How to include ojdbc.jar with applet in apex

I am integrating applet with apex. I need to use ojdbc.jar to connect to Database. How can i include this jar. I tried uploading it as a static file. But i am not sure how to embed it with applet code in region source of a page. I am using following code to embed the applet.
<applet code="TestApplet.class" archive="#APP_IMAGES#Test.jar" width="500" height="500">
Please suggest how to include the ojdbc.jar.

Thank you all for help, from your posts I was able to get the datepicker working with a different version of jQuery (but not jQueryUI) included on the page. There are two methods:
1. Include the new library before #HEAD# and change the reference to a different variable, for example:
<script src="jquery-1.6.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var jq164 = jQuery;
#HEAD#2. Include the new library after #HEAD# and enable noConflict() mode, for example:
<script src="jquery-1.6.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var jq164 = jQuery.noConflict(true);
</script>In both examples above, $, jQuery and apex.jQuery point to apex jQuery, while jq164 points to the new one.
However, I couldn't manage to include a newer version of jQueryUI. I only found a page ([url] that says you have to specify a different context for each version of jQueryUI included on the same page. I haven't yet had time to look at this, so if anyone already knows how to do it, it would be really nice to share it with us.

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    Do I need to download the whole JAVA 1.7 on MAC to run the JAR? No
    Can not I run the Jar file with Jre7?Yes, you can.
    This may be because I have downloaded the JRE 1.7Yep, that's correct, the java_home command only works for jdk's - sorry for the confusion.
    For jre7+ versions, only a single Oracle jre version is allowed to be installed on the machine at a time - making a tool like java_home redundant for jre checking.
    Weirdly, jre7u10 does not supplant the Apple Java on the command line path by default. If you just type java -v, then the Apple java version will displayed if you have an old Java 6 from Apple and a new Oracle jre7+.
    The Oracle jre is always located under (also somewhat strangely):
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    The test machine was running Mac OS X 8 with Oracle jre7u10 installed as well as the Apple Java 6 runtime, but no Oracle jdk7+ installed.

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    I would recommend executing a batch file that launches your other installers after your LabVIEW executable finishes installing. The process of doing this (in addition to other suggestions about including 3rd party installers) can be found in the Knowledgebase linked here.
    Kind Regards,
    E. Sulzer
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    X-COMMENT: Main-Class will be added automatically by build
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    Class-Path: root/Phase3/TesterPhase3/jpos/lib/jdom.jar
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    /root/PHASE3/TesterPhase3/IsolibTester/nbproject/build-impl.xml:273: Invalid Manifest: /root/PHASE3/TesterPhase3/IsolibTester/
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
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    Hi, I'm using Eclipse to write an applet which needs
    some other .jar packages to support it. I add them as
    external jar package in project properties. In
    eclipse, everything works fine when I compile and
    run. But I when export the applet to .jar and try to
    run in browser, it doesn't work.
    I think probably because I didn't export the packages
    that the applet requires to run. However I cant find
    a way to export these packages together with the
    applet to a final .jar file.
    Anyone knows how to solve this ? plz help. thx you in
    advanceHi all,
    I have been having the same problems too but came to realize that it is quite difficult getting your applet to work in most cases when using external jars. I found out thet you will have to create the directory hierarchy with the necessary imported classes used by your applet. and then create a new jar file that you will use in the codebase tag.
    For example:
    /* Java code snippet */
    import org.apache.XmlRpcClient;
    public MyApplet extends JApplet {
    //..... Rest of your code ......
    }/* End of snippet */
    You would then have to create a the directory structure:
    Then place all the required classes imported from within (Sometimes it is easier to just add all the classes to save time but lose space i.e. larger jar files).
    Execute the jar command (please adjust as needed to your requirements):
    jar cvf any_name.jar *.class org/
    After signing the applet it may solve your problem. Since I'm working with XmlRpc I still have a lot of problems. If anyone has any advice or tips, please share.
    Thank you

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    I created new project(Frame application) in JBuilder 2006, Im using mentioned library therefore I put it into reguired libraries in project setting. When I run application through JBuilder (F9) it works fine.
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    What's is wrong ?

