IBooks that you can add to after it's published?

I am interested in making an iBook for a class that I teach. I would like students to be able to add text and maybe even documents to it to customize it, sort of in a portfolio way. Is this possible with iBooks author? I'm looking for something more involved than a notes section.

>I'm looking for something more involved than a notes section.
In that case, you're looking to make an app (aka 'teaching lab'; as I suspect other needs will surface once you get going) instead, not a book.
**Typical non-trivial effort applies should you elect to take that path, however.**
You may want to check the App Store to see if there is already an app that does what you want/need/envision.
Good luck in any case.

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    Hello tcampbell1549,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information, take a look at:
    Issues installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    Have a nice day,

  • How do you add non-Garage band instruments into a Logic project so that you can hear them on playback?

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    Anyway, the overall, larger issue for me is the inability I have to choose and get non-Garageband instruments (largely orchestral) to play the Midi events given on various tracks. If my guess is correct then technically, orchestral instruments not offered in the standard Logic Pro 8 Garageband Mixer channel menu are referred to as external Midi sampled instruments - still, IMHO the process is not clearly spelled out in the User Manual.  The simple step by step process whereby a non-Garage band instrument, say an orchestral instrument, is placed in a channel replete with Midi event (notes) waiting to be played should be easy, logical and given in a simple to follow format, but is not.
    What with all the talk of routes, busses, auxillary channels, GM devices, GM mixers, audio bins, libraries and audio files this Logic Pro User is confused to the max.  Can someone please help me and, in simple English, describe the step by step process whereby presumably external sampled orchestral instruments can be successfully employed, in any given Logic Pro arrangement project, to render their characteristic sounds upon playback?
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    DavidBacon wrote:
    Anyway, the overall, larger issue for me is the inability I have to choose and get non-Garageband instruments (largely orchestral) to play the Midi events given on various tracks. If my guess is correct then technically, orchestral instruments not offered in the standard Logic Pro 8 Garageband Mixer channel menu are referred to as external Midi sampled instruments - still, IMHO the process is not clearly spelled out in the User Manual.  The simple step by step process whereby a non-Garage band instrument, say an orchestral instrument, is placed in a channel replete with Midi event (notes) waiting to be played should be easy, logical and given in a simple to follow format, but is not.
    What with all the talk of routes, busses, auxillary channels, GM devices, GM mixers, audio bins, libraries and audio files this Logic Pro User is confused to the max.
    David,  you understand that this is professional software and is not necessarily meant to be easy but is in fact designed to give the professional user as many choices as possible, that's why it's in the Pro Apps section. You WILL need to learn about buses, GM Devices, Audio Bins, Libraries...etc..etc if you intend to use Logic.
    That said, you are looking in the wrong place in the channel strip.
      May I offer you advice?
    Go here:
    Open "Exploring Logic Pro"  (a short PDF Document). Pay special attention to chapter 3. Also pay special attention to the included graphics of the channel strips.
    I encourage you to read the whole document as it will clear up many things... even though it's a Logic 9 document.
    Post back

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    Junkwavepete wrote:
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    That's just ridicules if you can't...
    WAV as originally developed does not support embedded artwork. It is also very limited even for simple text based meta-data. AIFF also as originally developed (by Apple) did not support embedded artwork but Apple have added the ability to do this and this works in iTunes for Mac and Windows. Some other applications can also read such embedded artwork in AIFF files but not WMP.
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    It is possible to use Apple Lossless files in WMP and Windows Media Center, but not alas to read the embedded artwork in WMP. I use embedded artwork in Apple Lossless for iTunes and iPod and iPhone, and then use a folder.jpg for WMP.
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    Macbook Air memory is soldered to the logicboard.
    You can only get 4GB or 8GB (2012 Models) in the Air when you order it that way.  Otherwise, you're stuck with 2GB.
    Unless you're talking about hard drive space - then it is upgradeable - click HERE to see which one corresponds to your model.

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    "This installation package could not be opened.  Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer Package."
    I have Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Hi gump68,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    You may find the steps in this article helpful if iTunes is not installing on your PC:
    Issues installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    All the best,

  • The installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access

    Do you get the "The installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the vendor to verify that this a valid windows installer package" error?
    download and install "right click take ownership"
    http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/add-take-ownership-to-explorer-right-click-me nu-in-vista/
    locate the adobe folder inside the programdata folder, mine was located at "C:\programdata\Adobe"
    right click the adobe folder,  and take ownership of the folder.
    Don't know if this will fix other peoples problems, but it fixed mine.

