IExpense - Could not get handle to the Attachments VO

Friends, I am stuck, so thought to get your help.
On iExpense Final Review Page "FinalReviewPG" Submitt button, We have a requirement to throw the exception to user if he/she does not attach the Receipts Attachments with some specific Attachment Categories. In order to acheive this I need to get Handle to the Attachments VO but I could not as It throws the Java Exception error upon getting handle to the Attachments VO even though i added few atatchments and they showup on screen. Below is the portion of the problematic code and after that the full code. Thanks for your help.
//below is the problmeatic code
OAApplicationModule RootAM = oapagecontext.getRootApplicationModule();
//OAApplicationModule AttachAM = (OAApplicationModule)RootAM.findApplicationModule("OAAttachmentsAM");//doesnt work
//OAApplicationModule AttachAM = (OAApplicationModule)RootAM.findApplicationModule("oracle_apps_fnd_server_OAAttachmentsAM");//get the AM handle but null VOs
OAAttachmentsAMImpl AttachAM = (OAAttachmentsAMImpl)RootAM.findApplicationModule("oracle_apps_fnd_server_OAAttachmentsAM");//throws me java null pointer exception
FndAttachedDocumentsDomExtensionVORowImpl AttachRow =
String strCategory = AttachRow.getAttachmentCategoryName();
"IM90978: 14-Feb-2013 14:32 strCategory = "+ strCategory, 2);
//below is my full code
import oracle.apps.ap.oie.entry.summary.webui.FinalReviewPageCO;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBean;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageStyledTextBean;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageAttachmentLinkBean;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;
import oracle.apps.ap.oie.server.WebExpensesAMImpl;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBean;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageStyledTextBean;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageAttachmentLinkBean;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageInlineAttachmentBean;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;
import oracle.apps.ap.oie.server.ExpenseReportHeadersVORowImpl;
import oracle.apps.ap.oie.server.WebExpensesAMImpl;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAApplicationModule;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAAttachmentTableBean;
import oracle.apps.fnd.server.FndAttachedDocumentsDomExtensionVORowImpl;
import oracle.apps.fnd.server.FndAttachedDocumentsVORowImpl;
import oracle.apps.fnd.server.*;
import oracle.apps.fnd.server.OAAttachmentsService;
import oracle.apps.fnd.server.OAAttachmentsAMImpl;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.*;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OARow;
public class TCFinalReviewPageCO extends FinalReviewPageCO
public void processRequest(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
super.processRequest(oapagecontext, oawebbean);
public void processFormData(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
super.processFormData(oapagecontext, oawebbean);
public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
String s = oapagecontext.getParameter("OIESubmit");
if (s != null)
OAMessageStyledTextBean oamessagestyledtextbean = (OAMessageStyledTextBean)oawebbean.findChildRecursive("ReceiptRequired");
String strReceiptRequired = oamessagestyledtextbean.getText(oapagecontext);
WebExpensesAMImpl am =
ExpenseReportHeadersVORowImpl row =
String isPaperLessClaim = row.getAttribute5();
OAApplicationModule RootAM = oapagecontext.getRootApplicationModule();
//OAApplicationModule AttachAM = (OAApplicationModule)RootAM.findApplicationModule("OAAttachmentsAM");//doesnt work
//OAApplicationModule AttachAM = (OAApplicationModule)RootAM.findApplicationModule("oracle_apps_fnd_server_OAAttachmentsAM");//get the AM handle but null VOs
OAAttachmentsAMImpl AttachAM = (OAAttachmentsAMImpl)RootAM.findApplicationModule("oracle_apps_fnd_server_OAAttachmentsAM"); // I get error right here :(
FndAttachedDocumentsDomExtensionVORowImpl AttachRow =
String strCategory = AttachRow.getAttachmentCategoryName();
"IM90978: 14-Feb-2013 14:32 strCategory = "+ strCategory, 2);
if ("Required".equals(strReceiptRequired) && "Y".equals(isPaperLessClaim))
// Receipt is required, check for required attachment
"IM90978: 14-Feb-2013 14:32 both conditions met = ", 2);
OAMessageAttachmentLinkBean oamessageattachmentlinkbean = (OAMessageAttachmentLinkBean)oawebbean.findChildRecursive("ReviewGenInfoHeaderAttachments");
String strAttachment = (String)oamessageattachmentlinkbean.getAttributeValue(oapagecontext.getRenderingContext(), TEXT_ATTR);
"IM90978: 14-Feb-2013 14:32 before exception = ", 2);
throw new OAException("XXTFA", "XXTFA_ATTACH_RECEIPT");
super.processFormRequest(oapagecontext, oawebbean);
super.processFormRequest(oapagecontext, oawebbean);
super.processFormRequest(oapagecontext, oawebbean);

