IE 7 freezes on selecting new panel in Accordion

Dar! Our rather complicated homepage at has developed a bug that affects IE 7 users only. Our Spry Accordion on the left of the page used to work fine but now freezes up the browser when you select any panel other than the default one.
Only changes to the code recently involve an attempt to use this ContentFlow viewer to display our new book acquisitions. After repeatedly trying to get it to work in IE 6 we decided it wasn't worth the effort and put in some IE conditional code to only display it for IE7 or later. That seemed to work find but just got a report this morning (confirmed on my end) that the Spry Accordion breaks IE 7 now. Page loads fine but freezes on clicking the accordion to open a new panel.
Any ideas? Conditional code + IE 7 + Spry? Or even just IE 7 + Spry? Any help appreciated. Works fine in Firefox, Safari and IE 8...

Have tried to remove *or disable* your contentFlow script to see if that helps causes a error?

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    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.lang.Math;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.text.*;
    /*import java.sql.*;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    public class ArrayExpApplet extends Applet
                           implements ItemListener, ActionListener  {
         private JCheckBox ATButton;
         private JCheckBox CdButton;
         private JCheckBox CuButton;
         private JCheckBox PAHButton;
         private JCheckBox ExposureButton;
         private JCheckBox ControlButton;
       static String ExposureString = "Exp";
       static String ControlString = "Con";
         private boolean[] checkBoxSetting = {true,true,true,true,false,true};
         private double[][] expLevels = new double[4][5];
         private double[]   controlLevels = new double[3];
         private Color[] EColor = new Color[5];
         private int originX=100;
         private int height=200;
         private int originY=height+(originX/2);
         private double controlScale=-1;
         private double expScale=-1;
         private double controlMax=0;
         private double expMax=0;
         private JPanel side =  CheckBoxPanelSide();
         private Panel canvasPanel = new Panel();
         public void init() {
          setBackground(new Color(224, 238, 238));;
              //get the php expression string and read into 2D numeric array
              String expression_str = this.getParameter("expression_string");
              System.out.println("expression_string "+expression_str);
              String[] rows = expression_str.split (";");
              for (int k = 0; k < rows.length; k++) {
                   System.out.println("row "+k+" = "+rows[k]);
                   String[] cols = rows[k].split (",");
                   for (int l = 0; l < cols.length; l++) {
                        System.out.println("col "+l+" = "+cols[l]);
                        expLevels[k][l]= Double.parseDouble(cols[l]);
              //get the php control string and read into a numeric array
              String control_str = this.getParameter("control_string");
              System.out.println("control_string "+control_str);
              rows = control_str.split (",");
              for (int k = 0; k < rows.length; k++) {
                   System.out.println("row "+k+" = "+rows[k]);
                   controlLevels[k]= Double.parseDouble(rows[k]);
              //find max expression to scale y axis
              for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
                   for (int j=0; j<5; j++){
                        if (expLevels[i][j]>expMax) {expMax=expLevels[i][j];}
              //find max control to scale y axis
              for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
                   if (controlLevels>controlMax) {controlMax=controlLevels[i];}
              //set up an array of 5 colours
              EColor[0]= new Color(200,0,255); //magenta
              EColor[1]= new Color(0,0,255);      //green
              EColor[2]= new Color(0,255,0);      //blue
              EColor[3]= new Color(254,190,0); //yellow
              EColor[4]= new Color(224, 238, 238); //background
    public void start() {
    //          Panel canvasPanel = new Panel();
              Panel entirePanel = new Panel();
              Canvas graph = new Canvas();
              JPanel top = CheckBoxPanelTop();
              JPanel side = CheckBoxPanelSide();
              setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              //layout total area as boxes top to bottom
              entirePanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(entirePanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
              //put top checkboxes in top box
              //layout area as boxes left to right
              canvasPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(canvasPanel, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
              //put canvasPanel in bottom box
                   //Put a graph in the first box.
                   //Put checkboxes in the right box.
              add("North", entirePanel);
              add("East", canvasPanel);
         public JPanel CheckBoxPanelSide() {
              //Create the check boxes.
              ATButton = new JCheckBox("Atrazine");
              ATButton.setBackground(new Color(224, 238, 238));
              CdButton = new JCheckBox("Cadmium");
              CdButton.setBackground(new Color(224, 238, 238));
              CuButton = new JCheckBox("Copper");
              CuButton.setBackground(new Color(224, 238, 238));
