Idvd dvd compatability issues

I record my churches talent show every year so a lot of people want a dvd copy of it. So this year I made about 20 copies and gave them a way. about 2 people said that they-re copy didn't work on their dvd players. I was burning them onto dvd-R DL disks. Some I didn't keep the idvd project for the video so I duplicated a few with disk utility.
What is going on with these dvds?

It you made the 20 discs in fairly rapid succession, there is a good chance that DVD burner overheating was the cause.
The drives in out home computers don't have adequate cooling to work as production burners. Burn a couple of discs and allow things to cool down for 10 or 15 minutes before burning another couple of discs.

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    I own a macbook g4 12" 1.5ghz and have recently created over 30 data file based dvds using disk utility and dvd-r's speeds 1-16 and 1-8 phillips brand.
    When I put these dvd's in a pc the drives do not recognize the dvd's or anything being in the drive. I have tried these dvd's on 5 different pc's all with either dvd burners or roms.
    When I put the dvd in the mac it recognizes the dvd and the files.
    I found this to happen with 2 other macs in which I have used to burn dvd's (they do not show up when in a pc).
    What can I do to view these data dvd's on any pc?
    macbook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Try this instead.
    In the Finder select File --> New Burn Folder. Drag your files into this folder and then click the Burn button while its window is open. This should make an ISO 9660 format disk that can be read by both Macs and Windows machines.
    Hope this helps! bill
    1 GHz Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

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    My 10.6.8 macbook pro's DVD player won't play a movie from Netflix.  The DVD does play on a 10.5 mb pro.  So DVD is ok.  Message says "not permitted" when I click play.  Is there a compatibility issue? Or something else?

    This is not an area I have much experience in......I rarely insert DVDs and I have never had a similar problem.
    When the DVD is in the drive (and DVD players is open) click on File>get disk info.

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    've been using Toast 7 and a Lacie burner to encode and burn video DVDs and I have been having terrible compatibility issues. I would say about 80% of the time they don't play in home DVD players, no matter what media I use, even if I use the world's greatest Taiyo Yuden DVDs.
    So, I recently got iDVD 6 and DVD Studio Pro 3 and a Powerbook with a built in DVD burner. Any recommendations on how to get the best DVDs? I can encode in one program, burn in another, use either my internal or lacie burner, who knows how many combinations of all the stuff I now own I could use to encode and burn a DVD. So, I am asking you for your recommendations on how to make the most compatible DVDs for home DVD players.

    Toast vs DVDSP: in terms of MPEG compression and quality, content rules. The better the source content the better the resulting compression. Will you see a difference between Toast & DVDSP? Who knows. But all other aspects of DVDSP make it a much better tool. iDVD will not use compressed audio. Both Toast & DVDSP will use, or rather can use compressed audio. You should use compressed audio therefore between iDVD and DVDSP, I would use DVDSP. The advantage of using one program to author and another to burn is that you can view the resulting compression prior to making the burn. The standard preview in any app is just showing you your uncompressed material. You already know how that looks. What you want to see is how it looks after it is compressed. So far as I know, authoring in one and burning with another has no direct impact on compatibility. Using compressed audio will have a direct impact on compatibly.

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    Apple doesn't need the money, (as in making us buy Final Cut Pro for decent video editing), trust me, so I don't understand why it would take the PR hit.
    iMovie '08 spoofs are already on YouTube, etc.
    Message was edited by: rmig68