Check and see the below code works or not, see which option suits for you,
1) Check any attachment is there or not
public boolean checkAttachment(OAPageContext oapagecontext,OAWebBean oawebbean)
OAApplicationModule am = oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean);
String amName = "";
String objectivesAMName = "OAAttachmentsAM";
String objectiveVOName = "FndAttachedDocumentsDomExtensionVO";
String nestedAMArray[] = am.getApplicationModuleNames();
oapagecontext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Root AM=>"+am.getName() + " Child AMs=>"+ nestedAMArray.length,1);
OAApplicationModule currentAM = null;
OAViewObject vo = null;
boolean isAttachmentFound = false;
currentAM = am;
for(int i = 0; i < nestedAMArray.length; i++)
amName = nestedAMArray;
oapagecontext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Nested AM Name=>"+amName + "and amName.indexOf(objectivesAMName) "+amName.indexOf(objectivesAMName),1);
currentAM = (OAApplicationModule)am.findApplicationModule(amName);
//Get the view names
oapagecontext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Nested AM Value "+currentAM.getName(),1);
String[] viewNames = currentAM.getViewObjectNames();
for (int j =0 ;j<viewNames.length ;j++ )
if(viewNames[j].indexOf(objectiveVOName) > 0){
vo = (OAViewObject)currentAM.findViewObject(viewNames[j]);
if(vo!=null && vo.getFetchedRowCount() > 0){
oapagecontext.writeDiagnostics(this,"View object name "+viewNames[j]+" Row Count"+vo.getFetchedRowCount(),1);
isAttachmentFound = true;
oapagecontext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Found Handle to My Nested AM " + amName ,1);
return isAttachmentFound;
2) Check the attachment count when the auto commit is false:
public boolean checkAttachment(OAPageContext oapagecontext,OAWebBean oawebbean){
OAApplicationModule am = oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean);
String amName = "";
String objectivesAMName = "OAAttachmentsAM";
String objectiveVOName = "FndAttachedDocumentsDomExtensionVO";
String nestedAMArray[] = am.getApplicationModuleNames();
oapagecontext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Root AM=>"+am.getName() + " Child AMs=>"+ nestedAMArray.length,1);
OAApplicationModule currentAM = null;
OAViewObject vo = null;
boolean isAttachmentFound = false;
currentAM = am;
for(int i = 0; i < nestedAMArray.length; i++)
amName = nestedAMArray[i];
oapagecontext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Nested AM Name=>"+amName + "and amName.indexOf(objectivesAMName) "+amName.indexOf(objectivesAMName),1);
currentAM = (OAApplicationModule)am.findApplicationModule(amName);
//Get the view names
oapagecontext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Nested AM Value "+currentAM.getName(),1);
String[] viewNames = currentAM.getViewObjectNames();
for (int j =0 ;j<viewNames.length ;j++ )
if(viewNames[j].indexOf(objectiveVOName) > 0){
vo = (OAViewObject)currentAM.findViewObject(viewNames[j]);
if(vo!=null && vo.getFetchedRowCount() > 0){
oapagecontext.writeDiagnostics(this,"View object name "+viewNames[j]+" Row ount"+vo.getFetchedRowCount(),1);
isAttachmentFound = true;
oapagecontext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Found Handle to My Nested AM " + amName ,1);
return isAttachmentFound;
With regards,

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    You will need to go into your Files and locate the song.  By default, iTunes saves songs in the iTunes Media Folder which can be found in the following locations:
    Mac OS X: /Users/username/Music
    Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\
    Windows Vista: \Users\username\Music\iTunes
    Windows 7 and Windows 8: \Users\username\My Music\iTunes
    If you locate your song file, when you try to play it in iTunes, you will be given an option to locate.  Navigate to the file in the pop up window and iTunes will re-path the file location.
    Most people encounter this issue when moving to a new computer or if you have your music saved on an external drive or folder that you have since moved or removed.  The imperative part is finding the song so you can re-map it.

