ICal on XP?

Hi. I'm new to Mac (loving my new MacBook) and am finding iCal synced with Google calendar great.
At work i'm unfortunately stuck with using Windows XP and wondered whether there is an iCal download available for use on XP that will also sync with Google Calandar so that all three are always up to date? Google hasn't found any official apple downloads for xp and am a little wary about using third party ones and giving them my google password!

according to Mozilla's Sunbird (the best calendar software for windows), 'Please note that iCal is currently not capable of cooperatively editing a calendar file on a webDAV or ftp server. iCal will overwrite any changes made from a different application (like Sunbird or Lightning) on such a file.'

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    Message was edited by: Jim Putnam

    I can't believe this, I finally get round to organizing myself and ical doesn't do a year view.
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    If you activate iCal's Debug menu, you should find it has a 'New Calendar Window' option (Cmd-L). It is a bit of a knack to cutting and pasting correctly between windows.
    Best wishes
    John M

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    If it says '0 minutes before the start time' there, then all alerts that I manually put on events should have this value put to zero by default! 

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    Thank you

    There is no event list option on iCal like the one on the iPhone.
    That number means that you have an event invitation. Use iCal>View>Show Notifications to choose what to do with the notification.

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    There is no event list option on iCal like the one on the iPhone.
    That number means that you have an event invitation. Use iCal>View>Show Notifications to choose what to do with the notification.

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    There is no event list option on iCal like the one on the iPhone.
    That number means that you have an event invitation. Use iCal>View>Show Notifications to choose what to do with the notification.

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    See this previous discussion:
    FIX for iPod Touch Home Button: Apple Support Communities

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    Greetings Judith,
    Before making any attempts at deleting calendar data, backup what you have just in case:
    Click on each calendar on the left hand side of iCal one at a time highlighting it's name and then going to File Export > Export and saving the resulting calendar file to a logical location for safekeeping.
    iCal has an automated function located in iCal > Preferences > Advanced > Delete events "X" days after they have passed.  By typing in a value for days you can tell iCal to delete all events before that time frame.
    Today is 4-16-2012.
    If I wanted to delete all events prior to 1 year ago (4-16-2011) I would type in "365" for the number of days.
    Once you type in the number of days you want kept in iCal, close the preferences and then quit iCal.
    Re-open iCal and check to see if the events are gone.  If not you may want to leave it open for several minutes and then quit again.
    Once the events are removed go back to  iCal > Preferences > Advanced > Delete events "X" days after they have passed and make sure the check mark is removed to prevent future deletion.
    Hope that helps.

  • Weekly view in iCal.

    In iCal you can se what month and what date it is but not what week. You can look in weekly view but it dosen't say the number of the week.
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    To put it simply just ad the week numbers to each week in iCal.
    This problem also regards to iPhone.

    Good find Kristian!
    Perhaps this is a more region specific usage?
    I was born and raised in the U.S. and neither at University nor in business have I ever had someone use a week number / day number within the calendar year as a point of reference. This could also be the fields in which I've worked (HealthCare (US Calendar), Accounting (Fiscal Calendar), IT (Corporate Fiscal Calendar)). Perhaps in other countries or professions this is more common? Or maybe it's just me
    If this is a feature that you would like to see added to iCal consider submitting feedback: http://www.apple.com/feedback/ical.html

  • Weird View in iCal

    In iCal, I have it set up in my preferences to display 7 days a week and to scroll in weeks. But It shows 6 days a week and changes views every time I select a different day of the same week. It's not affecting any of my data, but it's strange and it's making it difficult for me to set up my alendar the way I;m used to it.
    It all started when I first installed Snow Leopard. At first when I would change the preferences around, things would change to the way I like the temporarily, and then if I moved two weeks forward, iCal would freeze and shut down. But know it's consistently in the wrong view.
    Any ideas on what might fix this?

    I have an odd one too. Yesterday I allowed an automatic update to OS 10.5.8 (Leopard) and thereafter iCal is acting strange. I open iCal in month view and all looks normal. I click a month ahead and that all looks normal....Thanksgiving is the third Thursday in November, etc. I then click the left (previous) arrow and nothing appears to happen. Still November. If I click "previous again it goes to September but Thankgiving is still showing. The oddest part is that it looks like two or more months are showing at once. I can sort of see through some of the appointments from November to a little more bold appointments that I had in September. Very strange.
    Any ideas?

  • Semester view in iCal

    Hello everyone,
    As a new mac user, I'm impressed by how seamlessly everything works on a mac! I've setup iCal and a .mac account and am sharing a calendar with colleagues, but I'd like to know if it's possible to have a semester or annual view in iCal (via a config or plugin or applescript)?
    All the best,
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    You can display several months on the left section using the mini-months feature. The number of months is limited by your screen resolution & how much space you allocate to the calendars. Since semesters are intrinsically specific to your school & not universals like months, there isn't a semester-specific view.
    However, the mini-month function won't display any scheduled events like you can in the primary view's day, week & month views. If you think a multi-month view in the primary view would be better, send in feedback to Apple requesting it.

  • How can I print just the year view in iCal?

    Just trying to print the year view.

    If you choose the "list" option in View on the print dialog box and uncheck everything at the bottom except "To do items" you may be able to get what you're looking for.  It appears that the list includes all todos including those without due dates, so you might have to do something to assign due dates to all your todos and in iCal preferences restrict the visibility of todos outside of a certain date range.  Unfortunately, you can't save any of this work into a standard report (at least not that I know of) - the print dialog in iCal starts from scratch every time you invoke it.  Hope that helps at least some.

  • How to print monthly view in ical

    I have the most current version of ical.  It wont let us print a monthly view.  It only lets us select fro day or list.  I am sure i am doing someething wrong, but I dont know what.  Running MAC OS X 10.5.8. 
    Ical version 3.0.8. 

    The text size selection should be available in the first page of the iCal print options:

  • I create a birthday calendar in iCal and then click on it in iphoto at the begining of the calendar project each year.  Some how the birthday did not populate the photo calendar.  Is there a way to add the birthday iCal calendar into the calendar project?

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    If you first select the calendar on the left, so that its background is highlighted blue/grey, when you make a new events they should be added to that calendar.
    Best wishes
    John M

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