If I send ArrayCollection using HTTPService to PHP

Is it viewed in the PHP script as an array or what???
I am using an ArrayCollection as dataProvider for DataGrid
and need to send back to my PHP script after mods.

Did you find out how to do this?

Similar Messages

  • Error when reading data in to ArrayCollection using HTTPService

    I am trying to read data in to ArrayCollection using HTTPService result property:
    [Bindable] private var myData:ArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection();
       private function result_handler(e:ResultEvent):void
            myData = e.result.root.contact;
      <mx:HTTPService id="post_submit"
           <mx:request xmlns="">
    I am getting the following error when there is no "contact" record in the xml root:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
    Also I am getting the following error when there is only ONE  "contact" record in the xml root:
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert mx.utils::ObjectProxy@280c9ca1 to mx.collections.ArrayCollection.
    And it works fine when there is two or more "contact" records in the xml root.
    Am I missing something?

    I am getting the following error when there is no "contact" record in the xml root:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
         You'll be getting this error because it's trying to access nodes that don't exist;
         there are no 'contact' records, thus when it tries to access node 'root.contact', it doesn't exist, hence it's receiving NULL when it's expecting      something
    Also I am getting the following error when there is only ONE  "contact" record in the xml root:TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert mx.utils::ObjectProxy@280c9ca1 to mx.collections.ArrayCollection.
    And it works fine when there is two or more "contact" records in the xml root.
    Am I missing something?
          When there is only 1 value, it'll be returned as an object (Arrays are used for multiple items). So it throws an error as it isn't expecting a single           object, it wants an Array.
         This is also why when it returns 2+ records, there is no error. Multiple results will be returned as an Array, what your flex app was expecting.
         My initial guess to solve the first problem would be similar to Greg's, although i'm guessing you'd want;
        if(e.result != null){
         instead of
         if(e.result.root.contact != null){
        as you'd initially want to check if anything was returned in the result, rather than checking to see if a certain node exists.
         If you attempt to see if a certain node isn't null, and the node doesn't exist, it'll probably throw another #1009
         For the #1034 error, you'll have to check to see how many results were returned, as Madhav has described for you.

  • Send parameter with special separator using HTTPService

    There are some servers that don't use 'key1=value1&key2=value2' style of separators. How can I connect with such server using HTTPService? Can I send a formatted string as parameter directly?

    use the 'POST' method rather than the 'GET' method

  • Processing ArrayCollection or XML in PHP from Flex

    I know this is a Flex forum, but after I use HTTPService with
    POST and an ArrayCollection or XML object as the parameter, anybody
    have the PHP code I would use to grab the parameter on the server
    Once I have grabbed it and put it in a PHP variable I can
    figure out the rest.

    One caveat for POST ing XML from AIR is that there is a bug
    and it submits as GET instead. Work-around I had to use was to
    upload XML file instead and then parse it.... otherwise from FLEX
    If you POST the XML as a parameter like so
    var params:Object = new Object()
    params.postText = myXML
    and your XML is something like.....
    then the PHP script looks something like.........
    foreach($_POST AS $key => $value) { ${$key} = $value; }
    //echo $postText;
    $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($postText, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
    $record = $xml->record;
    // use first record to capture column names into array
    foreach($record[0]->record->children() as $col){
    $colNames[] = $col->getName();
    // then for each column , record get the values
    foreach($record->record as $row){
    foreach($colNames as $column){
    $values[] = $row->$column;
    //do something with the record
    //get record level element name;
    $act = $xml->act;
    $table = $xml->table;
    $record = $xml->records;
    // get column names

  • How to use HTTPSERVICE in Actionscript project.

    Hello all,
    I am doing an actionscript project, I want to use httpservice to send a data to server . Is any one knows how to use httpservice in actionscript project?

    following code may help:
    import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
    import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
    import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
    private function callHTTPSERVIDE():void
    var hs:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
    hs.url = 'Server.php';
    hs.addEventListener( ResultEvent.RESULT, resultHandler );
    hs.addEventListener( FaultEvent.FAULT, faultHandler )
    private function resultHandler( event:ResultEvent ):void
    //handle your result here
    private function faultHandler( event:FaultEvent ):void
    // code for fault handling.

