ICloud Keychain vs. 1Password

Hi all,
I've had 1Password for a while, and I really dislike it.  I find it incredibly non-intuitive and clunky.  (And the fact that it creates its own browser and that none of the passwords work directly with iOS apps is kind of a killer for me.  But I've trudged forward and tried to like it.)
Any comparisons out there between iCloud Keychain and 1Password?  I would LOVE to have this capability native to Apple computers, devices, and apps.
Any thoughts or experiences?
Thank you.

I used 1Password here and there and didn't like it, mainly because I didn't like the way it integrated with the OS.  It generally installed extensions in a way that it was difficult to remove, and I didn't like the UI.
I'm now using iCloud Keychain and it works well for me.  I think if you're on OS X and iOS, and you use Safari for your browser, then it's probably an excellent fit.  If you want to use other platforms or other browsers then you'll have areas where you can't easily sync your passwords.  That doesn't apply to me personally.

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  • Can Anyone Offer Some Tips - iCloud Keychain

    I was able to set up iCloud Keychain on my iPhone 5 and 3rd gen. iPad with no problem.  When I attempt to turn it on in the iCloud settings on my MBP, it tells me that it can't connect to iCloud and just spins and spins.
    I have autofill and everything set up in Safari settings and every time I log onto any specific site, it asks if I want to save the information.  I used a 3rd party password application and the ability to use something integrated into the OS really appeals to me so that I can keep some sort of cohesion going on.
    Can anyone suggest some troubleshooting tips that I should try in order to get iCloud Keychain to work on the Mac as well?  Would be greatly appreciated.

    I really am at  my wit's end with this.  I was able to enable iCloud Keychain on a Mini with no problem.  It asked for the password and verification code and BANG -- set up without a hitch; just like when I set it up on my iPhone and iPad.
    Every time I try to set it up on this Macbook Pro, I keep getting this communication problem, despite the fact that everything else works fine in iCloud on this machine.
    Messages and FaceTime work without a problem.  I've booted into Safe mode, reset the NVRAM, and even deleted some network plist files in Library/Preferences/SysCofig because someone suggested that the ethernet card was not being reflected properly and no matter what I do I keep geting this communication error above.  It just happened a few seconds ago as I was typing this.
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    Does anyone have any suggestions or has someone had a similar problem because I really do NOT wish to sit through downloading and reinstalling this OS again.  This is very frustrating that this one function is causing such an issue.
    (Maybe I should just stick with 1Password because I have never seen such problems with Apple as I have in the last few years where I have been forced to use 3rd party solutions because something "breaks" in the system to the point of there being NO viable solution to make things work.  In ML, Apple Mail was broken for months and I wasn't able to "fix" it until I installed Mavericks and for some reason iPhoto thinks that I'm not connected to the internet even though I am --
    these issues shouldn't be happening and shouldn't be so hard to repair when they do.)
    If anyone can save me from having to reinstall to gain access to this keychain in the cloud, it would be greatly appreciated!

  • ICloud keychain does not sync

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  • How can I use iCloud-keychain if i can not find my country in the country code list?

    How can I use iCloud-keychain if i can not find my country in the country code list?

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    If your country code does not appear in the list…
    Go to System Preferences > iCloud > Keychain and enter your Apple ID password (Settings > iCloud > Keychain, from a mobile device)
    Select the ‘Create Different Code’ option. (Mobile devices only)
    Select the advanced option and choose whether to create a random code or no code, selecting the later allows syncing across devices but not with Apple’s servers.

  • How do I access icloud keychain?

    I know the password was kept in the icloud keychain?
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    How do I do this with icloud?  I have a couple of websites where I can't authorize it anything.

    Hi Everret.
    Aside from keychain, you can access your iCloud keychain on your iOS devices.
    All you need to do is go to your Settings > Safari > Password > Autofill > Saved Passwords (you will need to enter your device passcode)
    and then you can now view all the saved password from your iOS device.
    Hope it helps

  • IOS 8 - iCloud Keychain with Multiple Login Accounts for a Site

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    Did you ever find a solution for this? I just noticed the same behavior.

  • How can I prevent Safari/iCloud Keychain from saving data in our password field?

