Send parameter with special separator using HTTPService

There are some servers that don't use 'key1=value1&key2=value2' style of separators. How can I connect with such server using HTTPService? Can I send a formatted string as parameter directly?

use the 'POST' method rather than the 'GET' method

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    Reports doesn't allow multi-selection of a parameter in its parameter form. You need to use Oracle*Forms or an HTML Form to front end more advanced parameter form options.
    However, you could have multiple parameters and combine their selections into a single parameter in the after parameter form trigger. This would at least allow you to give the user the option for selecting up to 'n' parameters. The single parameter would have to be of type "character" and you probably want to add appropriate quotes around the values in the after parameter form trigger.
    Second problem is restricting the records as per parameter. Once you've got the comma seperated values into a single parameter (say p_myValues with a default value of '') then you can just use a lexical parameter to restrict the values as in:
    select * from emp
    where to_char(empno) in (&p_myValues)

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    Try email attachment workflow in Organizer.

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    string callingMethod = "cbProposalName";
    btnDisplay_Click(null, null, callingMethod);
    btnDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e, string callingMethod)
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    use query1
    use query2
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    Calling event handlers directly from code is seldom a good idea. I suggest a different approach.
    cbProposalName_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    btnDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e, string callingMethod)
    void UseQuery(string callingMethod)
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    use query2

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    Edited by: Hani on Jan 17, 2013 1:59 PM

    Hani wrote:
    How I can send email with BLOB attachment by using Alert,
    ThanksPlease see old threads for the same topic/discussion.

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    nehrnul wrote:
    Hey thanks for the reply. I'll try that way also.
    but currently my requirement is to send email using MS Outlook. And I found 1 solution using invoke node
    That' "requirement" sounds like it was written by someone who is trying to drive the design of the application.  Without knowing your personal situation it's hard for me to say, but if I had to guess I would say the real requirement is to send an email with multiple attachements, and the person giving that requirement thought sending it through Outlook would be the best way.  You should get clairification on what the real intend of that requirement is.
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines - Hooovahh - LabVIEW Overlord
    If 10 out of 10 experts in any field say something is bad, you should probably take their opinion seriously.

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    Is there anyone who can help?
    thanks in advance
    PowerBook G3   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Thanks a lot for this information.
    Now I know that..
    1) It does not work the way I want to
    2) The alias is "dead" and can not be turned into a real mac-email-address because I can not transfer it to any other family- or email-only-mac account.
    So be careful to just check if your preffered .mac-email-address is available using the alias-function. If is has been free for a non-alias-account, now it isn´t any longer :-((
    Thanks and best regards
    iBook G4 /PowwerBook G3 / Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh  

  • Problems sending mail with txt attachtment using SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 MF