  • Comparison of number of bytes transferred over network while using HTTPService and RemoteObjects

    If I have to transfer data(say records of 100 employees in a DB) from Server to Client, I could use HTTPService and fetch the data as an XML file and then convert it to ArrayCollection in the Client. Or use RemoteObject and transfer the data in binary. Lets ignore other methods(Web Services etc) of data transfer for the moment.
    Now, for the same data, if I implement the application using HTTPService and RemoteObject, I notice that the number of bytes transferred over the network is less in case of HTTPService(XML) when compared to RemoteObject(AMF) which is a shock to me. My understanding is that AMF transfer should be more compact than XML. Ofcourse, once the data is available, RemoteObject result processing is noticeably faster than HTTPService result processing. My concern is why data transferred using AMF is larger than XML. As an example, you may refer to the samples provided in TourDeFlex. Refer to the following:
        Found in : Flex Data Access->HTTPService->BasicExample
        Link: http://www.adobe.com/devnet-archive/flex/tourdeflex/web/#docIndex=0;illustIndex=0;sampleId =12700
        Click on the 'Get Data' button to fetch the data.
        Bytes transferred - 1050
        Found in : Flex Data Access->RemoteObject->BasicJavaRemoting
        Link: http://www.adobe.com/devnet-archive/flex/tourdeflex/web/#docIndex=0;illustIndex=0;sampleId =13300
        Click on the 'Get Data' button to fetch the data.
        Bytes transferred - 1440
    This is a significant size difference. You may see the data transfer size by using developer tools like the HTTPFox Firefox extension.
    Am I missing something here? Any help will be very much appreciated.

    There is definitely problem with your tool or you looked at something else. Please check the attached snapshots of the session using charles capture tool. The response sizes are way bigger than what you mentioned but remoteobjects is almost half of httpservice for the complete transfer including request and response. Check below -
    httpservice -
    amf -

  • Populate flex tree control on demand using HTTPService (Flex 3)

