Icloud and calendars

I recently purchased an iphone 5 and removed my old iphone from the cloud.  cannot find my previous calendars. can i retrieve that?

Welcome to the Apple Community.
If they haven't repopulated your new phone when you logged into iCloud, then your calendars may have been on a non iCloud account. Do you still have your old phone.

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    One of my calendars (one of several) has vanished. It is not simply unchecked, but is totally gone. I have a MacBook Pro, iPad mini, iPhone 5c - this calendar is gone from all devices. I do have and use iCloud and calendars is turned on. I have turned off calendars and back on as well as turned off iCloud and then the device itself. Nothing has worked and this has all my own personal appointments on it. Any ideas of how to restore this one calendar and make it available in my list of the other calendars again?

    This is designed to be a user discussion area. To provide feedback directly to Apple you can go to http://www.apple.com/feedback/
    There are a few applications out now that may be able to help you out. 1Password and LastPass are both password vault or lockers. They allow you to save passwords for applications and websites. That way you have a single password you use to keep the vault/locker secure and then all of your other passwords are stored for you so you don't have to write them down or try to remember them all.

  • ICloud and Calendar issue

    I recently turned on my iCloud and now my calendar no longer contains events past the last month. How can I view those events again?

    Go into Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars and scroll down to Calendars. Tap Sync and select the desired sync duration.
    Be aware that syncing a large number of events may cause performance issues.

  • HT4918 Multiple Computers to iCloud and Calendar

    if i moved to icloud and all my devices are updated on OS do i need to do anything special to each computer i use to be able to access my calendars correctly

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Just log into your iCloud account and enable calendar syncing on each.

  • ICloud and Calendar transfer.

    I can send calendars between iPad and iTouch via iCloud, but they do not appear on my iMac iCal iCloud calendar.  Also iCal information I generate on iMac iCal does not go to either my iPad or iTouch. Any ideas?

    I've got the same problem. I transferred from MobileMe to iCloud. The Calendars on MobileMe hadn't been working properly anyway because I'd forgotten to do an upgrade by a time required by Apple a few months ago. However, I thought that would all be wiped clean when I went to iCloud.
    Now, I only have the faulty 2-3 MobileMe calendars showing on iCloud, and none of the 9 active calendars in my Macbook Pro's iCal show up on the iCloud calendar! I have ticked the preferences for iCal to be synced to iCloud, and I can't see how to make my calendars all show up there.
    If anyone has a solution, I'll be very grateful!

  • ICloud and Calendar Invites

    Dear all,
    I have an ipad2 which is setup with icloud and a few other email accounts (exchange / POP).  When I try and send out a diary appointment to one of my contacts, this never arrives to the intended recepient.  Yet if they send one to my exchange account then I get an invitation.
    Ive noticed a few posts on this, but has anyone managed to get this working at all?

    Further to this I have now found that I cannot log in to apple id site with my @me appleid. Saying unknown error, cant be a coincidence.

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    Go to iCloud.com, login and see how many calendars exist there, delete the ones you don't want.

  • ICloud and calendar

    Backed up my iPad to the cloud. Now all my events older than 30 days are all gone. How do I get them back?

    Didn't work. I'm wondering if it might have happened when I did the os upgrade. Can't say for sure as I haven't needed the old calendar stuff for a while. I guess it is gone for good.

  • Upgraded to Mavericks - and iCloud.   Calendar will not stop 'updating' - and has not synced all entries across all devices/calendars.

    Hello Apple Support Community;
    I am looking for some help on several matters related to my upgrade to OS X Mavericks this week.   THIS issue is one related to CALENDAR.
    I believe that I have done everything (as instructed) to install, activate, and sync contacts and calendars via iCloud - immediately following my upgrade to Mavericks earlier this week.   When I opened CALENDAR for the first time - from the Dock on my computer (not the iCloud calendar) - after upgrading to Mavericks and setting up iCloud - CALENDAR provided a pop-up notification stating "Moving calendars to server account..." with a moving "candy cane" progress bar.  
    This has been "updating" for about 12 hours, now.   And while open and "updating" - it will not allow ANY other commands, scrolling, or menu options.   Additionally, I am unable to close this calendar of the Mac, unless I 'Force Quit'.   I have, in fact, executed Force Quit, and restarted the Mac.   No change... it still "updates".  
    When I open the iCloud calendar - it opens and works (mostly).   There are events on my iPhone 5 that are not on the iCloud calendar.   And there are events on the iCloud calendar that are not on my iPhone.   I have created new calendar events on each calendar account (iCloud on my Mac and iPhone 5) - and they seem to automatically update each device.   There does not seem to be any obviously rationale for the inconsistency of the calendar (iCloud and iPhone).
    Can you offer ideas for possible solutions to:
    1)  the "permanently updating" calendar from the Dock on my Mac?
    2)  ensure that all events are properly synced across all calendar accounts (and devices)?

