Illustrator 13.0 Auto Save Feature

Good Day,
I recently lost over 3 hours of editing work, because I forgot to save frequently. Is there a setting I can enable that will save for me.
I appreciate it

As for scaling strokes it is in the scaling dialog double click the scale tool to go to the scale options, double click almost any tool and a get a similar dialog for that tool, and also from the flyout of the Transform panel.

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  • Hey Adobe Team- is there a rationale behind not having the "auto-save" feature in illustrator? It would be a VERY helpful option :)

    We have had several issues with illustrator just "shutting down" before we could save the item. Which causes much "double work". So we would LOOOOOOVE the auto save feature you have in photoshop.

    I'd suggest that you look for the cause of the crash first. It really shouldn't crash that often!
    Illustrator does not have an auto save function, unfortunately. Try to get into the habit of saving regularly. For extra safety, use something like Autosavior as mentioned above. Or if you want the additional confidence of using something that's been reviewed by Apple then you could use:
    Ai Auto Save

  • HT5824 I've been using numbers for iPad and I accidentally deleted a column. And the auto-save feature saved that and now I can't undo it. Does iCloud storage have backups of saved files from like 10 minutes ago? I have number

    I've been using numbers for iPad and I accidentally deleted a column. And the auto-save feature saved that and now I can't undo it. Does iCloud storage have backups of saved files from like 10 minutes ago? I have numbers synced to iCloud.
    I tried to undo it but the app crashed.
    I am hoping there's like a previously saved version of my file in iCloud somewhere. 

    No, iOS does not do short term incremental back ups to iCloud such as you get with Time Capsule.It backs up when you do soo manually, or if set properly, when the device is plugged in and connected to WiFi. It will not have saved your changes as of 10 minutes prior.

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    Much love to all those helping people make the transition to Lion (THAT INCLUDES YOU KAPPY)!
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    Yeah but Eww this auto save thing is insane!
    Why?  Are you under the mistaken impression that it stores multiple full copies of a document?  That is not the case.  Only the changes are stored to minimize the extra space used.
    After all my years of seeing people wish for auto-save features, I never guessed that when they got it people would be wishing to NOT have it...
    So is the amount of space that gets eaten up
    What amount of space is that?  By what?
    I think you're paying too much attention to people having problems.  That's basically ALL you get here.  This is where people come with problems.  So the information you're getting here has a serious selection bias...  you're not hearing what all the people who are NOT having problems have to say.
    This is nothing like the tiger to Leopard change or the Leopard to snow leopard change
    You're right, this is much more minor.  I'm actually surprised by how quickly things seem to be calming down here.  These forums were in a serious turmoil for months after SL's release!
    AND this update is taking away our right to those minor customizations that make our Mac OUR Mac
    How so?  Again, it sounds like you're listening to the wrong people or pulling "facts" out of thin air.  My MBP is just as customized in Lion as it was in SL, and is running quite smoothly.

  • Will applications need to enable Lion's Auto Save feature?

    After accidentally stepping on the power strip today and losing about a half hour of work (I know I know, save, save, save) I am chomping at the bit to get Lion with Auto Save. As a professional writer, if that was the only new feature it would be worth the upgrade for me. But at $30? Biggest no brainer ever. That is a truly revolutionary feature for me.
    Does anybody know if applications will need to enable or program in the Auto Save functionality or if it will work with existing applications out of the box?

    Apple's system wide, "you don't have to do anything but do your work" Auto Save is to Word's auto save like Ragu is to my grandpa's homemade gravy.
    No, Apple didn't invent auto save (neither did Microsoft, BTW) just like they didn't invent a lot of other things they do. However, just like Time Machine did for incremental backups, Auto Save and Versions will take this concept to new levels of elegance and usability.
    The fact that it's system wide and works seamlessly with Versions so that I can scroll back and easily grab previous versions of my document is what makes this revolutionary.
    Linc: I don't doubt you at all (I'm sure you're right), I just hope you're wrong. Either way, it is a feature well worth even the previous $130 upgrade price, let alone the measly $30 price tag of Lion.

