IDOC Receiver determines no receiving service

I have send an R/3 IDOC successfully to XI and find the messag with status OK in the monitor, even the receiving service and the receiving interface is empty.
I have configured a message interface and the receiver has an appropriate communication channel using SOAP. In the repository there is a defined receiver and even in the SXI_cache I can see the receiver.
Has anyone an idea?

Hi Volker,
the cache is OK, here is the data form the monitor:
Date          Time                              sender     Namespace sender               Sender Interface          Receiver     Rceiver Interface          
17.03.2006     05:42:53     SAPR3     urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages     REQOTE.PORDCR04.YFUTURA
and here is the SOAP header of the message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?><!-- Inbound Message > <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="" xmlns:SAP=""><SOAP:Header><SAP:Main xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" xmlns:wsu="" versionMajor="003" versionMinor="000" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1" wsu:Id="wsuid-main-92ABE13F5C59AB7FE10000000A1551F7"><SAP:MessageClass>ApplicationMessage</SAP:MessageClass><SAP:ProcessingMode>asynchronous</SAP:ProcessingMode><SAP:MessageId>3B4CA10C-F867-924D-9F60-B752E345F378</SAP:MessageId><SAP:TimeSent>2006-03-17T04:42:53Z</SAP:TimeSent><SAP:Sender><SAP:Service>SAPR3</SAP:Service><SAP:Interface namespace="urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages">REQOTE.PORDCR04.YFUTURA</SAP:Interface></SAP:Sender><SAP:Interface namespace="urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages">REQOTE.PORDCR04.YFUTURA</SAP:Interface></SAP:Main><SAP:ReliableMessaging xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SystemAckRequested="false" SystemErrorAckRequested="true" ApplicationAckRequested="true" ApplicationErrorAckRequested="true" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1"><SAP:QualityOfService>ExactlyOnce</SAP:QualityOfService></SAP:ReliableMessaging><SAP:HopList xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1"><SAP:Hop timeStamp="2006-03-17T04:42:53Z" wasRead="false"><SAP:Engine type="IS"/><SAP:Adapter namespace="">IDoc</SAP:Adapter><SAP:MessageId>3B4CA10C-F867-924D-9F60-B752E345F378</SAP:MessageId><SAP:Info>REQOTE.0000000000438748:20060317054633</SAP:Info></SAP:Hop><SAP:Hop timeStamp="2006-03-17T04:42:53Z" wasRead="false"><SAP:Engine type="IS">is.00.r1r18s04</SAP:Engine><SAP:Adapter namespace="">XI</SAP:Adapter><SAP:MessageId>3B4CA10C-F867-924D-9F60-B752E345F378</SAP:MessageId><SAP:Info>3.0</SAP:Info></SAP:Hop></SAP:HopList><SAP:IDocInbound xmlns:SAP=""><SAP:TABNAM>EDI_DC40</SAP:TABNAM><SAP:MANDT>800</SAP:MANDT><SAP:DOCREL>46C</SAP:DOCREL><SAP:DOCNUM>0000000000438748</SAP:DOCNUM><SAP:DIRECT>1</SAP:DIRECT><SAP:IDOCTYP>PORDCR04</SAP:IDOCTYP><SAP:CIMTYP>YFUTURA</SAP:CIMTYP><SAP:MESTYP>REQOTE</SAP:MESTYP><SAP:MESCOD/><SAP:MESFCT/><SAP:SNDPOR>SAPI01</SAP:SNDPOR><SAP:SNDPRN>I01CLNT800</SAP:SNDPRN><SAP:SNDPRT>LS</SAP:SNDPRT><SAP:SNDPFC/><SAP:RCVPOR>A000000027</SAP:RCVPOR><SAP:RCVPRN>LS_TXI_100</SAP:RCVPRN><SAP:RCVPRT>LS</SAP:RCVPRT><SAP:RCVPFC/><SAP:TEST/><SAP:SERIAL>20060317054633</SAP:SERIAL><SAP:EXPRSS/><SAP:STD/><SAP:STDVRS/><SAP:STATUS>30</SAP:STATUS><SAP:OUTMOD>2</SAP:OUTMOD><SAP:SNDSAD/><SAP:SNDLAD/><SAP:RCVSAD/><SAP:RCVLAD/><SAP:STDMES/><SAP:REFINT/><SAP:REFGRP/><SAP:REFMES/><SAP:CREDAT>2006-03-17</SAP:CREDAT><SAP:CRETIM>05:46:35</SAP:CRETIM><SAP:ARCKEY/></SAP:IDocInbound><SAP:RunTime xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP=""><SAP:Date>20060317</SAP:Date><SAP:Time>054253</SAP:Time><SAP:Host>r1r18s04</SAP:Host><SAP:SystemId>TXI</SAP:SystemId><SAP:SystemNr>00</SAP:SystemNr><SAP:OS>Windows NT</SAP:OS><SAP:DB>ORACLE</SAP:DB><SAP:Language/><SAP:ProcStatus>001</SAP:ProcStatus><SAP:AdapterStatus>000</SAP:AdapterStatus><SAP:User>RUGE</SAP:User><SAP:TraceLevel>1</SAP:TraceLevel><SAP:LogSeqNbr>000</SAP:LogSeqNbr><SAP:RetryLogSeqNbr>000</SAP:RetryLogSeqNbr><SAP:PipelineIdInternal>SAP_CENTRAL</SAP:PipelineIdInternal><SAP:PipelineIdExternal>CENTRAL</SAP:PipelineIdExternal><SAP:PipelineElementId/><SAP:PipelineService/><SAP:QIdInternal>XBTI0005</SAP:QIdInternal><SAP:CommitActor>A</SAP:CommitActor><SAP:SplitNumber>0</SAP:SplitNumber><SAP:NumberOfRetries>0</SAP:NumberOfRetries><SAP:NumberOfManualRetries>0</SAP:NumberOfManualRetries><SAP:TypeOfEngine client="100">CENTRAL</SAP:TypeOfEngine><SAP:PlsrvExceptionCode/><SAP:EOReferenceRuntime type="TID">AC1E1F0A14AC441A3E4D0120</SAP:EOReferenceRuntime><SAP:EOReferenceInbound type="TID">AC1E1F0B00FB441A3F2E0003</SAP:EOReferenceInbound><SAP:EOReferenceOutbound type="TID"/><SAP:MessageSizePayload>2618</SAP:MessageSizePayload><SAP:MessageSizeTotal>0</SAP:MessageSizeTotal><SAP:PayloadSizeRequest>2618</SAP:PayloadSizeRequest><SAP:PayloadSizeRequestMap>0</SAP:PayloadSizeRequestMap><SAP:PayloadSizeResponse>0</SAP:PayloadSizeResponse><SAP:PayloadSizeResponseMap>0</SAP:PayloadSizeResponseMap><SAP:Reorganization>INI</SAP:Reorganization><SAP:AdapterInbound>IDOC</SAP:AdapterInbound><SAP:InterfaceAction>INIT</SAP:InterfaceAction><SAP:RandomNumber>09</SAP:RandomNumber><SAP:AckStatus>000</SAP:AckStatus><SAP:SkipReceiverDetermination/></SAP:RunTime><SAP:PerformanceHeader xmlns:SAP=""><SAP:RunTimeItem><SAP:Name type="CORE">INTEGRATION_ENGINE</SAP:Name><SAP:Timestamp type="begin" host="r1r18s04">20060317044253.609</SAP:Timestamp></SAP:RunTimeItem><SAP:RunTimeItem><SAP:Name type="CORE">INTEGRATION_ENGINE</SAP:Name><SAP:Timestamp type="end" host="r1r18s04">20060317044253.609</SAP:Timestamp></SAP:RunTimeItem><SAP:RunTimeItem><SAP:Name type="DBQUEUE">DB_ENTRY_QUEUING</SAP:Name><SAP:Timestamp type="begin" host="r1r18s04">20060317044253.609</SAP:Timestamp></SAP:RunTimeItem></SAP:PerformanceHeader><SAP:Diagnostic xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1"><SAP:TraceLevel>Information</SAP:TraceLevel><SAP:Logging>Off</SAP:Logging></SAP:Diagnostic><SAP:DynamicConfiguration xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1"><SAP:Record namespace="urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages" name="SNDPOR">SAPI01</SAP:Record><SAP:Record namespace="urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages" name="SNDPRN">I01CLNT800</SAP:Record><SAP:Record namespace="urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages" name="SNDPRT">LS</SAP:Record><SAP:Record namespace="urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages" name="RCVPOR">A000000027</SAP:Record><SAP:Record namespace="urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages" name="RCVPRN">LS_TXI_100</SAP:Record><SAP:Record namespace="urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages" name="RCVPRT">LS</SAP:Record><SAP:Record namespace="urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages" name="MESTYP">REQOTE</SAP:Record><SAP:Record namespace="urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages" name="IDOCTYP">PORDCR04</SAP:Record><SAP:Record namespace="urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages" name="CIMTYP">YFUTURA</SAP:Record></SAP:DynamicConfiguration><SAP:Trace xmlns:SAP=""><Trace level="1" type="B" name="IDX_INBOUND_XMB"></Trace><! ************************************ -->
<Trace level="1" type="T">User: RUGE</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">Language: D</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">XML-Conversion for all IDocs </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">ALE-AUDIT-IDoc-Inbound Handling </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">IDoc-Inbound-Handling </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">Syntax-Check-Flag X</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">IDoc-Tunnel-Flag </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">Queueid </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="B" name="IDX_IDOC_TO_XML">
<Trace level="1" type="T">Get the Metadata for port SAPI01</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">Convert Segment-Definitions to Types </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">Make Syntax check of actual Idoc </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">Set Receiver Routing-object </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">Exit Function IDX_INBOUND_XMB </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">COMMIT is expected by application ! </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-ENTER_XMS"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
<Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-SET_START_PIPELINE"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
<Trace level="1" type="B" name="SXMBCONF-SXMB_GET_XMB_USE">
<Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_TROUBLESHOOT-ENTER_PLSRV">
<Trace level="1" type="T">**************************************************** </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">*                                                  * </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">*                                                  * </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">XMB entry processing </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">system-ID = TXI</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">client = 100</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">language = D</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">user = RUGE</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2006-03-17T04:42:53Z CET  </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">*                                                  * </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">*                                                  * </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">**************************************************** </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_UC_EXECUTE"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
<Trace level="1" type="T">Message-GUID = 3B4CA10CF867924D9F60B752E345F378</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">PLNAME = CENTRAL</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">QOS = EO</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PIPELINE_ASYNC"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
<Trace level="1" type="T">Get definition of external pipeline = CENTRAL</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-LOOKUP_INTERNAL_PL_ID">
<Trace level="1" type="T">Get definition of internal pipeline = SAP_CENTRAL</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">Queue name : XBTI0005</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">Generated prefixed queue name = XBTI0005</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">Schedule message in qRFC environment </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">Setup qRFC Scheduler OK! </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">----
<Trace level="1" type="T">Going to persist message </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">NOTE: The following trace entries are always lacking </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">- Exit WRITE_MESSAGE_TO_PERSIST </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">- Exit CALL_PIPELINE_ASYNC </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">Async barrier reached. Bye-bye ! </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">----
<Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-WRITE_MESSAGE_TO_PERSIST"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
</SAP:Trace></SOAP:Header><SOAP:Body><SAP:Manifest xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="wsuid-manifest-5CABE13F5C59AB7FE10000000A1551F7"><SAP:Payload xlink:href="cid:[email protected]"><SAP:Name>MainDocument</SAP:Name><SAP:Description/><SAP:Type>Application</SAP:Type></SAP:Payload></SAP:Manifest></SOAP:Body></SOAP:Envelope>
I dont know how to increase the trace level, so ists still 1.