    Hello Phil... I got nothing from the Apple Communities.   May have been very hard to diagnose via my description - or hard to resolve given many possible solutions.  
    The perpetually updating scroll-bar-of-death continued for about a week.
    I DID (finally) get resolution from the Genius Bar in my local Apple Store.   They deleted all prior "local" calendar back-ups and content - as I had my Calendar up on iCloud - which essentially "reset" the calendar function... and then reloaded the calendar, and then pulled in my calendar data from iCloud.  
    They twisted and tweaked a few more things that I was not able to follow (sorry I cannot offer more assistance on these other things).
    They also reloaded Mavericks.  
    Everything seems to be working well now.
    Apple Community... any more guidance for Phil - and others???
    Good luck, Phil.

  • I've just bought an iPhone 5S in the UK, seems like a big mistake. I have turned off sync to icloud from the phone for both my contacts and calendar, as told on itunes. However, iTunes still says they are synced from iCloud and wont sync to PC, Fix ?

    I've just bought an iPhone 5S in the UK, seems like a big mistake, but luckily by law we can return goods, which is exactly what is going to happen if I cant get this to work. This is my business phone, not having it functional can cost me money.
    I have turned off sync to icloud from the phone for both my contacts and calendar, as told on itunes. However, iTunes still says they are synced from iCloud and wont sync to my PC, why and how do I fix it so that it doesnt go to iCloud for anything ?
    The phone currently has no contacts or calendar information installed.
    PC is HP Probook 4730s running Windows 7, Professional, version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601.

    I'm happy you figured it out and just try to keep in mind that not everyone you talk to at support will give the same advice or have the same knowledge. Just like those who contribute to these forums. Sometimes Google is your best friend.
    I agree that Apple could probably make it easier, but as of yet prefer security over freedom. (sound famaliar?)
    Anyway, if you choose to do so, you can leave feedback here:
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  • I had a MobileMe account before... after upgrading to iOS 5, should I keep my account info under iCloud (settings) AND under mail, contacts and calendars (in Settings as well) or only keep the info under the new iCloud setting section?

    I had a MobileMe account before... after upgrading to iOS 5, should I keep my account info under iCloud (settings) AND under mail, contacts and calendars (in Settings as well) or only keep the info under the new iCloud setting section?

    That's not the correct port. It should be 993 for incoming.
    If you signed into iCloud from the System Preferences, it should automatically create the iCloud account for you in Mail. Sounds like it is an account you already had set up for MMe in Mail.
    Open Mail preferences, open the Accounts tab, disable that account in the advanced pane.
    Open Sys Prefs, open the iCloud tab, and sign out of iCloud. Then sign back in and see if a new iCloud account is automatically created.

  • How do we sync contacts and calendars (ONLY) between two iCloud accounts, two iPhones and one iMac with two user accounts?

    This is complex.  Until today we had one iMac with two user accounts - one for me and the other for my wife.  We sync'd our calendars and contacts between our two user accounts using my iCloud account, thereby keeping our schedules coordinated and our contacts information always the same between us.  Also, as I had an iPhone, I sync'd my phone with my iCloud account, thereby keeping the contacts and calendars in the two user accounts on the iMac AND my iPhone sync'd.  (I also sync'd other things, like Notes and Mail and Safari settings, between my iPhone and my user account on the iMac, but my wife did not want to be burdened with all my emails showing up in her email account and I wasn't interested in hers, etc., so we didn't sync anything between us other than calendars and contacts.)
    We've finally bought my wife an iPhone and set up an iCloud account for her.  And of course she now wants to sync several items from HER account on our iMac to HER iPhone, but I don't want them, just as she doesn't want all of my other stuff.  But we still want our mutual calendars and contacts to sync to HER new iPhone, just like they already do to mine.  But I can't figure out how to CHANGE her iMac user account from using MY iCloud account on the iMac to using HER new iCloud account, and then having HER iCloud account speak to MY iCloud account but share JUST our calendars and contacts.
    Originally I tried a workaround by simply having her iPhone log into my iCloud account.  That works great for the calendars and the contacts.  But...she can't sync anything else from her iMac account to her new iPhone because she's presently "forced" to use my iCloud account.  And neither of us want to sync our other things to each other's iMac accounts or iPhones.  Also as we're both using my iCloud account, in things like the Find My iPhone app, the Cloud is seeking two phones labeled with my name and none with her's.  So we definitely don't want this as the set-up and communications network between our devices.
    We want to set up our users on the iMac to sync to our SEPARATE AND DIFFERENT iCloud accounts and then have those iCloud accounts sync calendars and contacts (ONLY) between themselves, and then push that data to our separate iPhones (or the other way, from either of our iPhones to the individual accounts on our iMac and the other person's iPhone).  Does this description make sense to you?  I've diagramed it nicely using Keynote, but even thiough I can draw it, I can't figure out how to set up and configure all the devices to make it work.  If you would like me to send the Keynote slides (just two of them - the current and desired configurations - please send your email address to me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to forward it to you.
    If anyone can help me set this up I'd be most appreciative!  Thanks so much.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all readers in this community!