    First, I am sorry if the same post is already posted here but after spending 30 minutes or may be more I could not find the solution.
    By the way I have two problems. 1.) I am new to flex which I know if my own problem and soon I will handle it.
    2.) This is major problem for me. I have to populate Tree control from database and I used HTTPService to get the data from database.
    I created a object of HTTPService and on load of Tree control I am calling a function which calls the HTTP URL and returns me the first level of node for my Tree.
    When I click on any node a function is called again using HTTPService and result is appended to the currently selected node. The same goes until n level and it works fine. I was happy with my results. I am stuck in new problem. The problem is if the tree is already populated on my browser and I make some add/update/delete any node or child node, the flex doesn't make a call to HTTP URL and I am not getting updated data.
    The mxml code is below (this code has some extra things too).
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
    layout="vertical"  backgroundGradientAlphas="[1.0, 1.0]"
    backgroundGradientColors="[#000000, #868686]" >
       import mx.utils.StringUtil;
       import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
       import mx.events.ListEvent;
       import mx.binding.utils.BindingUtils;
       import mx.controls.Alert;
       import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
       import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
       import mx.utils.ObjectProxy;
       import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
       import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
       import mx.utils.ArrayUtil;
       public var datalist:XMLListCollection = new XMLListCollection();
       public var xmlFromDatabase:HTTPService=new HTTPService();
       private var xmlForChildren:HTTPService;
       private function resultHandler( event:ResultEvent ):void
           var x:XML = event.result as XML;   
           var xl:XMLList = XMLList( x );
       private function faultHandler( event:FaultEvent ):void
       private function display():void
        var params:Object = {};
        params["parent"] = "0";
        xmlFromDatabase.url = "http://localhost:8080/GrailsFlex/department/tree";
        xmlFromDatabase.method = "GET";
        xmlFromDatabase.resultFormat = "e4x";
        xmlFromDatabase.useProxy = false;
       private function displyTree(event:ResultEvent):void
        XMLtree1.dataProvider =  event.result;
        XMLtree1.labelField = "@name";
       private function getChilds(event:ListEvent):void
         var xmlTree:Tree = event.currentTarget as Tree;
         var node:XML = xmlTree.selectedItem as XML
         var params:Object = {};
         params["parent"] = node.@id;
         xmlForChildren = new HTTPService();
         xmlForChildren.url = "http://localhost:8080/GrailsFlex/department/tree";
         xmlForChildren.method = "GET";
         xmlForChildren.resultFormat = "e4x";
         xmlForChildren.useProxy = false;
        catch (E:Error)
         Alert.show("getChilds Error:-- " + E.message);
       private function deleteTreeNode(xmlItem:XML):void
        var xmlParent:XML = XML(xmlItem).parent();
        if (xmlParent.@parent == null || StringUtil.trim(xmlParent.@parent) == "")
         xmlParent.@parent = "0";
        if (xmlParent.@parent != "0")
         //Recursive call until I get reach to children of root node
         // Now I am at root.
         var xmlRoot:XML = XML(xmlParent).parent();
         var bActualRoot:Boolean = false;
         if (xmlRoot == null)
          xmlRoot = xmlParent;
          bActualRoot = true;
         if (bActualRoot)
          if (xmlRoot.@parent == "0")
            for each (var xl:XML in xmlParent.children())
             if (xl.@name != xmlItem.@name)
              for (var cn:int=xl.children().length()-1; cn >=0; cn--)
               delete xl.children()[cn];
           catch (ex:Error)
            Alert.show("error Real Root: " + ex.toString());
          for each (var nodexm:XML in xmlRoot.children() )
           if (nodexm.@name != xmlParent.@name )
             for (var cu:int=nodexm.children().length()-1; cu >=0; cu--)
              delete nodexm.children()[cu];
            catch (ex:Error)
             Alert.show("error No Real Root: " + ex.toString());
       private function appendChild(event:ResultEvent):void
        var node:XML = event.result as XML
        var sItem: XML = XMLtree1.selectedItem as XML;
        if (sItem.children().length() > 0)
         delete sItem.children();
        for(var i:int=0; i < node.children().length(); i++)
                        var item:XML = node.children()[i];
    <mx:Tree id="XMLtree1" width="350" height="470"
          showRoot="false" creationComplete="display()" itemClick="getChilds(event)"  />
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks buddy for the answer.
    Unfortunately the answer came after quite long time of posting the message. Anyway I was able to open a tree on demand using HttpService and due to my new requirement I changed it to RemoteObject.
    I my latest change I am able to populate tree nodes on demand and also the same solution if getting update from server via JMS using Consumer object.
    I kind a like this solution because it took me good amount of effort to find the right solution.
    If any one is intersted the he/she can reply to the post and I can provide code here or may at some location so that it can be easily downloaded.
    The solution is Flex-Grails combination.
    Thanks everybody.

  • Cannot Send Messages Using  the Server

    I am dependent (during the day) on a wireless connection to the Minneapolis Wi-Fi system (U.S. Wireless).
    I've got an e-mail account with comcast and I have successfully interfaced this with the Apple Mail application that came with OS X 10.5.4 and for many weeks have been happily sending and receiving e-mails. But....
    I've been on the road and had to connect with Hotel internet services and I was picking up free WiFi in NYC when I was there.
    I first noticed the problem when I was staying at a hotel in Vermont.
    I would try to send e-mails and I would get the message:
    Select a different outgoing mail server....
    Now, I am back home and using my U.S. Wireless connection (which has been really bad lately).
    I keep getting these blasted messages and my mail sometimes goes through but more than often, I get these "cannot send message.." notices and my e-mail just sits there going nowhere in the outbox.
    How can I solve this problem?

    Beside the SMTP name -- smtp.comcast.net -- there is a pair of arrows, with one pointing up and one pointing down. If you click on those arrows you will be presented with a list of all SMTP ever enter (you may only have one), and also the command to Edit Server List. If you choose Edit Server List, you will be presented with a completely new setup window, dealing only with SMTP servers, and that window will have two tabs, one of which is also Advanced.
    From the name, smtp.comcast.net, without your Username appended, would indicate that an Authentication of None is currently in effect. With changes that Comcast has made recently, whether you use Port 25 or Port 587, I believe you would have to use Password Authentication, most certainly if the latter Port 587 is chosen.
    If you click on the link below, although not for Comcast, you will nevertheless see in section 12 through 15, screenshots that cover the SMTP setup that I am describing above.