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    WARNING: Advice List is : null
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    CDC Servlet: Directory matches for is:{AMIdentity object: id=eauthdev_apache_8080,ou=agent,dc=mycompany,dc=com AMSDKDN=uid=eauthdev_apache_8080,ou=agents,dc=mycompany,dc=com={sunidentityserverdevicestatus=[Active], sunidentityserverdevicekeyvalue=[agentRootURL=]}}
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    WARNING: Invalid GoTo URL: for Agent ID:
    04/19/2007 06:19:27:400 PM PDT: Thread[service-j2ee-4,5,main]
    ERROR: CDCServlet.doGetPost:Exception occured
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid Agent: Could not get agent for the realm
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.servletService(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
    at com.sun.identity.setup.AMSetupFilter.doFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invokeInternal(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
    at com.sun.webserver.connector.nsapi.NSAPIProcessor.process(
    at com.sun.webserver.connector.nsapi.NSAPIConnector.service(
    Does anybody knows what is going wrong?
    Thanks in advance,

    One more thing Vivek : seems like the problem comes from the fact that the there's 3 checks done to ensure the goto URL matches what's in the agent profile, and one of them (the port check) fails.
    agentRootURL has port 80. The gotoURL doesn't.
    Try not specifying a port number for key agentRootURL and tell me if that works.
    Side note : it seems you might not have the following property enabled in your :
    com.sun.identity.enableUniqueSSOTokenCookie = true

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    You are looking at outdated instructions, you can find the "check the downloads" option under settings > iTunes Store. You may also wish to look on the movies > rentals.

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    Best Regards
    Günther Mönius

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    thanks for your answer.
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    EDIT: We were able to delete the usage manually.
    King regards

  • CDSSO Invalid Agent: Could not get agent for realm

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    I'm getting the following error in my amCDC log. I believe it is related to the post (
    03/18/2008 10:17:58:826 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-0,10,Grizzly]
    CDCServlet.doGetPost: Query String received: goto=http%3A%2F%2Fbonecrusher.test.local%3A80%2F%3FsunwMethod%3DGET&RequestID=20798&MajorVersion=1&MinorVersion=0&ProviderID=http%3A%2F%2Fbonecrusher.test.local%3A80%2Famagent&IssueInstant=2008-03-18T10%3A18%3A09Z
    03/18/2008 10:17:58:826 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-0,10,Grizzly]
    SSOException caught: com.iplanet.sso.SSOException: Invalid session ID.
    03/18/2008 10:17:59:091 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-0,10,Grizzly]
    Forwarding for authentication to: /UI/Login?goto=%2Famserver%2Fcdcservlet%3FTARGET%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fbonecrusher.test.local%253A80%252F%253FsunwMethod%253DGET%26RequestID%3D20798%26MajorVersion%3D1%26MinorVersion%3D0%26ProviderID%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fbonecrusher.test.local%253A80%252Famagent%26IssueInstant%3D2008-03-18T10%253A18%253A09Z
    03/18/2008 10:18:04:482 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2,10,Grizzly]
    CDCServlet.doGetPost: Query String received: TARGET=http%3A%2F%2Fbonecrusher.test.local%3A80%2F%3FsunwMethod%3DGET&RequestID=20798&MajorVersion=1&MinorVersion=0&ProviderID=http%3A%2F%2Fbonecrusher.test.local%3A80%2Famagent&IssueInstant=2008-03-18T10%3A18%3A09Z
    03/18/2008 10:18:04:482 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2,10,Grizzly]
    WARNING: Advice List is : null
    03/18/2008 10:18:04:482 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2,10,Grizzly]
    CDCServlet.doGetPost: targetURL = http://bonecrusher.test.local:80/?sunwMethod=GET
    03/18/2008 10:18:04:482 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2,10,Grizzly]
    CDCServlet.doGetPost: gotoURL = http://bonecrusher.test.local:80/?sunwMethod=GET
    03/18/2008 10:18:04:482 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2,10,Grizzly]
    CDC Servlet: Directory matches for http://bonecrusher.test.local:80/ is:{AMIdentity object: id=TestCDSSOAgent,ou=agent,dc=test-sun,dc=local={objectclass=[person, inetorgperson, organizationalperson, inetuser, top], sunIdentityServerDeviceKeyValue=[agentRootURL=http://bonecrusher.test.local:80/, agentRootURL=http://bonecrusher.test.local/], sunIdentityServerDeviceStatus=[Active], userpassword=[Q8Ea8sKa1CMyUaxgkqhC0PVeKV8=]}}
    03/18/2008 10:18:04:482 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2,10,Grizzly]
    CDC Servlet: Restriction string for: http://bonecrusher.test.local:80/ is: id=TestCDSSOAgent,ou=agent,dc=test-sun,dc=local [bonecrusher.test.local, bonecrusher.test.local]
    03/18/2008 10:18:04:482 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2,10,Grizzly]
    ERROR: CDCServlet.doGetPost:Exception occured
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid Agent: Could not get agent for the realm
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    Based on the previous post I believe it has something to do with the validity checks performed by the CDC. The post describes 3 checks and I believe my solution is failing one of these, however I am not sure which.
    As far as I understand it my logs above demonstrate that the agentRootURL is correctly set, but I'm not sure what other values are needed.
    Any advice would be greatly received.

