If Textfield is empty then deactive a button

I have a Textfield and a Button with a Trigger. The Trigger like this code:
eingabe2 VARCHAR2(20);
     eingabe2 := :eingabe;
IF eingabe2 = '' THEN :eingabe := 3;
     END IF;
I need a Trigger that the Button deactive, when the Textfield is empty.
Can someone Help me?
The Variable "eingabe" is the name of my Textfield.

@Dipin ojha
Thank you, it works!
But i have found an other problem. ;-)
How can i change it, that the button ist so long deaktiv
till i write something in the Textfield ?
Because i have an "OK" button and i want, that the button is
active if something is writing in the textfield.
wie man ein trigger direkt macht, wei_ ich.
Ich mvchte es gerade jetzt so haben, dass der Button erst
aktiv wird, wenn der User etwas in das Textfeld eingetragen hat,
weil ist ja blvd wenn man OK klicken kann, aber dann nix im textfeld steht.
Ps: Hast Du ICQ?

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    Simple example
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    Create a screen and add a custom container named TOOLBAR_CONTAINER
       REPORT sapmz_hf_toolbar .
       TYPE-POOLS: icon.
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         ok_code                    LIKE sy-ucomm,
    Reference for conatiner
         go_toolbar_container       TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
    Reference for SAP Toolbar
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    reference types cntl_simple_events and cntl_simple_event.
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                 IMPORTING fcode,
               FOR EVENT dropdown_clicked OF cl_gui_toolbar
                 IMPORTING fcode posx posy.
          CLASS cls_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION
       CLASS cls_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION.
         METHOD on_function_selected.
           CASE fcode.
             WHEN 'EXIT'.
               LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.
         METHOD on_dropdown_clicked.
         Not implented yet
         SET SCREEN '100'.
       *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
       MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
         IF go_toolbar_container IS INITIAL.
    Create container
           CREATE OBJECT go_toolbar_container
               container_name = 'TOOLBAR_CONTAINER'.
    Create toolbar
           CREATE OBJECT go_toolbar
               parent = go_toolbar_container.
    Add a button
           CALL METHOD go_toolbar->add_button
             EXPORTING fcode       = 'EXIT'            "Function Code
                       icon        = icon_system_end   "ICON name
                       is_disabled = ' '               "Disabled = X
                       butn_type   = cntb_btype_button "Type of button
                       text        = 'Exit'            "Text on button
                       quickinfo   = 'Exit program'    "Quick info
                       is_checked  = ' '.              "Button selected
    Create event table. The event ID must be found in the
    documentation of the specific control
           CLEAR g_event.
           REFRESH gi_events.
           g_event-eventid    = go_toolbar->m_id_function_selected.
           g_event-appl_event = 'X'.    "This is an application event
           APPEND g_event TO gi_events.
           g_event-eventid    = go_toolbar->m_id_dropdown_clicked.
           g_event-appl_event = 'X'.
           APPEND g_event TO gi_events.
      Use the events table to register events for the control
           CALL METHOD go_toolbar->set_registered_events
                  events = gi_events.
    Create event handlers
           CREATE OBJECT go_event_handler.
           SET HANDLER go_event_handler->on_function_selected
             FOR go_toolbar.
           SET HANDLER go_event_handler->on_dropdown_clicked
              FOR go_toolbar.
       ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class NumericVerifier
    public static void main(String args[])
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Numeric Verifier");
    JPanel panel1 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    JLabel label1 = new JLabel("Numeric-only");
    JTextField textField1 = new JTextField();
    panel1.add(label1, BorderLayout.WEST);
    panel1.add(textField1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    JPanel panel3 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    JLabel label3 = new JLabel("Numeric-only");
    JTextField textField3 = new JTextField();
    panel3.add(label3, BorderLayout.WEST);
    panel3.add(textField3, BorderLayout.CENTER);
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    public boolean verify(JComponent comp)
    boolean returnValue;
    JTextField textField = (JTextField)comp;
    returnValue = true;
    } catch (NumberFormatException e)
    returnValue = false;
    return returnValue;
    frame.add(panel1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    //frame.add(panel2, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    frame.add(panel3, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    frame.setSize(300, 95);