  • CC Auto save feature

    Hi all
    Just updated to CC from CS6, having never used AE auto save before I was interested in how it would work for me, should it be the same as premiere? Which makes its own folders like 'Adobe Premiere Pro Auto-Save' and puts in increments of your projects in there?
    I've been using After Effects for periods of longer than an hour yet I'm seeing no autosaves where I keep my AE projs? I am a constant saver of work, but only by keyboard shortcut and as far as I'm aware there hasn't been one for increment and save, which I would be happy to use if I could shortcut it. Does any one know how to do this?
    Is it not 'auto saving' BECAUSE I always save my work? If that's the case I guess I need to move onto incremement and save as I know I need multiple files/ versioning to protect from corrupting issues.
    Any advice or info is appreciated. Thanks!

    _lornaw_ wrote:
    I did notice that increment and save had a keyboard short cut, so that is ideal. However when I've used it before it constantly renames the project I'm working on with a new number at the end of it.
    Yes, it changes the name of the project that you're working in. This is what you want. That way, if something goes awry with the project you're working on, you can go back to the previous increment to resume working.
    _lornaw_ wrote:
    It doesn't save a copy and keeps me on the origional, it changes what I'm actually working on.
    Yes. The end result is the exact same as saving a numbered copy and carrying on working. It's not like "the original" is going to be any more pristine or anything. The quality doesn't get worse with each copy you make.
    _lornaw_ wrote:
    I'm gonna end up with loads of copies this way
    You would end up with loads of copies either way.
    _lornaw_ wrote:
    there's something I just don't like about it making me work on a renamed file each time.
    Why not? Shouldn't you be working in the latest version? This way, you have an easy way to keep track of which project file is the latest version.
    _lornaw_ wrote:
    Maybe this is actually a better workflow but my brain just doesn't see it?
    It's not a better workflow, it's essentially the same workflow.

  • How do I stop the auto save feature in Lion? Any time I open any program old files automatically open up it is such a time waster having to close all those files

    It's driving me crazy I click on a jpg and preview open a bunch of old files first and Photoshop and quick times will do the same,
    what ever I opened the last time is automatically reopened, why? and how do I stop it?

    you can disable it in system prefs general nut it affcet all the apps with the feature,also you can close all the windows before quit.

  • Feature Request:  Auto-save in Background

    Here's a feature request I've submitted.  If you agree, please submit your request to:
    *******Enhancement / FMR*********
    Brief title for your desired feature:
    Background Auto Save
    How would you like the feature to work?
    Auto-save would work just as it does today, except it would work as a background process, as it already does in Photoshop (without the Autosave popup getting in the way of the edit).
    Why is this feature important to you?
    The current autosave feature is terrifice and expected in any application today, but the current autosave popup dialog is useless.  It only has a "Cancel" button.  What's the point?  I can't imagine when I would ever want to cancel an auto-save.  And let's say I *did* want to cancel.  The dialog is only on screen for a second or so.  That's not enough time for user interaction, but it is just enough time for my work to be interupted, and for me to potentially hit the enter key as I go to Render something at precisely the same time.

    Hi cscouper2013,
    Thanks for taking the time to point out that my BSODs might be a problem with my RAM!  Yes, I'll test it with the program you mention.
    cscooper2013 wrote:
    While I'm thinking of it, too.  Sometimes Premiere will do an auto save only moments after I've done a hard save.  That also seems like something to address in the next auto save feature update.  If I have my autosave increment set to 5 minutes, then it seems to me there's no need to do an autosave for another 5 minutes after my last manual save.
    I fully agree!  That's something I requested during the CS5 beta program.  I requested that every time a user does a manual save, the Autosave reset its counter.  So for example, if the delay is 10 minutes between auto saves, and the user does a manual save two minutes before the next scheduled autosave, the autosave counter resets to 10 more minutes.  But with the better solution of the current project constantly being saved after each edit, as Jim suggested, this feature wouldn't even be needed anymore.
    MonkeyEatsMonkey wrote:If Premiere could "borrow" that functionality, while still retaining a "save as" option for versioning, I feel like we'd have the best of both worlds.  It would even make dynamic linking more seamless, since changes wouldn't require saving. Any thoughts from the community on this?
    That would be a perfect solution IMO!  And yes, retaining the 'Save As' option would be very important!
    I also like the idea of automatic versioning/backups (could be renamed to 'versions' since with a constantly saved project file, automatic 'backups' would no longer be necessary.
    To resume, based on what has been discussed in this thread, I believe these would be the ideal saving options in Premiere:
    Autosaving of every edit in the background without slowing down editing performance (as suggested by Jim).
    Ability to create a user defined number of automatic backup versions, by setting maximum number of versions and time intervals (as is currently the case with Premiere).
    In other words, the current project file would constantly be updated as the user edits.  The automatic backups/versions would be created at user defined intervals.
    Users would retain the ability to create a copy of the current project at any moment through the 'Save As' and 'Save a Copy' commands that already exist in Premiere.
    Pop-up Auto-save dialogue boxes and the 'Save' command would be a thing of the past!
    IMO, this would truly give us the best of both words as MonkeyEastMonkey suggests: constant saving as per FCPX, with the comprehensive versioning options Premiere currently offers.
    Anything missing?

