Icloud tv show and movie back up

If you back up your tv shows to icloud from your phone, where do you go to see them if you have then deleted them off your device? Where are they stored ? How do i see what i have in icloud, very confused

I usually type in the actors who star in the film in the ARTIST column. This way, when you look at videos on your Touch, you see the Movie title and the actors underneath it. I supposed you could also enter a description of the movie in the ARTIST column, as well...

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    Your shows should be in your purchased items on iTunes. Log in to your account and you should be able to find them. Not all movies are available for a second download though, you should check on that.
    Once you've downloaded them again to your computer, you can backup with time machine, or burn them on a DVD. Read this article for further information:

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    StagLemoore wrote:
    Thank you everyone for your suggestions and help.  Ended up logging out of my apple ID account.  Of note, when I did I did a quick test and checked out both the movies and tv show options, and it all worked perfectly.  I then logged back in, and now all my purchased and rentals are available which makes sense.  I guess with the update there was some weird bit of trons that required one to log out then back in.  Probably doing a rest in between may not hurt for some.  Thanks again for all the assistance. Cheers.
    It looks like there is a Apple doc for this problem here -> Apple TV: Unable to access Movies, TV Shows, or other iTunes features after updating

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    Hi manni394, what version of Firefox are you running now?
    Firefox 22 has a new way of setting the default zoom level: it is based on your Windows font size setting. So, if you set Windows fonts to 125% (enlarged 25%), your Firefox pages also will be enlarged 25%. On pages that do not adjust their layout, you may get a horizontal scroll bar.
    To reduce the zoom on a page, hold Ctrl and tap the - key (the one on the numeric keypad or the one on the number row of the keyboard). The zoom should be reduced for each tap.
    If you want to globally adjust your zoom level to be lower, you can use either of these add-ons:
    * [https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/default-fullzoom-level/ Default FullZoom Level]
    * [https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/nosquint/ NoSquint]
    If you already have one of those add-ons, check the default/global zoom level in case it needs to be adjusted.

  • ITunes TV Shows and Movies (UK)

    Why am I not seeing TV shows and Movies in the UK store yet? I think it would be brilliant as TV is full of crap here, I'd be able to watch what I want, when I want, all in one place.
    I watched the latest webcast "It's Showtime : Apple Special Event" held in San Fransisco, brilliant revision news about media for apples - however this sort of thing builds up my hopes only to dash me down as I live in the UK. Some things aren't here yet.
    An idea about movie and TV show downloads is that i need subtitles which is something I look for when purchasing movies in an entertainment store. something which has no mention in any of the iTunes stores. Maybe quicktime should have this capability built in (I'm not sure if it has already!), this way I would be very compelled to make iTunes store purchases if movies and TV shows appear here in the UK.
    Does anybody know anything about this or have any thoughts??
    Post back.

    According to the keynote and followup coverage, Apple hope to provide Movies/Videos in international markets (including obviously the UK) by the end of 2007. From what I can gather this means something like September/October.
    It has also been revealed recently that apart from Japan, Asia as a whole will not get getting iTunes Movies. However as far as I am aware the only Asian country with a store listed is still Japan in any case.
    I already find iTunes tracks too expensive on the store (compared to a full CD quality physical CD on Amazon), so I don't expect to buy movies/videos even when they are available on the UK store. However what is of interest is what the BBC are going to do. In theory they have to provide programs free to UK citizens (since we have already paid via the TV license). This would be technically possible by the BBC pricing them at £0.00 on the UK store and $1.99 on the US (for example).
    The current mechanism the BBC uses is iMP which uses Windows Media Player (for Windows) and therefore does not support Macs.
    Hmmm, just noticed that Amazon's Unbox does list Dr. Who (from the BBC) at $1.99 per episode (not per story), however as Amazon's Unbox is not available in the UK (yet) we still don't know what policy the BBC are going to adopt.
    Note to Americans: While 'modern' Dr. Who stories are mainly single episodes in length (with a few double length ones), older stories were up to 6 episodes long, and some of the William Hartnell ones were 7 episodes long and one was 12! See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Listof_Doctor_Whoserials

  • HT201322 itunes 11.0.3 - in my iTunes library I can no longer see purchased TV shows and Movies that are not downloaded to my computer. also In my Itunes account i have no hidden TV shows or Movies

    I'm running itunes 11.0.3 -
    in my iTunes library I can no longer see purchased TV shows and Movies that are not downloaded to my computer.
    In my Itunes account i have no hidden TV shows or Movies
    I used to be able to view all cloud and downloaded content.  I no longer can.