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    Dear iPad Wizards,
    I am a beginner. I have an ipad and I need to upgrade to ISO 5 and I have purchased APPS on my iPad.  All the warning are scaring me.  Right now all of my sync square buttons are not turned on.  One of the warnings says I will loose my apps if I don't transfer them.  I did that (with another warning).  Then it said to back up the iPad, which I did. Heck all I want to do is upgrade my version correctly.  It then makes a statement that is something like when you are updating your version, make sure you have all your apps sync set normal, but when I do that it says you will loose all apps, but what the heck is normal (I say at this point).  So, since I am so lost and don't know what to do, do I just chuck it up to a learning experience because if I now restore everything after I do the update it seems that it will restore the old ISO...Am I correct.  I was just really thrown for a loop with that statement that is highlighted and I am still no where except backed up and apps purchased transfered to itunes.  Anybody else in the world ever have this happen to them?  I am truly thankful for anyone who might be able to help me.  I am thankful in advance if anyone understands this email.  Looking forward to someone who understand. 
    With Many Thanks

    To update to iOS 5.1.1, connect the iPad to your computer's iTunes and copy any purchases off the iPad to your computer via File > Transfer Purchases - you may also want to copy photos and any important documents off the iPad as well e.g. via the file sharing section at the bottom of the device's apps tab when connected to iTunes, via wifi, email, dropbox etc - they should be included in the backup, but it's best to have a copy of them outside of the backup just in case. You can then force a backup of the iPad by right-clicking the iPad 'Device' on the left-hand side of iTunes and selecting 'Backup'.
    You can then start the update by selecting the iPad on the left-hand side of iTunes, and on the Summary tab on the right-hand side clicking the Check For Updates button.
    Updating to iOS 5+ : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4972

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    The accessibilty setting that was mentioned is:
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    Settings>General>Accessibility>AssistiveTouch: turn ON
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    Who is your carrier and what is your coverage with them? If you are with say Verizon, and have Total Equipment Coverage or Extended Coverage, they will swap it out for you under Manufacturer Warrantee.

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    Sounds like you need a #1SMC Reset
    1. SMC reset
    >>Instructions to reset SMC
    Disconnect other non-Apple and external hardware except (if applicable) a mouse and keyboard until your finished repairing your machine.
    Problems solved: Fans blowing with no activity, machine is not booting, power button pressed and nothing happens, problems with indicators, Magsafe has wrong lights, battery is not charging, monitor and graphics issues etc.  If the battery is not charged (from like letting it sleep too long), let the Mac charge up awhile afterwards.
    Will not hurt the machine resetting if it's not broken.
    Other related hardware problems (optional):
    Check battery status: Hold option/alt key down while clicking on the battery icon in the menu bar, top right corner.
    Magsafe: Use the correct/matching power supply charger with your Mac, not a less powered one from another Mac.
    Apple: Laptop won't power up   Apple: Computer won't power up  Troubleshooting optical drive
    Magsafe problems   Magsafe problems more

  • My new ipad is showing the message 'Use wi fi to restore - A wi fi connection is required to download your apps and media' then gives 2 buttons

    I had my ipad replaced last week. The apps etc were transferred to the new ipad and it worked fine for a couple of days. This morning the screen locked up and displayed the message - Use WiFi to Restore- A wi fi connection is required to download your apps and media. Then gives a choice of two buttons - Later or Use Wifi. Absolutely nothing happens when you press these buttons, the whole screen has locked up and it can't even be turned off. If you hold the off button down then eventually the slide to power off button appears but nothing happens when you swipe it. Help!

    Hold down the home button and power button at the same time, ignore the power off slider until the Apple logo appears.

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