    Quick follow up :)
    This problem was caused by the Access Manager instance not being able to resolve the IP address for 'bonecrusher.test.local'
    After I added the entry for this into the hosts file everything worked.

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    This file was created in 2002 in MSword but this had been forgotten.
    When I went to open it.... (MSword) was not a program option on my laptop. For some reason, I assumed that either Pages or Numbers wouild open the file. How the file was created was forgotten and had no file Info, but I new that it was a table of valuable information.
    The warning threw me off, because it led me to believe that it was a Numbers file. which Numbers would not open. A paradox.
    I took the file to a laptop in OSXpanther with MSoffice and it opened in MSword. Problem Solved.
    Thank you for your help.

  • On some of my files there is a ! in front of it, if I try to play the song, I get an error message; "The song "_____" could not be used, because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?" Then when I click "Locate", I get nothing.

    I'm really dumbfounded on this one and it's driving me bonkers!!!! On some of my music files there is a ! in front of it, if I try to play the song, I get an error message; "The song "_____" could not be used, because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?"
    This began to happen when Chuck made playlists2burn on2CD-and then he would delete the playlist; sending all the song files into oblivion. Certain songs have a ! right next to the file name, and as I stated before, i get that error message:
    "The song "_____" could not be used, because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?"
    So I click on "Locate". No help. I get a menu with folders that say "catroot" and other folders which names I cannot remember, but I scroll PAST the file folders, & it's just a bunch of ".DLL" files.....I don't understand what any of the names of the folders's frustr8ing-coz this is my 2nd iTouch, my 1st one got stolen & I can't afford2buy my music back at this time & i NEVER before had a single problem with losing song file locations.
                  Is there anyone out there who has been through this frustrating game of chasing your tail?....<that's how I feel>
    If so I would be ever so gr8ful if maybe someone with the knowledge would be so kind as 2 tell me how/where 2 retrieve these songs & how to put everything back where it belongs, I would be 4ever gr8ful !!!
    I can't afford 2 replace the songs just like I'm unable 2 buy back my old music from my stolen that was an awesome collection-someday I'll be able 2 afford 2 do that & I would like 2 have all the new music that I paid 4 but cannot find when I got my new iTouch....that would just be  wonderful.
                 I hope someone sees this post that can help me retrieve these files....losing $100.00 of iTunes is a REAL BUMMER!!!!!!
                                                      ThanQ SO very much!
                                                                             [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] .
                                                                                               You can also find me on Facebook, my given name is Tiffinie Trimmer, &
                                                                                                that's my Facebook "handle".    ThanQ 4 taking the time 2 read all of this!
                                                                                                hope 2 get a reply someday....I'll B checking all my emails & my Facebook, as well
                                                                                                as marking this page in my FAVORITES so I can find it fast! Take Care!!!