  • Confusion about UEFI/BIOS and GPT/MBR compatibility issues

    So a user said in another post that they were NOT able to boot in UEFI mode and install Fedora even though it is UEFI compatible.  But this person was able to useLegacy mode and install Fedora, and furthermore, was able to "keep the Windows partition."  I'm guessing that means that Win 8 that came with it, which would be installed in UEFI/GPT mode, correct?  I'm specificly referring to the Y510P but from what I understand *every* laptop that comes preinstalled with Win 8 must be UEFI/GPT.
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    So when I used this computer, I noticed that when I boot (with legacy mode enabled) and enter the "boot selection screen" in order to boot with USB, I have two options a) UEFI:"name of usb" and b) "name of USB". The UEFI option would NOT boot, but it would boot without the UEFI: option.
    So does this mean that I am booting in non-UEFI mode and once I have booted this way and choose a distro to install that it CANNOT install in UEFI mode?  I recently saw a tool called Rufus that I have yet to try that has an option to set the bootable USB to UEFI, so that would possibly work if I wanted to install a UEFI compatible distro (Arch linux is what I'm wanting.)
    4)  If installing a UEFI compatible distro (such as Arch) requires that the USB device be able to boot in UEFI mode has anyone been able to do this?  Has anyone even been able to boot a device in UEFI mode to do *anything* such as run a live linux?  
    I'm 99% sure I would be able to boot in legacy mode and run a live linux (because I did so on my dad's computer) but the problems arise when I consider how to INSTALL.
    I would really like to know the answers to these questions (as scattered as they are.) Any help would be appreciated!
    Unnecessary info:
    (I started learning about BIOS/UEFI and MBR/GPT the hard way a few days ago by trying for hours to install Windows 7 on my dad's Windows 8 laptop because I could NOT get Win 7 installation to kept asking for drivers before I could install until I finally used the Windows USB install tool, put the stick in a different USB, AND formatted the drive as MBR because Windows 7 would NOT install on the existing GPT drive until I used diskpart.exe -clean. And I have read that Win 7 64 bit will work fine on a UEFI/GPT setup. I used the Windows 7 USB boot tool which did NOT give me a UEFI: and regular option. It showed up simply as "name of usb" without a UEFI in front. Since I read that Windows 7 must either be in BIOS/MBR mode or UEFI/GPT mode that this drive would not boot in UEFI mode, and I don't know why...Although I believe I read that Win 7 cannot be installed from a USB in UEFI/GPT mode, only BIOS/MBR.  UEFI/GPT mode requires a DVD install but I did not have a drive to test this.)

    I have a Y510p which is running dual boot Windows 8.1 and Arch Linux.   I think that it is strongly advised to do plenty of reading ahead of any install if you will be using UEFI and Linux so that you understand all the issued before making critical changes to the existing system.
    Yes, if the machine comes with Windows 8 (as mine did) then the disk will be formatted with a GPT partition table (instead of the old MBR partitioning scheme), and will boot using UEFI. If you are going to try to keep the existing Windows 8 system and add Linux then you will need to keep the disk with its GPT partition table and partition structure, but you can shrink the Windows 8 C: drive to make space for the Linux partitions that are needed ( a root partition and at least a /home and/or /opt partition and possibly a linux swap partition also ).  If you want to boot the Linux install via UEFI then you can simply add the required boot directory to the EFI System Partition (ESP).
    However it is very important that before trying to do any linux install that you switch off Fastboot from within WIndows 8 (or 8.1). Also most Linux distributions are in some difficulty booting using Secure Boot, though a few such a Ubuntu and Fedora are supposed to be able to do so. Hence it is much easier to work with Linux if Secure Boot is first switched off from the BIOS settings menu.
    The order of operations that I used was;
    1) Switch off Secure Boot from the BIOS - and boot back into the Windows 8 system to check that it boots OK.
    2) With Windows 8 running go into the settings and switch off Fastboot (which does a hybrid suspend when it shuts down instead of a full normal shutdown - if you don't do this then the memory gets overwritten when booting Linux in the future which means booting back into Windows will fail). 
    3) Reboot back into WIndows and check all is well, and if so then use the disk management facility within Windows 8 to shrink the C: drive to make room for the Linux partitions.
    4) Reboot to check Windows 8 still boots OK.  
    5) If you are going to update to Windows 8.1 then do so, and then update everything once it is booted (it is a huge update and takes ages!). Once done then you will likely have to update drivers for the graphics cards, the clickpad and possibly the wireless chip and ethernet chip. I found that I needed to get drivers that were newer than were available on the Lenovo website, by going to the relevant hardware manufacturer website (eg for synaptics for the clickpad). Then spent a week or so in the evenings getting Windows 8.1 configured the way I like it.
    6) Then I did a lot of reading about the various options for the boot manager that would suit a UEFI boot for a dual boot system for Windows 8.1 and Arch Linux and there was a choice of Grub, Gummiboot, rEFInd, and others - and after reading the details I decided on rEFInd as my boot manager which can boot not only any new Arch Linux install but automatically finds the Windows UEFI boot files and presents the options in a nice graphical window once the system gets past POST at bootup.
    7) It was important to check which partition was the ESP and to know what partitions I needed to create for the Arch Linux system.  Then I went ahead and booted from a usbkey to a uefi install system, and very carefully proceeded with a standard Arch Linux install, being particularly careful to know where to put the rEFInd boot manager files and the kernel and initrd files. Also I used efibootmgr to write the appropriate NVRAM boot entry in the motherboard memory so that the uefi boot system knows where to find the rEFInd uefi boot files in the ESP.
    8) Once complete the system boots to Arch Linux as the default, with a nice Windows icon which you can select with the arrow keys within the boot timeout period (default 20 seconds).
    I noted also that it is possible to create boot stanzas in the rEFInd boot manager config files which allow rEFInd to chain load other Linux systems or even other bootloaders if you wish - so it is very flexible. So if you want to you could install a grub standalone set of diretories/files so that if the normal linux boot fails then you can select the grub icon from rEFInd and chainload grub to boot either the same Archlinux install, or point to a third linux distribution if you have more partitions containing that third install which might be Ubuntu or Mint or ....
    Either way although getting to understand how uefi boot works is a learning curve it is actually generally simpler than the old legacy BIOS boot. With uefi you no longer need an MBR on the drive, and only a suitable EFI System Partition which has to be VFAT formatted. However if you want to have one of the linux distributions booting from legacy MBR then you need to create an MBR at the start of the drive - so you would need to move the start of the first partition and create a suitable sized Master Boot Record otherwise MBR boot can't work. If you do that then of course you have to be careful if the Windows partition is the one being re-sized that it doesn't mess up the Windows boot! However since using uefi to boot rEFInd allows a chainload to grub/gummiboot or other bootloaders then there should be no need to mess with MBR booting if you go down that route.
    If you are interested in rEFInd then the author Rod Smith has a good set of documentation that describe the details at
    He is also the author of a really excellent disk partitioner for GPT disks -
    Clearly it is necessary to read up on the boot facilities available for any linux distribution that you plan to put on the system.
    One nice thing is that uefi boot with an efistub supported kernel build is really fast on the Y510p. My system boots Arch linux in about 7 seconds to the KDE login prompt once the POST is complete and that only takes a couple of seconds.  Of course Windows is much slower once it is selected at the rEFInd screen and takes somewherearound 40 seconds or so to boot, but at least Linux is super fast!
    Anyway I hope that this helps.

