I want to send notification to HR after manager's appraisal before shareing it with his employee if the employee is outsanding only

Hr manager wants to see the performance appraisal if the employee got outstanding appraisal before sharing document with the employee and after manager comments>
Does anybody know how to do ...    

"2MEM/1/4: DIMM3/J14"
Replace the memory in the DIMM 3 slot.
If you are running Mac OS X 10.5 you can use this program to test your G5's memory:
It will subject your RAM to a more thorough test than Apple Hardware Test.

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    Joe91 - Short and sweet, and really helpful - thanks! I wrote a fairly long post to explain the situation. Skip to the last paragraph, and you miss the point.

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    Can you find any errors in the Workflow log file?
    Please review the following docs.
    Setting Different Values For Attributes #WFM_FROM & #WFM_REPLYTO Does Not Happen Or Results In SAXParseException (Doc ID 1455191.1)
    How To Change The Default From and Reply To Email Address For Workflow Email Notifications (Doc ID 760477.1)

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    hi everyone,
    Is there any microsoft article which provide information regarding this issue.
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    arun av

    Hi arun av,
    According to your description, you opened the previous excel file in new version of Excel. Did you get the dialogue box as shown in the figure when close the file?
    Ideally, the issue is caused when the first time you open a file that was last saved in a previous version of Excel, the file is completely recalculated. For more information about Excel fully recalculating workbooks when they are opened for the first time,
    you can refer to following links:
    Hope it’s helpful.

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    Hello Putterking,
    After reviewing your post, I have located an article that can help with AirPlay. It contains a number of troubleshooting steps and helpful advice for the issue you are experiencing:
    Resolve issues with AirPlay and AirPlay Mirroring from iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
    Thank you for contributing to Apple Support Communities.

  • HT3258 I recently upgraded to Mountain Lion OS 10.8.3. After that, I've had innumerable problems with email & none of the documents in Word are openable - a dialog box pops up saying that no Power PC applications are available, or something to that effect

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    Office 2004 is not compatible with Lion or Mountain Lion because they don't include the Rosetta software that allowed PPC apps to run on Intel hardware.
    Office 2008 was the first version of Office designed to run natively on Intel chips.
    Office 2011 is the current version.
    You can update to Office 2011, Office 2004 was introduced 9 years ago. You can use other 3rd party softwares, i.e., iWorks, Office Libre, etc., that are capable of handling Office documents.
    Or, you can revert back to Snow Leopard.
    All in all, this topic has been covered in these forums almost every day since Lion was introduced 2 years ago.
    Please search the forums for more info.

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    That's not how it works. Authorising is for music purchased from iTunes, not for music you've imported from CDsor elsewhere. Music purchased form other suppliers would also not be subject to this authorising procedure.
    Do you still have the old computer? If so, you need to copy the iTunes Library from that to the new computer. For example, in Windows XP, I would copy the My Music folder (which contains the iTunes Library, my Amazon MP3 purchases and album artwork) and put that onto an external drive. Then move the drive to the new computer and copy the copied folder onto the new machine thereby replacing the new machine's My Music folder. Then tell iTunes to look at the imported Library.
    Obviously, you need to take into account that you have Windows 7 (where I assume the folder names may be different), any other places on you old machine where songs are located and so on.

  • Sending notifications every after 1 day

    Hi Experts,
    I need to send notification mail every after 1 day, if the task assigned to the user is not completed.
    I tried with adding notification for that action, by selecting duration for 1 day.
    But it triggers only once, if the assigned action is not completed before that day.
    I want that to trigger after every single day, till taht action is not executed/completed. Is that possible?
    Please help me out with this.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Edited by: Runal on Oct 31, 2008 2:44 PM
    Edited by: Runal on Oct 31, 2008 2:45 PM

    Unfourtunaly I don't think there is a way to do this with standard objects. The only way to do it is developing a separate application outside the GP, let say a J2EE application, which registers the notifications that need to be send, read this pending notifications and send the emails. When the task is completed, the task will need to notify this J2ee application about it and delete the scheduled notifications. You will also need to use the Portal Scheduler to run this every day or so. The other thing you may struggle with is the calendar, are you going to send notifications on Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays or in general in just working days? There is no standard calendar in the Portal as in SAP HR to use.
    It's a bit of a complex landscape but is the only one I can thing of, and the one we were about to implement.

  • How to send notification mail by IDM 7.1?

    I configured the idm 7.1 and want to send notification mail to user when a new user is created.
    But I can not get email from IDM. I think the SMTP server is right and I can telnet to SMTP server and send mails.
    How to test the IDM configuration is right ? or how to test send mail notification by an easy way ?

