I want to buy OS X Lion, but where?

I want to buy OS X Lion, but it's not available in AppStore. Is there a chance to buy it at other stores?
Does someone knew that there's a chance that OS X Lion is available in future?
Sorry for my bad english

That is not true, at least for me. The minute, actually before, Mt Lion hit the MAS Lion was removed. You are mistaken and unless you took a screen shot of the MAS when both were available, and both showing on the same page or some kind of date stamp on the SS, I will stand by what I know to be the facts. When I went to the MAS to buy and downlaod Mt Lion I did a search for Lion and it was gone. I did the search just to see if it was still available, and it wasn't. That was sometime in the afternoon EDST on the day Mt Lion was released. Actuall the date/time stamp on my Install OS X Mt Lion.app file is July 25, 2012  5.34PM. The download took about a hour so I was at the store buying it around 4:30PM EDST.
Here is  Link to a post on the 25 of July, the day Mt Lion came out about how Lion is no longer available. Time stamped for me as I am on the east coast 5:06 PM
Also a Screen Shot of the post. with my time stamp.
So why was not available to that person but yet available to you the Day After Mt Lion came out?
Simple you are mistaken.

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