  • Compatibility issues with CS5.5 and Maverick 10.9

    I'd like to know if there are any compatibility issues with CS5.5 and Maverick 10.9 before I upgrade from 10.6.8.

    To be honest, I use the CS5 Premium Creative Suite and have had to upgrade all my app's to Mavericks because I have a new iMac, the other one just died.
    I used the 'Time Machine' to backup and to transfer all the files, the Mac apps almost transferred 100% but not all successfully, especially iDVD, it was probably something that I did not click in the 'Time Machine preferences'.
    If I had the choice, upgrade to 'Mountain Lion, I would revert back to Mountain Lion but not got the discs, I find Mavericks very clunky and slow and causing lots of issues with my Adobe applications.
    So if it is not too late, I would wait a few months before upgrading to Mavericks.
    Hope this info' has helped.

  • Seagate ST8000AS0002 8TB 5900RPM 128MB Cache SATA3 - for Backup Data Only. Are there any compatibility issues with an older  3,1 Apple Mac Pro 8-Core 2.8GHz (4-Core x 2) ?

    Finally mass storage drives are being released. The Seagate ST8000AS0002 8.0 TB 5900RPM has just been released in Australia and I was advised to check on any compatibility issues, being that my 3,1 Mac Pro is an old, but working fine machine.
    I have read there are possible issues with using HDs greater than 2TB with the MP 3,1 . But checking with OWC, they say the Seagate 4.0 TB Solid State Hybrid Drive is compatible for use with the MP 3,1.
    So can the hardware and operating system handle an 8.0 TB of this sort ?

    The problem is with formatting the large disk. The Mac can see and use them if formatted for a Mac
    Format large disks
    That bug appeared in 10.8.4, and has not yet been fixed.
    using a Disk Utility from any older Mac OS X, including the 10.6 DVD (if your Mac can boot from it) or any saved Installer DVD or thumb drive will work.
    Another work-around is to move that drive to an external enclosure and Erase it there (provided your enclosure is modern enough to deal with drives over 2.2TB.

  • Version compatibility issues

    After installing 2.0, will Encore projects from previous versions open seamlessly into 2.0? I'm in the middle of a large project--is it safe to change horses mid-stream?