    Hi gurus,
    I allready tried to search in the forum some threads related with my problem, but i couldnt found any with the same problem that im having.
    My problem it's when attachting an txt file, using MF SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 MF, the mail attachtment it's coming with the txt file but instead of coming with the all lines in the contents_bins table the file it's coming with a few lines. I think the problem it's that the txt file should come with 80 characters per line, like it's on the contents_bin table, buu instead that the MF it's filling me each line of the file with 1024 characters.
    Does anyone has ideas what im doing wrong?
    Ps - Below goes my code.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Best Regards,
    João Martins.
      CLEAR contents_bin.
      REFRESH contents_bin.
      PERFORM get_attachment TABLES tab_movimentos contents_bin
                             USING linha_inicial
      CLEAR: document_data, tab_lines.
      MOVE 'Aviso Ficheiro Retorno' TO document_data-obj_descr.
      MOVE 'Aviso Ficheiro de Retorno TU' TO document_data-obj_name.
      DESCRIBE TABLE contents_txt LINES tab_lines.
      READ TABLE contents_txt INDEX tab_lines.
      document_data-doc_size = ( tab_lines - 1 ) * 255
                               + STRLEN( contents_txt ).
      CLEAR packing_list.
      REFRESH packing_list.
      packing_list-transf_bin = space.
      packing_list-head_start = 1.
      packing_list-head_num = 0.
      packing_list-body_start = 1.
      DESCRIBE TABLE contents_txt LINES packing_list-body_num.
      packing_list-doc_type = 'RAW'.
      APPEND packing_list.
      packing_list-transf_bin = 'X'.
      packing_list-head_start = 1.
      packing_list-head_num   = 1.
      ADD 1 TO tab_lines.
      packing_list-body_start = tab_lines.
      CLEAR: lv_filename, tab_lines.
      CONCATENATE 'Fich Retorno -' nome_ficheiro INTO lv_filename.
      DESCRIBE TABLE contents_bin LINES tab_lines.
      packing_list-doc_type   =  'TXT'.
      packing_list-obj_descr  =  'Ficheiro Retorno'.
      packing_list-obj_name   =  lv_filename.
      packing_list-doc_size   =  tab_lines * 255.
      APPEND packing_list.
                document_data              = document_data
                put_in_outbox              = 'X'
                sender_address             = 'SIFJOB'
                sender_address_type        = 'B'
                sent_to_all                = sent_to_all
                packing_list               = packing_list
                contents_bin               = contents_bin
                contents_txt               = contents_txt
                receivers                  = tab_receiver
                too_many_receivers         = 1
                document_not_sent          = 2
                document_type_not_exist    = 3
                operation_no_authorization = 4
                parameter_error            = 5
                x_error                    = 6
                enqueue_error              = 7
                OTHERS                     = 8.
      SUBMIT rsconn01 WITH mode = 'INT'
                  WITH output = SPACE
                  AND RETURN.
    FORM get_attachment TABLES   p_tab_movimentos STRUCTURE
                                 p_contents_bin STRUCTURE contents_bin
                        USING    p_linha_inicial STRUCTURE
                                 p_linha_final STRUCTURE
      DATA: lv_valor(14).
      DATA : line(80) TYPE x.
      CONCATENATE p_linha_inicial-referencia p_linha_inicial-tipo_registo
      p_linha_inicial-tipo_operacao p_linha_inicial-situacao_conta
      p_linha_inicial-situacao_registo p_linha_inicial-iban+4(21)
      p_linha_inicial-moeda p_linha_inicial-data_pag
      p_linha_inicial-ref_ordenante p_linha_inicial-filler
      INTO p_contents_bin-line.
      CLEAR line.
      conv_bin p_contents_bin-line line.
      MOVE line TO p_contents_bin-line.
      APPEND p_contents_bin.
      CLEAR p_contents_bin.
      LOOP AT p_tab_movimentos.
        CLEAR: lv_valor.
        WRITE p_tab_movimentos-montante TO lv_valor.
        PERFORM normalize_value USING lv_valor.
        CONCATENATE p_tab_movimentos-referencia
          p_tab_movimentos-tipo_registo p_tab_movimentos-tipo_operacao
          p_tab_movimentos-sit_conta_retor p_tab_movimentos-situacao_registo
          p_tab_movimentos-nib lv_valor
          p_tab_movimentos-ref_ordenante p_tab_movimentos-filler
          INTO p_contents_bin-line.
        CLEAR line.
        conv_bin p_contents_bin-line line.
        MOVE line TO p_contents_bin-line.
        APPEND p_contents_bin.
        CLEAR p_contents_bin.
      CLEAR: lv_valor.
      WRITE p_linha_final-mont_total TO lv_valor.
      PERFORM normalize_value USING lv_valor.
      CONCATENATE p_linha_final-referencia p_linha_final-tipo_registo
        p_linha_final-tipo_operacao p_linha_final-filler_1
        p_linha_final-situacao_registo p_linha_final-filler_2
        p_linha_final-total_reg lv_valor
        p_linha_final-filler INTO p_contents_bin-line.
      CLEAR line.
      conv_bin p_contents_bin-line line.
      MOVE line TO p_contents_bin-line.
      APPEND p_contents_bin.
      CLEAR p_contents_bin.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_attachment

    I've solved this problem. The problem was because i was using the
    * Anexo - Descrição
      packing_list-transf_bin = 'X'.
      packing_list-head_start = 1. "Here it must be 0 because i wasn't using any table header
      packing_list-head_num   = 0.
      ADD 1 TO tab_lines.
      packing_list-body_start = 1.
      CLEAR: lv_filename, tab_lines.
      CONCATENATE nome_ficheiro 'TB' INTO lv_filename.
    *  CONCATENATE 'Fich Retorno -' nome_ficheiro INTO lv_filename.
      DESCRIBE TABLE contents_bin LINES tab_lines.
      packing_list-doc_type   =  'TXT'.
      packing_list-obj_descr  =  lv_filename."'Ficheiro Retorno'.
      packing_list-obj_name   =  lv_filename.
      packing_list-body_num = tab_lines.
      packing_list-doc_size   =  tab_lines * 255.
      APPEND packing_list.
    Best Regards
    João Martins

