IDCS5 Win K2Vector IPMFont::FontProtection question

I have this code several places in my project:
        K2Vector<IPMFont::FontProtection>* ProtectionList = Font -> GetProtection();
        K2Vector<IPMFont::FontProtection>::iterator iter;
        for(iter = ProtectionList -> begin(); iter != ProtectionList -> end(); ++iter)
//         do some stuff...
       delete ProtectionList;
This code is modeled after the sample code found in the SnpInspectFontMgr.cpp sample snippet:
                K2Vector<IPMFont::FontProtection> *fontProtection = font->GetProtection();
                K2Vector<IPMFont::FontProtection>::iterator iter;
                bool16 dumpInfo = !(fontProtection->size() == 1 && fontProtection->front() ==IPMFont::kNormal) ;
                for (iter = fontProtection->begin(); iter != fontProtection->end(); ++iter)
//                  do some stuff...
                delete fontProtection;
The problem is that when I include the "delete ProtectionList" line of code I get a linker error, to wit:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall K2Internals::K2VectorBase<enum IPMFont::FontProtection,class K2Allocator<enum IPMFont::FontProtection> >::DoCleanup(void)"
If I leave out the "delete FontProtection" line of code the plugin compiles and links without errors, but I get a large number of leaks when I run it, and after several hours of careful, step-by-step, line-by-line debugging, I have definitely isolated the leaks to the missing delete call.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here?

I found the problem.
For those of you who are required to use K2Vector, please be advised that there is a K2Vector.tpp file that you probably should include in your code.  It has a handful of additional member functions that K2Vector may call.  I suspect that when ProtectionList calls its destructor, there is a call to one of those functions.
I added this line to my code:
#include              "K2Vector.tpp"
and the linker error disappeared.
For the record, a quick search of the SDK documentation and the K2Vector.h header makes no mention of this additional file.  I discovered that I needed it when I made a close inspection of the snippet and discovered its inclusion at that time.

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    Okay I read through your post a few times and I am still a bit confused about what your setup looks like. I am going to assume you bought a new computer with Windows 7 on it thus you DID NOT replace the motherboard on the old one. With that assumption, then your answer would be no, only Windows 7 would boot (and it might have some problems if you have it set as the slave drive). Windows XP from your old hard drive would not boot because simply put, the BIOS will not detect a proper boot.ini file and the hardware configuration (partitions and/or disk types) does not match up.
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    If you want Windows XP and Windows 7, I suggest the XP Mode that Windows Pro and Ultimate offers. You literally run Windows XP inside a window of Windows 7.
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    i get the same 'winemp3' stuff.
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    regarding the fonts, try;
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    # ln -s /usr/share/fonts/TTF /usr/share/wine/fonts
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    First question, I'm sorry for never heard this problem, I would made a test in our test enviroment, After that, I would provide the result at here.
    For other questions , I would like to suggest you read the link below for some details about system backup.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

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    bool16 IEUIEditNameDialogController::FillTreeView()
       RowManager *Rows = RowManager::GetRowManager();
       PMString    DataPt;
          InterfacePtr<IPanelControlData> PanelData(this, UseDefaultIID());
          IControlView *TreeView = PanelData -> FindWidget(kIEUIEditNamePageListboxWidgetID);
           InterfacePtr<ITreeViewMgr> TreeMgr(TreeView,   UseDefaultIID());
          TreeMgr ->  ClearTree(kTrue);
          TreeMgr -> ChangeRoot();
          InterfacePtr<IStringListData> ListData(TreeView, IID_ISTRINGLISTDATA);
          K2Vector<PMString> lists = ListData -> GetStringList();
          int ListSize = lists.size();
          if(ListSize > 0)
             while(ListSize > 0)
                PMString Data = lists.back();
                TreeMgr -> BeforeNodeDeleted(IEUIEditNameCmpNodeID::Create(Data));
          //  Provides me with a list of page numbers looking like this:  1, 3, 5
          PMString ThePages = CurrentNameRecord->second.GetPageList();
          //  Something is wrong if this happens.
          int RowCount = 0;
             //  Chop off a page.
             int CharIndex = ThePages.IndexOfCharacter(',');
             if(CharIndex == -1 && !ThePages.empty())
                DataPt = ThePages;
                PMString *p = ThePages.Substring(0, CharIndex);
                DataPt = *p;
                delete p;
                ThePages.Remove(0, CharIndex + 1);
             //  The design manager required the listbox to be "banded" (i.e. alternate gray & white background for the rows)
             //  This facilitates that.
             DataPt += "^^";
             K2Vector<PMString>::const_iterator iter = std::find(lists.begin(), lists.end(), DataPt);
             if(iter == lists.end())
                  lists.insert(lists.begin(), DataPt);
                //  This also helps manage the banding effect.
                Rows ->     Add();
                Rows -> Refresh();
                  //make sure that the node added has been processed
                NodeID node = IEUIEditNameCmpNodeID::Create(DataPt);
                //  This is where I get the errlr.
                TreeMgr -> NodeAdded(node);
          ListData -> SetStringList(lists);
          TreeMgr  ->         ChangeRoot();
       } while(kFalse);
       return kTrue;
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    I've been working on this bug for two days now.  Does anyone see where I might be going wrong?