    I was not complete clear.
    Since you never changed the settings in the advanced section of iTunes preferecnes, you have to chech that your music is really in the location setted in the folders reported in the advanced section.  If not you have 2 ways: reset the position of this folders or in the actual disk organisation or in the pointing on the preferences.
    If you press the reset button you just give to itunes its default setting as for the position of the music files: probably this will be a good choice if you have never changed any default preference.
    But before I would check the folders and see if the songs are really there
    In my iTune I have this, and I believe it is the default.
    Users/YOURHOMEFOLDERNAME/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music

  • "could not be handled because Pages cannot open files in the "data" format."

    I cannot open some files from at least two different friends.   the message that I get is "could not be handled because Pages cannot open files in the “data” format.”. 
    I have OSX 10.9.2
    I have the latest version of Pages 5.2
    Any help is appreciated. I'd like to be able to open files. Thank you.

    Could your friend possibly be using a Mac running OS 9?
    Or one of the early versions of OSX?
    They are the only Systems I know of that don't have file extensions on the files, because they used data forks in the file, something Apple eventually abandoned, in the interests of compatiblity with Windows and UNIX generally.
    I had a look AmigaOS also had a form of file and resource separation, in which the main file does not have an extension.

  • Hi Friends... I'm trying to delete a back-up file on mu TC but I get the message "The operation could not be completed because the item "bands" is in use. I'd like to start the Back from scratch, could help me out with deleting the current file?

    Hi Friends...
    I’m trying to delete a back-up file on mu TC but I get the message “The operation could not be completed because the item “bands” is in use. I’d like to start the Back from scratch, could help me out with deleting the current file?

    Sorry, I am very confused. I asked the following question....
    Is this the only backup file on your Mac, or do you have other backup files and data on the Time Capsule disk?
    The answer that you gave was....
    This is the only one
    Now you are saying that....
    But I have lots of other files on Time Capsule! The back up file is only one of them.
    Can you clarify, please?

  • I'm running snow leopard. The try to open any .mov file in Quicktime, and I get an error message that says, "The document could not be opened. The movie is not in a format that Quicktime player understands. I'm a recent upgrade to Snow Leopard.

    I'm running snow leopard. The try to open any .mov file in Quicktime, and I get an error message that says, "The document could not be opened. The movie is not in a format that Quicktime player understands. I'm a recent upgrade to Snow Leopard.
    Thanks, Mark

    Unfortunately, the error message gives no details about what codec might be missing or what it needs.
    If the file can't be opened in QT, it only means you cannot use the QT "Inspector" window to check what compression formats were used to create the file. It does not mean you can't use the Finder "Information" window to check on the compression formats or use a third party media information window (e.g., like VLC which will open many compression formats not supported natively by QT) to determine what kind of data is included in the MOV wrapper. If the file cannot be opened in any app, it is usually a good sign that the file itself is corrupted.
    It's a stupid error message. Apple should do better than that.
    Error trapping is quite extensive but there are still many areas which require human oversight. The message is telling you that either the container has a problem (e.g., not properly terminated, non-standard, or corrupted) or that one or more of the compression formats used is not supported by your current codec component configuration or that the data was encoded using non-standard settings or preferences not supported by QT or that the fourCC code does not match the data contained in the file or that there are timecode inconsistencies, etc., etc., etc. In short there are a near infinite number of possible problems for which it would be very difficult/nearly impossible to program error trapping depending on your sourcing of content and how you process it before it reaches the player app. Think of it like trying to play a BD disc in an DVD player.
    I'll call Apple support when I get a chance.
    Chances are good that they will end up sending you back here. In any case, it is often a good idea to post a sample file for examination by other QT users. At the very least, they should be able to tell you if the sample file will play on other systems which would indicate whether or not the file itself is bad and under the best of circumstances whould allow them to examing the file in detail for various common problems.