Similar Messages

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    Is anyone aware if there is a some table which gets updated whenever we create a receiver determination or receiver agreement in PI. If possible can you guys give me the table names.
    Thanks in advance,
    ~ Suraj

    hi Suraj,
    SAP XI is built having two stack the abap and the java stack. Its not all that correct that only cache info resides on the java stack and nothing on the abap stack.... Its like black box and the internal workings are hidden from end users ... only sap would be able to tell you. As someone in this thread has given his point of view that only cache info is stored on the java stack which may be correct but how much so is open to debate. I wonder whether you have played around with the table that you come across with the transaction sara.
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  • No Obects found in Receiver Determination

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    In Integration Directory:
      Once i create the Communication channel.
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    once i give the sender Service:
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    What is your suggections>

    Hi Chirumamilla,
    I have assigned  the BS to SWCV in SLD still my problem is not solved.
    You know i have checked in SLD the Business system is propely assigned to  SWCV.
    I have cleared sld cace in ID.
    Basically i have imported IR and ID objects from diiferent system.
    I have created SLD only in our Imported system.
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    Webclient-->PI 7.0--
    >SAP ECC
    (Sender)                                      (Receiver).
    Webclient will request for customer details to SAP ecc sytem and SAP ECC system will send back the complete CUTOMER details .
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    Sender Adpater: SOAP adapter & qos - BE
    This is my complete theme of my interface.
    In my Integration Directory when i click my business system : I  see the empty list for i/b and o/b Interfaces.
    Kindly help me