    You guys really never had any problems with 1.0 or 1.5? 2 out of 3 friends of mine (professional DVD authors, as myself), had to abandon Encore because of bugs. And yes, as a programmer, I certainly do know when a program has bugs, as opposed to my own errors. I'm not saying I have never had problems that weren't my own fault, obviously I have.
    Encore 1.51, on an ongoing basis would randomly corrupt files, menus, subtitles etc., which caused me to do over days of work more than once. Almost everyone I know has had these corruption problems, and I have seen it mentioned in these forums many times. These problems happened on at least 6 different PCs, with Encore being reinstalled on some of the machines a couple of times. Drivers/compability issues don't apply to most of the problems (for instance simply closing a working project and then reopening it the next day, and it becoming corrupt, wouldn't be a compatibility issue). I use many high-end animation programs, graphic design tools and interactive media creation tools without problems like I have witnesssed with Encore.
    As for subtitling issues - I thought that was clear how I knew that the fault was within Encore and not the user. I'm not talking about simple overlap issues and incorrect coding issues, which I have had, I'm talking about Encore deleting all subtitles throughout the project, once you completed adding them.
    Question for those that disagree with me, who say that Encore 1.51 works great - have any of you done really in-depth interactive projects? (I am asking seriously, not sarcastically) For instance, I did not have problems on simple DVDs with 2 or 3 menus and 10 or 11 linked videos. When Encore seemed to start corrupting my files was when I was working on educational DVDs with 30-40 menus, 50+ linked videos, with each video having subtitles in english and spanish, as well as audio in English and Spanish. {Encore advertises that all this should not be a problem]. So I'm asking seriously - has anyone worked on really complicated projects, with many subtitle and audio tracks, that took weeks or months to complete - without any corruption problems? I'd actually like to know - I'm not putting it out there to be rude.
    If Adobe can admit that since 1.0 and 1.5 were early versions of the product, and, not surprisingly, had some issues which have now been fixed, then I'll gladly upgrade. If Adobe's official position is that Encore NEVER had any bugs, and the only possible errors were on the user end, then I am not interested in upgrading.

  • Compatibility issue with 5.1 Intel Vs G5

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    When I import the assets into DVD Studio Pro, the video is either scrambled or just green.

    Thanks for your help - I'll try that. Just a quick
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  • Compatibility issues between OS X Lion and LaCie external HD ?

    Hi Community,
    My TM is on a LaCie external HD like this one
    It's working very well under Snow Leopard and even if it's not the top performance and a little bit noisy, it's a very good backup tool.
    I didn't upgrade from Snow Leopard to Lion yet - there is no hurry, I let others discover the last bugs and Apple fix them - but I'm starting to think about it and slowly preparing to make a clean install after downloading Lion and creating an installation DVD.
    Of course I will need a perfectly working TM to restore so I'm a bit worried about the rumors I saw here and there about compatibility issues with LaCie external hard drives when upgrading to Lion.
    Does anyone has an experience to share about this ? Thanks.

    I would not rely just on TM for my backup solution. External hard drives are so cheap I would buy one,and clone your current system using either SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner.The advantages being that you will have an exact copy of your current system that you can boot into in the event that you have issues with Lion. The cloning software is very easy to use and offers scheduling options you can use to your own preference daily, weekly, etc.... I have some software that I use that can not run on Lion so I just boot into SL from the external HD and I'm good to go. I personally have never had to restore a system or file from TM although I do backup with TM. I do however boot up to an older system from an external HD all the time. As far as doing a clean install, I don't think that is necessary. I just updated my system as is AFTER I ran SuperDuper to make sure I was up to date on my clone. Other than some older software being uncompatible ( Which I knew in advance) I have had no issues with Lion.
    Good Luck

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    we have migrated SAP net weaver SP 21 and also to IE8 and Firefox. we have compatibility issues in Firefox like input fields, labels and command buttons are not properly aligned when comparing with IE 8.
    Could you please give suggestions to fix this problems.

    Hi Parthiban,
    Please check the SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Product Availability Matrix (PAM) in the Service Market Place
    [Check here |]and verify you firefox browser versions compatibie for webdynpro
    Hope it will helps
    Arun Jaiswal

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    I had no problem with my previous version of Firefox and I can access my TalkTalk/Tiscali webmail using the latest IE browser. I am able to sign in but cannot access the mailbox contents. When I asked TalkTalk about the problem they have stated the following "If you are unable to access the mailbox using Firefox version 5, then I would like to inform you that there is compatibility issue with Firefox version 5 and Talk Talk webmail, due to which you are getting the above error. You can also try uninstalling the latest version of firefox and then reinstall it to the earlier version to resolve the case." May I assume that between you this difficulty will be resolved? I would prefer to use Firefox and do not wish to revert to IE.

    Apparently TalkTalk mail will work with Firefox 4 and Firefox 5 ''if'' you set the browser to ''lie'' to TalkTalk mail by saying that you are still using version 3.6.
    You can find the instructions for that in a post on the TalkTalk forums: [ Firefox 4 & TalkTalk webmail - Forums].
    Note: when you open about:config the first time, it will display a warning message that you should be careful with the changes you make. That's definitely good to bear in mind.
    Does it work?

