling the OPEN_FORM function module in the program..
    mail is coming with subject line and attachment of script document .
    But the only thing needed is , add body text for the mail.
    How can i do this?

    Hi Rama, I am trying to do the same and noticed that your comments/question appears as "ANSWERED" at the top of the thread.
    Were you able to accomplish this?

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    need to add a program to my laptop, but I have forgotten my password.  How can I reset it?

    Solution may be found if you search in the "More Like This" section over in the right column.

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    I tried entering all the fields in the IF loop with AND condition but its giving syntax error.Perhaps this is because the lenght of the IF condition would be more than the allowed one.

    After the select quiery.
    If not itab is initial.
    Message 'Table is not empty'    type 'I'.

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    If # is coming means, that is the problem with the printer. I think u might have used your local printer to see the print preview.
    Don't use LOCL or LP01. Our local printer won't recognize those characters.
    Just change the printer name to client printer name. It will work.

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    Kind regards

    Wich version of iPhoto do you have? You need iPhoto '09 or '11 to order prints.
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