I want to import 24 bit FLAC files

When is Apple going to get into HI FI audio?

Otherwise, email apple directly to ask for support.

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    Hi ocean,
    .. hmm, not easy, because .avi is just a socalled mediacontainer, containing all kind of data, in the PCworld meaning really ALL kind of data, some totally unknown in the Mac world...
    My guess: with a high chance, it will contain some mpg flavor, so give...
    Streamclip for converting mp1/2 (with to purchase plugin from Apple)/4, divx, avi, vob... a try, it is free
    concerning .asf... as long as it contains just audio, give EasyWMA a try..
    http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/23003 (10$)
    hope my answers are helpful.....

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    Hi again Salazaroo....
    Thanx for your answer...
    I am working in a project shot with RedOne and the output will be 35mm and DCP.... we´ll made the prints with Cinevator system as well... same as yours...
    What I did is open the Pr project in After effects and from there export the R3d as DPX to work in the compositings... I am trying different ways to do this... change the R3D settings to RedLog and RedSpace before to export as DPX OverRange, or PDLog985 and RedSpace before to export as DPX Standard (as Mark Christiansen says in THIS SITE) ...
    Once I do it, I import the DPX to start the composition... so I change the Cineon Settings to OverRange or Standard (depending of the settings at export) and apply the Cineon Converter LogToLin... but then everything looks too overbright to work... I am working with the DPX and .psd and tiffs together so it is like crazy to match everything together... 
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    Thank you man.... I really appreciate your help....

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    I am able to play this music on the little QuickTime music player (shown above), but cannot import into anything in the Adobe suite. 
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    Is there a way I can import this footage into Soundbooth or PrPro with a minimum of generation loss from any file conversion?
    Is there another type of workaround?
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    Thanks for your help,
    Matt Dubuque
    100 Trees

    Thanks Colin,
    I downloaded the program and I note that in its preferences it asserts that the maximum spectrogram display level is 8kHz. 
    Does this mean that I have a high bandpass filter at 8000 Hz and anything above that is cut off?  I would be pretty reluctant to go that route because this film seems likely to be shown in a theatre and quite a few of us can hear above that pitch.
    On the other hand, the playback sounds pretty good, so perhaps this is just a VIDEO output display limitation of the original audio waveform that may actually be from 20Hz to 20KHz for example.
    Any thoughts on that?
    Also, Memory is of no concern, only fidelity and resolution and probably conformance to an RIAA curve or close to it.
    Given that, of the three file types you mentioned, WAV, PCM, or AIFF, is it true that .wav. would offer the highest fidelity, irrespective of memory required to store it?

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    I'm not sure why you posted to this board instead of instrument control. By now, I would hope you simply used Help> Find Instrument Drivers to get what you need.

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    Like the title says, I'm trying to import an SPSS .SAV file into an SQL 2008 R2 database using SSIS.
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    Tried the IBM step by step manual (http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/spssdc/v6r0m1/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.spss.ddl%2Faccess_odbc.htm)
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    If anyone could point me in the right direction they could make my day!
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Ronny,
    According to your description, you want to import a SPSS .sav file to SQL Server 2008 R2 database. If that is the case, we can achieve this requirement with SPSS or SQL query. For more details, please refer to the following methods:
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    File>Import Files (Shift-Cmd-I). Select the files, fill out the dialog box that appears as you need.

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    Pl read the below link.
    It will be helpful.
    SAP Business One Application

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    Edited by: vicky....... on Dec 5, 2010 9:30 PM

    You can't import dump file to apex.
    For importing you have to take your database in sql script and run it on apex.
    Kartik Patel

  • How do i import 32bit format wav files

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    Logic doesn't current support 32-bit conventional audio files.
    You'll need to convert them to 24-bit and import them that way. I'm not sure offhand if Logic will import 32-bit CAF files, as I haven't tried, but you could try that if you have another application that can convert to CAF format files.

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    I want to import my local csv file into database for further apply Join with other tables programmatic in JAVA

    Hi Vivek,
    Please go through the following blogs and video to resolve your issue.
    Loading large CSV files to SAP HANA
    HANA Academy - Importing Data using CTL Method - YouTube
    Hope it helps.

  • Importing data from Flat file

    Hi all Experts,
    I am a ABAPer and trying to learn BW by my own. I wanted to import data from flat file and generate some reports on that.
    Can anybody tell me the steps starting from the infocubes(guess its the first step), to achieve it. Any help will be a great help for me.
    Thanks in Advance,

    1.to start with create infoareas, infoobjects(accoring to what u have in flat file).
    2.then create a cube which will include these infoobj's and activate it.
    3.create an application component and then create infosource,right click and assign ds to infosource and specify ur PC file source system(whatever system u've), 4.then u'll go to the infosource screen where u need to maintain the exact order of ur file in transfer structure tab, then maintain transfer rules, activate it.
    5.create upate rules for ur cube by mentioning this infosource name.
    6.create infopackages and schedule them. after data is loaded to cube, use tcode rrmx and logon to bex and find ur cube and then create queries on them.

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    I want to import third party XML files into form-based publishing. My problem is that when I open the files, they are presented as normal XML files.
    The 'type' property is not set to "form-based publishing". That's the reason no form is linked to the XML file.
    Is there a way to change the value of this 'type' property? Then I can set it to "form-based publishing".
    Message was edited by: E. van der Palen

       You should take into account two things:
    1. XML Repository filter
    System Administration-System Configuration-KM-CM-Repository Filters-choose XML Forms Repository Filter
    edit it and add your repository.
    After that you have to restart it.
    2. Resource Type.
    You should modify cm_resourcetype property to set form-based publishing.
    You could edit this xml file using form builder and then set this parameter.

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