    There used to be option to show items that are in the cloud in your library, but I can't find where that now is (unless it's been removed). You should be able to see what items that you can re-download via the Purchased link under Quicklinks on the right-hand side of the iTunes store home page (at the top right of that there should be a 'not on this computer' button)
    Edit : Just seen your reply, though I don't appear to have that setting on mine.

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    A few days ago my TV show and movie displays went whacky-the shows are no longer in alpha order, there are multiple listings of the same show, the pictures are random-including album covers.  I downloaded latest version & no change.  Any ideas??

    ME TOO.
    I think mine are all still in alphabetical order, but :
    * movies I deleted from my library and told "hide this purchase in the cloud" are showing up again. If I try to play them, I get the "cannot find the file in its proper location, would you like to locate it" error message.
    * for movies that have "iTunes Extras," the extras show up as a separate item, with another copy of the movie artwork. Most of these I believe I had DELETED the "iTunes Extras" anyway.
    * Items are showing up multiple times.
    * A few MUSIC ALBUMS are listed in my Movies section.
    * Some movies (I believe ones that I deleted off my HD but are still in the cloud) are showing random album covers instead of their proper artwork.
    * Just rented a movie, and it didn't show up anywhere in my library. It downloaded properly and completely, was in a suitably labeled folder in my iTunes/Media/Movies section, but didn't show up in any section of the library (or via a library search). Had to manually find it and tell it to open the file using iTunes.
    Running the latest version, even checked for updates. No other changes made lately since the last round of apple software updates. This was wonky before the latest small update to iTunes - now it's even wonkier. And it is very, VERY effing annoying.

  • How to hide/show and move screenelements at runtime

    Hi Guys
        Currently, i have a requirment that, in the same screen, when user choose different different option in the dropdown list, there should be different screenelements and table control with different columns showing below it.
    Now, i have two plans below:
    1), hide/show and move position of screen elements and table control at runtime
    2), call different subscreen
    I hope i can take the first way since the second way will modify structure of program ( As it is infotype screen ), any one knows how to implement the first solution?

    I would suggest you to call different subscreens and load them dynamically based on your parameters.Since different subscreen are called your coding and functionality could also be seperated by writing in the PAI and PBO of the correspondiong Screens.
    if you have decided to go by your first method then try the below code.
    a) if it is normal UI elements like text box etc
        IF <var> = ' value '.
            screen-invisible = '0'.
            MODIFY SCREEN.
    Here <var> refers to the screen field name and value refers to its value.
    b) To hide columns in a Table control.
    DATA cols LIKE LINE OF tc-cols.
      LOOP AT tc-cols INTO cols.
        IF cols-screen-group1 = 'G1'.
          cols-invisible = 'X'. "HIDE THIS COLUMN
          MODIFY tc-cols
          FROM cols
          TRANSPORTING invisible.
        CLEAR cols.
    PS: here TC refers to the name of the table control.
    Lemme know if you face any problems.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Have you tried restarting the router, the Apple TV and iTunes.

  • I am using Windows XP on my laptop. Had to format the C drive. I have reinstalled iTunes but I am unable to add anything other than music, TV shows and movies to the iTunes library. It is not showing any option to add podcasts, books, photos or apps.

    I had to format the C drive recently. I have reinstalled iTunes but I am unable to add anything other than music, TV shows and movies to the iTunes library. It is not showing any option to add podcasts, books, photos or apps. These things are available on my iPhone but are no longer there in the iTunes library. Please help.

    In iTunes go to general preferences and check the boxes for those you wish to see in the library.

  • How do I get music videos, tv shows, and movies from my iTunes onto my iPod touch?

    I just bought the 32 G iPod touch bc I read online that the 8G holds 2000 songs plus other stuff and the 32G holds 8000 songs plus more. I have 3000 songs on my iTunes and for some reason it said it won't hold more than 2600. Also I can't figure out to put the music videos, tv shows, and movies from my iTunes synced onto my iPod touch. Help?

    The advertised number of songs an iPod can hold is based on set factors such as the encoding for each song and the length for each song.
    Transferring movies is selected under the Movies tab for your iPod sync preferences with iTunes.
    Transferring TV Shows is selected under the TV Shows tab for your iPod sync preferences with iTunes.
    Include Music Videos is selected under the Music tab for your iPod sync preferences with iTunes.

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    Winston Churchill wrote:
    I missed the third one, thanks for posting.
    Quite a few have asked for that recently - they do listen....
    iTunes LP and iTunes Extras next....pretty pretty please......

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