  • Highscore list using Flash and PHP

    I want to make a highscorelist using AS3 and PHP(MySQL).
    I cant find a good tutorial on internet how to make something like that but I got this so far:
    import fl.controls.TextInput;
    import fl.controls.TextArea;
    var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
    variables.name = "Wil";
    variables.final = 2000;
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
    ////insert in the location of the php script ////////////////
    request.url = "http://www.justenter.nl/script.php";
    request.data = variables;
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    loader.load(request); //sends the request
    //when the request is done loading, it goes to the completeWriting function
    loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeWriting);
    function completeWriting(event:Event):void {
        var writingCompleted:TextField = new TextField;
        writingCompleted.autoSize = "center";
        writingCompleted.x =200;
        writingCompleted.y= 200;
        writingCompleted.text = event.target.data;
    He is sending the score and name to the database but he is doing that when i press ctrl-enter. He is sending the data I have given in:
    variables.name = "Wil";
    variables.final = 2000;
    I want a input textfield and a button. And When I fill in my name in the input textfield he send it to the database when I press the button.
    Is there someone that can help me out?

    import fl.controls.TextInput;
    import fl.controls.TextArea;
    var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
    //variables.name = "Wil";
    //variables.final = 2000;
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
    ////insert in the location of the php script ////////////////
    request.url = "http://www.justenter.nl/script.php";
    request.data = variables;
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    submitBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,submitF);  // where submitBtn is your button
    function submitF(e:Event){
    variables.name=nameTF.text; // where nameTF is your input texfield
    variables.final = score;  // where score is the variable you use to tally user score
    loader.load(request); //sends the request
    //when the request is done loading, it goes to the completeWriting function
    loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeWriting);
    function completeWriting(event:Event):void {
        var writingCompleted:TextField = new TextField;
        writingCompleted.autoSize = "center";
        writingCompleted.x =200;
        writingCompleted.y= 200;
        writingCompleted.text = event.target.data;

  • Can we upload a file using HTTPService

    Hi friends,
    I want to know that can i send a file from flex to servlet or
    struts using HttpService or not? I m using FileReference to upload
    a file.
    I just want to know that how can i send a file or multiple
    files as request parameter? Please tell me about this.
    Thanks in advance for your reply..

    To allow the user to identify a file to upload to the server
    you must use FileReference. If you have data in memory (like XML or
    arrays) you can use HTTPService and send the data using the POST
    method on HTTPService.
    There is no way to automatically read files from the user's
    local machine. That would be a serious security threat. You can
    imagine what could happen if you could write a Flash app that very
    innocently ask for a file and then just went and uploaded all of
    the data files in a user's directory without their permission.
    So, no, you cannot automatically upload files using
    FileReference or HTTPService or anything else.

  • Loss of sending email using WIFI

    As of this morning 8-20-08, after updating to 2.02, I no longer am able to send emails using my own wireless network. Previously this was no problem. Neither Fido or Apple have any idea of what I am talking about. Fido washed their hands as they do not support WIFI. How convenient, they sell the phone and charge for the service but do not support it. Videotron, my ISP, thinks the issue is my wireless router but I can send via gmail so that's out. I resovled the problem by configuring my accounts to use my gmail smtp server as a second option and now the spinning wheel is short lived and messages are sent.
    I'm sorry to say that I had fallen for all the hype about Apple but truth is they are but a Microsoft wannabe.

    So here's the wierd thing.
    I was having the same problems. Set up SMTP for Videotron when at home using relais.videotron.ca SMTP with no authenticationon port 25 & all was good in the world. However when I went out, bang. Nothing. Couldn't send a mail for love nor money.
    Thought aboutit & changed settings to use relais.videotron.ca SMTP, but this time using authentication of vltl** / password credentials with no SSL (Videotron doesn't use SSL) and again everything was fine. Of course, when I got home again, bang. Everything fell over & no more mail sending foe me!
    So I figure, when I'm at home I'm on my trusted network at port 25, I don't need authentication and all is good, but when I'm out i'm seen as potential SPAM by port 25 on videotron & get blocked.
    Tried using port 587 instead when for both home & mobile but had no luck either.
    Then a strange thing happened. I'd resolved to having to set up 2 SMTP servers on my iPhone & switching between the two based on where I was. Pain in the a**, but there's always a trade off for early adopter technology So I set up my primary SMTP to use port 25 with no authentication, and a secondary server to use the same relais.videotron.ca outgoing server, but this time WITH authentication using vltl** \ password credentials.
    After a walk to the shop when I'd been on my secondary SMTP server (successfully sending & recieving) I came home & inadvertantly forgot to swith back to my primary SMTP. Recieved a mail & then responded with no problem!
    Net result, I now have a permanently switced off primary server & a permanently switched on secondary server which uses relais.videotron.ca details with vltl** \ password authentication credentials active (like I did on my old silver iPhone) & all is good in the world, both at home & out mobile, both for sending & recieving!
    Will field test some more tomorrow but it may be a 2.0.2 bug where ther primary server details fcuk up whereas the secondary server details are stable.
    So long as it works, who cares!