    I configured the IDM from Configure--> servers -->Edit Server Settings page ,Email Template, as filled form:
    Default SMTP Server
         Use default
    Default SMTP Port      25
         Use default (25)
    SMTP Port      25
    SMTP Authentication Enabled      
         Use default (true)
         Authentication Enabled
    User Id      idmmail
    Password      *****
    Default SMTP Enable SSL      
         Use default (false)
         SSL Enabled
         Disable Certificate Authentication
    When I run the "ALL USERS" report, I select the 'Email Report' and filled the mail address. But after running the report , I can't receive email and no error messages displayed.
    Could you tell me how to do I can debug or trace the messages if the IDM sent or not sent mail , if it connects to mail server ?

  • How to send notification and email to all approvers

    I am customizing the requisition approval workflow in p2p cycle.
    We have to send out notifications and emails to all people in the approval heirarchy , who have already approved the req if some body higher up in the chain rejects it.
    right now oracle only send email and notification to the requester.
    ex -- If A requested it and next approver is B , who approves it , next is C, who approves it
    but next person D rejects it
    I want to send notification to C , B and A
    not just A
    please let me know how to do this.

    I've provided advice on how to do it in response to your thread on the WorkflowFAQ forum at
    WorkflowFAQ.com - the ONLY independent resource for Oracle Workflow development
    Alpha review chapters from my book "Developing With Oracle Workflow" are available via my website http://www.workflowfaq.com
    Have you read the blog at http://thoughts.workflowfaq.com ?
    WorkflowFAQ support forum: http://forum.workflowfaq.com

  • Sending notification from OA Framework

    Say on a OA Framework page, user clicks a button, you handle the button click in
    processFormRequest of the controller of the page and here you want to send notification to one or more users which will be
    read from the db.
    So far, I have used workflows to send notifications, but for this particular use-case, this is just a FYI notification and writing
    a workflow for that might be an overkill.
    So just wanted to know, are there APIs in OA Framework to send notifications.
    regards, Yora

    If you dont want to create workflow for it. You have two options either you call a plsql package from OAf using callable statement and in PLSQL you may use UTL_SMTP package to send mail. Here is the way how you can call Callable Statement
    Or you may use java API's to send mail. Here is the link

  • How to upload a template in sharepoint and send notification through labview?

    i am trying to make a form in LabView and want to send notification through labview if possible and upload it on sharepoint site. Can it be done?
    I am attaching the vi. in this i have few questions?
    In front panel if you click STANDARD there will be several options through which we can choose from. For every  option which is clicked by user i need to get a pop up box in which there will be options which user want to choose. example if user select A then pop up box pops out and there will be 5 things in which he need to tick depending on what he wants. I tried to make case for each options but could not understand how to do it.
    How to make Submit, Exit, preview order buttons?
    Thank You
    WEB_TEST.vi ‏13 KB

    Hello Hnagpal,
    I just wanted to clarify the question first. Are you basically wanting to create a LabVIEW VI that you can upload to a Microsoft SharePoint site, and then have users who go to the SharePoint site run this VI directly from the site, and essentially see the front panel on SharePoint site? If this is the case, I don't believe this currently supported in LabVIEW. There may be a way to do it by creating a web service with your VI first, and then using this web service file in conjunction with sharepoint, but that may be tricky to get working.
    As for making case structures, the case structure you have in your VI will only run once (you need to put it in a while loop if you want the functionality of having it update when the user changes their selection). The case structure will choose the case that is selected when the user first runs the VI. You also need to put the code you want to run for each case inside the respective cases of the structure (I assume this was your next step since there is currently nothing inside the case structure).
    To make various buttons, you can go to the front panel, right click and go to "modern" then "boolean" and put and "ok button" on your front panel. You can then change the name of the button to whatever you want and edit the text it displays (like Submit, Exit, or Preview). I hope this helps!
    -Nathan H
    Software Developer
    National Instruments

  • Send Notifications for Purchasing Documents Concurrent Program fails

    We have Oracle EBS 11i (11..5.10) - Oracle Financials and Order Management implemented on Single Node Windows 2003.
    Send Notifications for Purchasing Documents Concurrent Program is scheduled to run every 10 minutes and sometimes Completes with Error.
    Due to this other Concurrent Requests arr going to Pending Normal.
    During this time a pop-up window appears on the server's console with message like 'FNDLIBR.exe has encountered errors......' with OK button. Once I click the OK button other Concurrent Request are able to Run and completes.
    Usually the Send Notifications for Purchasing Documents Concurrent Program completes normally in 1 min or less. The ones that Completes with Error have run for more than 2-3 hours.
    Please let me know how to troubleshoot this issue. Windows Event Viewer also shows this error " Faulting application FNDLIBR.exe, version, faulting module SQLLIB80.DLL, version, fault address 0x00009e1f."

    This note advices to apply patch 5567785 (one-off patch).yes it is, i suggest check first you have this patch on your system or not. If it doesnt than i suggest take backup for if something goes wrong after patch. Than apply patch to your test instance
    Hope it helps

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