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    Hello All,
    Sorry for the cross-post.
    I tired getting the advise on forum but with no success. Can someone here please help with this or direct me to right direction.
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    something like :
    <PARAM NAME = CACHE_ARCHIVE VALUE = "final.jar" />
    or :
    <PARAM NAME = CACHE_ARCHIVE VALUE = "final.jar.pack.gz" />
    renaming : final.jar.pack.gz --> final.jar ??
    I tried both the above options but none of them works.
    network: Wrote URL to File C:\Documents and Settings\I025204\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\60\366763c-2a096009-temp ZIP file must have at least one entry
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at com.sun.deploy.cache.Cache$ Source)
    at Method)
    at com.sun.deploy.cache.Cache.downloadResourceToCache(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.deploy.cache.DeployFileOutputStream.close(Unknown Source)
    at$HttpInputStream.close(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at sun.plugin.PluginURLJarFileCallBack.downloadJAR(Unknown Source)
    at sun.plugin.PluginURLJarFileCallBack.access$000(Unknown Source)
    at sun.plugin.PluginURLJarFileCallBack$ Source)
    at Method)
    at sun.plugin.PluginURLJarFileCallBack.retrieve(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    Do i need to add something more .
    I am only allowed to use the below:as its the corporate policy for now.
    Java Plug-in 1.6.0_05
    Using JRE version 1.6.0_05 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    Can someone please help me how to get the pack200 work in the Object tag ?
    Please advise.

    InputStream in = sc.getResourceAsStream("application.jar.pack.gz");
            OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
            if (in != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    if (ioe.getMessage().compareTo("Broken pipe") == 0) {
                        sc.log("Broken Pipe while writing");
                    } else  throw ioe;
            } else response.sendError(response.SC_NOT_FOUND);
    private void sendOut(InputStream in, OutputStream ostream)
                     throws IOException {
            byte buf[] = new byte[8192];
    System.out.println("send jar file");
            int n =;
            while (n > 0 ) {System.out.println(n);
                n =;
        }the servlet code is above
    u should conifgure the servlet in the web.xml for urlmapping *.jar
        </servlet-mapping>where jarService is the name of the pack200 sevice servlet
    Edited by: kartheepanmirra on Jun 17, 2009 12:17 AM
    Edited by: kartheepanmirra on Jun 17, 2009 3:06 AM

  • Is there a way to include html link with applet?

    I am thinking of writing an applet that would be useful to others, which I would provide for free. In return I would want a link from the pages that use the applet. It is important that the link is search engine friendly, a pure href html link that will provide google page rank to me.
    Is there a way to include such a link with an applet so that it can't be removed?

    No. You can't force other sites to change their content.

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    I have Win 7 - 64 bit, Win Live Mail and LR 4.  I can attach the photos and send the email successfully but cannot include a message.  It puts my message into a HTML Doc next to the photos.  How can I access the body of the email to write my message?  

    Open the photo, assuming it is in Photos, and then in the lower left corner under the photo is a box with an up-pointing arrow.  Tap that box, and then the photo will have a blue circle with a checkmark in its lower right corner and the word Next at the upper right.  Tap Next, then choose how you want to send the photo, by text message, email, and so on.  Simply address the method you have chosen and put in any text you want to include.

  • How to create a Jar with only class files?

    Dear all,
    I want to create a jar file with only classes.My class files and java files are in different folders under com .
    in com there are two folders
    folder 1 -- subfolder 1
    folder 2 -- subfolder 2
    like this.
    If i want to create a jar file from com directory how should i give the jar command.Again my jar should contain only .class files.
    Any help will be appreciated

    It doesn't work.Says "No such class or directory"
    Any other way Or is it possible to do so?Read the link I posted and create the statement to make your structure. I was thinking you were inside the com directory but if you are above it you will need something like this instead:
    jar -cf test.jar com\*.class com\subfolder1\*.class com\subfoler2\*.class
    But either way don't just copy and past this. Think about what is does so that you can make it work for you.
    Also, you might want to look into using Ant if you are going to be building this a lot.

Maybe you are looking for