I simply want to buy Lightroom 5!

I simply want to purchase Lightroom 5 but what I get are options to purchase versions of Creative Cloud. I believe I have 2GB on the Cloud, but I don't yet want to do anything there with my photography other than on my laptop. How do I get to simply buying the Lightroom product?

I don't intend to put put my photography on the cloud, I just want to edit and store onmy laptop and external drives..
That is how Adobe's (sometimes misunderstood) Cloud model works.
The software installs and runs locally. You can save your work anywhere you wish. Most people save it locally.
Cloud storage is an optional extra which you can ignore if you wish.
Only the licensing of the software (license checks every 99 days or so) is done via the Adobe Cloud. Background license checks are automatic (when an internet connection is available) and take a few seconds.

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  • I want to buy lightroom. But I can't . Error of country.

    Je voulais acheter LIGHTROOM MAC. Mais le processus s'arrête au paiement. Erreur de country. En refaisant la démarche, je n'ai plus les moyens de corriger. Comment faire? Merci de me renseigner. 

    Bonjour !
    I  shall try again, with a different name and a different mail. Thank you for this answer.
    Le 14 mars 2015 à 04:02, johnhawk666 <[email protected]> a écrit :
    I want to buy lightroom. But I can't . Error of country.
    created by johnhawk666 in Photoshop Lightroom - View the full discussion
    Try creating an Adobe ID with your country entered as your homeland when prompted to by the registration process. This should allow you to buy Lr in your country.
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    FABREGUE Maurice
    S. Y. L.  BYE ! BYE !

  • I want to buy lightroom 5 as standalone product. I do not want creative cloud. How can I make this possible?

    I want to buy lightroom 5 as standalone product. I do not want creative cloud. How can I make this possible?

    Thanks YKaan,
    I do not like and do not want to pay monthly, also I do not need Photoshop just want lightroom. I want to know if I can just buy and download Lightroom or if I buy the retail package I can just have the program as standalone product.

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    Unless you are really strapped for cash, I recommend buying Lr5 now, and Lr6 when it comes out, and don't think twice if you just missed a cutoff..
    That way, you are running the best version of Lightroom now, and will be again in the future, and your money is helping to support the software you use.
    The moral of the story: don't be penny-wise and pound-foolish by trying to give a minimal amount to the company which feeds you.. - send the message: "I want the best version of Lightroom you can produce, and I'm willing to pay for it - thank you..".
    That said, Lr6 is likely to come out fairly soon, presumably no more than a few months..
    PS - There is "always" something enticing for everybody in a new version, despite the features you couldn't care less about.. Lr6 will probably have face recognition (which you may or may not care about), but there will no doubt be some improvements to the develop module too etc..

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    Yes, I think they would like you to by the CC plan.  But you can still get the standalone.
    The Trial Download is here:
    This is exactly the same as the paid for version but time limited. I seem to recall that the option to convert the Trial to a Paid for version pops up every time you start it.

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    You have to select "Menu -> All products (bottom)" or follow this link:
    https://www.adobe.com/products/catalog/software._sl_id-contentfilter_sl_catalog_sl_softwar e_sl_mostpopular.html
    it should open a list with popular products and the last but one should be Lightroom 6

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    The standard licence covers installation on any two computers - one being in use at any time.
    If you change computers, simply uninstall from the old machine and install on the new - Lightroom doesn't use "dial home" activation and deactivation.

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    This information can purchase everything that you ask !:
    Order Number: 13111072125
    Order Date: 04 October 2014
    Shipping Address
    tariq alkhabra
    hail ST20
    saudi arabia
    Hail 9666
    Saudi Arabia
    [email protected]

  • I was running Lightroom 3.6 with the OS Windows XP (Sp3). The whole system crashed, I am unable to recover the serial number. I then upgraded my OS to Windows 7 (x64) and down loaded Lightroom 4.4, I wanted to buy a licence so I then upgraded to Lightroom

    I was running Lightroom 3.6 with the OS Windows XP (Sp3). The whole system crashed, I am unable to recover the serial number. I then upgraded my OS to Windows 7 (x64) and down loaded Lightroom 4.4, I wanted to buy a licence so I then upgraded to Lightroom 5, now when I try to register I am asked for the original licence/serial number. Where do I go from here??????