    We have a web-based management system where administrators can set and update passwords for individual users. While I love iCloud keychain personally, the problem we are finding is that if the user, once prompted by Safari to Save the password in iCloud Keychain for Autofill, actually clicks 'Save Password', then our page wants to autofill that same password for any selected user or newly added user (and since we don't allow duplicates, constant errors result).
    So the basic question: is there a way in HTML or Javascript to set form fields - or an entire form or div - to be ignored by iCloud Keychain, even if they are username or password fields.
    We know we could just tell all our Safari users to disable in preferences with a pop-up banner, but that would be unfortunate (and IE-like)
    (If this is the wrong place to find this type of info, any clue appreciated. Naturally we've searched a bunch already)

    Can I remove my iCloud Keychain from Apple's servers?
    Yes. Follow these steps, starting on any one of your iOS devices or Macs that is using iCloud Keychain:
    Devices using iOS 7.0.3 or later:
    Go to Settings > iCloud > Account > Keychain and turn off “Approve with Security Code”.
    Go to each of your other devices that is using iCloud Keychain and turn iCloud Keychain off.
    Macs using OS X Mavericks v10.9 or later:
    Choose Apple () menu > System Preferences. Click iCloud, then click Account details.
    Deselect “Allow approving using security code”.
    Go to each of your other devices that is using iCloud Keychain and turn iCloud Keychain off.
    After you complete these steps, your keychain data will remain locally on your devices, but changes to your keychain information will not push to your other devices or the cloud unless you turn iCloud Keychain back on. If you want keychain data to push to all of your devices, but not to the cloud, turn on iCloud Keychain on each device as described earlier in this document, but skip the step to create an iCloud Security Code.
    iCloud: Frequently asked questions about iCloud Keychain

  • 2 iPhones each with there own Apple ID, can we share the same iCloud Keychain, how?

    Do we need to each use the same Apple ID in order to share the keychain? 

    Not quite.  The account you have in Settings>iCloud (and also in Settings>Mail,Contacts,Calendars) is your primary account.  You will need to share this primary account to sync the same keychain to both devices as iCloud keychain does not sync with secondary accounts.  To implement this one of you would do the following:
    Save any photo stream photos that you want to keep to your camera roll
    Go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account, choose Delete from My iPhone and provide the password when prompted.  The account and data would only be removed from the phone, not from iCloud.
    Sign back in with the other person's iCloud ID to share this as their primary account.
    Turn off any data they do not wish to have on their phone from this shared account, such as the other person's contacts.
    Add their original account back as a secondary account by going to Settings>Mail,Contacts,Calendars>Add Account>iCloud and signing in with their orignal iCloud ID.
    Turn on Contacts syncing in the secondary account to sync back their contacts to their phone.  Secondary accounts, while more limited than primary accounts, can also sync Mail, Reminders, Calendars and Notes so all of this data could be synced back from the original account and turned off in the primary account if you want to keep these separate too.
    Only the primary account will support iCloud bookmarks, photo stream, documents & data, iCloud backup and Find My iPhone and iCloud Keychain so you will be sharing all these services.  Your backups, for example, would both have to share the same 5GB of storage in the shared primary account.
    I'm not sure if you feel that all these trade-offs are worth it to share the same keychain but at the present time that's what would be required to do so.

  • How do I access my iCloud keychain on my iPhone so that I can see the passwords?

    I need to see my passwords that are stored in my iCloud keychain. How do I do that?

    At the moment, you can only do that via Safari-Preferences on a Mac.
    With kind regards

  • HT204053 How do I access my passwords from iCloud keychain

    How do I access my passwords and codes on iCloud keychain?

    Hi Iparkerjones,
    you can do that on your iOS device via "Settings > Safari > Passwords & AutoFill > Saved Passwords".
    With kind regards,

  • HT203783 Having trouble setting up the iCloud keychain access on new devices because I can't access the phone number that is associated with my account (for 2 factor verification)

    I also don't know the answers to my security questions. I spoke with iCloud support on the phone for about an hour, but we got locked out of my account and they eventually encouraged me to check if I could log into old devices (I now know I can't-they've either been sold or are not using iCloud keychain).
    Anybody think they can help? I don't want to have to set up a new iCloud account.

    Welcome to the Apple community Yao.
    If you mean that Find My Phone is asking for a password to a different Apple ID to your current Apple ID.
    This feature has been introduced to make stolen phones useless to those that have stolen them.
    However it can also arise when the user has changed their Apple ID details with Apple and not made the same changes to their iCloud account/Find My Phone on their device before upgrading to iOS 7, or if you restore from a previous back up made before you changed your details.
    The only solution is to change your Apple ID back to its previous state with Apple at My Apple ID using your current password, you don’t need access to this address if it’s previously been used with your Apple ID, once you have saved these details enter the password as requested on your device and then turn off "find my phone" and delete the account from your device.
    You should then change your Apple ID back to its current state, save it once again and then log back in using your current Apple ID. Finally, turn "find my phone" back on once again.
    This article provides more information about Activation Lock.