       I apologize for not being clearer on what my troubles are.  I have no problem initializing the PanelTreeView the first time through.  What happens is that if I call up the dialog, then dismiss the dialog, then leave the plugin then come back into the plugin and recall the dialog, the data from the previous run still populates the listbox, despite the fact that the data has changed.  I even call ChangeRoot() but it does little.  Putting a breakpoint in the HierarchyAdapter confirms that the list is not refreshed through it.
       I finally wrote code that simply deletes all records in the list box, adds the new records and then calls ChangeRoot().  That seems to work.  If there is no other more elegant way, then so be it.
       Thanks nevertheless for your input.  Take care.

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      PrintInfo -> SetPSLangLevel(IPrintData::kPSLangLevel_3); 
      PrintInfo -> Validate();
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      PrintInfo -> Validate();
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       InterfacePtr<IStaticTextAttributes> ThisWidget(this, UseDefaultIID());
       ThisWidget -> SetDrawUnderline(kTrue);
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    Hi John
    IStaticTextAttributes you can use to set the underline attribute (and other attributes) outside of your StaticTextView implementation.
    When you set that, then inside of your Draw method you can read what was set (GetDrawUnderline()) and apply that value in PMDrawStringRGB.
    So, you should respect assigned values to IStaticTextAttributes
    void CYOURTextWidgetView::Draw(IViewPort* vp, SysRgn sr)
         InterfacePtr<IStaticTextAttributes> ista(this, UseDefaultIID());
         int16 alignment = ista->GetAlignment();
         bool16 underline = ista->GetDrawUnderLine();
         PMDrawStringRGB(gc, bbox, alignment, str, fi, color, catu, cv, underline);

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    I am wondering if an iPod formatted on a Mac would be compatible with Windows to add songs (just not receive updates).
    Not unless software such as XPlay is installed on the PC.

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    After running the script from indesign, I get following error
    ASSERT '(engine->getDebugFlags() & ScScript::kExtendedErrors) == ScScript::kExtendedErrors' in ..\..\..\source\components\script\javascript\JavaScriptRunner.cpp at line 412 failed.
    ..\..\..\source\components\script\javascript\JavaScriptRunner.cpp (412)
    any idea about this?
    The script runs fine when run from ES tool kit.

    My colleague found the problem. We were using extendables library and we still haven't figured out what was actually happening, but removing it solved the problem.

  • IDCS5 Win: Flowing text, revisited...

    I have found that my problem is that the code I am using to import tagged text is importing the text into a textbox that it creates rather than the pre-existing text box. Additionally, almost every example I have seen that comes with the SDK either deals with graphics or shows me how to load text into a textbox created by the load process (as opposed to a pre-existing textbox).
    Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I might load the tagged text into a text box that already exists?   There is a kPlaceItemInGraphicFrameCmdBoss.  Is there a text equivalent in the SDK?

    Hi John
    IStaticTextAttributes you can use to set the underline attribute (and other attributes) outside of your StaticTextView implementation.
    When you set that, then inside of your Draw method you can read what was set (GetDrawUnderline()) and apply that value in PMDrawStringRGB.
    So, you should respect assigned values to IStaticTextAttributes
    void CYOURTextWidgetView::Draw(IViewPort* vp, SysRgn sr)
         InterfacePtr<IStaticTextAttributes> ista(this, UseDefaultIID());
         int16 alignment = ista->GetAlignment();
         bool16 underline = ista->GetDrawUnderLine();
         PMDrawStringRGB(gc, bbox, alignment, str, fi, color, catu, cv, underline);

  • IDCS5 Win: Panel Tree View sort order

    Hello everyone:
    I have a panel tree view that is displaying document names in a backward sort order.   When I say that I mean that the sort order is as so:
    as opposed to
    I have stepped through the code and in the Adapter, they are geting placed into the string list in the latter order i.e. 1,2,3,4,5).  What could be causing this reverse sort order?