              PAHButton = new JCheckBox("PAH");
              PAHButton.setBackground(new Color(224, 238, 238));
              //Register a listener for the check boxes.
              JPanel s = new JPanel();
              s.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,1));
              s.setBackground(new Color(224, 238, 238));
              s.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder (, 2));
              return (s);
         public JPanel CheckBoxPanelTop() {
              //Create the radio buttons.
              JRadioButton ExposureButton = new JRadioButton("Exposure");
              ExposureButton.setBackground(new Color(224, 238, 238));
              JRadioButton ControlButton = new JRadioButton("Control");
              ControlButton.setBackground(new Color(224, 238, 238));
              //Group the radio buttons.
              ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
    //Register a listener for the radio buttons.
              JPanel t = new JPanel();
              t.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,5));
              t.setBackground(new Color(224, 238, 238));
              t.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder (, 2));
              t.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(50, 35));
              return (t);
    // Listens to the radio buttons.
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              if (e.getActionCommand() == "Exp") {checkBoxSetting[4]= true;}
              if (e.getActionCommand() == "Con") {checkBoxSetting[4]= false;}
    // add a checkbox listener
         public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event) {
              char c = '-';
              Object source = event.getItemSelectable();
              if (source == ATButton) {
                   if (checkBoxSetting[0]== false) {checkBoxSetting[0]= true;}
                   else {checkBoxSetting[0]= false;}
                   c = 'a';
                   System.out.println("CheckBox "+c);
              else if (source == CdButton) {
                   if (checkBoxSetting[1]== false) {checkBoxSetting[1]= true;}
                   else {checkBoxSetting[1]= false;}
                   c = 'd';
                   System.out.println("CheckBox "+c);
              else if (source == CuButton) {
                   if (checkBoxSetting[2]== false) {checkBoxSetting[2]= true;}
                   else {checkBoxSetting[2]= false;}
                   c = 'u';
                   System.out.println("CheckBox "+c);
              else if (source == PAHButton) {
                   if (checkBoxSetting[3]== false) {checkBoxSetting[3]= true;}
                   else {checkBoxSetting[3]= false;}
                   c = 'p';
                   System.out.println("CheckBox "+c);
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
              if (checkBoxSetting[4]== true) {   //paint exposures
                   System.out.println("painting exposure");
                   //Draw the data
                   int step=100; //distance between exposures on x axis
                   int x=originX; int y;
                   for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
                        System.out.println("CheckBox "+i+" is "+checkBoxSetting[i]);
                        if (checkBoxSetting[i]) {
                             for (int j=0; j<4; j++){
                                  g.drawLine(x,originY-(int)(expLevels[i][j]*expScale), x+step, originY-(int)(expLevels[i][y]*expScale));
                   //draw axis
                   g.drawLine(originX, (originX/2), originX, originY);
                   g.drawLine(originX, originY, originX+(step*4), originY);
                   //tickmark axis
                   g.drawLine(originX, originY, originX, originY+5);
                   g.drawLine(originX+step, originY, originX+step, originY+5);
                   g.drawLine(originX+(step*2), originY, originX+(step*2), originY+5);
                   g.drawLine(originX+(step*3), originY, originX+(step*3), originY+5);
                   g.drawLine(originX+(step*4), originY, originX+(step*4), originY+5);
                   g.drawLine(originX, originY, originX-5, originY);
                   g.drawLine(originX, originY- (int) (expMax*expScale*0.25), originX-5, originY- (int) (expMax*expScale*0.25));//400*.5=200*.25=50
                   g.drawLine(originX, originY- (int) (expMax*expScale*0.5), originX-5, originY- (int) (expMax*expScale*0.5));
                   g.drawLine(originX, originY- (int) (expMax*expScale*0.75), originX-5, originY- (int) (expMax*expScale*0.75));
                   g.drawLine(originX, originY- (int) (expMax*expScale), originX-5, originY- (int) (expMax*expScale));
                   //lable x axis
                   g.drawString("LC0", originX-9, originY+20);
                   g.drawString("LC12.5", originX-18+step, originY+20);
                   g.drawString("LC25", originX-12+(step*2), originY+20);
                   g.drawString("LC37.5", originX-18+(step*3), originY+20);
                   g.drawString("LC50", originX-12+(step*4), originY+20);
                   g.drawString("Exposure", originX-24+(step*2), originY+40);
                   //lable y axis
                   String fmt = "0.00#";
                   DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(fmt);
                   int xs=originX; int ys=originY; int zs=(int)((expMax/height)*0.25);
    //               g.drawString("x"+xs+" y"+ys+" zs"+zs+" expMax"+expMax+" expScale"+expScale, 0, originY+60);
                   g.drawString("0", originX-20, originY+4);
