I/O with applets

From what I have found, file I/O is apparently not allowed with applets; when I try it, I get this "access denied" or something error/exception.
I would understand why that is...but is there REALLY no way to do file I/O with applets, or any way around it (maybe you can get permission somehow)?

A sandbox security feature prevents unsigned applets from accessing your filesystem. For more information see:
or this forum:

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    well, i don't work a lot with applets because of their inherent limitations. but my guess would be that you have to somehow use a signed applet. of course that doesn't help with the FileInputStream problem you are talking about.
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    Let me take a crack at this, :)
    1) No
    2)Anything that is required to access anything of a clients computer, i.e com ports,files and resources needs a signed applet.
    And yes you have to work with
    in order to capture images

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    Thank you all for help, from your posts I was able to get the datepicker working with a different version of jQuery (but not jQueryUI) included on the page. There are two methods:
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    <script type="text/javascript">
      var jq164 = jQuery;
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    <script type="text/javascript">
      var jq164 = jQuery.noConflict(true);
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    because of security resons with applets, it is not possible to store an .jpg on your hard drive.

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    Appletviewer works but only in debug, isn't it?
    If you can read file from local, you must sign you applet by jarsigner tool contributed in your JDK.
    If you have not certificate for sign, you can generate your own certificate:
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    2. complete data
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    An applet cannot read the local file system, connect to any other computer than the one
    it came from or read properties it's not supposed to read. And I think it cannot write to any
    If you sign the applet or set up a policy for it the applet can do the same as an application
    allthough the jre will still check the stack trace if the entire stack has the same privileges
    as you signed applet.
    second post and last post for the java class file

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    It's not possible to integrate policy file together with applet. If you want to perform these dangerous operation (read,write) from applet, you have to sign applet's jar file. And in applet's code you have to use AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction action) for possibly unsafe parts of code.

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    sMsg="printing a applet is tough job";
    // Find the default service
    DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE;
    PrintService service[]= PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(flavor, null);
    // Create the print job
    byte[] b=sMsg.getBytes();
    DocPrintJob job = service[0].createPrintJob();
    Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(b, flavor, null);
    job.print(doc, null);
    }catch(Exception e){System.out.print(e.getLocalizedMessage());}
    it is not doing anything not even the error is displayed
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    plz help me.
    thanks in advance.

    I came across a similar problem a few months ago. I came up with a work-around, and although it's not great, it met the demands of my current project.
    A normal applet can't write files to a user's computer because that could create some big security problems. However, an applet can communicate with the server on which it's located. SO, I created a servlet that resides on the same server. When the user wants to print something from the applet, he clicks a Print button which opens a URLConnection and sends the data to the servlet. The servlet then creates an HTML document on the server and formats the data nicely. Then, back in the applet, I used this line to open a new browser window and show the HTML file:
    getAppletContext().showDocument(new URL(theUrl), "_blank")
    The user can then use the browser's print function to print the data.
    I know it's kind of a roundabout way, but I was pressed for time. Let us know if you come up with something better.

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    Hello, I'm Maximiliano and I'm working in a proyect in J2EE.
    I'm using netbeans for developing.
    I'm trying to include a applet in my netbeans proyect but the netbeans IDE compile/save the classes in WAR/WEB-INF/classes and that folder it's not public, so i can't call my applet from my index.jsp.
    If i move the class file to the root of the WAR it works but the imports for mi ejbs are broken.(Because they're in /WEB-INF/lib)
    I've also tried to create a separate proyect for the applet and packaging all in a EAR package (with a simple ejb too) and it's not working either.
    What i need is if anyone can tell me how to call my packaged applet from my index.jsp
    I know including applets in html with <applet> tag but i cannot resolve the correct path to my applet, or if i have to modify my proyect.
    Thanks, Maximiliano.
    And example will be much apreciated.

    its a very good question actually - I have no idea how to achieve that. My gut feeling says that you certainly want to turn the applet into a separate project, as the applet is basically a client to your JEE environment and not part of the JEE application itself. Turning it into a separate war module seems like the thing to do - perhaps even put it outside your application EAR.
    The imports of the EJBs are not going to work in any case, even if you manage to get them on the applet's classpath. Your applet is not running on the server, thus it could only call EJB methods through the remote interface, for which you need a a set of libraries from the server and you somehow need to get the remote interface classes on the classpath of your applet - quite difficult to setup.
    If you want to invoke EJB methods from the applet, I would really suggest turning them into jax-ws webservices as that makes it such that you don't need any additional libraries to be able to do it. The Java 6 runtime already has jax-ws 2.x inside it, and it is dead easy to call a webservice from a client application.