    Yes, if the Track Number field is empty in the File Info dialog, for all files in the Files panel, then Audition will revert to "Recent Access" sorting.
    There is no relationship between this File Info: Track Number, and the track number you see in the CD View.
    I understand your confusion. However, note that it is possible to add the same file (from the Files panel) to the CD View track list. So imagine you have "My Song.wav" in the Files panel. And then added it to the CD view track list at track positions 1, 3, and 5. If we were to sort the Files panel by track number as they appear in the CD View, then which track would be associated with "My Song.wav"? Track 1, 3, or 5?
    This feature was added primarily as an enhancement to the typical CD ripping (File > Extract Audio From CD) workflow. After ripping audio tracks, the resulting files that appear in your Files panel will be tagged with a Track Number. It is usually handy to sort by this CD track title rather than by filename or other sorting option.

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    I have a problem linking a UI plugin.  It's a Win32 plugin but I am getting this error at link time:
    ..\objD\NuTest\NuTActionComponent.obj : fatal error LNK1112: module machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'X86'
    I encountered this problem:
    1.)  On a plugin I am trying to convert from CS4 to CS5,
    2.)  On freshly created plugin code created by DollyXS with no changes whatsoever made to the code or project, and,
    3.)  When I attempted to compile one of the sample plugins.
    This suggests a setting in Visual Studio that needs to be correctly set, but I am at a loss to figure out what it is.  does anyone have any ideas where to look?
    P.S.  This is what the online help has to say about this error:
    The object files specified as input were compiled for different machine  types.
    For example, if you try to link an object file compiled with /clr and  an object file compiled with /clr:pure (machine type CEE), the linker  will generate LNK1112.
    Similarly, if you create one module with the x64 compiler and another module  with the x86 compiler, and try to link them, the linker will generate  LNK1112.

    I have found an answer though I am not sure it is the best answer, but it is an answer that works.  I downloaded a trial version of VS 2008 Professional (I was originally using Standard).  After cleaning all test projects and recompiling/relinking, this error went away.
    Was there anyone out there who was successfully using VS 2008 Standard?  At this point, I am more curious than anything else.

  • IDCS5 Win - Printing a PDF

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    What I am facing is the requirement to place a small certification logo on the pasteboard (approx.  36 points by 72 points) right above the left-most corner of the page.  I have placed the logo without a problem, but when I print the page, the logo is not printed.
    1.)  I know if I increase bleed when printing to a PostScript file I can capture objects laying on the pasteboard, but I can see no way to do that using the IPDFExportPrefs interface.
    2.)  I tried using the IPDFExportPrefs::SetIncludeSlug() call, but it didn't help.
    Does anyone know how to get an object on the pasteboard to print to a PDF file?

    You need to set the slug box offsets.
    Use IPageSetupPrefs::SetSlugBoxPref().

  • IDCS5 Win - changing mouse cursor

    At times I have code that processes a lot of data in ways that are not amenable to progress bars (for example, saving a single, large file to disk).  During those times I would like to change the cursor from its standard arrow to another standard such as an hourglass.  I see lots of general documentation on changing cursors that are specially made, but nothing that describes the process for changing from one standard cursor shape to another.  Nor is there any sample code/snippets that demonstrate the procedure, as far as I could find.  Does anyone have a suggestion where to look or what boss to use to change a mouse cursor from one icon to another?

    I took a quick look at the header file and it all seems waay too simple.  Are you sure you're talking InDesign here? (grin).
    Thanks Dirk.  This is what I was looking for.

  • IDCS5 Win:More PanellTreeView problems...

    Hello Fellow Coders:
       The PanelTreeView widget is probably one of the most complex widgets in the SDK.   It has a lot of opportunities to trip up the unwary programmer.
       For example, I have a plugin that uses several simple PanelTreeViews (PTV) as listboxes.  When the dialog is created the PTV uses the HierarchyAdapater to create the node list. If the data changes during the life of the plugin, it is my responsibility to change the node list; the hierarchy adapter is not called.  However, if I dismiss the plugin, delete the data, and then call the plugin back, the PTV is not recreated; the HierarchyAdapter is not recalled to rebuild the node list.  The PTV uses the node list from the last instance of the plugin being called.
       This is of course, a problem.  It means that either I am going to have to empty the PTV before leaving the plugin, or I am going to have to include code to empty and then recreate the node list if the plugin is recalled.
       Is there a more elegant solution?

       I apologize for not being clearer on what my troubles are.  I have no problem initializing the PanelTreeView the first time through.  What happens is that if I call up the dialog, then dismiss the dialog, then leave the plugin then come back into the plugin and recall the dialog, the data from the previous run still populates the listbox, despite the fact that the data has changed.  I even call ChangeRoot() but it does little.  Putting a breakpoint in the HierarchyAdapter confirms that the list is not refreshed through it.
       I finally wrote code that simply deletes all records in the list box, adds the new records and then calls ChangeRoot().  That seems to work.  If there is no other more elegant way, then so be it.
       Thanks nevertheless for your input.  Take care.

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