  • SSIS 2008 - Sending file with dynamic name using FTP task

    Hi  - Thanks for taking a look -  (I'm very new to SSIS.)
    I'm trying to create an SSIS 2008 package that does the following:
    1) Execute a stored procedure on SQL.
    2) Download the results as a CSV file to a 'local' location.  The file name is set using a variable ("User::LocalFilePath") dynamically based on the current time:
    @[User::LocalFilePath] + "GreatReportName_" + "_" +(DT_STR,4,1252) DatePart("yyyy",getdate()) + Right("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252) DatePart("m",getdate()),2) + "_" + Right("0"
    + (DT_STR,4,1252) DatePart("d",getdate()),2) + "_" + Right("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252) DatePart("hh",getdate()),2) +  "_" + Right("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252) DatePart("mi",getdate()),2)
    + "_" +  Right("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252) DatePart("ss",getdate()),2) + ".csv"
    3) Transfer the CSV file to an FTP site.
    4) Delete the CSV file from the 'local' location.
    I've been able to do steps 1 and 2 so far.  However when trying the move the newly created file to the FTP site I get the error:
    "Error: 0xC002917C at Send to FTP, FTP Task: The variable "User::LocalFilePath" doesn't contain file path(s)."
    (When I set the "IsLocalPathVariable" to "False" and use a file previously created the file is correctly transferred to the FTP site.  This proves that the FTP details are correct and that the "RemotePathVariabe" is working
    I have set the variable ("User::LocalFilePath") to "EvaluateAsExpression" in the variable properties.
    Can anyone help?
    Many Thanks,

    Hi Vaibhav,
    Thanks for your response.  I set the "DelayValidation" to "True".  However
    that didn't make any difference.
    I added in all the breakpoints, but it didn't give any results (I may be doing this incorrectly?):
    Any other suggestions?

  • [HELP] Send email with attachment  files from application server

    How can i send email to users with pdf/xls attachment files through job with pl/sql , but the files are on application server.
    I've tried using UTL_MAIL but it's not working, cause the file & DIRectory setting should be inside of database server. Should I copy the files from report server to database file system or any other techniques so there's no need to use the physical files?
    Please help!
    Thank you

    Thanks for your help, hoek & alvinder...
    I've tried the java send mail suggest by alvinder, and i got an error if i fill the Sender parameter with AutoMail :
    status:1 javax.mail.SendFailedException: Sending failed;
    nested exception is:
         javax.mail.MessagingException: 553 5.5.4 <AutoMail>... Domain name required
    Then i changed the Sender with valid email address :
    status:1 javax.mail.SendFailedException: Sending failed;
    nested exception is:
         javax.mail.MessagingException: 501 5.1.8 Domain of sender address [email protected] does not exist
    What could be wrong with this? Please help me... since i dont understand java programming :)
    I 'm still trying to find out
    Thank you very much

  • Sending Emails With Java

    I'm trying to find out how to send emails with java - without using the java mail api - i've been told there is a way to do it but i cant seem to find it - any help on this would be gratefully recieved as i'm totally stuck! :(

    Ok, I expanded on it a little bit. Still probably isnt totally correct.
    String localhost="";
    String sendMailHost=��;
    int portNo=25;
    String from="[email protected]";
    String to="[email protected]";
    String message=�Message Body.�;
    Socket s = new Socket(SendMailHost,portNo);
    DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream() ) ;
    PrintStream out = new PrintStream(s.getOutputStream() ) ;
    out.println("HELO " + locahost);
    out.flush() ;
    in.readLine(); //ignore response
    out.println("MAIL FROM:  " + from);
    out.flush() ;
    in.readLine(); //ignore response
    out.println("RCPT TO:  " + to);
    out.flush() ;
    in.readLine(); //ignore response

  • Workflow Step 'In Process'- Send mail with PDF attachment

    have to send mail with PDF attachment.
    I have written a function module with following steps,
    1. Convert SPOOL number to PDF using Function Module 'CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF'.
    2. Send mail with PDF attachment using Function Module 'SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1'.
    The Function Module is giving required output when tested and called in the report(Background Job).
    When I call this Function Module from Method-> Workflow Task the Workflow steps status is 'In Process' and not ending.
    Could you please help me on this??