  • Auto-save in Logic 8

    Hey Guys
    I've been trying to find an option for auto-save in Logic (and to set how often it does this)... but I can't find anything...
    Does it just do auto-save in the background? Or is there no auto-save feature?
    It's easy to forget to keep saving in a long session and would be nice to know Logic does it for you!!

    I'm sure that Logic will never need auto save.
    the reason is: Logic have a .crash save function...
    it works great... (if you don't use 3rd party plugs with false Audio Units validation Pass.
    I'm a Logic user from the Notator version...
    Auto save is dangerous...
    the only usefull thing should a Fix with save before Crashing happen
    Auto save is not "intelligent solution"
    *Logic 9 should be comes with an intelligent way to save function that works ONLY WHEN AND IF NEEDED*
    I'm sure that Logic 8.1 will solve the .crash issue with 3rf party plugs that are intentionally developed with only AU version bugs.
    this is another of the "milion" fermusic ideas about sh*t auto save dangerous and *really obsolete* function
    No Auto save... *vote for an intelligent way to automatic save function*
    (vote for fermusic )
    Thanks... expacially focused to Bee Jay and Erik

  • Want to upgrade to Mountain Lion, but CS6 questions about Auto-Save need answers...

    I'm on Mountain Lion for all my "non-critical" work, but I'm still running the latest Snow Leopard on my main desktop machine, running CS6 Design & Web Premium. I've avoided the switch primarily because of the auto-save feature that Apple placed into ML. I haven't found a satisfactory answer anywhere on the web to this basic auto-save a problem, as Apple implements it, with CS6 and working on images?
    In particular: 1. I work on very larger files, 4GB+ in size regularly, and I don't wan't the peformance hits associated with constant saving, 2. I make changes to images, downsizing them, croping, color corrections, etc. so that I can make jpg proofs for clients or myself. These are more "intermediary" images and not intended to be saved. I don't want to downsample an image, flatten it to creat a jpg for proof and have it overwrite the original image layered, high res by mistake. Does this happen with photoshop, or does Adobe avoid the auto-save that Apple uses?
    I have all the latest iOS gadgets and it's becoming quite cumbersome managing multiple sets of iCloud info, etc. without being on ML. I'd like to make the switch, but at the cost of losing work, etc. Can someone with experience on ML & CS6 give me any input in the matter? And, does this also apply to all the other Adobe apps in CS6? I'm constantly making minor changes and edits that I usually "undo" out of and don't want saved.

    So, in other words, photoshops behavior works the same, using save as..., etc. as it did under Snow Leopard? I should expect the auto-save behavior that occurs in apps like iPhone, etc., where i can actually lose the original because of the constant backups, etc.?

  • Auto save and very large files

    Hi  All,
    I produce very high dim artworks, 6m x 2.7m(+) image at 200ppi, sometimes when I load the files Photoshop cc2014 would randomly will crash. This never happened with my CS5 version. I have auto save checked, could this be the issue?
    I am running a high end computer with 32gb ram, 8 ssd's with two dedicated to PS scratch disk....the images, so far, load eventually but the heart beat stop moment when you think a file is corrupt really scares me, especially when $$$$$ are involved.
    Any ideas?