  • Receiver Determination - Configuration Overview for Receiver Determination

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    I was trying on some tutorial for Calling RFC(sender) and creating a File at Receiver site.
    I've configured all the required setting at the Design: Integration Builder.
    As for Configuration: Integration Builder. Until the Step where I required to setup the Receiver Determination, there is this part "Configuration Overview for Receiver Determination". where i have to maintain the "Receiver Service", else i will hit this error "Enter the receiver service".
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    1. Create 2 Communication Channel for Sender/Receiver in the Business System.
    2. Create a Sender agreement.
    3. Create a Receiver agreement.
    4. Create a Interface determination.
    5. Lastly "Configure the Overview for Receiver Determination"  for   Receiver Determination
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    Any Idea what happen ? or anything i missed out ? thanks in advance.

    Check if you have the issue in the kba #1538009 Error When Executing Open - Object not found.
    Also see note #1466011 Usability Improvements in Directory:
    o Don't show deleted objects in navigation tree
    When you delete an object in Directory the link to this object is not
    automatically deleted from Configuration Scenario. You need to manually
    open every scenario and remove such 'broken' link. In scenario editor
    broken links are displayed in grey font and therefore can be easily
    identified. Unfortunately the navigation tree in 7.1 (in contrast to
    XI3.0) doesn't make difference between existing and broken links and
    shows them as they all leads to existing objects.

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    I am trying to use enhanced receiver determination at Receiver determination.
    But where to check the content of the target
    field ?
    Please tell me how to do this.

    You are using Enhanced receiver determination. In this you dont get option to select receiver. As here you can select while mapping
    Option to select receiver service will come under standard receiver determination.
    Now to satisfy the requirement. you have done multi mapping right ? then you have 2 target message and hence two message interfaces. You can use enhanced receiver determination and there you will be having more than one mapping in Receiver determination which will carry service name. Set the condition for this constant there and let the mapping execute. Use appropriate names for the service in mapping. This will work only difference here is instead of receiver determination you can pass service name from mapping.
    Edited by: Gaurav Bhargava on Oct 25, 2008 3:30 PM

  • Receiver Determination and Interface Determination

    Please, can anyone explain what is the concept of 'Receiver determination' and 'Interface Determination'?
    Harikumar. S

    >>>>Receiver determination
    its about finding the receiver system for particular source system and outbound interface.
    Suppose,you want to send data from file->XI->SAP and CRM based on some condition
    in this scenario you need to determine whether to send file data to SAP or CRM system,this decision you will do in Receiver determination
    in Receiver determination screen you need to provide the following details
    1.Source system(ex: File system)
    2.Outbound Interface(File Message Interface)
    3.condition and receiving system(ex:if some x field value in source payload is 1 go to SAP elseif '0' go to CRM system)
    >>>>>>Interface Determination
    suppose in above scenario you determined the receiver i.e SAP,you will have number of IDOCs (Inbound Interfaces)in SAP.
    so to which IDOC you will send file data?This decision you will make in Interface determination(we can it as Inbound Interface determination).if you find the IDOC is CREMAS then how will transfer file structure data to IDOC structure? answer is Message Mapping
    From all the above decisions you need to provide following details in Interface determination screen
    1.Source System
    2.Outbound Interface
    3.Receiver System
    4.Inbound Interface(IDOC type)
    5.Message Mapping(i.e file to IDOC)
    Even in Interface determination you can specify the condition to select Inbound Interfaces(ex.IDOCs)
    if you have any doubts please lets know.

  • Receiver Determination Not Found

    Hi all,
    Currently we integrating SAP ECC with TM using PI ,we have followed the standard document given and done the configuration steps ,
    "Installations and Upgrades - R" SAP Rapid Deployment solutions" SAP Transportation Planning for Shippers RDS" SAP TM DTP RDS" SAP TM DTP RDS V2.90",the reference document is from the above link.
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    Receiver Determination: No Receiver could be determined
    2:26:30 PM
    2:26:30 PM
    "Current Status"
    sender =>R/3 system
    Receiver=>TM system .
    Your help is badly needed

    hi Hareesh,
    please find the below screen shot of my ID objects ,we generated it using "Apply Model From ES repository".

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    ++++++010* I understood each + to represent a character. This is not working, any ideas?

    you can utilize XPATH functions in your conditions to acheive the same.
    Try to take the help of the following weblog and maybe the string functions of xpath to achieve your results.

