IE Automatically detect setting GPO

Hi all,
I would like to deploy a gpo to enable (automatically detect setting and use automatic configuration script) on client computer, after depoloyment only (use automatic configuration script) can be enable on window xp computer even I have enable both setting on the gpo.
I have tried to create and test separate on a window 7 computer, it is works.
Do anyone have idea??
Many Thanks!!

Perhaps this issue with IE GPOs.........
On 8/25/2011 1:06 AM, manng228 wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to deploy a gpo to enable (automatically detect setting
> and use automatic configuration script) on client computer, after
> depoloyment only (use automatic configuration script) can be enable on
> window xp computer even I have enable both setting on the gpo.
> I have tried to create and test separate on a window 7 computer, it is
> works.
> Do anyone have idea??
> Many Thanks!!
Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA
Novell Knowledge Partner
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    Sorry, I misunderstand your posting before.
    Okey, now please check the GPO version through Group Policy Management console\GPO preperties\Details tab\, make sure user version (AD) and (Sysvol) has the same version.
    Generate a Group Policy result for a user through Group Policy Management Console, check applied user GPO, check whether the GPO version.
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    HEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Internet Settings\Connection
    Get a module value from a computer which “Automatically detect configuration settings” is unchecked.
    For more information please refer to following MS articles:
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    TechNet Community Support

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    here is a script that does the trick: source
    Option Explicit
    On Error Resume Next
    'Create a constant for the HKEY_CURRENT_USER object
    Const HKCU = &H80000001
    'Define variables
    Dim strComputer
    Dim strRegistryKey
    Dim objRegistry
    Dim strRegistryValue
    DIm binValue
    strComputer = "."
    strRegistryKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections"
    strRegistryValue = "DefaultConnectionSettings"
    'Connect to the Registry
    Set objRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
    'Retrieve the current settings.
    objRegistry.GetBinaryValue HKCU, strRegistryKey, strRegistryValue, binValue
    'Change the 'Automatically detect settings' box to unticked
    binValue(8) = 05
    'binValue(8) = 13 - Enable this line to check the box instead of uncheck
    'Save the changes
    objRegistry.SetBinaryValue HKCU, strRegistryKey, strRegistryValue, binValue

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    When entering the URL either as your home page or new tab page, I suggest using the full URL since otherwise there is a slight delay as Google redirects Firefox to the secure page.

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    This this to fix repeated password requests....
    Open Keychain Access in Applications/Utilities
    Search for your Dreamhost accounts. There should be two entries (incoming, outgoing) for each account.
    It's not uncommon to find old entries. You might want to delete all and start clean.The Keychain isn't smart and will keep all old entries when you add/change a password.
    While you are in the Keychain run Keychain First Aid, Under Keychain Access in the Menu bar.
    Open Mail
    Open Connection Doctor.
    If you see red for the account, enter the password again.
    If you continue to have problems, delete the account then add it back.

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    Hi, Joanne
    Firstly uncheck “Automatically detect settings” at the server where you configure Group Policy.
    Or you can save below data to .reg file and input to your registry:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections]
    Then when you create GPP, it will get the registry entry value form current registry.
    In my test, the value is:
    TechNet Community Support

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    Please make sure to follow guide in the following link to manually configure proxy settings with netsh
    Netsh Commands for Windows Hypertext Transfer Protocol (WINHTTP)
    Example in the link below can also be helpful
    Or configure the proxy settings via registry if you want to global control this setting
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Uncheck automatically detect settings of IE

    I need to uncheck only "automatically detect settings" on XP workstation.
    I searched lots of Google but could not right solution.

    Thanks for your posting.
    You can create a GPO, link it to a scope (Site, Domain, or OU level) which contain user account object.
    Configure the GPO:
    User Configuration \ Policies \ Windows Settings \ Internet Explorer Maintenance \ Connection \ Automatic Browser Configuration \uncheck “Automatically detect configuration settings”
    For more and detail information, please check the simialr thread:
    uncheck "use automatic configuration script" in IE LAN settings
    Vivian Wang
    TechNet Community Support

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    You can set this in the registry, using batch or vbscript:
    HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings/Connections/DefaultConnectionSettings
    The 9th Byte should be changed to 09, this sets the checkbox to automatically detect settings.
    I have used this to switch back between my auto-configuration script and automatically detect settings. If fast switching is what you are after I would use this approach, if you want to manage multiple computer, just push it via group policy.
    Jaap Brasser

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    If you are missing using google maps - try the Nokia map app called "here"

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    duplicate annihilator -
    And NEVER import an iPhoto library into another iPhoto library - doing so des not work and creates massive duplication
    if you still have all of the original iPhoto libraries I recommend you drag the bad one you created to the desktop (delete it later when everythin has successfully been completed) and start over usin iPhoto Library Manager - -  to merge the libraries

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    You must start with some initial information and a known environment.
    There are several possibilities after that.
    - The server has a 'name'. This is not an ip address but a name like "". When you connect using that, even if the IP changes, the correct IP will be returned. (At least ignoring an annoying bug in some VMs)
    - A specific IP address
    - Use a methodoly to 'request' a server address. One version of this is to use a UDP broadcast another version uses a service manager (which itself must be found.)

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