ICalendar dates are incorrect

My iCalendar month shows June 2011 yet the dates are not correct for this year. It is like this for every month. For example, it thinks June 18 2011 is a Monday. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

Is the calendar synchronised with anything?
What settings have you for Region and Dates in System Preferences/Language & Text/Formats?
What Time Zone settings have you in System Preferences/Date & Time and in iCal?
(I've no idea what the problem is so just poking around to see what happens)

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    Hello and Welcome to Apple Discussions. 
    I can't really explain why it went to 1903. However iPhoto has a date/time changing function. If you select all the photos in an album then change the date/time of one of them to be correct it will change all the others relative to that one photo.

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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
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    Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Try the action that you're having trouble with again. Post any messages that appear in the Console window – the text, please, not a screenshot.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into a message.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Edit it out by search-and-replace in a text editor before posting.

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    preparing to sync (step 3 of 7)
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    MacBook Air
    OSX v. 10.9
    iPhoto ’11 v. 9.5 (902.7)
    iPhone iOS 7.0.4
    iTunes v. 11.1.3 (8)
    Summary Tab
    Backups (This Computer)
    Automatically sync when this iPhone is connected
    Sync only checked songs and videos
    Photos Tab
    Sync Photos from iPhoto (429 Photos)
    Selected albums, Events, and Faces, and automatically include (no Events)
    Albums – 9 are selected

    You need to download iTunes on your computer. iOS 6 requires the latest version of iTunes which is 10.7.

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    well that is very confusing since if the date is correct on the camera it will be correct in iPhoto
    and as to
    As far as I know there is no way to change dates of the photos.
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    It was suggested I move this question to IPhoto or IMovie which I did. 
    Well moving to a different discussion group did not provide an answer to this question either. But what I finally did was import one batch of photos and videos into IPhoto for a given day at a time. Working with these I could change the date and times in order to get them in the original sequench taken. Then I would create an album with that batch. These would all be on the same day (IMove was closed for this phase). Then I would open IMovie, generate the thumbnails for that album, and select the album I had created. This was necessary because the importing process in IPhoto was using incorrect dates for my video so it was a real struggle finding them in IMove until I developed this approach.
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    To transfer one asset to another asset within a company code can be done through ABUMN only.
    While doing this transfer you have enter the document date, posting date, and value date for the transaction, but all these dates should be in same fiscal year only.
    In your case you must have been entered the dates for asset value date and posting date , and these two dates are in diff financial years.
    Please make sure that both the dates are in same FY.
    Hope this will fix your issue.

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    That seems odd, you may want to do a search for SAP Notes to fix that.  I just don't know what version of SAP you are on and what support pack level.  I do see some new notes posted related to changing payment terms in FB60.  1446873, 1400616, 1415712, 1357589, 1314271.  Try typing in SAP's search "fb60 payment term" to see if there is a note to apply for your situation.
    Good luck,

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    Revision: 4793
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2009-02-02 11:20:06 -0800 (Mon, 02 Feb 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fix bug SDK-17734 Path with width and height set different than path data has incorrect bounds
    Fix: When calculating the bounds position we should take into account the implicit scaling factor actualSize/naturalSize. Also did some refactoring, getting rid of the protected method calculateTopLeft.
    QE Notes: None
    Doc Notes: None
    Bugs: SDK-17734
    Reviewer: Ryan
    tests: mustella gumbo/layout/GraphicElement
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:
    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/flex4/src/mx/graphics/graphicsClasses/GraphicElement.a s

    Thank you so much for replying.
    Yes I have removed and reinstalled WMP.
    I had good results with the PD6 application installed on the default path onto the C: drive with the one exception that if the application was launched by accident and the user data path was not available, the PD6 application would blow away my custom user path registry settings. Now that I know what they are I have made a .reg file to repair my registry to my desired user data paths.
    Installing the application on the removable drive appeared to help prevent me from launching the application by accident and overwriting my registry with default user paths.
    So which is the less of the two evils?
    If the application directory is not available, windows media player still tries to launch the .msi for installing PD6.
    If I install the application to the C: drive but the user data to the removable drive, launching the PD6 application without the user data drive will still corrupt my registry settings for a user data path.
    Both these issues seem like a logical (if not easy) fix that should be done in the PD6 application and installation package. I mean really, cannot anyone tell me why windows media player is checking the PD6 application directory? Why in PD4 did we have an option control for setting the user data path from the PD4 application? Why is this option not in the PD6 application, just the installer?
    I am given a choice during installation to move the user data to another non default location. Why else would this be provided if not to accommodate my kind of request to store the user data into an alternate location other than “My Document”. Certainly Palm is not trying to force the users on how to protect and store their personal data?
    Post relates to: Centro (Verizon)

  • "Latest Backup" time/date is incorrect for OS X Server Time Machine backups

    I administer a OS X Server that provides Time Machine backups for clients across our small business network. I'm running Server on a Mac Mini (2.3 GHz i7 with 8GB RAM), and after going from Mavericks to Yosemite (and from Server 3 to Server 4) the other day, the TM backups are still running hourly, but the "Latest Backup" times are incorrect.  Has anyone noticed this behavior?  In case it matters, none of the clients currently being backed up are Yosemite clients.  I mentioned this because for our older clients (10.6), the "Latest Backup" times/dates were always listed as "Unknown" in Server 3, and continue to be in Server 4.  Thanks!

    I also had to restart the server and client after applying the "fix" I described above. Basically, no user should have multiple, simultaneous file sharing sessions on the server. But even clearing the user sessions does not resolve the problem beyond the next Time Machine backup, so I also tried disabling and enabling file sharing, but the problem also returns after doing this. Only restarting both the client and server after clearing the sessions has worked for me when I have this problem. The problem may return much later, but this work aroudn definitely works as a temporary solution.
    Next time I encounter this problem I will try restarting just the server or just the client, because it is unlikely that the problem exists due to something on both systems. Server 3.x is definitely not as stable as it should be, but for my use, it is getting the job done.

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