  • Firedox did a restart, now it wont open i get the message The procedure point js_UnwrapObjectAndInnerize could not be located in the dynamic link library

    firefox did a restart now it wont open, i get the following message,
    The procedure point js_UnwrapObjectAndInnerize could not be located in the dynamic link library
    have tried system restore but this didnt help

    Do a clean reinstall and delete the Firefox program folder (C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\) before reinstalling a fresh copy of Firefox.
    Download a fresh Firefox copy and save the file to the desktop.
    *Firefox 15.0.x:
    Uninstall your current Firefox version, if possible, to cleanup the Windows registry and settings in security software.
    *Do NOT remove personal data when you uninstall your current Firefox version, because all profile folders will be removed and you will also lose your personal data like bookmarks and passwords from profiles of other Firefox versions.
    Remove the Firefox program folder before installing that newly downloaded copy of the Firefox installer.
    *It is important to delete the Firefox program folder to remove all the files and make sure that there are no problems with files that were leftover after uninstalling.
    Your bookmarks and other profile data are stored in the Firefox Profile Folder and won't be affected by an uninstall and (re)install, but make sure that "remove personal data" is NOT selected when you uninstall Firefox.

  • When installing Server 2008 Datacenter from disc, I get the error message "Windows could not parse or process the unattent answer file for pass [specialize].

    This is a clean install from s disc onto a 3TB GPT drive. This is for testing. I'm not concerned with finding a more practical solution for this installation.
    There is no image or answer file involved. But at the "Completing Installation" phase, I receive this error message about an answer file.
    Has anyone else expecrienced this problem? The only results I find here are regarding actual imaging with answer files.
    EDIT: [Redacted]
    EDIT 2: Since this now happens with every single installation of Server 2008 on this system, I feel the need to keep this open and elaborate on my situation.
    I originally installed Server 2008 on the 2TB partition of this 3TB drive. The partition type was MBR. I reinstalled it (there was a false alarm for malicious software) since it was a fresh install without updates or anything else installed. And for the
    second time, it installed fine.
    I decided to make the most of my 3TB drive and try GPT partitioning. So I went into the command prompt > diskpart > ran "clean" on the disk, then "convert GPT"
    That is when I tried another install of Server 2008 and received this error message about an answer file.
    I decided to convert it back to MBR and get on with what I wanted to test in the first place. So I went into Diskpart again, ran "clean", rand "convert MBR" and started the install. But this resulted in the same error message about an
    answer file.
    I went back to Diskpart, "clean"ed the disk, ran "convert dynamic" to make sure it was dynamic, then tried the install again, with the same result.
    Now, I've tried installing on the disk as GPT, MBR basic and MBR dynamic. I've tried a different installation disc, as well. I got the same result. At this point, I'm going to switch hard drives, but I'm still open to input. Thanks for reading!

    As you swapped the hard disk, whether the same issue occurs again if you redo the same steps?
    I asked "OEM or retail" because of this known issue:
    "Windows could not parse or process the unattend answer file for pass [specialize]" error message when you perform an in-place upgrade in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R2
    An answer file may already contain in the disc which causes the issue.
    If issue still exists you can click Shift + F10 during the installation process to see the log. Check if the installation error for detailed information.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please send to [email protected]

  • When I open iTunes it is slow to open for one, and two when it does see my iPhone and i go to sync it this is what I get in return... The iPhone "My Name here" could not be synced because the iPhone could not be found on the network. that is a pop up box

    When I open iTunes it is slow to open for one, and two when it does see my iPhone and i go to sync it this is what I get in return... The iPhone "My Name here" could not be synced because the iPhone could not be found on the network. that is a pop up box in middle of screen that says that it does it like every time I go to sync the phone after i do app updates. I am getting very frustrated by this can someone please help. I have made 2 other discussion topics about this and no replies on them. Please if anyone can help I ask for help. This has occurred ever since the iOS 5.1 update and the iTunes 10.6.0 and still continues with the iTunes 10.6.1 update just yesterday and perhaps even worse now. PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN. I have looked through my network settings etc and everything looks good here on my side.

    When I open iTunes it is slow to open for one, and two when it does see my iPhone and i go to sync it this is what I get in return... The iPhone "My Name here" could not be synced because the iPhone could not be found on the network. that is a pop up box in middle of screen that says that it does it like every time I go to sync the phone after i do app updates. I am getting very frustrated by this can someone please help. I have made 2 other discussion topics about this and no replies on them. Please if anyone can help I ask for help. This has occurred ever since the iOS 5.1 update and the iTunes 10.6.0 and still continues with the iTunes 10.6.1 update just yesterday and perhaps even worse now. PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN. I have looked through my network settings etc and everything looks good here on my side.

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