    Hi shafath,
    When you try to send mail,  You need to call the function FP_JOB_OPEN before calling the function module to generate the pdf. ( /1B****)  . Is it missing in your code?

  • Is it possible to send emails with attachments fro...

    Hi there,
    I was wondering whether it's possible to send emails with attachments from a Nokia 5230, it's just I would like to be able to send emails with attachments without using a computer especially when I'm out on my journeys.
    Many thanks,
    Tim Auluck
    Go to Solution.

    Hi RocknRollTim,
    Thanks for your reply. Have you already tried sending these files? Though you're not able to create all these files on the phone itself, you should be able to send them in an attachment when they're on your memory card.
    Uploading a .jpg, .tiff, .gif, .doc, .docx .htm, .html .key, .numbers, .pages, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .txt, .rtf, .vcf, .xls or .xlsx file shouldn't be a problem when uploading. Just click on 'Other' when adding an attachment, then on 'Other files' and there you will be able to select any file that you have saved on your memory card.   
    Whether you can actually send the email depends on the strength of your internet connection (as I mentioned in my previous post). Also keep in mind that the phone itself as well as the network work with a maximum size file that you can send over 3G (more information about this can be found here), and can therfore also limit you in sending large files.
    In any case, let me know how you get on so that we can assist further where necessary.
    If my post has helped you in any way, please accept it as a solution or click on the white star, so that other users will be able to benefit from it too.

  • Reply address: is it possible to use another reply address other than the pop address used in my account. I have a special work account and would like to send emails with that address as my reply address...or sent from address

    Reply address: is it possible to use another reply address other than the pop address used in my account. I have a special work account and would like to send emails with that address as my reply address...or sent from address

    i found out how to do this finally!
    1) set up google gmail account to forward your emails to (from the [email protected])
    2) go to your gmail account
    3) go to settings (cog in right hand corner)
    4) go to 'accounts and import'
    5) go to 'send mail as'
    6) click 'Add another email address you own' - add your [email protected] address
    7) google will send a verification email with code to that email address.
    8) enter code
    9) go back to gmail account  >'send mail as' and select 'make default'
    10) close mac 'mail' program and reopen it.
    as long as you have gmail account selected as the primary account in MAIL - mail will now come throught as being sent from that  [email protected] address!!

  • Problem with special chars in BLOB datatype using contains keyword

    Facing problem, when part searching with special chars in BLOB datatype. It is considering the non alpha-numeric chars as a separtor in a provided string
    SELECT *
    FROM RESUME_TEST P,grst_candidate d
    WHERE d.candidate_id = p.candidate_id
    Strings: , VB.NET , PL/SQL AS/400 , C etc..
    Followed the below approaches
    1) created a table:
    Syntax: create table resume_Test(cand_id number(10),cand_resume blob);
    2) inserted the values into this table upto 60,000
    3) created a context index
    3.1 created preferences
    3.2 created context index
    CREATE INDEX CANDRESUME_CTX_IDX ON resume_test (cand_resume)
    PARAMETERS ('LEXER try_lexer3 memory 500M');
    4) while executing this index, it is taking much time approx 6 hrs(plz explain why it is taking time)
    5) Problems:
    5.1 when searching with string(VB.NET , PL/SQL AS/400 , C etc..) it is considering the special char as a separator
    5.2 used escape char (\) also, but no effect
    5.3 when searching with single char, it is giving error (ORA-29902,ORA-20000,DRG-51030)
    5.4 getting the above error with wild card chars (& ,_, (),{},[])
    So, please explain the clear scenarios, why am getting this error , and how to get the proper results.

    Have you tried adding the / char to the printjoin characters?
    Indexing can take a lot of time, depending on the amount of data and your machine's power. You could try to parallelize the index creation and / or assign more memory
    CREATE INDEX CANDRESUME_CTX_IDX ON resume_test (cand_resume)
    PARAMETERS ('LEXER try_lexer3 memory 2000M') PARALLEL 8;

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