                   g.drawString(""+df.format((double)(expMax*0.25)), originX-45, originY+4- (int) (expMax*expScale*0.25));//400*.5=200*.25=50
                   g.drawString(""+df.format((double)(expMax*0.50)), originX-45, originY+4- (int) (expMax*expScale*0.5));
                   g.drawString(""+df.format((double)(expMax*0.75)), originX-45, originY+4- (int) (expMax*expScale*0.75));
                   g.drawString(""+df.format(expMax), originX-45, originY+4- (int) (expMax*expScale));
                   g.drawString("E", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5)-50);
                   g.drawString("x", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5)-40);
                   g.drawString("p", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5)-30);
                   g.drawString("r", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5)-20);
                   g.drawString("e", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5)-10);
                   g.drawString("s", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5));
                   g.drawString("s", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5)+10);
                   g.drawString("i", originX-98, originY-(int)(height*0.5)+20);
                   g.drawString("o", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5)+30);
                   g.drawString("n", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5)+40);
              else {                // paint control
                   System.out.println("painting control");
                   //Draw the data
                   int step=200; //distance between controls on x axis
                   int x=originX; int y;
                   for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
                        int j=i+1;
                        g.drawLine(x,originY-(int)(controlLevels[i]*controlScale), x+step, originY-(int)(controlLevels[j]*controlScale));
                   //draw axis
                   g.drawLine(originX, (originX/2), originX, originY);
                   g.drawLine(originX, originY, originX+(step*2), originY);
                   //tickmark axis
                   g.drawLine(originX, originY, originX, originY+5);
                   g.drawLine(originX+step, originY, originX+step, originY+5);
                   g.drawLine(originX+(step*2), originY, originX+(step*2), originY+5);
                   g.drawLine(originX, originY, originX-5, originY);
                   g.drawLine(originX, originY- (int) (expMax*expScale*0.25), originX-5, originY- (int) (expMax*expScale*0.25));//400*.5=200*.25=50
                   g.drawLine(originX, originY- (int) (expMax*expScale*0.5), originX-5, originY- (int) (expMax*expScale*0.5));
                   g.drawLine(originX, originY- (int) (expMax*expScale*0.75), originX-5, originY- (int) (expMax*expScale*0.75));
                   g.drawLine(originX, originY- (int) (expMax*expScale), originX-5, originY- (int) (expMax*expScale));
                   //lable x axis
                   g.drawString("Late Cocoon", originX-27, originY+20);
                   g.drawString("Juvenile", originX-20+step, originY+20);
                   g.drawString("Adult", originX-20+(step*2), originY+20);
                   g.drawString("Growth stage", originX-36+step, originY+40);
                   //lable y axis
                   String fmt = "0.00#";
                   DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(fmt);
                   int xs=originX; int ys=originY; int zs=(int)((controlMax/height)*0.25);
    //               g.drawString("x"+xs+" y"+ys+" zs"+zs+" controlMax"+controlMax+" scale"+scale, 0, originY+60);
                   g.drawString("0", originX-15, originY+4);
                   g.drawString(""+df.format((double)(controlMax*0.25)), originX-35, originY+4- (int) (controlMax*controlScale*0.25));//400*.5=200*.25=50
                   g.drawString(""+df.format((double)(controlMax*0.50)), originX-35, originY+4- (int) (controlMax*controlScale*0.5));
                   g.drawString(""+df.format((double)(controlMax*0.75)), originX-35, originY+4- (int) (controlMax*controlScale*0.75));
                   g.drawString(""+df.format(controlMax), originX-35, originY+4- (int) (controlMax*controlScale));
                   g.drawString("E", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5)-50);
                   g.drawString("x", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5)-40);
                   g.drawString("p", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5)-30);
                   g.drawString("r", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5)-20);
                   g.drawString("e", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5)-10);
                   g.drawString("s", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5));
                   g.drawString("s", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5)+10);
                   g.drawString("i", originX-98, originY-(int)(height*0.5)+20);
                   g.drawString("o", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5)+30);
                   g.drawString("n", originX-100, originY-(int)(height*0.5)+40);
         //If we don't specify this, the canvas might not show up at all
         //(depending on the layout manager).
         public Dimension getMinimumSize() {return new Dimension(550,300);}
         //If we don't specify this, the canvas might not show up at all
         //(depending on the layout manager).
         public Dimension getPreferredSize() {return getMinimumSize();}
         public void stop() {
         public void destroy() {
              System.out.println("preparing to unload...");