  • Reg. condition based receiver Determination

        I need to send the records to two systems based upon the value
    For Ex. All the material group record letz say (1,2,3,4,5,6) Shuld go to Receiver1 and only the records which belongs to material grp shud go to Receiver2.
    I am trying using Condition based Receiver Determination
       For Receiver 1 :-
                  I didnot give any condition.Coz all the records have to go to Reciver1.
       For Receiver 2 :-
                     I have written the condn in the Interface determination
                i.e) Material Group = 2.
    But  All the records are going to these two receivers.I have tried everything.
    Thanks in advance

    Similar situation has worked for me. Please check the condition you have mention in Interface Determination.
    In the Interface determination you need to have 2 inbound interfaces. Specify the respective condition for each inbound interface.
    Example: if the Response field has the value as "Success" or "Failure" the message has to go to first interface. The message has to go to second interface only if the response is "Failure". so you can provided following condition in the interface determination:
    <b>Condition 1:For first inbound interface</b> (/p1:MessageType/RecordSet/Response = F) OR (/p1:MT_RESPONSE_FROM_PS_BI/RS/Response = S)
    <b>Condition 2:For second inbound interface</b> (/p1:MessageType/RecordSet/Response = F)
    The above condition has worked for me. Hope this would be helpful to you.

  • Problem in enhanced receiver determination

    hi all
          I was doing enhanced receiver determination in that i got following problem
    at first i copied  abstract interface ReceiverDetermination from SAP BASIS to my component then i created my mapping program containing one udf related to my scenario.I also created one interface mapping but when i went in the directory then
    my this mapping is not coming when i have to choose it after clicking to extended receiver determination in receiver determination.
    my objects are already activated in design.the udf is also working properly.
    Please reply. This is an urgent issue.

    Check this link

  • Context object not visible in configuration (for receiver determination)

    I've created a context object and depending on that I want to forward the message to a specific receiver. But when in that pop-up window for the receiver determination I cannot find the context object. I can only find the technical context objects defined by SAP.
    Do you have a solution for that?

    Hi Volker,
    you can solve your task by using a <a href="/people/venkataramanan.parameswaran/blog/2006/03/17/illustration-of-enhanced-receiver-determination--sp16 Receiver Determination</a>

  • Purpose of Enhanced Receiver Determination

       i go thrown  the some sap help link  .. But I did't understand.. so, can  any of you plz explain the what is the purpose of the  Enhanced Receiver determination..
    for this.. in mapping side does we need to do any special  things.. or for a normal  scenario also.. can we use this..
    I want to use this   Enhanced  Recever determination in  my scenario.. for that what are the steps  i need to  follow..

    Hi !
    Enhanced Receiver Determination:
    You use an enhanced receiver determination to have a mapping program determine the receivers of the message dynamically at runtime. Instead of creating the receivers in the receiver determination manually, you assign a mapping to the receiver determination and this returns a list of receivers at runtime.
    also check this
    Please Check
    Also check .... -
    >Enhanced Interface determination.
    /people/shabarish.vijayakumar/blog/2006/06/07/customise-your-xpath-expressions-in-receiver-determination --->Customised XPath
    Also check the following threads
    Enhanced Receiver Determination
    Enhanced Receiver Determination synchronous
    List of receivers can be dyamically determined and assigned at runtime using enhanced receiver determination .
    have alook at thses URl's also
    :Dynamic file and variable substitution
    Similarly Extended Receiver determination is used to determine the receiver at runtime.
    Refer my reply:Re: Condition In Receiver Determination Not Working
    enhancement in ID
    Enhanced Receiver Determination:
    You use an enhanced receiver determination to have a mapping program determine the receivers of the message dynamically at runtime. Instead of creating the receivers in the receiver determination manually, you assign a mapping to the receiver determination and this returns a list of receivers at runtime.
    Enhanced (Mapping-Based) Interface Determination
    In an enhanced interface determination you do not enter the inbound interfaces manually, but instead first select a multi-mapping. You get the inbound interfaces from the target interfaces of the multi-mapping. The inbound interfaces are determined at runtime during the mapping step.
    You typically use an enhanced interface determination if the source message has an element with occurrence 0 ... unbounded (for multiple items of a data record) and you want multiple messages (for the individual items) to be generated at runtime.

