If I erase my hard drive on my MacBook Pro to restore my server, will microsoft word get deleted?

My computer recently has been having issues, I was told to try and reinstall my server after my computer continued to freeze up and dash marks across my screen show up. I was going to erase my hard drive (I already saved all my files and pictures) but I am wondering if there is a way I can do this without microsoft word being deleted. Thanks for your help!!

No, there isn't. You'll need to reload it afterwards, either from backup or from the original source.

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    cfirebrace wrote:
    Thank you for being so helpful. Do I just hold down Alt? It does nothing!!
    When starting or restarting the computer, At Boot or ReBoot. And in the Mac World it is really the Option key, Alt is used for PC users that make the switch to Mac.

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    Gaye Thomas wrote:
    But I just read your next post, and  it sounds like you think I should do the back-up first, or am I missing something. I think you are now recommending that:
    1. First I should install Snow Leopard,
    2. do the combo update of 10.6.8
    3. THEN USE BACKUP to restore what I want to carry over to new drive.
    4. Then upgrade to Lion.
    I would restore SL and do the Combo 10.6.8 update. Then use your backup to load back in what you want. Then do the upgrade to Lion.
    So what made you change your mind?
    And, just to say again, the hard drive is completely new.  The shop installed 10.6.8 from the installation CD, and I haven't even configured email.  I'm only using safari.  I just now downloaded 4 updates that software updater recommended.  It now tells me it is up to date.  Is there any reason to do a 10.6.8 combo updater?
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    What changed my mind was your second post. You don't want to carry over everything to the new drive and the install of Lion. You only want selective things and of course your personal files.
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    1. Make a backup, open App Store and purchase Mountain Lion. When its download finishes, close the installer and open Lion Diskmaker to create a bootable USB drive with Mountain Lion.
    2. Press Option key while your Mac is starting, select the external drive and open Disk Utility.
    3. Select Macintosh HD in the sidebar and erase the drive.
    4. Close the window and install Mountain Lion

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    You haven't formatted the SSD, so you can't install Mac OS X.
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    It means there is no bootable system on the drive. If you still have access to the old drive, then I suggest you boot from it then clone it to the new internal drive. Use OPTION boot to boot from the Recovery HD on the old drive:
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
         1. Select Disk Utility from the main menu then press the Continue
         2. Select the destination volume from the left side list.
         3. Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
         4. Select the destination volume from the left side list and drag it
             to the Destination entry field.
         5. Select the source volume from the left side list and drag it to
             the Source entry field.
         6. Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    Source means the external old drive. Destination means the new internal drive.

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    Try here...
    Setting-up a new Mac from an old one, its backups, or a PC

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    To avoid that...
    See these 2 Links...
    Syncing to a New Computer...
    Recovering your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device

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    secondrow wrote:
    whats a green drive? thnks
    Green is a marketing term for a drive designed for lower power use, lower noise, and lower heat. The side effect is that it's not as fast. Black drives are designed for highest performance, so they might use more power and run hotter and noisier. I upgraded my Apple Time Capsule with a green drive, but I put a black drive in my Mac Pro.
    Kappy wrote:
    7200 RPM drives are faster than 5400 RPM drives.
    As in cars, RPM is not the sole determinant of performance. In some cases, a newer drive at a lower RPM is faster than an older drive at a higher RPM, when the newer drive uses better technology. I have heard that some of today's high-capacity 5400RPM drives are faster than 7200RPM drives of lower capacity simply because the very high density of a 1TB drive means more data passes under the head even at a lower RPM. Certainly there have been times in Apple's past when new lower RPM drives were faster than higher RPM drives of the previous generation, a notable example being when 4200RPM perpendicular recording drives were introduced and beat 5400RPM drives.
    Yes, generally RPM can be used to compare, but it is important to realize it isn't always true.

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