    I've tried moving the lines ...
    //Put checkboxes in the right box.
    canvasPanel.add(side);from the start method to the radio button listerner...
        // Listens to the radio buttons.
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              if (e.getActionCommand() == "Exp") {
                   checkBoxSetting[4]= true;
                   //Put checkboxes in the right box.
              if (e.getActionCommand() == "Con") {checkBoxSetting[4]= false;}
        }and into the paint method...
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
              if (checkBoxSetting[4]== true) {   //paint exposures
                   System.out.println("painting exposure");
                   //Put checkboxes in the right box.
                   //Draw the dataand in both cases the code complies and the applet runs without error messages but the panel is never displayed???

  • Select Accordian Panel via $_GET

    Is it possible to select which panel is open on a page
    through a url $_GET?
    For example, if you have a regular non spry webpage or email
    that you want to link to a specific open panel on a spry webpage,
    how can that be achieved.
    <a href="
    >open panel four</a>
    I have seen the posts for openPanel and have not been able to
    get them to work at all.
    Any suggestions?

    When the page loads you could just get the panel from the
    query string and send it as the default when you create the
    accordion. The code looks like:
    var defaultPanelParam = getQueryVariable('panel');
    var sampleAccordion = new
    Spry.Widget.Accordion("sampleAccordion", {defaultPanel:
    The first implementation I found for getQueryVariable is ariables_in_JavaScript
    There's other ones out there you could use too if you don't
    already have code to do that.

  • CS6 problem. When I open the Mask panel, it takes up the entire screen width and the Looks controls disappear, Also, there is a new panel below the Mask panel that seems to have no purpose that I can find. The documentation says "Mask and Look panels - Th

    CS6 problem. When I open the Mask panel, it takes up the entire screen width and the Looks controls disappear, Also, there is a new panel below the Mask panel that seems to have no purpose that I can find. The documentation says "Mask and Look panels - The Mask panel is now placed next to the Look panel. WIth the masking and grading tools placed side-by-side, you can now work faster on the mask workflow." Is there a way to move, hide, or otherwise manipulate the panels for a custom layout? All the examples I can find on the Web show the Looks panel to the left of the Mask panel where the controls are available.

    Ok, here is what I have so far. Appdelete the iWork and reinstalled. Pages and Number work, but not Keynote.
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  • Can I add more than one horizontal separator to the PanelUI (the new panel menu)

    1. Click the new panel menu button (hamburger)
    2. Click Customize
    3. On the left, drag "Separator (for panel menu)" from "Additional Tools and Features" to the panel on the right. A horizontal separator appears. "Separator (for panel menu)" no longer appears in the "Additional Tools and Features".
    I can add many "Separator" (vertical separator) to toolbars, but it appears I can only add one "Separator (for panel menu)" (horizontal separator) to the panel.
    I would like to add additional horizontal separators to the panel. Is there a way to do that?
    Firefox version: 33.1.1

    Yes, I do have Classic Theme Restorer installed (I love it!), but missed these customization nuances. After reading more threads, searching, and reviewing prefs.js, I saw the ctraddon_puib_separator.
    A while back, I had problems with vertical separators, specifically with AIOS, and had also looked for horizontal separators. The solution at that time was customizableui-special-separator{d}, where d was a unique digit.
    I always found the customization menu to be difficult to use, especially if a buttons addon was installed, mainly because it was unordered. I recently installed Sort and Search Customization Dialog and it has made a world of difference.
    I just started changing my FF ways and using the new menu. I wanted to divide up the menu into sections or activities. On top I'd have a row of user tools like history, bookmarks, then a divider and have a row of customization tools, another divider and development tools. The divider which provides the visual separation and grouping is really nice. I hope FF adopts them. I'll take my questions and feedback to the Classic Theme Restorer Forum thread shown on the addon page:
    Thank you.