  • Regarding receiver determination problem in IDOC-XI-XML file scenario

    Dear All ,
    In IDOC-XI-xml file scenario , I have configured SLD , IR . But in ID , after file adapter , reciever agreement configuration when I am doing receiver determination configuration I am not able to insert mapping program in configuration overview of receiver determination as I am not getting "New Specific" option in mapping .
    Can anybody suggest what could be the reason behind this .
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi PRabhat,
    In RCVR determination, you need to select the party & service (as appropriate) save the obeject
    then refresh the configuration overview of recr det.
    then you can see the partner/service
    then you can open it & add the necessary objects.

  • IDoc (Sender ) to File (Receiver): No receiver could be determined

    Hi, Dear  Friends,
    I’m implementing scenario Idoc-to-File by means XI.
    I try to follow this scenario:
    Satish Jaiswal. A Step-by-Step Guide on IDoc-to-File Using Business Service in the XI Integration Directory
    But I have an error.
    In sender system I send IDoc by transaction WE19. After that in transaction WE05 I see IDoc with status 03 (successful).
    After that in XI system:
    1) in transaction WE05 I don't see any IDoc (IDoc is not received by the Receiver (XI Integration Server))
    2) in transaction SXMB_MONI I see my message with error.
    Status - System error.
    In detail view at stage "Receiver Identification" in item "Error" I see: "No receiver could be determined"
    Unfortunately I'm not expert in IDoc.
    Can you recommend me what I need to verify?
    Or advice me link on another full good example with IDoc.
    What I need to read for quick start in IDoc understanding.
    Thank you in advance.
    Natalia Maslova.

    Try these steps:
    <b>ALE Settings</b>
    <b>SAP XI</b>
    <b>1) RFC Destination (SM59)</b>
    a) Choose create.
    b) Specify the name of the RFC destination
    c) Select connection type as 3 and save
    d) In the technical settings tab enter the details SAP SID/URL and system number#.
    e) Enter the Gateway host as same details above SID/URL.
    f) Gateway service is 3300+system number#.
    g) In the Logon /Security tab, enter the client user & Password details of Destination system.
    h) Test the connection and remote logon.
    <b>2) Create Port (IDX1)</b>
    a) Select create new button
    b) Enter the port name as SAP+SID (The starting char should be SAP)
    c) Enter the destination client.
    d) Enter the RFC Destination created in SAP XI towards other system.
    e) Save
    <b>3) Load Meta Data for IDOC (IDX2)</b>
    a) Create new
    b) IDOC Message Type
    c) Enter port created in IDX1.
    <u><b>SAP R/3</b></u>
    <b>1) RFC Destination (SM59)</b>
    a) Choose create.
    b) Specify the name of the RFC destination
    c) Select connection type as 3 and save
    d) In the technical settings tab enter the details SAP SID/URL and system number#.
    e) Enter the Gateway host as same details above SID/URL.
    f) Gateway service is 3300+system number#.
    g) In the Logon /Security tab, enter the client user & Password details of Destination system.
    h) Test the connection and remote logon.
    <b>2) Create Port (We21)</b>
    a) First Select Transactional RFC and then click create button
    b) Enter the destination port name as SAP+SID (The starting char should be SAP)
    c) Enter the destination client.
    d) Enter the RFC Destination created in SAP R/3 towards other system.
    e) Save
    <b>3) Create Partner Profile (WE20)</b>
    a) Create New
    b) Create the Partner no. name as same the logical system name of the destination system.
    c) Select Partner type LS
    d) Enter details for Type: US/USER, Agent, and Lang.
    e) Click on the + button to select the message type.
    f) Select Partner no. and LS which ever create above.
    g) Select Message type
    h) Select Process code related to the Message type.
    I) save.
    <u><b>In SLD – System Landscape Directory</b></u>
    TS for R/3 (Logical system):-Assign the client name created in R/3 as Logical system Name.
    Ts for Third Party (Logical system):-
    BS for SAP R/3 (Logical system):- Assign the client name created in R/3 as Logical system Name.
    BS for Third Party (Logical system):-Enter the XI logical system name.
    <u><b>In Transaction SALE</b></u>
    Define and Assign the logical system name.
    Message was edited by:
            Raghavesh Reddy

  • IDOC 2 XI: No receiver could be determined

    I am glad to send a IDoc to XI!
    In IDX5 I got the error:
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    <u>additional information:</u>
    Thanks a lot!
    Regards Mario

    Hi Vishnu,
    thank you much.
    I know this document. But unfortunately that does not help me.
    I got also several documents about sending IDOC to the XI.
    But in all documents there are relevant things missing. So I try now to to this step by step by myself.
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    How does the IE try to determine the receiver? Which fields in the origin IDoc are read? What does the XI do next after reading the relevant fields in the IDOC?

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