    Try the following:
    Uninstall iTunes and Quicktime
    in the task tray right click the quicktime icon and click exit.
    navigate to the folder in program files and remove the quicktime directory and all its files.
    Now try install iTunes and quicktime and it should work
    Hope this helps. Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • How do I delete music and photos from my iCloud account? I've read below that you can't. Really? Is that correct?

    How do I delete music and photos from my iCloud account? I've read that you can't. Really? Is that true?

    You can delete photo stream photos from iCloud by just deleting them on your iPod.  My photo stream photos are automatically deleted from iCloud after 30 days anyway.  Just so you are aware, deleting photo stream photos doesn't free up any space in your account as they don't use your personal iCloud account storage.
    You can't delete music from iCloud because the music isn't stored in your account; it's stored in the iTunes store.  What you are seeing are links to your previously purchased music in the iTuens store, allowing you to redownload them if you want to.  You can't remove anything from your list of previous purchases.  If you don't want to see these "iTunes in the Cloud" purchases in your song list, go to Settings>iTunes & App Store and turn off Music under Show All.  LIke photo stream photos, this music doesn't use any of your personal iCloud account storage.

  • I am working in photshop elements 13 organizer, album view, and would like to resequence (rearrange) the photos shown in the album but am unable to do so.  My understanding is that you can click on the phots that you want to move and drag it to a new loca

    I am working in photshop elements 13 organizer, album view, and would like to resequence (rearrange) the photos shown in the album but am unable to do so.  My understanding is that you can click on the phots that you want to move and drag it to a new location within the same album.  After i select the photo that I want to move and click on the photo, I get a cirlcle with a diagonal throught it and am unable to drag the photo to its new location.  What am I doing wrong?  I know this should be a simple thing to do.  Thanks

    Jimmy RG
    In the Elements Organizer 13
    The key to all this is to click on/select/highlight the Album that you have created in Local Albums.
    Then make sure that the Sort By: (in the row below the highlighted "Media" header is set for Album Order.
    You should see a number at the top left of each of thumbnails.
    Then, click on the thumbnail that you want to move, hold down the click, and drag the thumbnail to the wanted new location
    in the line up of thumbnails.
    Often I had to press down hard on the drag.
    Please let us know if that worked for you.
    Also, in Edit Menu/Preferences/Keyword Tags and Albums/Enable Manual Sorting Options, I set all for manual.

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    I do not know the answer but if you look through the Add-ons under [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/?q=translation translate] you may find something suitable. There is of course also the well known Google translate [http://translate.google.com/#es|en|choose%20the%20language%20combinations%2C%20and%20can%20handle%20single%20words%0Awith%20some%20odd%20results service]

  • HELP!  I tunes wouldn't update so I tried to delete and reinstall.  I keep getting a message stating the installation source for this product is not available.  Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.  please help!!

    Help!  Itunes wouldn't update so I tried to delet and reinstall.  I keep getting a message: The instillation source for this product is not available.  Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.  I also get this message:  The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable.  Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'iTunes64.msi' in the box below.  Help I have no idea what that means or how to fix it. 

    (1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page). Here's a screenshot showing the particular links on the page that you should be clicking:
    After clicking one of the circled links, you should be taken to another page, and after a few seconds you should see a download dialog appear for the msicuu2.exe file. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like for me in Firefox:
    Choose to Save the file. If the dialog box does not appear for you, click the link on the page that says "CLICK HERE IF IT DOES NOT". Here's a screenshot of the page with the relevant link circled:
    When the dialog appears, choose to save the file.
    (2) Go to the Downloads area for your Web browser. Doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (If you're on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system and you get a Code 800A0046 error message when doubleclicking the msicuu2.exe file, try instead right-clicking on the msicuu2.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator".)
    (3) In your Start menu click All Programs and then click Windows Install Clean Up. The Windows Installer CleanUp utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
    (4) In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any iTunes entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    (5) Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

  • I have a early 2008 Macbook Pro, need to up grade the hard drive so that I can add a windows environment what is the largest drive that I can put in this computer? Is the storage size the constraint or the physical size of the drive? Or a combination?

    I have a early 2008 Macbook Pro, need to up grade the hard drive so that I can add a windows environment what is the largest drive that I can put in this computer? Is the storage size the constraint or the physical size of the drive? Or a combination?

    The largest capacity HDD that you can install is the HGST 1.5 TB HDD:
    Any 2.5" 9.5mm thick SATA HDD will fit and operate in your MBP, regardless of capacity.
    Message was edited by: OGELTHORPE

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