  • HTML Page with Applet in JEditorPane

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    Or is there any other way that I can embed an Applet in my application in one of Swing components.
    Thanks in advance,

    You may want to extend HTMLEditorKit:
    public class MyHTMLEditorKit extends HTMLEditorKit() {
        static ViewFactory viewFac = new HTMLFactory(){
           public View create(Element el) {
              if(el.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("APPLET")) {
                  Applet app = ...; // create applet from other attributes
              else return super.create(el);
    }Check this out. I don't know whether applet elements are included in the parsed document; nevertheless, check it out.

  • Need help with applet servlet communication .. not able to get OutputStream

    i am facing problem with applet and servlet communication. i need to send few image files from my applet to the servlet to save those images in DB.
    i need help with sending image data to my servlet.
    below is my sample program which i am trying.
    java source code which i am using in my applet ..
    public class Test {
        public static void main(String argv[]) {
            try {
                    URL serverURL = new URL("http://localhost:8084/uploadApp/TestServlet");
                    URLConnection connection = serverURL.openConnection();
                    Intermediate value=new Intermediate();
                    // Specify the content type that we will send binary data
                    connection.setRequestProperty ("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
                    ObjectOutputStream outputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());
                } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
                }  catch (IOException ex) {
    }servlet code here ..
    public class TestServlet extends HttpServlet {
         * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code> methods.
         * @param request servlet request
         * @param response servlet response
         * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs
         * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
        protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
                throws ServletException, IOException {
             System.out.println(" in servlet -----------");
            PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
            ObjectInputStream inputFromApplet = null;
            Intermediate aStudent = null;
            BufferedReader inTest = null;
            try {         
                // get an input stream from the applet
                inputFromApplet = new ObjectInputStream(request.getInputStream());
                // read the serialized object data from applet
                data = (Intermediate) inputFromApplet.readObject();
                System.out.println("userid in servlet -----------"+ data.getUserId());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("WARNING! filename.path JNDI not found");
            } finally {
        protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
                throws ServletException, IOException {
            System.out.println(" in foGet -----------");
            processRequest(request, response);
         * Handles the HTTP <code>POST</code> method.
         * @param request servlet request
         * @param response servlet response
         * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs
         * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
        protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
                throws ServletException, IOException {
            System.out.println(" in doPost -----------");
            processRequest(request, response);
         * Returns a short description of the servlet.
         * @return a String containing servlet description
        public String getServletInfo() {
            return "Short description";
        }// </editor-fold>
    }the Intermediate class ..
    import java.io.Serializable;
    public class Intermediate implements Serializable{
    String userId;
        public String getUserId() {
            return userId;
        public void setUserId(String userId) {
            this.userId = userId;

    well i am not able to get any value from connection.getOutputStream() and i doubt my applet is not able to hit the servlet. could you review my code and tell me if it has some bug somewhere. and more over i want to know how to send multiple file data from applet to servlet . i want some sample or example if possible.
    do share if you have any experience of this sort..

  • Using JMF with applet

    I've got an applet that consumes a lot of CPU. I'm studying to migrate this applet to a pda, but it's not enough cpu for it. I'm reading JMF docs and I decide to generate a movie with the output of an applet. �If it's possible? My idea is to create the movie on the server. I can modify my applet to avoid the use of the applet inheritance and then render the output to an standard movie format. After I will send the movie to the browser
    You can see the applet here. Click on View route 3D under the flash movie.
    Thanks in advance,
    David B.

    passionforjava2 wrote:
    ...I have issues with applet unable to transmit voice using JMF. i know it is a security issue. As the error on the console says
    java.lang.RuntimeException: No permission to capture from applets
    Error : Couldn't create DataSourceWhen JMF is installed, it generally offers a checkbox to allow or deny 'capture in applet'. By default it is not checked, and if the user goes with that recommendation, I am not sure that anything will overrule that.
    In a folder iPhone/myphone/What is the URL where we can visit this applet?
    .. i have applet embedded html file along with .jar files with required classed and applet signed. Are you prompted to trust the digitally signed code? You can see the dialog I mean by visiting the applet linked from [http://pscode.org/test/docload/].
    ..Along with that .jar i do have jmf.jar and java.policy.applet file and jmf.properties file . Forget the policy files, they are a waste of time, and completely impractical for end users.

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