  • Help me pick a new panel

    Hello All,
    I'm in the market for a new panel to go with my Openbox setup. Right now I'm using XFCE4-panel, mostly because it required no configuration and I was busy configuring Openbox, conky, the Arch install at the time. Plus, out of the DE's, I like XFCE the best.
    Truthfully, xfce4-panel has served me very well and I don't really have any problem with it at all... I just want to fiddle.
    There are three important things I "need" from a panel:
    1. A Volume control
    2. Desktop preview/pager/switcher thing
    3. This one is really trivial and vain. I need the taskbar to not be filled when I only have one or two windows open. For some reason, this really bugs me. The default fluxbox taskbar does that and I hate it. It also looks like PyPanel does it. So, I need a panel that can at least be told to not behave this way.
    I do want to try something new, so don't tell me to just stick with what I have, please. If a panel is super-cool, but only meets 2 out of 3 of my requirements, list it anyway.
    Make sure to tell me why a particular panel is good!
    Thanks. I'll be installing a bunch of panels while waiting for responses!

    pogeymanz wrote:3. This one is really trivial and vain. I need the taskbar to not be filled when I only have one or two windows open. For some reason, this really bugs me. The default fluxbox taskbar does that and I hate it. It also looks like PyPanel does it. So, I need a panel that can at least be told to not behave this way.
    Dang, is that annoying! I thought I was the only one having problems accepting that
    Ever tried living without a panel ?
    I've only used pypanel for a short while before ditching it and running openbox without a panel, so I can't speak from much experience about panels here.
    Anyway, you might want to try tint, fbpanel or lxpanel....can't think of anything else off the top of my head now. Just do a pacman -Ss "panel"

  • Select new row in tree after add

    In quite a few of our pages in our application we have trees and tree tables that can have rows added through separate popup windows. After the user successfully adds the record and closes the popup the tree/treetable is refreshed properly, however we also want the new node/row to be selected, and also make sure that it's parent is expanded. We've found a variety of examples of logic that does something close or sort of close, but we're having difficulties. Is there any easy or even moderate way to find a node/row in a tree based on the VO's primary key or some other value? I think I know how to make the found node/row selected and it's parent expanded, but how do I find the node/row? I keep running into issues because the tree isn't necessarily completely expanded or because the range of rows in the iterator isn't huge and the new row isn't in the initial range of rows pulled back.

    I just posted a demo and source code on my blog: Auto select New Item in Tree component
    In above example i use loopAndFind() custom function.
    Hope it helps!
    Mariush T.

  • When downloading a file, if I right-click and select new the submenu is not displayed

    I have Firefox 12 installed; running XP SP3. Options/General/Always ask me where to save files is selected. If I download a file and select save file, I will get a save file to dialog. If I right-click in the dialog and select new, there is no submenu displayed. As a consequence, I cannot create a new folder in which to save the selected file. New will simply try to create a shortcut.

    That Save As dialog that you see is part of Windows Explorer, including the contextual menu including "New". So, this sounds more like you may have a problem at a more fundamental operating system level, because Firefox (as far as I know) doesn't do anything, or even can, modify the content of the context menus of an Explorer window.
    Could you provide a screenshot of what you see to make sure we're talking about the same thing here? Thanks!

  • Bridge CC - 64 bit freezes when selecting a video file icon in content view

    On a 64-bit PC (12 core, 64 GIG RAM) with solid state hard drive and Nvidia Quadra 4000 video card with latest driver.  I have purged cache, I have reset preferences, I have changed shortcut to Run As Administrator.  I've tried to find a way to run in 32-bit mode but can't find a way to do it.  I've also looked to see how I can install a 32-bit version with Adobe Cloud but can't find anything.  Any ideas how to stop Bridge CC 64-bit from continually freezing upon selecting a video file icon?