  • How can I send email using two different email address that both link back to my one exchange account on my Ipad mini

    How can I send email using two different email address that both link back to my one exchange account on my Ipad mini? 
    On my PC I simply have a master return email address and use a POP for the secondary address.  Both are through the one exchange account without a problem.  I need to be able to do the same on my Ipad.

    Ah, I should have made that clear.  My domain didn't come from google.  It was purchased at and is hosted at dreamhost, but I haven't used their email servers in years - I just route everything through gmail.  I actually have a bunch of domains (with websites).
    Gmail has an option that lets someone with custom domains send (and receive) email through gmail using the custom domain once Google confirms proper ownership of the domain (to prevent spammers and such).  Gmail has a setting for "send email as" which allows gmail to be sent using a custom domain as the sender.  I'm pretty sure Apple's old mobileme had this feature too, but I didn't use it.


    I tried send mail using the code below
    l_body      CLOB:= EMPTY_CLOB;
    l_body_html CLOB:= EMPTY_CLOB;
    l_body :='<html>
    +<style type="text/css">+
    +body{font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;+
    l_body_html := '<html>
    +<style type="text/css">+
    +body{font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;+
    wwv_flow_mail.send('[email protected]','[email protected]',nvl(l_body,'Texto com erro'),nvl(l_body_html,'erro2'),'K','[email protected]',
    +'[email protected]','[email protected]');+
    This code return the message:
    Mail To From Subject CC BCC Created On Created By Error Created
    CHECK$01 [email protected] [email protected] K [email protected] [email protected] 08/23/2010 03:05:00 PM SYS
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: erro: erro de conversão de caractere em número numérico ou de valor
    Follow my mail settings
    SMTP Host Address : POP.SLE.TERRA.COM.BR
    SMTP Host Port 110
    Administration Email Address [email protected]
    Notification Email Address [email protected]
    what´s wrong ?

    I would try sending just basic text first, then move on to getting your other pieces dynamics. The very last step to me would be the email body.
    Here is an example of a basic text email I use:
      e_id        NUMBER;
      c_id        NUMBER;
      emp_nm      VARCHAR2(100);
      clrk_id     NUMBER;
      e_clrk      VARCHAR2(47);
      e_org       NUMBER;
      e_sender    VARCHAR2(50);
      e_recip_lst VARCHAR2(255); 
      e_cc        VARCHAR2(100);
      e_bcc       VARCHAR2(100);
      e_subj      VARCHAR2(50);
      e_msg_ln1   VARCHAR2(100);
      e_msg_ln2   VARCHAR2(100);
      e_msg_ln3   VARCHAR2(100);
      e_msg_ln4   VARCHAR2(100);
      e_msg_ln5   VARCHAR2(100);
      e_msg       VARCHAR2(1000);
      CRLF        CHAR(2) := CHR(13) || CHR(11);
      tmp_flag    NUMBER;
       if :P2_INJURY_FLAG = 1 then
       -- find out if it has changed first so we don't keep sending emails
        select injury_flag, VEH_LOC
          into tmp_flag, e_org
          from APPS.tc
         where tc_id = :P2_TC_ID;
       if :P2_injury_flag <> tmp_flag then
           select FN_GET_USER(nvl(v('APP_USER'),user))
             into clrk_id 
             from dual;
          select ADMIN_USERNAME
             into e_clrk
           where ID = clrk_id;
           when others then null; -- in case we cannot find the user
        e_id          :=  :P2_EMP_ID;
        c_id          :=  :P2_TC_ID;
        select EMP_FNAME ||' '|| EMP_MNAME ||' '|| EMP_LNAME into emp_nm
          from APPS.EMPLOYEES
         where EMP_ID = e_id;  --
        select RECIPIENTS, CC, BCC
          into e_recip_lst, e_cc, e_bcc
         where ORG_ID = e_org;  --
          e_sender    :=  '[email protected]';
          e_subj      :=  'Loss Reported';
          e_msg_ln1   :=  'Employee: ' || emp_nm || ' (' || e_id || ')'  
                          || CRLF;
          e_msg_ln2   :=  'Was reported as sustaining a loss' || CRLF;
          e_msg_ln3   :=  'by ' || e_clrk ||CRLF;
          e_msg_ln4   :=  CRLF;
          e_msg_ln5   :=  'Sent ' || to_char(sysdate,'MONTH DD,YYYY HH:MI AM');
          e_msg       :=  e_msg_ln1 || e_msg_ln2 || e_msg_ln3 || e_msg_ln4 || e_msg_ln5 || CRLF || e_recip_lst;
           sender => e_sender,
           recipients => e_recip_lst,
           cc => e_cc,
           bcc => e_bcc,
           subject => e_subj,
           message => e_msg);
      end if;
    end if;

