ICal constantly changes my Calendar order...Why?

I use my ical extensively to keep track of my daily/weekly "To Do's" which I keep in a specific order so I can prioritise them based on my criteria other than just due date. To achieve this I have ALWAYS been able to keep my custom calendars in a specific order. As an example I have a calendar called Quotes (which should always get done first) I add a "To Do" to this calendar and then once the quote is done it gets moved to another calendar (Jobs).
For some reason iCal keeps changing the order of MY calendars to what it seems to want. So all my "To Do's end up in a different order. How can I change this VERY annoying problem where I constantly have to manually change the order of my calendars again and again.
Anyone have the same issues?

I see this is an old question with no answer. I can't find any answers for this anywhere on the internet. Anyone with any ideas?
My "all day events" are in order until I go to print. It then reorders them with no apparent rhyme or reason. The printed calander doesn't look good either with the different calendar colors all mixed up. The only way I have found to keep the order is to make them timed events which they are not. ( I get questions like : "why does it say seven o'clock at my name?" )

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    1. Deleting the file com.apple.ical.plist from the library/preferences. This did not seem to change anything, although it's not clear to me whether I should delete the file before or after making changes.
    2. Turning off iCloud on all my other devices, then making the changes on my mac iCal. This also did not help.
    3. Changing the order of the calendars on iCloud.com. The problem is that subscribed calendars do not appear on iCloud.com and therefore cannot be moved.
    4. Angrily trying to change the order of the calendars for twenty minutes, hoping it would magically "take." Alas, it did not.
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    I see this is an old question with no answer. I can't find any answers for this anywhere on the internet. Anyone with any ideas?
    My "all day events" are in order until I go to print. It then reorders them with no apparent rhyme or reason. The printed calander doesn't look good either with the different calendar colors all mixed up. The only way I have found to keep the order is to make them timed events which they are not. ( I get questions like : "why does it say seven o'clock at my name?" )

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    Ok, here's what seems to have worked....but will need to monitor to see if this stays "stable".
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    Quit iCal, and try removing the com.apple.iCal.plist file from your Macintosh HD/Users/yourusername/Library/Preferences Folder. Since that Library is now hidden, you have to use the Finder>Go Menu>Depress the "Option" key>Library. Drag the .plist file to your desktop, and log out/in or restart and check iCal for functionality.
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    You may have to do this a few times http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1808

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    Welcome to the discussions, spet.
    Right click (Control-click) the calendar you want to change in the left pane and select Get Info. There is a colour selection button to the right of the calendar name..

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    Oh yes, and I forgot. Click the rectangle button on top left (Caldendar) in iCal. Make sure that iCloud calendar is listed and that when you are adding an event, you are actually adding it to the selected iCloud calendar, and not some silly Work or Home calendar under On My iPad.

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    Published calendars are not editable, but here are some other hints to get you started with sharing, editing, and password protection.
    1. Publishing a password-protected iCal calendar to iDisk
    2. macosxhints.com - Publish non-MobileMe-account protected iCal calendars
    3. macosxhints.com - Publish iCal calendars without .Mac
    4. BusySync - Sync iCal and Google Calendar - from BusyMac

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    Kind of got a fix for this or at least it seems to have worked for me. *Knock on Wood*. It will take some time and patience.
    I right clicked on my "Work" calendar and exported it to the desktop. Then imported it as a new calendar under a different name "0 - Work". (It may import it as "Work 2")
    Now you have your original "Work" calendar, in the annoying pink colour, and a new "0 - Work" calendar.
    Change the colour of this new calendar to whatever you like. Delete the original "Work" calendar and then wait about 10 minutes. This seems to allow the iCloud and whatever else to finish its "Updating".
    Then rename "0 - Work" to just "Work". Again wait about 10 minutes. It's best not to sit there and watch as the updating processes will sometimes change it back to pink or bring back the original "Work" calendar before finally settling on your new changes.
    In the end, or at least for me, things are back to normal. I have left it open for about a half hour, turned it on and off and no pink has reemerged.
    Good luck!

  • How do i prevent iCal from rearranging my calendars?

    I use iCal to manage a lot of calendars (near 20), I'd like to keep the related ones close together.  Unfortnately apple did away with the calendar groups, so that's just left me with one long list.  The pain isn't from the long list, but rather that Apple's servers dictate the order that my iCloud calendars appear.  For example, lets say i have 2 groups of calendars A & B and each group has three calendars, so my total list of calendars would be A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, & B3.  Keeping the example simple, I would like my calendars to show up in that same order on the list A1-3, B1-3.  But instead, iCal randomizes the order to B3, A1, A3, B1, A2, B2.  And it will change the next time or two that I open iCal and the oder will be B2, A2, A3, B3, A1, B3, for NO explicable reason.  Some of the calendars are mine that I share, some are calendars that are shared with me and some are subscriptions to various calendar feeds.  None of that should matter and I should have control over my own information.
    1) is this a problem for anyone else?
    2) any ideas on a fix?
    3) if an apple supervisor is reading this, please pass the information along.
    thank you

    Nope. My calendar order is still a relative crap-shoot everytime I open iCal.  Most calendars stay in the same general area of the list, but I still have NO control over their order.  Each time I try to rearrange them, they stay put for about 5 seconds then snap back to an arbitrary order set by the iCal/CalDAV gods in the internet nether region(s).

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    I am not an expert on networking, so I don't understand why the IP address constantly changes.  My question is how to avoid this annoyance? Do I need to choose a different setup option?  The computers on the home network do not all use the same operating system so I was trying to avoid the potential headache of trying to share the printer on the network.  

    You can find the steps how to assign a  manual ip address in the link:
    If this answer was helpful or clarified the issue click the star to offer me a kudo as thanks.
    If my answer solved the problem please mark the topic as the accepted solution
    Although I am an HP Employee, ALL of my posts express MY opinion, and not of HP, whatsoever.

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