IMac cant get past startup screen

so here's what's happened:
-Boot iMac
-Grey background and apple logo comes up
-Loading bar appears at bottom part of screen. Loads about 10% and then it disappears.
-Another loading bar appears at the same spot. Same thing happens.
-Wheely thing starts turning.
-Stuck there.
I've tried:
1) Disk Utility: it couldn't verify my Mac HD.
2) /sbin/fsck -fy: the following text appears:
** /dev/rdisk0s2
** Root file system
Executing fsck_hfs (version diskdev_cmds-491~1)
** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume
** Checking extents overflow file
** Checking catalog file.
Invalid key length
(4, 39104)
** The volume Macintosh HD could not be verified completely.
/dev/rdisk0s2 (hfs) EXITED WITH SIGNAL 8
3) I've tried switching my RAM around as well.. I upgraded from 2 to 4gb. Same problems with old and new RAM.
So there's something wrong with my HD...What can be done to fix it?
Please help

If Disk Utility cannot Repair your disk, as Simon says, you may need to reinstall your operating system, etc. on the hard disk from your backups.
I would recommend going the extra step and repartition the disk as well which will erase your disk in the sense that your volume/file directory will be reset. If you only have one partition on the disk, just temporarily set it to two and then back to one partition to get it to write a new partition map. Use GPT (GUID Partition Map) for the partition scheme on the hard disk, and on the volume (e.g. Macintosh HD), use Mac OS Extended (Journaled) for the volume format.

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    Restart your MBP holding the trackpad down and hopefully the disk will be ejected.  Then try to return it and get a refund or put it in the trash.  There is nothing that software does for your MBP that you cannot do yourself or with free software.
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    Hello Sosa70, When the system completes the POST (Pre Operating System Test) successfully, it turns control of the system over to the operating system, and you would see the black screen with the blinking white cursor.
    Sometimes when the operating system has become corrupted, it cannot boot into the Windows desktop.
    It is also possible that the hard drive itself has become faulty. Since you mentioned you performed the hardware test and found no errors, you may just have a corrupted operating system.
    Please click the White Kudos star on the left, to say thanks.
    Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem.

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    Message was edited by: JupiterSpaceport

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    MikaholicA wrote:
    Their info was taken off because i had put mine onto it....and i know with the other ios 7.0.1 up to 7.0.6 you could bypass so there has got to be a way
    Not completely. Apparently it was still signed into their iCloud account with Find My iPhone enabled or you would not get the prompt. There is no way to bypass it. That is the whole point of it's design. It is a theft deterrent.
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    You may have damaged the disk when you dropped it.  Here are some steps to diagnose that and possibly repair the filesystem.  (It may be some other problem but this is a good place to start.)
    Reset SMC:
    Boot in OS X Recovery Mode overview.
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       at least part of your internal disk is working.
       If it boots in network recovery mode then your internal disk may be damaged
       but the rest of you Mac may be healthy.
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    Hi, first try to pull out the memorycard and try booting without it.
    Have you taken out the battery for 5 mins before turning on again?
    - If this does not fix it you can try the hard reset, but this will delete everything on your phonememory such as contacts, messages, calendarnotes etc.
    If nothing helps, or you don't want to hard reset it - take it to a nokia care point and see if they could get it back to life again without having to wipe your phonememory. - If you've made a backup - you should go ahead and try it your self first.

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    You are encountering Activation Lock which is described here:
    iCloud: Find My iPhone Activation Lock in iOS 7
    If the original Apple ID and password were your own, contact Apple Support (as shown at the bottom of this post).  If the original Apple ID and password were someone else's, you would need to have that person unlock the iPad as described in the article above.

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