  • IPhone cannot send email using Yahoo account. iPhone no envia correo Yahoo.

    Hi Everyone,
    I just got my iPhone from Movistar Venezuela and I've found I'm unable to send email using my Yahoo account. However, I can receive Yahoo email just fine (paid $20 for Mail Plus subscription), my GMail account can send and receive perfectly, and I can go surfin' Safari with no problems too.
    The error message I get is "Cannot send mail: an error occurred while delivering this message". I called Movistar Customer Support and they said everything was fine on their end...
    In typical Apple fashion, the error message is so simple I have no idea where the problem is. Does anyone know how can I get more information and how to solve this annoying problem? My Yahoo account is actually my primary account...
    Thanks in advance!
    Saludos a todos,
    Acabo de comprarme un iPhone de Movistar en Venezuela y me encuentro sin poder enviar emails con mi cuenta Yahoo. Sin embargo, si puedo recibir correo Yahoo bien (pague $20 por mi suscripcion a Mail Plus), mi cuenta de GMail si puede enviar y recibir email sin problema y puedo navergar con Safari sin ningun problema.
    El mensaje de error que recibo es el siguiente": "No se puede enviar correo: se ha producido un error al enviar el mensaje". Llame a Atencion al Cliente de Movistar y me dijeron que no habia ningun problema con mi linea o con su servicio de datos...
    Como tipica cosa Apple, el mensaje de error es tan simple que no tengo NI IDEA de cual es el problema. Alguien mas ha sufrido este problema? Sabe alguien como puedo obtener mas informacion de este error y como solucionarlo? Lamentablemente, mi cuenta Yahoo es mi correo principal...
    Gracias de antemano!

    Creo que resolvi el problema, temporalmente.
    1) Borra tu cuenta
    2) Vuelvela a crear
    3) Ve a Ajustes
    4) Ve a Mail Contactos Calendarios
    5) Ve a la cuenta problematica
    6) Ve a SMTP
    7) Anadir nuevo
    Nombre servidor: smtp.mail.yahoo.com
    Nombre de usuario: no dejar vacio
    Contrasena: no dejar vacio
    Usar SSL: si
    Autenticacion: Contrasena
    Puerto del Servidor: 25
    Lo consegui de aqui: http://www.emailaddressmanager.com/tips/mail-settings.html
    Dime que tal te funciona.
    I think I solved the issue, temporarily at least
    1) Delete account
    2) Create again
    3) Go to settings
    4) Go to Mail, Contacts, Calendars
    5) Open problematic account
    6) Go to SMTP
    7) Add a new server
    Name: smtp.mail.yahoo.com
    User name: do not leave blank
    Password: do not leave blank
    SSL: Yes
    Autentication: Password
    Port: 25
    I got this info from: http://www.emailaddressmanager.com/tips/mail-settings.html
    Let me know how this works

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