  • I received a text today while at work about iCloud keychain verification code. I have not signed up for it or anything that uses it. I work out of the city with limited internet access so not sure why I would be getting this. Is my info safe??

    I received a text today while at work about iCloud keychain verification code. I have not signed up for it or anything that uses it. I work out of the city with limited internet access so not sure why I would be getting this. I only got this number about a month ago. Apparently someone else had the number before because I get texts from his family members wondering whats going on. I got one yesterday and the person didn't seem to thrilled that the number was cutoff and today I got 2 texts about iCloud Keychain which I don't even know what it is. Seems suspicious to me. If the person who use to own the number is doing it he should know it is not his number anymore because he obviously didn't pay his bills.  I'm not too sure about iCloud Keychain so just want to know my info safe?? It says it can store credit card numbers which is what gets me worried. Frankly I think it's pretty stupid to save that kind if information with any kind of app. But I don't want some random person trying to access my personal information because they are bitter they lost their number.  Please let me know as soon as possible so I can change passwords or anything that is needed.

    If it were me, I would go to my carrier and get a new number. Since you have only had it for a month, the inconvenience would be minimal.

  • Can I use iCloud Keychain without a smart phone?

    I do not have a phone that can receive messages.  That what computers are for.  Can I use iCloud Keychain?

    II see.  If your Mac and iOS devices meet the system requireuments you could try using it as discussed at the bottom of this article: iCloud Keychain availability by country.

  • Why can't I re-enable iCloud Keychain on my iMac?

    I recently noticed that iCloud Keychain stopped syncing passwords between my devices. While my iMac was up-to-date, my iPad mini, iPhone and MacBook weren't. I found a support article that suggested disabling iCloud Keychain on all devices and re-enabling it later. I followed that advice only to be presented with a completely new issue.
    On my iMac (27" Late 2012, Mac OS X 10.9.1), when I try re-enabling iCloud Keychain, I get the following error message after waiting for a few minutes:
    "iCloud Keychain couldn't be set up because there was a problem communicating with iCloud. Try turning on Keychain again." (transcribed for sight-impaired users and search engines)
    I've tried this about a dozen times over the past few weeks now (just in case it is a server-side error), but still no luck. I tried investigating and found the following error message pop up in Console at the same time as the error in the above image:
    13.02.14 16:44:59,761 com.apple.preferences.icloud.remoteservice[9342]: [AOSAccounts] :  [registerCredentials]  : SOSCCSetUserCredentials Error The operation couldn’t be completed. Invalid argument.
    Does anybody have any suggestions on what I could try to overcome this issue? Or could anyone from Apple see if there is something wrong with the iCloud Keychain data in my account?
    Any kind of help is greatly appreciated.

    This is a shot in the dark, but try this:
    log-in to your iCloud account with your Apple ID
    change your password
    ensure your billing information is up-to-date
    attempt to re-enable your Keychain (again)

  • How can i continue my icloud keychain on my ipod if i no longer have the phone number from my iphone5c?

    How can I get my icloud keychain to my ipod if I no longer have my iphone 5c

    If you have iCloud Keychain set up on another device, you can update your SMS number via that other device in order to verify your new device.  If you do not have another device available or you do not have an SMS capable number, you will need to contact Apple for identity verification in order to bypass that phone number authentication. See below.
    Get help using iCloud Keychain
    I'm not receiving the verification code via SMS.
    Make sure that you have a strong cellular network connection on your phone.
    Make sure that your phone number can receive SMS messages. You can do this by asking someone to send you a text message.
    Make sure that the correct phone number is associated with your account:
    iOS 7.0.3 or later: Tap Settings > iCloud > Account, then tap Keychain. Make sure the phone number under Verification Number is correct. If not, enter another phone number.
    OS X Mavericks v10.9 or later: Choose Apple () > System Preferences. Click iCloud, then click Account Details. Make sure the phone number listed under Verification number is correct. If not, enter another phone number.
    If you can't access a device that has iCloud Keychain enabled, you can contact Apple Support and verify your identity to get help completing iCloud Keychain setup.

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