ICloud Photos using considerable cpu

All of a sudden, around 2 weeks ago, my Macbook Pro 15" (late 2008 model) started to run really really slow.
After the usual shut down and restart it continued to run slowly so i dived into Activity Monitor and imeadiately found that the processes "iCloud Photos" and "icbaccountsd" were using the majority of avalilble cpu. Im talking 89-98%.
I went into system preferences and turned off Photos in iCloud and that has stopped the cpu consumption.
Any ideas of why this would happen and how i rectify it? I would like to turn iCloud Photos back on at some stage.
Im running 10.9.2 with 8GB of ram.
Cheers for your ears.

Why would this be causing problems now?
There may be one corrupted video or image file in your photo stream, that cannot be processed and  causing the photo stream agent trying over and over again to process the items.
You could try, if removing the contents of the Photo Stream  from your User library to a backup folder will help:  "My Photo Stream" is buffered in this folder in your User Library:
~/Library/Application Support/iLifeAssetManagement/assets/sub/
You user library may still be hidden, as is the default in Mavericks: To open your hidden user library:
Select the "Home" folder icon (the little house)  in the Finder's sidebar and press the key combination ⌘J to open the "view options".
Enable "Show Library Folder".
Then open the Home folder and open the Library folder inside and navigate to ~/Library/Preferences

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    Hello mushysun,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    If you did not sign out of your Apple ID on your iPhone before creating a new one, then you will need to sign back in with your previous Apple ID and then sign out.  If you do not remember your password and do not have access to the email account, then you can reset your password by using the security questions.
    If you forgot your Apple ID password - Apple Support
    Have a great weekend,
    Alex H.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Create an iCloud account for each of them.

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    How do I use ICloud Photo stream on one computer with two differenet Apple Id's. My husband and I each have seperate ID's but one computer.

    You have to have an iOS device (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) or Mac to create an iCloud account.  However, if you tell your friend to create a shared photo stream and turn on Public Website, he/she will then be able to send you a link that will allow you to view the photos on the internet using your web browser.  You would not be able to comment on the photos as this requires an iCloud account, but you would be able to view them.
    You can refer your friend to this link for assistance with this: http://help.apple.com/icloud/#mmc0cd7e99.

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    So i want to enable both iCloud backup AND Photo Library. But, i was wondering, how will it be held?
    After turning on the iCloud Photo Library, will the photos in the Backup get deleted? or it uses them and share them between the two services?
    Or it just upload all the photos again and i'll have two copies of my photos in my iCloud?

  • Can't share photos using shared Photo Stream with iCloud Control Panel for Windows

    BACKSTORY: My friend took pictures of my family. I want to see the pictures he took. We live about 2.5 hours apart by car. Gas prices are too high for me to just drive down with an external hard drive to get the pictures and I might as well throw my money out the window if I were to ship him a hard drive and he ship it back. SO. I ask him if he would share photos with me and he quickly agreed. He added me to a Photo Stream  he has. ok cool. I recieve the invitation email just fine but this is the error I get when I click on the link:
    Photo Stream
    Follow these steps to join a shared photo stream
    1.Make sure you have an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running iOS 6 or a Mac running OS X 10.8.2 withiPhoto 9.4 or Aperture 3.4 or later installed.
    2. Sign in to iCloud on your devices.
    3. Open the invitation email on an updated device and tap the Join this Photo Stream button. 
    How can I view shared photo streams using iCloud Windows control panel How can I work around this error message? I don't own any of these products that apple wants me to own in order to view these photos! I don't have the cash to go out and purchase them. What can I do to get "my" photos? Do I have to be signed into my friends apple id to see the shared photos?
    What I've tried:
    I already have the icloud control panel installed and updated to the latest version.
    I'm signed into iCloud on the control panel. (no apple id password issues)
    I have photo stream checked.
    I have my photo stream checked
    I have shared photo stream checked.
    I have tried copying and pasting the link into the address bars of Safari for Windows, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer,  and Firefox respectively and pressing enter to load. all present the same error message.
    I visited iCloud.com to see if there was anywhere to access the shared photo stream there... No option exisits
    Checked my photo stream folder in windows explorer. it's completely empty. I haven't put any of my own photos there so nothings missing per se... I just can't see my friends shared photos.
    MY SET UP:
    Windows 7 64bit Home Premium
    4gb of RAM
    iCloud control panel version
    I don't own any version of Outlook, (if that matters. I doubt that it matters at all in this case.)
    I don't have any iOS Devices or a mac capable of 10.8. My MacBook is stuck at 10.6.8. It's a late mid 2008 just before the aluminum unibody computers came out. If I had only waited another month... sigh. Murphy's Law is alive and well.
    any sugestions, especially correct answers, are welcome. please help me figure this out. Thanks in advance.

    Hello desert_dweller5,
    It sounds like you art trying to access a Shared Photo Stream, but you do not have one of the devices to enable your Apple ID as an iCloud account.  The following article provides information on how Shared Photo Streams work:
    iCloud: Photo Stream FAQ
    The article states that for privately Shared Photo Streams to work, the recipient will not only have to have an Apple ID, but it will have to be an iCloud account:
    Friends and family with iCloud accounts can view your photos in the Photos app on any device using iOS 6 or later; on a Mac in iPhoto 9.4 or Aperture 3.4 or later; on a Windows PC with Windows Vista or later and iCloud Control Panel 2.0 or later installed; or on a second generation or later Apple TV with software version 5.1 or later installed. They can also view your photos on the web if you enable Public Website in the settings or options for your Shared Photo Stream.
    Since you do not have an iCloud account and just and Apple ID, your friend can share the photo stream as a public website so that you can view it, as stated in the same article: 
    Can I share with people who don't have an iCloud account?
    Yes. If you enable Public Website in the settings or options for your shared photo stream your photos will be published to a website that anyone can view in an up-to-date web browser.
    To be able to change an Apple ID to an iCloud account, you would need an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 5 or later or a Mac with OS X Lion v10.7.4 or later as stated in the following article:
    Creating an iCloud account: Frequently Asked Questions
    Sheila M.

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