    I had the same problem, and decided to look into it last night.
    First of all, the solution I would like to have is for Apple to allow for selection of iCloud accounts per application, i.e. Contacts to one, Photo Stream to another. I believe this would be the most straight forward solution for the problem we are facing. 
    Since this is not an option I came up with a workaround. I was most interested in solving this for Contacts, so this is what I tested for. Now I have all 3 devices with the same contacts.
    1) Turn off iCloud for Contacts on all devices. On the device that has the Contacts list that you would like to propagate to all others select to keep the contacts, and on the others select not to keep them.
       Note that the current backups still exist on iCloud, so in case something goes wrong you can still turn the iCloud for Contacts back on to get your current Contacts back.
    2) In iTunes, sync All Contacts with the phones, starting with the one with the Contacts content you chose to keep.
    From this point on, the 3 devices should sync contacts with each other.
    This, of course, will stop your iCloud backups of Contacts, but I don't think this is really needed. You are already storing copies of your Conacts on 3 devices, which for good parts of the day are likely not all co-located. You also potentially have Time Machine backups turned on, which would mean there is a 4th copy there as well. For the case of Contacts iCloud only complicates matter ... that is until Apple implements the solution I first wrote about.

  • I recently updated to IOS6 and I cannot sync my calendar to icloud and all my notes are not appearing in cloud.  If I have a new calendar entry, it is on my phone, but not on icloud.   Need help making sure I don't lose any informaiton.

    I recenly updated to IOS6.  I have a couple issues after the process.
    1- I lost all my calendar entries after the date I upgraded to IOS6 (all before the date were there).  I created an icloud account to assure that I would not lose any going forward.  Now when I enter a calendar entry, it does not appear on my icloud account.  I can enter it in icloud and it will appear on my phone, but not the reverse. 
    2 - None of my notes transferred into icloud.  I tried to manually enter one on icloud, again so I wouldn't lose this information going forward, and it appears on my iphone twice.  I cannot figure out how to get the notes currently on my iphone into my icloud account.

    you need to do a backup of the old phone and then on your new phone restore from that backup
    look at the link for more detailed instructions  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1414

  • HT4915 How do you stop syncing address and calendar to iCloud? I only want to sync  from my computer to iPhone.

    How do you stop syncing address and calendar to iCloud? I only want to sync  from my computer to iPhone.  This is because I cannont upgrade to Lion and I do not want to get duplicate contacts when I sync from the computer 10.6.8 to my iPhone iOS5.  You should not upgrade to Lion upless you have 4GB of ram. Lion does not support rosita so all your old programs will not funtion and you have to repurchase all old software the is working fine.

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Settings > iCloud, turn off contact and calendar syncing.

  • Issue with Contacts and Calendar on my wife's iCloud account

    Hi everyone,
    My wife and I have both apple IDs that we used with MobileMe. I can access mail, contacts, calendar etc on icloud.com after transfering from mobileme, but my wife only sees email. No contacts or Calendar there. She has all in her iPod Touch under her ID, and we have them all in both our Macbook Pro and iMac.
    Any idea how/why the contacts and calendar does not show up on hers? We share all data, so I have no idea why one would have them while the other doesn't. Maybe because I was the first one to sign up for mobileme? I don't know.
    I searched the forum but couldn't find anyone with the same issue... many with apple IDs, but nothing like this.
    Thanks for your help!

    Hi David,
    I am experiencing something similar... I moved mobileme to icloud, after completion I thought everything was ok, but now after one hour all my contacts have disappeard... trying to look what's going on

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