    Hi Yammer,
    Thanks for the response.  From what I can tell it is all video file types.  The ones I most consistently have are .wmv, .mov, .mp4.  I have also changed the file associations from the default video players to VLC to see if it was a Quicktime or Windows Media Player issue and that didn't solve it.

  • I am trying to get the most speed out of the browser, instructions say to type about:config in the address bar and hit enter, I did this. It now says to rt. click, from the menu select "New" then "Integer", I cannot find "New", I need better directions.

    when I typed in about:config in the address bar and hie enter, what appeared looked like a lot of files, pages of them, I didn't know where to right click from the menu select "New"

    Which prefs to you want to change?
    It is not recommended to change prefs in order to tweak some settings.<br />
    Do you have specific problems?

  • How to freeze the selection column in the table control of the module pool.

    hi ,
    in my module pool there is a row selection field  <b>w/selcolumn</b> of the table control called as mark.
    how to freeze the selection column where there is no record in the table control row.
    or in other words where wa is initial.

    Hi all,
    in the PBO of the screen the following code is written.
    say the selection column is MARK and is declared in the data as well.
    *************************C O D E **************************************************
    MODULE disp_tabctrl1 OUTPUT.
      IF flag_c = 1.
        READ TABLE it_create_data INTO wa_material_data
             INDEX tab_ctrl1-current_line.
        READ TABLE it_material_data INTO wa_material_data
             INDEX tab_ctrl1-current_line.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          IF ok_code_0101 = '&SEL1'.
            mark = 'X'.
          ELSEIF ok_code_0101 = '&DSEL'.
            mark = ' '.
          LOOP AT SCREEN.
            IF screen-name = 'MARK'.
              screen-input = 0.
              MODIFY SCREEN.
      index_t = tab_ctrl1-top_line.
      index_d = tab_ctrl1-top_line + n.
    ENDMODULE.                 " DISP_TABCTRL1  OUTPUT

  • Firefox 8.0 No New Tab displays next to open tab, have to manually select new tab

    I am no longer seeing a New Tab when I have a tab in use... in FF 3.6, & 4.0 when I opened a site in a tab, then a New Tab would automatically appear to the right of the tab in use... I checked tab settings in OPTIONS, and all correct.... So now I have to manually select "New Tab" if I want to open a new tab....and it's not opening a new site into a new tab as is selected in OPTIONS, instead it opens in the current tab, so it's overriding the tab I am on... very frustrating.. How can I go back to FF 4.0????? thanks TB

    Do you have any themes installed?
    Tools -> Add-ons -> Appearance
    If so, try selecting the default theme and restart the browser.
    Also check to see if you can add the "+" by right-clicking on tab toolbar in a blank area and selecting "Customize...". Then select the "+" button from the list of available buttons and drag it to the right of the rightmost tab.
    Another method:
    1. Right click somewhere on the toolbar area and select Customize.
    2. Add flexible space to the far right side of the tabs toolbar, to the left of the (now white) "+" icon.

Maybe you are looking for

  • How do I tell Adobe reader to open a file instead of being prompted to save the file?

    how do I tell Adobe reader to open a file instead of being prompted to save the file?

  • Hierarchy Viewer and Drag Drop

    Hi I am new for ADF Hiearchy Viewe components. I am trying drag from ADF table rows to drop ADf Hierarchy viewer node and introduce by here. 1. can get selected rows from drag source

  • Re: Satellite P750 with 2 external monitors

    Hi, I am just wondering if it is possible to have two "external" LCD monitors connected to my Toshiba Satellite P750? One on the VGA and the other one on the HDMI perhaps? Cheers Niels

  • I am getting Error7 while buiding exe

    I am getting the following error while building an application(.exe) in LabVIEW 8.5. Error 7: occurred at Invoke Node in>>>>AB_Item_OnDoProper

  • Flash/Javascript access of USER Variables

    Hi all, I've searched online many many times and have made many attempts in Flash and in Captivate 4, but to no avail, and I'm wracking my brain over it. By now I've almost given up on Captivate, since what has wasted so much time could have been don