Idvd and slideshow buttons

After I create my custom IDVD and I check it in map view there is an extra slide there with the yellow triangle that says "menu contains no buttons" so I delete the slide and it says slide show is empty.Then I have to may my dvd over.

It is presumably referring to Chapter buttons.
To simply create a slide show in iDVD 7 onwards from images in iPhoto or stored in other places on your hard disk or a connected server, look here:

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    Publish your site to and folder on the desktop and double click the index.html file to launch your site in the browser.
    If the page looks OK do a "Publish all to Mac".
    If its still not right you'll have to go back to the iWeb page and try resetting the buttons and then do a Publish All.

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    It is now apparent that iWeb, and iDVD, will no longer be supported by Apple. This is evidenced by the fact that new Macs are shipping with iLife 11 installed but without iWeb and iDVD. 
    Other users have complained to Apple via Apple via and/or and have received a boxed copy of iLIfe 11.  Give it a try. In the meantime the following maybe of interest:
    iWeb will still continue to work but without the following:
    Features No Longer Available Once MobileMe is Discontinued:
    ◼ Password protection
    ◼ Blog and photo comments
    ◼ Blog search
    ◼ Hit counter
    All of these issues can be replaced with 3rd party options.
    I found that if I published my site to a folder on my hard drive and then uploaded with a 3rd party FTP client subscriptions to slideshows and the RSS feed were broken.  If I published directly from iWeb to the FPT server those two features continued to work correctly.
    There's another problem and that's with iWeb's popup slideshows.  Once the MMe servers are no longer online the popup slideshow buttons will not display their images.
    Click to view full size
    However, Roddy McKay and I have figured out a way to modify existing sites with those slideshows and iWeb itself so that those images will display as expected once MobileMe servers are gone.  How to is described in this tutorial: #26 - How to Modify iWeb So Popup Slideshows Will Work After MobileMe is Discontinued.
    Apple has announced that iLife is now an unsupported product and those iApps will only be available thru the App Store from now on. However, the boxed iLife 11 at the online Apple Store (Store button at the top of the page) and those still on the shelves of retailers will include iWeb and iDVD. Those two apps were listed in small, gray text on the iLife 11 box that I bought. Personally, if I already didn't have a copy I would purchase one to have it for reinstallation purposes if ever needed.

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    If you are using CS4, there is a Command to create a Web Album... this does it automatically for you.
    Otherwise, you can create this manually.  Say you have 3 pages,
    page1.html  (is the index page of the album)
    Therefore, using ordinary text links
    Home would link to page1.html
    Previous would link to page3.html
    Next would link to page2.html
    You would need to make adjustments naturally to each page as you move along with the gallery pages, changing the previous and the next links as needed.  Below is a a basic example of setting up the links in a simple table structure.  You would also then style the table layout as you see fit - yes, using css preferably  :-)
    <td><h2>MY GALLERY OF PHOTOS</h2>
    <a href="page3.html">Previous</a> | <a href="index.html">Home</a> | <a href="page2.html">Next</a>
    <a href="../images/img_2401_jpg.jpg"><img src="../images/img_2401_jpg.jpg" border=0></a><br>
    Here's an article on creating an album using the DW Command I mentioned earlier. You could create the album and then copy and paste the code into a current page if you've already designed on.,... not too difficult, I just tested it.  You do however, need to have Fireworks to process the images. 10b1f693f21-7ad1.html
    You could also check out the Lightbox effect which is very popular:
    Or do a google search for 'jquery'.  There are different album effects using that framework as well.
    Hope some of this helps  :-)
    Adobe® Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    Unique CSS Templates |Tutorials |SEO Articles
    Book: Ultimate CSS Reference

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    DVD's are only 640 x 480 (interlaced), so yes, the quality is not nearly as good.  You should probably create your .mov in DV format to best match the DVD format

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    She can easily make copies of the DVD using Finder:
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    Without know how you exported the slideshow from Aperture and how you are using iDVD and what errors or messages you are getting then no, haven't a clue.

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    Yes, it should be very easy. Here is how I do this:
    First, I move the arrows onto the image, and double click the box so that I can remove the arrow character.
    Then, I go up to the "Image Fill" and click the file icon to fill with an image
    Then, I select the other arrow, and do the same
    Hope this helps!

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    the flash buttons and slideshow do not apear !   dont know what i can do to reslove this so any ideas would be great and thanks again for reading
    regards martin
    [Subject line edited by moderator to indicate what the question is about]

    hi again and thanks so much
    the file was there but the script folder it was located in was using a capital letter to start ...doh
    again thank you so much
    regards martin

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    i woudnt suggest it, but if your warranty is up it could just be a bad connection from the wheel...what generation do you have? my 4th generation 20 gig ceased to function and it was because somehow one of the cables had a bad connection. i took it to the apple store and they gave me an estimate for something i wasnt willing to pay on a 2 year old ipod so i just winged dissasembleing it and after taking apart the whole thing and reassembling it worked fine.

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    This is not what I expect from Apple at all.

    What brand media did you use and what burn speed did you select in Disk Utility when you burned the disk image to writable media?
    Maxell and Verbatim are good media choices and 4x or slower burn speed is best.
    F Shippey

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    Good morning,
    There are a few possibilities.  Here's one suggestion if your slideshow is longer than 99 images:
    You may also wish to assemble the slideshow in iMovie if your video clips were recorded in lower resolution (12 bit) mode.  Extracting the audio from these video clips can solve that problem.  Here's an older discussion of that problem:

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    Hi all,
    I added an html snippet so once you click on my link, it bypasses the album mode and goes straight to the single pict mode. I like it because for me, it seemed like an extra step. So, now that I don't want to use album mode- i want to remove the "back to album" and the "previous and next" buttons (to clean stuff up). Anybody know how to do that?

    They make a call to JavaScript, I'm guessing you knew that?
    I'm 96.7% JS illiterate, so I'm incapable of explaining it.
    You have to download the Spry Framework, unpackage it, look
    in the Demos folder, then look in the Gallery folder. Gallery.js, i
    think, is where that JS call goes to in order to switch out the
    next/prev image.
    the download is here:

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    When you play on your Mac, you can have resolution up to 1920x1080.
    When you burn to iDVD you convert to 640x480.

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