    If you upgraded from 3.6 to 5 (you didn't indicate buying 4.4) then you will need the serial number from 3.6 in order to be able to use 5.  If you did not keep a record of it there is a chance it might be available thru your Adobe account online, but if not, there is likely not much you can do except to return the upgrade and purchase a full version.  Try contacting support using chat and explain your situation to see if they can help.
    Serial number and activation chat support (non-CC)
    http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/service1.html ( http://adobe.ly/1aYjbSC )
    If you did purchase 4.4 then that should be sufficient to use to activate 5.
    I can never be sure what goes on with Lightroom, and the Adobe site (even when it works properly) makes finding information about products difficult these days so I am at a loss to confirm anything I say.

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    Or wait a few weeks and get LR6, maybe?   We’re up to LR 5.7 and there’s never been a LR somethingxzxz.8 so it would make sense that the next version is a payfor upgrade, again, with some sort of improvements and new features over LR 5.  This suggestion assumes LR6 will be available as a perpetual license as an upgrade to LR 4, which I would expect, but you never know.

  • I have an operating system of 10.4.11 but want to download lightroom - when I tried to buy the new operating system, it said I needed to work off an operating system of 10.6...how can I download lightroom (3  preferabley)!

    I have just purchased an old macbook with an OS of 10.5. Im trying to download lightroom 4 but won't let me because of the OS (needs 10.7), when I tried to purchase the updated OS, it said I need 10.6 to do so!! I just want to download lightroom (3 or 4 preferabley).  How do I go about doing so?
    Thank you kindly in advanced...
    New MAC owner

    Hello & a warm welcome to the forums & Macdom!
    For Lightroom 3...
    Silly Apple, you can't even buy Lion/10.7 anymore, onlt ML/10.8 after you get SL/10.6!???
    You need to get 10.6 & update to 10.6.8 first to be able to buy it from the App Store & download it.
    Snow Leopard/10.6.x Requirements...
    General requirements
       * Mac computer with an Intel processor
        * 1GB of memory (I say 4GB at least, more if you can afford it)
        * 5GB of available disk space (I say 30GB at least)
        * DVD drive for installation
        * Some features require a compatible Internet service provider; fees may apply.
        * Some features require Apple’s MobileMe service; fees and terms apply.
    Which apps work with Mac OS X 10.6?...
    It's been pulled from the online store, so you have to call Apple to buy it, last I heard, but quick, call before it's gone!
    At the Apple Icon at top left>About this Mac.
    Then click on More Info>Hardware and report this upto but not including the Serial#...
    Hardware Overview:
    Model Name: iMac
    Model Identifier: iMac7,1
    Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
    Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz
    Number Of Processors: 1
    Total Number Of Cores: 2
    L2 Cache: 4 MB
    Memory: 6 GB
    Bus Speed: 800 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: IM71.007A.B03
    SMC Version (system): 1.21f4

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    Thank you, Jim, for your prompt reply. Amazon has it for $151.99, Ebay has a few copies that end up being about as expensive after international shipping and other fees, and I don't trust most of the other sites after reading reviews on them. Looks like I'm going to have to fork out some dollars. How unfortunate.
    Thanks again,

  • I do not want Creative Cloud. My current version of Lightroom is 5.7. I take it I have to buy Lightroom 6 outright? Are there any price concessions for upgrades?

    I do not want Creative Cloud. My current version of Lightroom is 5.7. Are there any price concessions for upgrades or do I have to buy Lightroom 6 outright?

    @landaloons who posted: "Clicking 'Checkout' does nothing.  There is apparently no way to get the upgrade at present."
    Your browser has to have tracking enabled and open a pop-up for Checkout to work. Browser add-ons and custom settings can block this from happening.  In Firefox I had to temporarily disable Ghostery to advance past the Checkout button. You may have a similar tracker/pop-up disabler in your browser that you need to turn off temporarily. Alternatively try a different browser with no custom settings. Doing this I was able to download and install a $79.99 upgrade version, so it does work, but they don't make it easy to find or do. They want you to subscribe instead. (In fairness, though, you'd have this same Checkout issue trying to subscribe to CC if your browser settings block advancement past the Checkout button.)

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    Reinstalling Lightroom will have no impact on your catalog or your images. A reinstall just involves the program files.

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