  • OS 10.4.11 and HP Officejet 4500 compatibility issue (scanning)

    Hi there,
    I am having a compatibility issue with a G4 (OS 10.4.11) and a HP Officejet 4500 (all-in-one).
    (Sorry if this is a little long, but there are many specs and many attempts listed here).
    Problem: I cannot scan from the computer (upon opening HP Scan, a Browser Device window pops up, asking to "Choose a scanning device" the model is not listed, and it continues to search for a device but cannot find it) or from the scanner control panel to the computer (I tried selecting Open in HP Scan and Open in Preview from the panel  –it then says on the panel "Starting scanning" but it doesn't scan even though the power button flashes (it then reverts to date and time), and the program it's opening in on the computer just seems to hang).
    Still, some functions work fine:
    - I can print from the computer to the printer (it recognizes the printer)
    - The HP fax test seemed to run fine (via computer)
    - As a stand-alone device (without the computer), I can photocopy in B&W and color –so there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the scanner itself.
    Here are the specs:
    Computer specs:
    - PowerPC G4, 933 MHz, 512 MB SDRAM, running OS 10.4.11 (no Intel Core processor)
    (the hard drive is partitioned into 3 –one runs 10.4.11 (the others Jaguar and OS9 –for compatiblity with other programs/peripherals) –21GB space remaining on 10.4.11 partition
    All-in-One specs:
    - HP Officejet 4500 G510g-m (USB, not wireless) all-in-one (printer/scanner/fax/copier) with USB 2.0 high-speed A-B printer cable (says in literature and on box it is  compatible with the G4 running OS 10.4.11, 256 MB RAM, 500 MB HD)
    I contacted HP Tech Support. They suggested the following which were tried and failed to work:
    - shutting everything down and restarting (many times)
    - they checked to see if there was any update to the HP software –there didn't appear to be
    - plug power cord directly into wall outlet
    - switch to USB 2.0 cable (from 1.0)
    - unplugging and replugging the USB 2.0 cable
    - plug USB directly into the G4
    - turning off the firewall (under System Preferences - Sharing)
    - "scrub" or complete uninstall of all HP software (twice)
    - search and removal of files via system and user libraries pertaining to HP (and some Epson files)
    - verify and repair permissions (twice)
    - reinstall of HP software (twice, second time after scrub/uninstall and verify/repair permissions)
    - Software Update (via Apple menu) –only found Java 1.3.1 and 1.4.2 Release 2 (version 2.0) which they suggested might fix the problem –I downloaded and installed them, and then J2SE 5.0 Release 4 (version 4.0) which I downloaded but could not install (error message)
    I then contacted Apple Tech Support and they said to go to and do a manual search for "HP 4500" –I did not find any drivers.
    [I did previously have an Epson CX 4600 all-in-one which scanned fine with a USB 1.0 cable, even after the printheads had clogged shut –and I had had a HP Officejet J4580 which worked fine (which was for a family member) –this software would've been removed with the current HP installs and scrubs]
    I am on the verge of returning this –it has also gotten several very bad reviews on the Apple site (for the wireless), however, I may have trouble finding a compatible device, as one running 10.4 is getting hard to find (unless I buy used, then no warranty and potentially other problems).
    If anyone knows of any drivers or has any other information as to why this is not working, I would be most grateful (BTW, I am not much of a tech guy, so please bear with me).
    Frazzled Macuser

    Hey @Greenise,
    Welcome to the HP Support Forums!
    I would like to assist you today in getting the proper Full Feature Software and Driver package to install your HP Officejet 4500 Desktop All-in-One printer on your Mac OS X 10.4.11 Operating System.
    Below is the link for the Full Feature Software and Driver Installer. Simply click on the link and select the 'Download' button in the top left hand corner. Once the download is complete just run through the on screen instructions to install your printer.
    HP Officejet Full Feature Software and Driver (Universal) - Mac OS X 10.4,10.5 and 10.6.
    Please let me know if this installer works for you and if you have any other questions. Good luck!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click "Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the "Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say "Thanks" for helping!

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    Hi Everyone, Just wondering if someone ran through this case over the years... Scenario : 2 routers in mgcp with 1 T1 on each.  The DMS switch cascade the calls to the second T1 if the first one fail. In a case you lose network connectivity on the fi


    hi In the context of Re: Task Flow API for programmatically retrieving parameters?, this forum thread is Re: Task Flow API for programmatically retrieving parameters? to get your vote or feedback on one specific ER: - 10268883, "AM: DROP AS METHOD AC