    Thanks JJMack
    I will try it. It is possible it's not the auto-save feature, cs5 was rock solid and gave me confidence as it never crashed even with files over 5gb. The crash report states the faulting model is unknown for the last crash but I have seen ntdll.dll as the faulting module in previous crashes.

  • Auto-Save and Auto-Recovery

    I hope the is a differnence between auto-save (as listed in you document properties) and Auto-Recovery (as set in Prefs). I would like some "protection" but I don't want flash saving over my file unless I tell it to save. I got burn last night while "experimenting" and and did a "revert" only to find that flash had saved over my file, what a pain.  I went to find the "recovery" file only to not find one anywhere. My search on the net are conflicted with wheather or not these 2 features are the same. In my case both items where checked and both set to 10min (the default). soooo....
    Please tell me that Auto-Recovery is different, is that it doesn't save over my file, ie it keeps a real back-up someplace, AND where i can find this "recovery" file. ?
    This feature seems strange, why not do a std auto back-up to a user selected number of versions in a user selected location ?

    Thanks. After poking around for a while I kinda figured this out. I was just glad to find out I could get some kind of "back-up" function from Auto Recovery, because "Auto Save" is a nightmare. I can't understand where anyone would want to use this feature at all. Anything that saves over what your working on before your ask for the file to be saved is looking for trouble. I found it out the hard way. I had "auto Save" on and after messing around trying a few different things, none of which worked or I liked, I thought I would simply close and re-open the original file only to find "auto save" had saved over my original file. I can't see any place where this feature would be anything but a pitb. If they want a auto save feature it should be saving versions of the original (up to a user specified number of instances) in the seperate folder. Never under any curcumstances should the original file be saved over unless the users presses SAVE. Auto recovery would be more useful if it didn't erase everytime you restarted the app. Flash needs to look at the back-up and versioning systems that AE and PPro use.
    It's one of those things that bother you about the whole "suite" concept. Adobe owns all these apps and while some of them do play well together to an extent, for the most part it is still a collection of indiviuals. While there have been some changes to get the "look" of the apps to be close, the actual functioning of the UI in the differnt apps isn't where it needs to be. There needs to be a Suite "czar" that makes all the apps do std UI things the same using the same keys etc. for example AE, PPro, Flash, Photoshop, fireworks, all use different keys to zoom in/out or of your image/stage/comp/viewer/monitor window ie main workspace or to enable the mouse "wheel" for zooming.  PPro still refuses to use the spacebar to toggle the hand tool like every other "suite app". anyway. a std system for back-up and versioning is need across the suite.

  • TextEdit Auto-Save

    I was working on a document in TextEdit, then accidentally clicked Cmd+W.  This brought up a window prompting me to save the document.  I accidentally clicked "Don't Save".  I had not saved the document yet as I thought it would be okay because of the Auto-Save feature.  But now I'm totally lost.  I cannot find this document anywhere.  Anyone have any ideas on where it might be?

    It does work, but as stated above, pressing the Don't Save button when closing a document tells the computer that you don't want to keep the changes, or anything for documents that you never saved; it will therefore delete any autosaved versions of that content.
    The autosaved versions themselves are located in ~/Library/Autosave Information/, where ~ is the item in the Finder's sidebar with the house icon.

  • ABAP Workbench Auto-Save

    Greetings to all.  I have been searching on the workbench and SAP's help for an auto-save feature when programming on the workbench.  You see, I sometimes forget to save my work, as I did last night, and got bounced off the system by the network gurus, and lost my work.  I know to save and save often, but forgot.  Anywho, does any know if UCC 6.0/NetWeaver 7 has any such programming auto-save feature?  Or, is there a system setting that works for everyone?  Thank you for your time and help.

    Hello Ernie Laboy ,
                                   There is no auto-save functionality in SAP(even in latest EHP5).

  • LC8: Auto Save question

    Is there a way to have a form created in LC8 auto save so that it is not lost in the event of a computer crash or power failure?
    Please copy replies to [email protected]

    Yeah, I have had numerous crashes using LC8 and have lost hours worth of work.
    It's hard to understand that Adobe has not fixed this problem and added an auto-save feature.

Maybe you are looking for